Washington’s backlog of rape kits has effectively been eliminated

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that the last of more than 10,000 sexual assault kits have been cleared from shelves and sent to labs for testing. 

This marks a major milestone for the Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Kit Initiative.

Washington’s backlog of rape kits has effectively been eliminated

Clearing the backlog and testing the kits has helped solve at least 21 sexual assault cases — a number that is not exhaustive and will grow over time. The testing has resulted in more than 2,100 “hits” in the national DNA database, known as CODIS. A hit occurs when a DNA sample matches an individual or another case in the database, which generally consists of offenders.

The crimes that have been resolved as a result of these hits were committed against adults and children — including a victim as young as 3 years old — and occurred all over the state between 2002 and 2015.

“Effectively ending our sexual assault kit backlog is a historic step toward justice — but our work on behalf of survivors is not done,” Ferguson said. 
“Through this collective effort, we ensured that survivors’ voices are heard, reformed a broken system, improved testing times, and solved crimes. This success proves that government can solve big problems when we work together. 
"We are committed to working with our partners in law enforcement to prevent any more backlogs so we have the best chance of solving these serious crimes.”

Rep. Tina Orwall, D-Des Moines
Rep. Tina Orwall, D-Des Moines, whose first bill to address this issue was introduced in 2015, said “When I first started this work, I was shocked to learn that thousands of sexual assault kits remained untested. 
"Over the course of many years and through multiple bills we have committed to testing our state’s entire backlog of sexual assault kits, leading to the arrest and prosecution of many perpetrators. 
"Now, with a system in place for the state to test every sexual assault kit within 45 days, we are supporting and empowering victims and survivors.”

Testing these kits and adding the DNA to CODIS can help solve serious crimes and bring closure to countless victims.

As part of its SAKI project, the Attorney General conducted an inventory with every law enforcement agency in the state and determined the backlogged kits exceeded 10,000. At the time, more than 6,400 kits were still sitting on shelves at law enforcement agencies across the state. Some of the untested kits dated back to the 1980s.

Today all 10,134 backlogged sexual assault kits found in the office's inventory have been tested or submitted to a private lab for testing.

The Washington State Patrol is still reviewing approximately 1,000 tested kits, many of which will be added to CODIS. That process should be completed by the end of the year.

Compass honors Boeing as 2023 Outstanding Community Partner

Boeing granted Compass $150,000 this year for veterans services
Photo courtesy Compass

Winner of Compass’s inaugural 2023 Outstanding Community Partner award, Armando Mejia is The Boeing Company’s Community Investor for the Puget Sound region, focused on supporting Veterans. 

Armando, a long-time partner of Compass’s Renton Veterans Center, came to present Compass with an incredible honor, a $150,000 grant award that will provide direct support to all of Compass’s Veterans and their families.

Thanks to Boeing’s generous funding, Veterans and their families at Compass will benefit from vital resources to enhance staffing and case management, employment counseling and workplace readiness programs, financial coaching and debt consolidation services, food support, youth programs, wellness and health groups, therapeutic gardening groups, community events, computers and internet devices, specialized staff training… the list goes on.

The Shoreline Veterans Center is one of the recipients

Compass staff shared examples of what the Boeing grants have allowed them to do in the past, and how this new grant will benefit Veterans and their families moving forward.

Shree, from Shoreline Veterans Center (SVC), described how support from Boeing allowed staff at SVC to meet residents’ critical immediate needs, while also expanding enrichment and community-building activities.
“We are able to get people what they need now,” she said, “and we’ve ramped up activities for our residents too. 
"We improved our community kitchen, and we’ve provided cooking classes, music classes, and even body movement classes. Trauma is carried in the body, so the body movement classes can really help Veterans deal with their trauma.”

For years, The Boeing Company has been a key source of support to Compass's Veterans programs. 

Medicare Open Enrollment information session Saturday, November 4, 2023 at the Shoreline Library

Medicare Open Enrollment information session taught by SHIBA volunteer, Saturday, November 4, 2023 from 1-2:30pm at the Shoreline Library, 345 NE 175th, Shoreline WA 98155.

