Briarcrest students will move to North City building while Briarcrest undergoes renovations

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

North City Elementary building
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

While the Briarcrest Elementary school building undergoes extensive upgrades, the kindergarten - grade 5 school will operate out of the North City building, located at 816 NE 190th St.

Residents near North City can expect school buses and families coming to and from the building throughout the 2023-24 school year. The school's arrival time is 8:45am, dismissal is at 3:10pm, and early release days (most Wednesdays) end at 1:30pm.

If you or someone you know has become accustomed to playing at the school field or playground on weekdays or parking in the spaces that staff and families will need next year, please start planning for how this will affect your routines.

The Briarcrest Bulldogs look forward to being positive, joyful, and respectful neighbors while in their temporary digs starting in the fall.

Please help us get the word out to those who live and spend time around North City School.

--Shoreline Schools


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