Scene on the Sound: The Polar Star returns

Monday, October 31, 2022

Photo by Jan Hansen

In the golden light of the sunset, from my living room I am viewing the Polar Star at anchor just south of Jefferson Head. Welcome home.

--Jan Hansen

Photo by Jan Hansen

The U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker, the Polar Star, sailed through Shoreline about 3:15 in the afternoon on Saturday, October 29, 2022.

USCGC POLAR STAR (WAGB 10) Homeported in Seattle, Washington, US Coast Guard Cutter POLAR STAR (WAGB 10) is the United States' only heavy icebreaker. Commissioned in 1976, she was built by Lockheed Shipbuilding along with her now decommissioned sister ship, POLAR SEA (WAGB 11). 

Three aviation-grade gas turbine engines provide USCGC POLAR STAR with up to 75,000 horsepower, making her the most powerful ship in the US Coast Guard. Each year, POLAR STAR travels to McMurdo Station, Antarctica to lead Operation Deep Freeze and break miles of ice up to 21 feet thick.

The Seattle King County free vision clinic runs on volunteers

By Doug Cerretti

Seattle/King County Clinic (SKCC) brings together healthcare organizations, civic agencies, non-profits, private businesses and volunteers from across the State of Washington to produce a giant free health clinic at Seattle Center. 

The Clinic is a major function of the Seattle Center Foundation. 

The four-day volunteer-driven clinic provides free dental, vision and medical care to anyone in the region who struggles to access and/or afford healthcare. 

Patients waiting for their number to be called.
Photo by Doug Cerretti
After an absence of three years due to the pandemic, SKCC was held October 20 - 23, 2022. 

A complete SKCC was not held due to scheduling conflicts; however a vision clinic was held, offering eye exams and prescription eyeglasses at no cost to patients. 

The day started at 6am for patients to receive numbers (250+ waitlisted each day) at the Fischer Pavilion. 

Exam room. Photo by Doug Cerretti
They then migrated to Exhibition Hall to be seen by an optometrist or ophthalmologist for eye examination and eyeglass prescriptions. 

This was followed by selection and fitting of frames. 

Many eyeglass frames to choose from.
Photo by Doug Cerretti
I volunteered in “eyeglass processing” where we ensured that the eyeglass order forms were entered into the online order system and then verified their accuracy. 

The frames and order forms were packaged for shipping to be fabricated. 

Patients will return to Seattle Center December 3-4 to receive their new eyeglasses. 

This description barely touches the work of volunteers to make this event run smoothly. 

Eyeglass processing; order forms generated on the right and verified on the left.
Photo by Doug Cerretti
There were volunteers to check in the volunteers and patients, escorts and waiting area monitors, interpreters, IT support, patients records processing, supply sorting, health insurance navigators and social workers and last, but not least, the visual medical professionals. 

When all is said and done over a thousand people will receive new eyeglasses with the aid of 1100 volunteers.
2018 dental clinic. Photo by Doug Cerretti
As large as the vision clinic is, the complete SKCC with dental, vision and medical care is four times larger. Over four days approximately 4000 patients are treated with the aid of approximately 4000 volunteers. 

The enormity of the complete SKCC is illustrated by the 118 dental chairs on the floor of the Key Arena in 2018. 

Dental x-ray station. Note the hand-held
X-ray gun on the left. Photo by Doug Cerretti
I volunteered at the dental x-ray station in the last two complete SKCC in 2018 and 2019. 

There I entered the x-ray images into the computer, that the dental technicians had produced using hand held x-ray guns.

The next complete SKCC will be held April 2023. 

Volunteering at SKCC is very satisfying and rewarding and I highly recommend it.

Doug Cerretti with ray-gun. "Buck
Rogers doesn’t have anything
on me." Photo by Carrie Stewart.
The first step is to register as a volunteer at where your experience is noted such as medical, language abilities or computer experience, for example. 

However, there are many volunteer opportunities that do not require specific skills as SKCC simply requires your time. 

As the next SKCC approaches you will be sent schedules and volunteer opportunities.

Native Plants and Bird Habitat is the focus of the November 8, 2022 LFP Garden Club meeting

Ed Dominguez, Audubon Society
Photo: Mick Thompson
Lake Forest Park Garden Club will be meeting in person on November 8, 2022 at 9:30am for the general meeting and then a short break for cookies and then our special speaker at 10:30am until about noon. 