Please register

In this session, learn:
  • What you can do during Medicare Open Enrollment
  • Choosing and changing plans
  • What Medigap plans are available
  • How to get help paying for Medicare
This class will be taught by Don Berg, a Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) Program volunteer. SHIBA provides free, unbiased and confidential assistance with Medicare health care choices.

UWMed: The science of scares: what makes us love fear

Photo courtesy UW Newsroom

Nothing is quite as scary-fun as Halloween. People of all ages seek thrills and chills — and a little sugar, too — dressing up like vampires, zombies and demented ax murderers. But what, exactly, happens in our brains and bodies when we play with fear?

It turns out our obsession has primordial origins in the fight-flight-or-freeze reflex, and lives in the same part of our brain as love and happiness. While we’re no longer running from sabertooth tigers, our fear responses are still hard-wired into the way we see the world.

We’re also chasing a chemical high, not unlike that sugar rush so many kids pursue each Oct. 31.

“Those adrenaline and dopamine releases that we get, they're also linked to pleasure centers in the brain,” said Michele Bedard-Gilligan, an associate professor in the University of Washington School of Medicine’s department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. 
“For many of us, that feels fun and exciting to kind of have that type of reaction, particularly when it's happening in a space that we know is actually not objectively dangerous.
For more, read this blog post

Third Place Books author events November - December 2023

Third Place Books 
Lake Forest Park
November 2023 EVENTS
Unless ticketed, events are free and open to the public. See thirdplacebooks.com for details. For free events, RSVP is strongly encouraged.
() – denotes ticketed event
() – denotes event for children or middle grade readers
Wednesday, November 1 from 6–8pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Tika the Iggy / Thomas Shapiro (Meet-And-Greet) 
Tika the Iggy: Lessons in Life, Love and, Fashion by Thomas Shapiro
Tuesday, November 7 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Naomi Alderman in conversation with Kira Jane Buxton
The Future
Wednesday, November 8 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Jonathan Evison
Again and Again: A Novel
[SOLD OUT] Friday, November 10 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Ali Hazelwood           
with Rachel Runya Katz, Julie Soto, and Susan Lee
Moderated by Jo Segura
Check and Mate
Monday, November 13 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Phillip Margolin
Betrayal: A Robin Lockwood Novel
Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Ed Park
Same Bed Different Dreams: A Novel
Wednesday, November 15 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Teresa H. Janssen with Beth Ann Mathews
The Ways of Water: A Novel
Thursday, November 16 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Martha Wells
System Collapse (Book 7 of the Murderbot Diaries)
Monday, November 20 at 5pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Storytime with Alice Boatwright
Mrs. Potts Finds Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 21 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Erica Miner
Prelude to Murder
Wednesday, November 22 at 6:30pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Local Author Open Mic
Monday, November 27 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Lee Goldberg in conversation with Robert Dugoni
Tuesday, November 28 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Sara Easterly, Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard, Lori Holden
Adoption Unfiltered: Revelations from Adoptees, Birth Parents, Adoptive Parents, and Allies
Thursday, November 30 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Whitney Hanson
Monday, December 4 from 11am–1:30pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Mercury Stardust [Signing Event]
Safe and Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair
Co-sponsored by the NE Seattle Tool Library
Tuesday, December 5 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Jo Segura in conversation with Sarah Hawley
Raiders of the Lost Heart

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Order

Transform clay, compacted or wet ground into a usable planting area with Hugelkultur class November 4, 2023

Hugelkultur class on Shoreline Community College campus Saturday Nov 4th - register today!

Hugelkultur is a landscape technique constructed that effectively transforms clay, compacted or wet ground into a usable planting area, that also absorbs excess ground water. 

Kathy Anderson is an landscape designer and water ecologist and has extensive experience in site assessments, rain garden design and landscaping through her business, Bountiful Landscapes.

Make raised garden beds or privacy barriers that add beauty and dimension to your landscape.

Using woody debris and other discarded garden materials, you can build habitat and transform clay soils and soaks up excess ground water with this quick and cost-effective method of installation. 

This is a hands-on class that shows you how to identify and gather materials, as well as how to layer for water absorption. Great for that yard that won’t grow anything!
Date: Saturday November 4, 2023 from 10:00 - 12:30pm
16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline WA 98133
Room 1501

Fee: $49.00 - all supplies and take home items included!

