Tibetan Language and Culture School opens at Shoreline Community College

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

SCC President Jack Kahn (left) welcomes TLCS Director Lobsang Tsering of the Tibetan Language School. Photo by Kurt Smith

Tibetan Language and Cultural School (TLCS) is a community supported program dedicated to teaching local Tibetan children the language, culture, music and dance of Tibet. It is a project of the Tibetan Association of Washington (TAW), guided by a volunteer Parent Steering Committee.

The school was opened in 2007 and previously met at the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center.

It has now opened at Shoreline Community College, where three classes meet every Sunday afternoon.

Photo by Kurt Smith

On Sunday, September 10, 2023, the Tibetan Language and Culture School (TLCS) opened with a full schedule of activities. The day began at 2:50pm with a "Meet and Greet" session, allowing TLCS kids and their parents to socialize and catch up.

At 3:00pm, a "Prayer and Meditation" session was held, led by Gen Tashi la. This was followed by the "Opening Ceremony," featuring speeches by TLCS Director Lobsang Tsering, Shoreline Community College's President Dr. Jack Kahn, and TAW President Gonpo.

At 3:30pm, concurrent classes were conducted. Gen Tashi Tsering led a "Language Class for Level III," which included student introductions, food prayer stanza writing and reading, Tibetan typing, and conversation groups.

Simultaneously, Gen Lharik Dakpa conducted a "Music Class for Level - I. Afterward, there was a 30-minute break, during which kids could enjoy snacks outside, with snack duty assigned to Ada Stang.

Class photo by Kurt Smith

Following the break at 5:00pm, another language class took place, this time for "Level - I" students, led by Gen Passang Bhuti and assistant Passang Dolker. This class involved student introductions in Tibetan, a language game, coloring alphabets and numbers, and Tibetan story reading.

Overall, TLCS offered a diverse range of classes and activities on this Sunday, promoting Tibetan language, culture, and community engagement.


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