We will be meeting at the intersection of Bothell Way NE and Ballinger Way NE at Town Center on the upper level at the stage area in Third Place Commons. Our speaker this month is a member of the Audubon Society: Ed Dominguez, Lead Naturalist

A native of Mount Shasta, Ed obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees from California State University. Growing up in the southern Cascade Range, Ed was introduced to the plants and animals of the mountains at an early age by his father. 

Knowledgeable in geology, trees, wildflowers, and mammals, Ed particularly enjoys birding and bird songs. He is passionate about environmental education and leads owl prowls, bat walks, nature hikes, and presents evening programs on a variety of naturalist topics. When not working at the Center, Ed plays music and leads climbs with the Seattle Mountaineers. He lives in the Madrona neighborhood just north of Seward Park.

Topic: Native Plants and Bird Habitat. Attracting birds to your garden space.

Great meeting for bird lovers

You are welcome to attend two of our meeting for no cost and then after that we would like you to join our club. The fee for the year is $25. We meet from September to May and take off December for a Christmas party. 

We usually have a Soiree and a potluck picnic in the summer months. Each month we have a great newsletter to inform you of the upcoming events and also some great gardening tips. 

We have top quality speakers for the experienced and novice gardener to learn from. Please come and join us. If you have any questions please call Jan at 206-362-5475.

LFP Mayor: Budget Season Draws to a Close…Just in Time for the Holiday Season

Mayor Jeff Johnson
Lake Forest Park
From Lake Forest Park Mayor Jeff Johnson

Following presentation of the Mayor’s proposed 2023-2024 biennial budget in early September, 

Councilmembers have participated in a series of regular and special Council and Committee meetings to review, discuss, and recommend changes to the proposed budget. 

I would like to thank them for their commitment to attending these meetings and offering constructive feedback on, and thorough discussion of, the programs and services included in the budget.

Before adopting the budget, the City Council has tough decisions to make about how to ensure, as best as possible, the financial sustainability of the city. I’m confident that, working together, our Council can determine a viable financial path forward that achieves the goal of financial sustainability.

I encourage the public to review the proposed budget and the detailed department presentations located on the Finance Department budget webpage and to consider attending one or more of the remaining budget meetings: 
  • a City Council Budget and Finance Committee Special meeting at 6:00pm on November 3; 
  • the Regular City Council meeting at 7:00pm on November 10, and 
  • a Special City Council meeting at 6:00pm  on November 17. 
  • All of these meetings will be held in the hybrid format (in person at City Hall and via Zoom).
November is not only a big month for the budget process it’s also the start of the holiday season. 

As the days grow shorter and darker, please be sure to keep an eye out for children on their way to and from school and for other pedestrians and bicyclists who may not be as visible as usual.

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Thanksgiving!

--Mayor Johnson

Free beginner's genealogy class starts November 5, 2022 in Lynnwood

Sno-Isle Genealogical Society
Are you interested in researching your family history and don't know where to start? 

Sno-Isle Genealogical Society is offering a free beginner's class on the first Saturday of the month, November 5, 2022 at 10am at its research library located at 19827 Poplar Way, Heritage Park, Lynnwood. 

The one hour in-person drop-in session will get you started. 

With the holidays approaching and family gatherings it is a good time to ask questions to help with your research. For more information call 425-775-6267.

Shoreline Chamber of Commerce in person luncheon November 9 with King County Councilperson Rod Dembowski

King County Councilmember
Rod Dembowski
Shoreline Chamber of Commerce November IN PERSON Luncheon features King County Councilperson Rod Dembowski on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 11:30am - 1:00pm

The Shoreline Chamber of Commerce will be meeting in-person at Vault 177 (next to Spin Alley) 1430 NW Richmond Beach Rd, Shoreline, WA 98177

Speaker: Rod Dembowski

Following a twelve year legal career at Foster Pepper, Rod was elected to the King County Council in 2013.

As Chair of the Mobility and Environment Committee, Rod led efforts to improve and expand service at Metro, clean up waterways, and protect open space. 

Rod has focused efforts to reduce disparities in health outcomes, fight cancer, and improve women’s health as past Board of Health Chair. In the fight against COVID-19, Rod’s focused his work on supporting those who have suffered the health and economic impacts of the virus, as well as expanding access to COVID-19 vaccines.

