
Thursday, July 6, 2023

Building that housed Leena's Cafe demolished

Leena's Cafe demolished for apartment building
Photo by Mike Remarcke

The very popular Leena's Cafe closed its doors at the end of May 2023. 

The owner of the cafe, Nick Athan, had bought the building when it came up for sale. Within a short time, the pandemic hit and Athan closed the cafe. He reopened when the pandemic was waning and restrictions were gradually being lifted and kept it going until the building sold.

Leena's Cafe building demolished
Photo by Mike Remarcke

A developer bought the property to build apartments with ground floor businesses. At last report, Athan was planning to reopen Leena's in the new building. Construction is expected to take two years.

--Diane Hettrick


  1. Omg this is so saddd :(

  2. Hope it reopens

  3. How much has been demolished to create apartments? How much has been built to create a commons, community building for residents? That’s what I thought.

  4. It would be cool if one of the other large apartments in North City that is "supposed" to have ground-floor retail would host Leena's and Suni's until they can rebuild in their original sites.

  5. It appears that no one is reading the article. It states that they plan to open Leena's as one of the stores. Hello???

  6. We live in Kenmore. Every now and then we pass through North City and stop at Lena's for a meal. We have been coming for many years. Last night we came again to have dinner, and were shocked to find that the cafe has disappeared! There are so few clean, decent cafes in Shoreline, LFP, and Kenmore, but this was our favorite place. Perhaps the owners can survive for two years and then reopen in the same location. However, the staff--servers and cooks--have lost their livelihoods. That is the real tragedy.


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