Shoreline photographer publishes book of rock concert photos from the past 50 years

Saturday, August 12, 2023

The First Three Songs by local photographer Steve Schneider
can be purchased here

Shoreline resident and Shoreline Area News contributor Steve Schneider has just published a book of concert photos from the most famous rock groups in America.

In a feature article in The Seattle Times, reporter Clay Eels says, 

Steve Schneider, whose musically panoramic imagery fills “The First Three Songs: Rock and Roll at 125th of a Second,” a 220-page coffee-table compendium whose title alludes to the brief time at the opening of shows when promoters typically let photojournalists work up close. The tome bolsters Schneider’s uncomplicated mantra: “It’s always been about excitement, about fun. I just want to get the shot.”
He's seen them all, particularly the Grateful Dead.

His “Who’s Who” concert subjects range from Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young to Pearl Jam, Dylan to Cobain, Bonnie Raitt to Carlos Santana, Willie Nelson to Paul Simon, to McCartney, Clapton, Jagger, Springsteen, Bowie and — yes — the Who.


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