Kathy Anderson is an engaging and passionate speaker who empowers homeowners to create a landscape where they love to live! She educates and inspires people through active visioning and hands-on training, which leaves participants excited, energized and ready to get started! Kathy has extensive experience in property assessments and is a hands-on consultant and landscape designer through her business, Bountiful Landscapes.

Olympic Fly Fishers of Edmonds meet November 14 with Dave McCoy

The Olympic Fly Fishers of Edmonds present DAVE McCOY, guide, outfitter owner, photographer, conservationist and FFI Certified Casting Instructor speaking on water safety, something that our Club takes very seriously.

If you aren’t a fly fisher, but spend time on or around the water, this will be valuable information.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at the Lake Ballinger Center, 23000 Lakeview Drive. The doors open at 5:30pm and the meeting is from 6-8pm. The public is invited. Please join us.

Note that the event was originally published as being on November 7.

The last rose of summer

Two heavy frosts, and several chilly days were not enough to stop this one last rose from seeking the sunshine and reminding us that it won’t be cold forever. 

--Photo and comment by Lis Johnson

Calligraphy class through Shoreline Community College Continuing Education on Saturday

Brush Calligraphy workshop this weekend on Saturday November 4, 2023

Learn to use brush calligraphy lettering combined with holiday themes and flourishes to create beautiful cards, table place cards, and gifts. 

For beginning and returning students 15+ , and younger students are welcome with an adult. 

All supplies included and you will leave with cards and your own calligraphic brush pen!

Dates: Sat. 11/4 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Shoreline Community College
16101 Greenwood Ave N, Room 1515
Fee: $59.00 - All supplies included!
Instructor: Kathy Barker

Register here

WSDOT: Get ready for winter travel

Snoqualmie Pass/Hyak maintenance crews made preparations for the winter weather earlier this week. How prepared are you for the next storm? Photo from WSDOT

Now is the time to prepare yourself and your vehicle for winter travel. It’s important for motorists to remember to slow down, increase their following distance and be alert for people using crosswalks or bike lanes, as they may be harder to see due to inclement weather. 

Check out the WSDOT winter driving web page for more tips and information.

Always "know before you go" and get the most up-to-date roadway information before heading out: Download the free WSDOT mobile app for your Apple or Android phone or device.

Sign up for email and/or text updates about road conditions – or sign up to receive text message alerts about significant delays on Snoqualmie Pass by texting the number 468311 with the words "WSDOT Snoqualmie."

Follow WSDOT across a variety of social media platforms including Facebook, Threads, several X/Twitter accounts, Instagram and TikTok.

Check current traction and chain requirements for mountain passes, which also are available on highway-advisory signs and highway-advisory radio.

Pre-program your vehicle radio to 530 AM and 1610 AM for highway advisory radio alerts and be alert for other stations listed on notice signs in some areas.

Use the online real-time travel map to check conditions locally and statewide before heading out.

Review what to carry in your vehicle, including a winter driving supply checklist.

Nominate a veteran for a new roof from Valentine Roofing

Honor a local Veteran in the Puget Sound community by gifting them a roof free of charge through Valentine Roofing's Peace of Mind program. 

From now until November 3, 2023, we are accepting nominations for the brave men and women who have served our armed forces. 

Please let others know about this opportunity and share this with someone you know.

All Washingtonians can purchase health and dental insurance

Starting November 1, 2023 all Washingtonians, regardless of immigration status, will be able to purchase health and dental insurance through Washington Healthplanfinder. 

Get started today at wahealthplanfinder.org and let's #GetCoveredWA

CHAP is a free and confidential telephone assistance program serving King County residents by connecting them to health insurance, health care services and other resources. Schedule an appointment for Navigator Assistance at 1-800-756-5437 or visit us at kingcounty.gov/enroll

LFP PD sworn personnel complete Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) training

Monday, October 30, 2023

The Lake Forest Park Police Department is pleased to announce that 100% of its sworn personnel have completed the Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) training.