Rod has passed several major initiatives including the Youth Action Plan, a nation-leading family leave program, ballot access laws, juvenile justice reforms, and a major veterans housing program. 

He has never missed a vote. In 2018 he was named Public Official of the Year by the Municipal League of King County.

Shoreline PTA Council forms mental health committee to support teens and their families

In response to the need to better support student and family mental health, in January the Shoreline PTA Council approved a new Mental Health committee

The committee has 85 members with representation from professionals in the mental health field, families with lived mental health experience and parents wanting to make a difference.

On November 9, 2022 from 6:30 - 8:00pm at Kellogg Middle School, David Lewis, Psy D., LMHC, clinical Psychologist and Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington will speak with parents/guardians about supporting teens with their anxiety. 

This event is open to any family in the Shoreline school district and will be recorded. The event is sponsored by the Shoreline PTA Council Mental Health Committee. 

Pre-event questions for Mr. Lewis can be sent to and event information can be found at:

Op-Ed: NUHSA strongly encourages a YES vote on Shoreline's Prop 1

From Heidi Shepherd, Board President NUHSA

Ballots have been mailed, and Shoreline voters now must vote on Prop. 1, the maintenance and operations levy for public safety and community services. The North Urban Human Services Alliance (NUHSA) strongly encourages a YES vote!

The pandemic has had severe consequences for many in our community, and families are still struggling. From mental and physical health challenges to food scarcity and a lack of stable housing, residents have relied on the critical support Shoreline has provided during the pandemic and the infrastructure that the City has carefully built in partnership with area providers and agencies.

State law limits an increase in tax revenue unless authorized by a vote of the people, and because funding for basic City services (including that of human services) has not kept pace with rising costs, approval of Prop. 1 is essential to simply maintain current services. 

This includes critical community services funding for seniors, youth, and families in need, along with homelessness response services and staffing for the successful RADAR program that provides mental health professionals with police to assist community members in behavioral health crises.

If the proposed levy replacement does not pass, the City will be forced to reduce or eliminate services to balance the City’s budget, as required by law - and first on the chopping block will be those programs the City is not legally required to provide. 

At risk is support for human services, such as the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center, the Teen Center and programs for children and young families, in addition to neighborhood services, community events, homelessness outreach, communications, parks maintenance, recreation programs, and cultural programming.

Renewing the levy is absolutely critical for maintaining the health and human services residents expect and ensuring a strong and vibrant community for everyone. Vote YES on Prop. 1!

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Gloria's Birds: Pensive Towhee..

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Photo copyright Gloria Z. Nagler
(I adore Spotted Towhees: Wing spots, orangey flanks, red eyes, what's not to love?)

--Gloria Z. Nagler

Book group at Richmond Beach Library to discuss The Beekeeper of Aleppo Wednesday

Book Group at the Richmond Beach Library meets Wednesday, November 2, 2022, from 6:30pm  – 7:30pm to discuss The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri

New participants always welcome and Registration is not required.

The library is located at 19601 21st Avenue NW,  Shoreline WA 98177

Calligraphy class on Saturday at Shoreline Community College

Calligraphy for the holidays at Shoreline Community College

Learn to use brush lettering combined with holiday themes and flourishes to create beautiful cards and gifts for the season. Supplies included.

Dates: 11/5/2022 - 11/5/2022 (Sat)
Times: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Fee: $59.00

On Campus! 16101 Greenwood Ave N.

Register here

Third Place Books announces beer can partnership and book fair at Kenmore brewery Thursday

Books + Beer = Perfect Combo

Third Place Books is excited to announce our very first BEER CAN partnership!

We've teamed up with Stoup Brewing and Chuck's Hop Shop for a special book-themed beer can. The FINAL DRAFT IPA will be available for purchase starting November 1st and a portion of sales will go towards our BOOKS TO STUDENTS FUND.

You can find the can at all Stoup and Chuck's Hop Shop locations!

Stop by Stoup Brewing Ballard on Tuesday 11/1 and Stoup Brewing Kenmore on Thursday 11/3 from 5-9pm and have some beer, food, and shop at our pop-up book fair. We hope to see you there!

