Letter to the Editor: Passing Prop 1 will support current needs and future growth

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

To The Editor:

I will be voting yes on Proposition 1.

Shoreline has been my home for 32 years. The City provides a high level of service to the residents. By passing Proposition 1 we will continue to support the current needs of our community and for future growth. 

By approving Prop 1, the Shoreline Police will be able to expand the RADAR program making it available 24/7. RADAR pairs a mental health professional with a law enforcement officer and is recognized as an effective way to help people in a mental health crisis. Caring for those suffering from mental illness and homelessness are top priorities of Shoreline residents.

The Parks have been well maintained by City staff. As the City grows there will be an added demand for their use. A safe place for children and families to enjoy the outdoors enhances our community and neighborhoods.

I urge everyone to vote yes on Proposition 1.

Bette Round


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