ABLE, founded by Georgetown University Law Center, provides comprehensive training and guidance to law enforcement agencies across the United States. This prestigious program prepares police officers and supervisors to successfully intervene to prevent misconduct, avoid police mistakes, and promote officer health and wellness.
“We are thrilled to be partnering with ABLE and I am extremely hopeful that the training will serve to reinforce and promote best practices in law enforcement. 
"I would like to recognize our ABLE instructors, Lake Forest Park Police Lieutenant Rhonda Lehman, and Lieutenant Diego Zanella, for making the class engaging and interesting. 
"Additionally, I would like to thank all the individuals and groups who wrote letters of support during the ABLE application process,” said Police Chief Mike Harden.

Star Party at Paramount School Park Saturday - weather permitting

Star party at Paramount School Park
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Join neighbors and astronomers on Saturday evening, November 4, 2023 at 7:00pm for a totally FREE and Amazing Star Party at Paramount School Park, corner of 8th Ave NE and NE 155th - out in the middle of the field just east of the restrooms.

Public is invited. Great event for families and folks who would like to see planets and stars in the night sky through huge telescopes!

Please - no dogs.

Rain or total cloud cover cancels the event.

This public "Star Gaze" event is authorized by the city of Shoreline, Parks and Recreation Department and is free of charge.

Experienced astronomers from the Seattle Astronomical Society (SAS) volunteer their time and telescopes and binoculars to share with the public. Everyone is welcome including families with children.

The Moon is near its "third quarter" phase and as such the Moon does not rise until near or after midnight making Shoreline skies particularly dark and favorable for stargazing.

Check the SAS website frequently for star gazing event status. If weather conditions force cancellation of an event, that news will be posted not later that 4pm the day of the event.
Visit the SAS website for other Puget Sound stargazing events, and for outreach opportunities, meetings and membership information.

Passing of Lake Forest Park resident Anne Stadler

Anne Stadler

Following is a tribute to Lake Forest Park resident Anne Stadler, who passed after complications from an injury. She was a lovely person with a heart full of love and kindness.

This from Third Place Commons
Today it is with great sadness that we mark the passing of our dear founder, Anne Stadler, at 92 years of age. Anne suffered an injury recently that led to complications and she passed away peacefully on Saturday, surrounded by family. 
Anne and her late husband Dave were founders of our nonprofit organization after Anne famously overheard a conversation in the Honey Bear Bakery line 24 years ago. 
She lived her life as a testament to the importance of beloved community. And indeed, there is no one more beloved in our Commons community as a result of her dedication, kind heart, and boundless spirit. We extend our sincere condolences to her family and loved ones in this time of immeasurable loss. 
We owe Anne a debt that can never be repaid, but we will continue working to foster community every day in her honor. She will be greatly missed.

Trick-or-Treat on Main Street in Bothell

On Halloween night, trick-or-treaters will make their way down Main Street in downtown Bothell to experience 40+ candy stops hosted by local businesses, organizations, and City of Bothell agencies. 

This free-family-friendly event provides our community with the perfect start to their Halloween festivities!

2023 Trick-or-Treat on Main Street
Tuesday, October 31st
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Main Street in Downtown Bothell
Free Family-Friendly Event

Event Map: This map features the businesses and organizations that confirmed their participation by 10/27/23. 

Please note there may be additional candy stations on the event day. 

Participating businesses will either have a table propped outside their storefront and/or greeters at their storefront to welcome in trick-or-treaters. 

Additionally, there will be outdoor stations (booths) hosted by community groups and city agencies.

Businesses will be prepared to welcome trick-or-treaters between the hours of 5:00pm and 7:00pm on October 31st. The streets will be closed to traffic from 2:30pm until 8:30pm. This is a free community event in downtown Bothell. Please bring a bag/bucket/tote to carry all your goodies!

Free public parking can be found at the Bothell City Hall Public Parking Garage. Additional free parking is available at the gravel parking lot on the corner of SR 522 and Bothell Way NE, and free street parking throughout downtown Bothell.

We still have sunny days

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

And here was one of them. A beautiful day at the UW Washington Park Arboreatum, as photographed by Steven H. Robinson.

Shakespeare's Lost Christmas Play - December 8-9, 2023 by RBCC Players

The RBCC Players are currently in rehearsal for their Annual Holiday Production, Shakespeare’s Lost Christmas.

This fun, upbeat, holiday production was created in 2020 and pokes fun at a local troupe of actors during the 1600s in the tiny English village of Little Moldingham-on-Cheese. 

