Police report for Lake Forest Park July 2023
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Police incidents heatmap for July 2023: Each blue dot is an incident generated by dispatch or an officer. This map represents 229 incidents in July.
- Suspicious Circumstances 63
- Parking 24
- Welfare Check 22
- Alarm 20
- Warrant LFP 17
- Theft 15
- Disturbance 15
- Traffic Accident 13
- Trespass 10
- Animal 7
- Graffiti 7
- MV Theft 6
- Fireworks 6
- Hit and Run 4
Notable Incidents in July
- A Lyft driver reported an incident of ID theft and fraud to the police. According to the driver, someone claiming to be a "Lyft Manager" had reached out to him and requested his personal information. Subsequently, the driver discovered that he had fallen victim to identity theft.
- Officers responded to a residential burglary where the suspect was able to open the garage door and steal some items from the garage. No leads at this time.
- The police received calls from concerned citizens regarding an "artist" playing the flute using a speaker at the ARCO station. When the gas station employee requested her to leave, the artist refused. However, the officers were successful in persuading the artist that the ARCO station was not an appropriate venue for her performance, and she eventually moved along.
- Officers assisted Bothel PD officers with a residential burglary in progress.
- A subject tried to leave Ross with a shopping cart full of unpaid merchandise. As soon as the subject saw our officers approaching the store, he decided to drop the shopping cart and run.
- Officers recovered a stolen vehicle on 191st Street.
- Officers were able to catch a dog who had decided to go for a run without the owner.
- A smart car driver was pulled over on Bothell Way NE for excessively speeding at a staggering 80 mph. Due to the dangerous and reckless behavior, the driver was promptly arrested and issued a citation for Reckless Driving.
- Officers were dispatched to conduct a welfare check, and upon reaching the location, they discovered that the individual in question had passed away approximately 10 days prior to the welfare check call. There were no signs of foul play, and the likely cause of death appeared to be related to medical issues.
- Officers responded to a disturbance call at Mod Pizza. A transient who was carrying a knife was harassing some customers. He was arrested and trespassed.
- Officers trespassed from Planet Fitness a subject who was caught smoking methamphetamine in the gym bathroom.
- Officers responded to a hit and run incident where a driver hit a mailbox and a street sign. No leads at this time.
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