Full house for the Station 51 Open House and pancake breakfast on Saturday

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Fire demo on the training tower
Photos by Steven H. Robinson

Shoreline Fire Station 51 in Kenmore, 7220 NE 181st, was jammed on Saturday morning for the Safety Fair and Pancake Breakfast.

Aiming the fire hose
Outside, visitors lined the course to watch fire demonstrations on the training tower, extrications from mangled cars, and try their hand at the fire hose. There was an obstacle course for the children, and the opportunity to tour a fire engine, aid car, and rescue truck.

The Auxiliary Communication Service
The Shoreline communication van was there, as was the mobile library van.

Medical support for teddy bears
Inside there was rows of tables with information and swag. The teddy bear clinic was crowded with teddies who needed medicine and bandages.

Safety vests for pedestrians
There were free (plastic) helmets, reflective safety vests, and glo sticks.

Experts were there to explain age appropriate car seats for children in vehicles. safe driving, how to become a police officer, and so many other things.

Tables lined the room for diners and people who just wanted to sit for a minute.


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