This band of actors lost all their costumes, props, and scripts the previous year when the theatre accidentally burned down. With nothing to perform, the director writes to William Shakespeare to see if he will write them a Christmas play. 

As the letter from Shakespeare is received, the Plague Doctor and Royal Hearld arrive to announce that because of an impending plague all people must stand 6’ apart and all ‘entertainments’ are cancelled. The stage manager’s quick thinking finds a loophole that will have the audience laughing from start to finish.

Shakespeare’s Lost Christmas Play by Dwayne Yancy and produced by special arrangement with Big Dog / Norman Maine Publishing LLC, Rapid City, SD. will be presented by the RBCC Players in December.

The RBCC Players have been performing at the Richmond Beach Congregational Church in the Bill McLaughlin Theater since 1984. 

Please save the date and plan to join us for this amusing Holiday Production on Friday December 8, 2023 at 7:30pm and Saturday December 9 at 2pm. 

Tickets will go on sale on November 1 and will be $20.00 and $15.00 for Students and Seniors.

For questions, please email rbccplayers@gmail.com

The Bill McLaughlin Theater is located at:
Richmond Beach Congregational Church UCC

Shorewood boys tennis wins District 1 Team Championship

Shorewood District 1 Champions

The Shorewood boys tennis team entered the WIAA District 1 tennis tournament with six players.

The top tennis players from WesCo North, WesCo South and Skagit / Whatcom 3A matched up to try and win one of four top places in singles and doubles, in order to earn a berth to next May's WIAA State Tennis Tournament in Vancouver, Washington, at the Vancouver Tennis Center.

Shorewood had the WesCo South number 1 seeded, junior JD Drake and number 3 seeded freshman Sebastian Sanchez.

In doubles, number 1 seeded sophomore Xander Gordon / junior Peter Kosten and number three seeded sophomore Eli Sheffield and sophomore Riley Boyd. 

The team had won the WesCo South league championship and finished with an overall record of 14-1.

WesCo North champions Snohomish and Shorewood were favorites to win the District 1 team title. The rain cleared and courts dried on Wednesday October 25, 2023 in time to start the court battles. 

Shorewood Boys Tennis Team
with Coach Arnie Moreno
District tournaments across the state are considered to be the first step of the state tennis tournament, on a regional scale. Coach Arnie Moreno reminded the team to approach each match as a challenge and continue to play their consistent style of tennis.
  • JD Drake won his way into the singles final to face Snohomish's Cade Strickland in a rematch. Drake outplayed Strickland with a strong overall strategy and aggressive game to with the first set 6-2. Strickland battled back with a gritty effort, using long rallies and patience to outlast Drake, and win two sets and the singles top spot.
  • Freshman Sebastian Sanchez, despite his limited high school tennis experience, played every match with a high level of play and won 5th place, as alternate to the state tournament.
  • Shorewood's doubles teams were up to the challenge. Gordon and Kosten played a strong aggressive net game to pressure their opponents into many unforced errors and they hit many outright winning shots, to win the doubles championship final.
  • Shorewood's Eli Sheffield and Riley Boyd battled some nagging injuries to win long three set matches to put themselves in to position to win a spot to state. Determination, staying positive and a never give up attitude carried them to win the third-place award in doubles.
Shorewood qualified five players for the state tournament, Drake, Gordon, Kosten, Sheffield and Boyd, with Sanchez earning an alternate spot. 

Their high level of play won Shorewood the District 1 Team Championship.

--Head Coach Arnie Moreno

Shorewood Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams qualify for State Championships

Back Row (L-R) -Tristan Crittenden, Finn delaChapelle, Eli Graves, Isaiah Schuelke, Keiyu Mamiya, Otto Erhart, Luke Gillingham, Alex Yee, Max Billett, Maceana MacDonald, Jazzi Zimmer
Front Row (L-R) - Hanna Bruno, Lucy Eichelberger, Lilah Becker, Luz Guillen-Salinas, Sawyer Whiting, Cleo Dalasta.

By Paul Villanueva

Shorewood Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams qualified for the State Championships this past Saturday, October 28th at Lakewood HS in Arlington! 

The weather was crisp and beautiful, lots of PRs, and Shorewood will be represented well at the State Championships in Pasco this upcoming weekend! 

