Tent City Camp United We Stand (CUWS) could use some help moving to their new location

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Photo copyright Marc Weinberg 2019
Did you know we have designated hosting sites in the greater Shoreline/North Seattle/ Kirkland/ Bothell area for the homeless to reside in community in a safe, protected space?

Camp United We Stand, Inc. is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization whose mission is to provide safe shelter for homeless individuals. 

We work toward this mission by operating a transient homeless encampment for the provision of shelter, the residents’ daily needs and to facilitate their transition to independent living.

This encampment was formed in 2014 in order to focus on finding housing, keeping employment, and getting the support needed to move forward.

The camp provides its own security detail 24/7 to patrol the camp perimeter. If needed, the police are called. Neighborhoods near our hosting sites have found there are fewer problems in the area when there is such an encampment as the residents intentionally attempt to be conscientious neighbors to their surrounding area by keeping their hosting site neat/tidy, and noises to a minimum.

Supply tent. Photo courtesy CUWS 2023
We are your unsheltered neighbors. Everyone has a story. So do our campers.

The homeless encampment houses up to 35 adults, some of whom work outside the camp. 

The CUWS board of directors work to provide a safe place for the CUWS residents to find their way back to the life they desire. 

They are assured of returning to the same place night after night to lay their heads. To having food and drink. To having their basic human needs met.

The camp has garbage and recycling service, porta-potties, water access (for dishwashing and showers), and weekly laundry service by a team of volunteers.

The residents are screened. No sex offenders or people with outstanding warrants are permitted. No weapons are permitted in the camp. No street drugs or alcohol are permitted in the camp. The rules for CUWS are strictly enforced.

We have a volunteer Board of Directors. If interested in more information in joining our efforts, please visit our website and contact us!

Learn more by visiting their website

Campers socializing outside
Photo courtesy CUWS
Due to city regulations, the CUWS hosting site needs to relocate each 90 days. Their current hosting site is HALLER LAKE United Methodist Church (13055 1st Ave NE, Seattle)

On the weekend of Aug 4-6, 2023 they will be relocating to


It takes a village to move the entire camp! Many “moving parts” in getting things packed up, loaded onto trucks, unloaded at the new location, then setting everything back up again.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help with the move. Any amount of time you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Click on the below link to Sign up to Volunteer if you’re able to help in any way.

Choose from either work site:
  • Current Hosting Site: Haller Lake United Methodist Church: 13055-1st Avenue NE, Seattle
    • Site moving coordinator: Justin Gore
  • Moving to NEW hosting site: Kirkland Congregational Church: 106-5th Avenue, Kirkland
    • Site moving coordinator: Isaiah
VOLUNTEER Sign-up link

We are also in need of meal delivery throughout the moving process, as the kitchen items will be packed up during the transition – so the residents will not have access to food items.

If you’re interested in providing a meal please visit the below link and sign up for the many ways you can help! We also offer a hot dinner service each Friday and Sunday night, so those slots are also available to sign up for.

Meal service sign up link

Finally, we offer a weekly LAUNDRY SERVICE for each of the residents at CUWS. If you are interested in learning more about our service, or would like to join our team of “Laundry Angels” please contact Lisa McDonald for additional information at: lisa_mcd@comcast.net


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