Election results Friday August 4, 2023

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Photo courtesy King County Elections
By Diane Hettrick

Close of day Friday results show the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy renewal passing with a 71.59% approval rate - one of the highest passing rates for levies and bonds in this area.

In Lake Forest Park the contest for Position 6 on the city council will have Paula Goode on the ballot. Stephanie Angelis is holding her lead over Dustin Shaffer for the second spot on the November ballot.

The Shoreline School Board open seat will place Sylvia Gil, who currently has 55% of the vote, against Hazim Ghanim who is running second after Zack Stallings withdrew and threw his support to Ghanm.

Meghan Jernigan and Sara Betnel are unopposed for their school board seats.

The November election also has a contested race for Shoreline City Council Position 4 where long-time incumbent Doris McConnell is being challenged by Annette Ademasu. Keith Scully and Betsy Robertson are running unopposed after Robertson's opponent withdrew from the race.

In Lake Forest Park, Deputy Mayor Tom French is taking on current Mayor Jeff Johnson; Lorri Bodi is unopposed for council Position 2, Nigel Keiffer and Ellyn Saunders are vying for Position 4 - the seat left open with the retirement of Phillippa Kassover.

Special purpose district elections do not get the same kind of attention as other races. On the November ballot:
  • King county fire district 16 commissioner (Lake Forest Park, Kenmore) - Eric Adman is unopposed
  • Shoreline fire board position 4 David Harris - unopposed
  • Shoreline fire board position 1 is a contested race, with incumbent Barb Sullivan challenged by Larry Hadland 
  • LFP Water District commissioner David Hammond is unopposed
  • North City Water District commission Ron Ricker is unopposed


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