This is the first time since 1984 that both the Girls and Boys Teams qualified for the State meet in the same year. 

(L - R) Tristan Crittenden, Finn delaChapelle, Isaiah Schuelke, Keiyu Mamiya, Otto Erhart, Luke Gillingham, Max Billett, Eli Graves, Alex Yee

Twelve of fourteen Shorewood runners ran new personal bests over a 5k course. 
  • Congrats to Otto Erhart for winning and becoming the individual NW District 1 Champion winning with another school record time of 15:38.0 for a 5k race. 
  • Max Billett also went under the previous school record last set in 2008. 
  • Keiyu Mamiya and Luke Gillingham are now #4 and #8 All Time in School history with their times this weekend. 
This is all based off the records that we have on record. 
  • Also running new personal bests were Isaiah Scheulke, Eli Graves, and Alex Yee all going under 17 minutes. For Eli and Alex it's the first time achieving the incredible feat of going under 17 minutes. 
And as you may be able to put together, with those outstanding efforts the Boys team secured the NW District 1 Regional Title, making them back to back Regional Champions and returning to the State meet!

(L-R) Lilah Becker, Maceana MacDonald, Lucy Eichelberger, 
Hanna Bruno, Sawyer Whiting, Annika Crow, Maya Mirabueno

The Girls team comprised of Lucy Eichelberger, Hanna Bruno, Maya Mirabueno, Annika Crow, Sawyer Whiting, Lilah Becker, and Maceana MacDonald placed 4th as a team to make their return to the State meet, last appearing as a team in 2021. 

Lucy ran a personal best almost breaking 20 minutes in a 5k race moving her into #4 All-Time Freshmen at Shorewood ever. Maya (now #11 All-Time Freshmen), Annika (now #14 All-Time Freshmen), and Sawyer went under 21 minutes for the first time! 

Also running a new personal best was Maceana. At this year's Regional meet the Top 35 individuals and Top 5 teams qualified for the State meet. NW District 1 (Regionals) is comprised of 17 3A schools from WesCo North, WesCo South, Northwest Leagues.

Next weekend, Shorewood AND Shorecrest (their Boys and Girls Teams qualified also) will be heading to the WIAA State XC Championships in Pasco.  
Shorewood Head Coaches Paul Villanueva and Joel Reese

Halloween decor: Day and Night

Photo by Ken Berkun

 Close to the northeast corner of NE 178th St and 28th Ave NE.

Photo by Ken Berkun

Sno-Isle Genealogy Society meeting November 1, 2023

Wickers Building, Heritage Park
Lynnwood WA
Sno-Isle Genealogy Society presents Janet Bruckshen as she tells the story of searching for her mother's  summer cabin in Italy. 

Her story builds up to a hidden discovery. 

Join us on Wednesday November 1, 2023 at 7pm in the Wickers Building, Heritage Park, 19921 Poplar Way, Lynnwood, WA. 

The in-person meeting will also live stream at https://bit.ly/SIGS and is open to members and non-members alike.

Rainbow City Performing Arts announces hiring of first Executive Director: Damien Hall

Damien Hall, Executive Director
Rainbow City Performing Arts
SEATTLE, WA – After twenty-five years as a volunteer-operated association, The Rainbow City Performing Arts (RCPA) has a cause for celebration: hiring Damien Hall as RCPA’s first Executive Director.

In RCPA’s organizational structure, the Executive Director position sits right below the Board and has the responsibility as the head of all Staff. 

Damien manages the Staff, many of whom are volunteers, while also focusing the Board on decisions about policies, fundraising, and budget. RCPA’s Executive Director position is still part-time, due to financial constraints.

Damien’s 10 years of volunteerism with the organization include holding the roles of Director of Operations, Director of Membership, Librarian, Percussion Section Leader, and President.

From 2022-2023, Damien was operating as the President and sole authority for both operational and artistic decisions, and the return from the pandemic shutdown created an opportunity to rebuild and evolve the organization with a central vision. 

