Warning: Ads on Follow.it

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Those of you who subscribe to our email edition on Follow.it understand that the end of each edition has ads placed by Follow.it

They are nothing to do with the Shoreline Area News, neither products nor candidates that we endorse. They are simply the price of a free service.

In yesterday's email edition there was, for the first time, an ad at the beginning of the edition. At a glance it would be understandable if you assumed it was a story we had placed. Follow.it is getting much more accomplished with the presentation of its ads.

I am asking email subscribers to be wary of what is at the beginning and end of each edition.

If you do not want to see the ads, you have the option of bookmarking www.ShorelineAreaNews.com on your browser and clicking on it each day after 6am to read the most up to date stories. 

We also publish on Facebook; however you need to both Like and Follow AND click on or comment on individual stories occasionally so the Meta algorithm will show you most of the articles published.

You can search for ShorelineAreaNews on Twitter to make sure you are seeing all the published stories.

--Diane Hettrick, Publisher/Editor


Anonymous,  June 1, 2023 at 4:44 PM  

Thanks for the info!

Anonymous,  June 1, 2023 at 8:08 PM  

You do such a great service to
Our community! And you’ve sure had to learn a lot about technology, besides all the writing and editing! Thank you!

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