Fireworks are illegal everywhere - so don't even ask
Saturday, July 1, 2023
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Sparklers. Photo by Ben White on |
This was a decrease from 2021, which had a total of 912 reported incidents.
Of the 508 incidents reported in 2022, there were 310 fires and 198 injuries.
Sparklers can burn at 1300°F, enough to burn glass, wood, and boil water. They account for one-quarter of emergency room fireworks injuries, with children ages 10-14 having the highest rate of the injuries.
The State Fire Marshal's Office (SFMO) urges all residents to practice fireworks safety by:
- Never allowing children to play or ignite fireworks, including sparklers.
- Making sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying our using them.
- Keeping a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of a fire.
- Lighting fireworks one at a time, then moving back quickly with caution.
- Never trying to re-light or pick up fireworks that have not ignited fully.
- Not using fireworks while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
- Always being prepared, safe, and responsible.
Fun fact- No one ever enforces this law. Time to prepare the dog meds.
Illegal everywhere? Then why are they selling everywhere
Why do they not outlaw in unincorporated Clark county
If fireworks are illegal everywhere, why are there fireworks stands in every little town across the state? I don’t get it.
Gee, the headline disagrees with the article. This should be clearly marked as the writer's opinion.
Those who are responsible for the firework related injuries and fires should have to pay for the services required.
This may be true for Shoreline but is not true for all of WA State. We moved to Stanwood and were surprised to find out fireworks are legal up here from 6/28 to 7/5. There are a few locations in Snohomish county where you can light up legal fireworks (per RCW).
The story does not coincide at all with the headline. Further, the headline is not accurate fireworks are legal in many areas of the state.
Fireworks are part of America Get over it
Fireworks may legally be sold in unincorporated Snohomish County between noon on June 28 and noon on July 6 of each year. Fireworks discharge violations are a Class 1 civil infraction punishable by a $500 penalty in accordance with SCC 30.53A.400 and SCC 10.70.110(1)(a), and subject to a court order of restitution.
Unincorporated South Snohomish County has banned the discharge of fireworks as of 2022 (Banned Areas). In the remainder of unincorporated areas of the county where fireworks may be legally discharged, they are allowed only on the Fourth of July from 9 a.m. until midnight. Snohomish Regional Fire and Rescue has also created an interactive Firework Discharge Information Map allowing you to enter street addresses to determine firework rules by location.
Jurisdictions within the county have their own regulations related to firework discharge, and many have banned fireworks.
Not when you damage other peoples' property! least favorite day of the year as my 3 dogs get traumatized
Exactly my thoughts too
What do you give yours? We have tried everything
After seeing a neighbors house burn down on the 4th of July about 7 years ago, I've seen how lethal they can be. Fireworks are fun until they aren't anymore and you're rushing a kid to the ER or a house is on fire or a wildfire gets started in your own backyard. And this doesn't take into account all the runaway dogs and other critters, like birds on nests. Please think about safety.
Drugs are legal everywhere in Washington state, but by damned if you light a sparkler.!
Get over it? People are very careless .Most of them do not respect other people nor animals or for the fire hazard Selfish I say
My VET would prescribe Xanax for my dog and my cat. Calms their nerves and allows them to relax and or sleep through the chaos prior to/during/and after the 4th celebration.
We use Xanax..
I'd make our dog a nice fluffy bed area with food n water in our inside bathroom (one in the most center of the house I'm in. Then ya put ur animals in the bathroom with the bathroom exhaust fan on high does the trick every time with mine no matter where I live. ;) Good luck.
Most definitely. My dog is gonna get some good exercise, her special calming chews (from petsmart) and her new snood.
I agree.
Smoke a joint, water your yard and light those sparklers!
This is typical bad journalism. The headline is misleading. It sounds cute as click bait, but it is just wrong. You demean any importance to the issues by falsifying the lead-in. You should be ashamed of yourself(selves). Find another job...
Depends where in WA. In Grant County, central WA, fireworks are legal on private property in rural areas.
Try Trazadone, it works well for ours.
Yes! Why sell them??
Our Vet prescribes Trazadone for our dog. It is a gentle relaxer that does not give side effects.
Want to play with fireworks, my Uncle Sam will give you all kinds of fireworks, all you have to do is join the Army or Marines. In addition, you will be able to see parts of the country not available to your neighbors.
Now that all the law abiding patriots had their fun, let's hear it for the Shoreline Police who did such a fine job enforcing their law against fireworks! And, the Shoreline fire department for putting out all of the fires set by the law abiding patriots.
Also we use them for NewYears Eve
They are legal here in Stevens county. We use them safely.
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