To name just a few, he: 
  • Doubled pre-pandemic revenue in his first year of leadership;
  • Welcomed 150+ members per quarter across seven different performing ensembles;
  • Focused DEIAB in policymaking by creating a Director of DEI role on the board; and
  • Established a Pride week performance event to support partner nonprofits and musicians in partnership with Seattle Center.
Rainbow City Performing Arts is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education and performance opportunities for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies in the Seattle area. 

RCPA's diverse ensembles and chamber groups actively participate in community events and pride festivals throughout the year as well as producing their own events to uplift LGBTQIA+ people. 

The organization's mission is to foster diversity, inclusion, and artistic expression, creating a welcoming space for musicians and performers from all walks of life. 

Peace is not as controversial as some might think

Glen Milner of Lake Forest Park and Bob Trutnau of
Kenmore. Photo by Paul LaFond of Lake Forest Park.
Story by Glen Milner

Lake Forest Park, Saturday, October 28
Peace is not as controversial as some might think. 
Responses from those passing by on Saturday in Lake Forest Park were nearly all positive. 
Please share your views with your representatives in Congress and with President Biden.
Please join with Lake Forest Park for Peace - every Saturday from 11am to noon.

Corner of Bothell Way NE (SR 522) and Ballinger Way NE (SR 104)

Miyawaki Urban Forest History Project at the Shoreline Historical Museum

By Sally Yamasaki

For two years, community members from Lake Forest Park and Shoreline worked together to develop a plan to build a Museum Forest in a vacant field adjacent to the Shoreline Historical Museum. 

Instead of a brick-and-mortar building, they envisioned a Forest that would sequester carbon while they walked a pathway that would guide them through the natural and human history of that area.

On October 4, 2023, their vision of planting a forest became real. 

The Shoreline Historical Museum signed a contract with Ethan Bryson of Natural Urban Forests to help the Museum community plant their Miyawaki Urban Forest. 

Funding for the Forest portion of the project came from an anonymous donor through the SUGi Project.

The Forest Museum will cover 4800 square feet of space that is currently a vacant field adjacent to the museum which is located a few blocks off Aurora Ave N / SR 99 in Shoreline, Washington. 

The Forest will provide a respite for people as well as provide a natural habitat for birds and other wild animals.

Aerial shot shows the section to be planted
Photo courtesy Shoreline Historical Museum

Once the Forest is planted, it will have exhibits incorporating local, natural, and human history as well as ongoing educational programming with the intent to build community.


The Museum’s Forest Planting Day is on Saturday, December 9, 2023, from 10:00am – 2:00pm.
  • At 10:00am there will be a Forest Dedication followed by community forest planting.
  • There will be refreshments, children’s activities as well as museum tours.
  • Those interested in Planting or Volunteering can email: Volunteer@shorelinehistoricalmuseum.org
For more information contact:

Kenneth Doutt (he/him)
Executive Director ǀ Shoreline Historical Museum
18501 Linden Ave N., Shoreline, WA 98155
Tue-Sat 10am-4pm

Other resources:
Funder and Landscape designer:

Danger in the woods

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Photo by Gay Armsden in Hamlin Park

If you go down to the woods today
You'd better not go alone

It's lovely down in the woods today
But safer to stay at home

Rainbow Bingo at the Senior Activity Center November 3 and December 1, 2023


Friday, November 3, 2023

Shoreline/Lake Forest Park Senior Activity Center holds our monthly fundraiser RAINBOW BINGO with our incredible hostess Sylvia O’Stayformore!  

Note – We are a week early due to Sylvia’s schedule.
  • Friday, November 3, 2023
  • Games start 7pm, doors open at 6:00pm.
  • Shoreline/Lake Forest Park Senior Activity Center,  southernmost building on the Shoreline Center campus, 18560 1st Ave NE #1, Shoreline WA 98155
  • Participants can expect ten (10) rousing rounds of bingo, complete with prizes and a few musical numbers!
  • Cost: $20 Admission and $10 at the door for your bingo cards.
  • The $20 Admission reserves your seats and includes the evening’s entertainment and loaded nachos.
  • $10 Bingo cards must be purchased at the door by cash or check as required by the Washington State Gambling Commission.
  • Register online https://shorelinelfpseniorcenter.org/events/special-events/
  • Call 206-365-1536 if not registering online.
Bingo is a 21 and over event. Cash bar will serve soft drinks, water, beer, wine and Jell-O shots.

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