Stoup Brewing Kenmore is located at 6704 NE 181st St, Kenmore, WA 98028

Power outage - it wasn't our turn

Seattle City Light Crew investigated an outage impacting approximately 21,800 customers in the Ballard, Phinney Ridge, Fremont, Wallingford neighborhoods. 

The notice went up just before 2am and power was restored just before 3am to all but 38 addresses in Fremont. The apparent cause was equipment failure.

No visuals.

Third Place Books author events both live and virtual - November 2022

Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Third Place Books 
Lake Forest Park / Virtual
November 2022 EVENTS
Please note: all times below are Pacific Time.
Both virtual and in-person events require registration in advance. Unless ticketed, events are free and open to the public. See for details.
() – denotes ticketed event
() – denotes event for children or middle grade readers
Wednesday, November 2 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Alison Cochrun and Jake Maia Arlow
Kiss Her Once for Me: A Novel and How to Excavate a Heart
Staff favorite romance author Alison Cochrun and Queen Anne Book Company bookseller Jake Arlow present their delightful new books: a queer holiday romance, and a sapphic Jewish twist on the classic Christmas enemies-to-lovers rom-com.
Thursday, November 3 at 4pm PT (Virtual)
Edgar Garbelotto, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, and Andrea Lawlor
discuss Hugs and Cuddles by João Gilberto Noll
in partnership with Community Bookstore (Brooklyn)
Hugs and Cuddles is the late Brazilian writer’s most radical statement: A Book of Revelations-grade voyage to the end of gender and the outermost reaches of sexual and artistic expression. Translator Edgar Gabelotto, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore (The Freezer Door), and Andrea Lawlor (Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl) join us online.
NEW DATE! Thursday, November 3 from 5–9pm (Stoup Brewing in Kenmore)
Stoup Brewing // Third Place Books Book Fair
A second adult book fair, this time in Kenmore! Join us as we unveil (for a second time) our first-ever bookstore-themed beer at Stoup Brewing’s Kenmore location.
Wednesday, November 9 at 4pm PT (Virtual)
Susan Mallery and Debbie Macomber
Home Sweet Christmas and The Christmas Spirit
Get into the holiday swing with these cheery, heartfelt novels. We're excited to offer signed copies of Susan Mallery's Home Sweet Christmas as part of this virtual event.
Wednesday, November 9 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Geoff Baker
Rising From the Deep: The Seattle Kraken, a Tenacious Push for Expansion, and the Emerald City's Sports Revival 
In 2021, Seattle released the Kraken. A Seattle Times investigative reporter takes readers behind the scenes and back to the start with power brokers, players, and fans in this fascinating, hard-fought saga.
Sunday, November 13 at 11am (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Storytime with Ben Clanton
The Greatest in the World!
The bestselling (and hilarious) children’s book author and illustrator brings his dynamic storytime prowess to our store with The Greatest in the World!, the first in a new series about two spud siblings who face off in a series of epic challenges. Kids and parents of all ages are welcome!
Monday, November 14 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Ashley E. Sweeney
Hardland: A Novel
Set against the breathtaking backdrop of Arizona’s Sonoran Desert in the early 20th Century, Hardland serves up a tough protagonist who fights to survive in one of the toughest towns in the American West.
Tuesday, November 15 at 9am PT (Virtual)
Anthony Horowitz with Shari Lapena
The Twist of a Knife: A Novel 
New York Times bestselling author Anthony Horowitz presents his ingenious fourth literary whodunit. Horowitz becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation—and only one man can prove his innocence: his newly estranged partner in solving crime, Detective Hawthorne.
Thursday, November 15 at 4:30pm PT (Virtual)
Stephanie McCarter and Cheri Magid 
discuss Ovid's Metamorphoses
in partnership with Community Bookstore (Brooklyn)
Classicist Stephanie McCarter is the first female translator of the epic into English in over sixty years. In this historic new edition, McCarter addresses accuracy in translation and its representation of women, gendered dynamics of power, and sexual violence in Ovid’s classic. 
Thursday, November 17 at 4pm PT (Virtual)
Maureen Freely and Merve Emre
discuss Dawn by Sevgi Soysal
in partnership with Community Bookstore (Brooklyn) and the Transnational Literature Series at Brookline Booksmith (Boston)
In Dawn, translated into English for the first time by Maureen Freely, legendary Turkish feminist Sevgi Soysal brings together dark humor, witty observations, and trenchant criticism of social injustice, militarism, and gender inequality. Literary critic Merve Emre joins in conversation.
Saturday, November 19 at 4pm PT (Virtual)
Natalie C. Parker with Justina Ireland and Alex London
The Devouring Wolf
A queer tale about kid werewolves, big bad mistakes, and terrifying creatures! Natalie C. Parker makes her exciting middle grade debut, in conversation with children’s book authors Justina Ireland (Ophie’s Ghosts) and Alex London (Battle Dragons).
Monday, November 21 at 5:30pm PT (Virtual)
Mark de Silva with Greg Gerke
The Logos
In this epic, 700+ page novel from small press Clash Books, Mark de Silva is "bidding to join the company of the postmodern titans who dominated late-20th-century American fiction” (Kirkus Reviews). Greg Gerke, editor of the journal Socrates on the Beach, joins in conversation.
Monday, November 21 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Local Author Open Mic
Calling all local writers and poets! Come share your work and develop your craft with other local authors. Once per month (except December), we’re hosting an open mic night for local authors to network and present their words. 
Monday, November 29 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Noelle Salazar with Kate Quinn
Angels of the Resistance: A WWII Novel
The author of The Flight Girls returns to the store for her second WWII novel, following two teenage sisters in the Netherlands who are recruited as part of the Dutch Resistance effort against the Nazis. Kate Quinn, author of The Diamond Eye, joins in conversation.
Register here for in-person events 

