$13,600 worth of instruments donated to Shoreline Public Schools by Music4Life program

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Music4Life.org provides donated-and-repaired musical instruments at no charge to public school districts for use by students in-need. 

We get instruments from people who have them in their garages, attics or closets and realize that their highest and best use is to put them back into play. 

If you have a long-unused musical instrument and would like the tax advantage of donating it to a non-profit such as Music4Life, please let us know at David@Music4Life.org

During the first half of 2022-23 (September through February) Music4Life delivered fifteen (15) ready-to-play musical instruments independently valued at $13,600 free of charge to Shoreline Public Schools. 

These included one clarinet; one 15-inch viola; one 4/4 violin; one acoustic guitar; four violins; one 16.5-inch viola; one French horn; three trombones; one trumpet; and one 2/4 violin.

Because these instruments have an estimated remaining useful life of three to 15 years, several students are expected to experience the educational benefits from the use of many of them.


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