Ridgecrest Neighborhood held a movie night under the stars

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Keystone Kops helped entertain the crowd while everyone waited for dark

By Diane Hettrick
Photos by Steven H. Robinson

Ridgecrest Neighborhood Association held a free outdoor movie night at Paramount School Park on Saturday September 9, 2023.

On the big screen: Super Mario Brothers,

Local band Shattered rocked out

Live music was provided by local band Shattered.  Patty Pan Cooperative had fresh veggies, tamales, and quesadillas available for purchase. Ice cream was served

Kids took turn sitting in the big fire t

Neighbors brought blankets, low chairs, and their own popcorn.

Super Mario kept everyone entertained

Seattle Astronomical Society was on hand with telescopes for a Star Party. Their telescopes brought the night sky into view while astronomers nswer questions.

This event was funded in part by a City of Shoreline Mini-Grant.


Anonymous,  September 13, 2023 at 8:47 AM  

Looks like fun! Will there be another one this year? Starting next spring?

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