Dedication of new mural in Edmonds Tuesday

The newest mural from Mural Project Edmonds (a committee of Art Walk Edmonds) is complete! Designed and installed by muralist AJ Power, this mural features a fairytale-like depiction of Edmonds as a welcoming community. Check it out on the side of Crow at 114 4th Ave N. You can read more about it here!

You are invited to the official "unveiling" and artist reception. Meet the muralist AJ Power, learn the symbolism behind some of the artistic elements in the mural, and share some light refreshments on November 1, 2022 from 5-7pm at Crow.

The sky on a blustery day

Photo by Barbara Twaddell

Someone took a paintbrush to the sky on this blustery Thursday.

Photo by Barbara Twaddell

Then the wind blew in and scrambled the pattern.

U.S. Attorney Nick Brown appoints Election Officer for Western District of Washington

Assistant U.S. Attorney, FBI, standing by to respond to complaints about voter intimidation or fraud

Seattle – United States Attorney Nick Brown announced that Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Seth Wilkinson will lead the efforts for the Western District of Washington in connection with the Justice Department’s nationwide Election Day Program for the upcoming November 8, 2022, general election. 

AUSA Wilkinson has been appointed to serve as the District Election Officer (DEO) and in that capacity is responsible for overseeing the District’s handling of election day complaints of voting rights concerns, threats of violence to election officials or staff, and election fraud, in consultation with Justice Department Headquarters in Washington.

“Every citizen must be able to vote without interference or discrimination and to have that vote counted in a fair and free election,” said U.S. Attorney Brown. 
“Similarly, election officials and staff must be able to serve without being subject to unlawful threats of violence. The Department of Justice will always work tirelessly to protect the integrity of the election process.”

The Department of Justice has an important role in deterring and combatting discrimination and intimidation, threats of violence directed at election officials and workers, and election fraud. The Department will address these violations wherever they occur. 

The Department’s longstanding Election Day Program furthers these goals and also seeks to ensure public confidence in the electoral process by providing local points of contact within the Department for the public to report possible federal election law violations.

Federal law protects against such crimes as threatening violence against election officials or staff, intimidating or bribing voters, buying and selling votes, impersonating voters, altering vote tallies, stuffing ballot boxes, and marking ballots for voters against their wishes or without their input. 

It also contains special protections for the rights of voters, and provides that they can vote free from interference, including intimidation, and other acts designed to prevent or discourage people from voting or voting for the candidate of their choice. 

The Voting Rights Act protects the right of voters to mark their own ballot or to be assisted by a person of their choice (where voters need assistance because of disability or inability to read or write in English).

United States Attorney Brown stated that: “The franchise is the cornerstone of American democracy. We all must ensure that those who are entitled to the franchise can exercise it if they choose, and that those who seek to corrupt it are brought to justice. 
"In order to respond to complaints of voting rights concerns and election fraud during the upcoming election, and to ensure that such complaints are directed to the appropriate authorities, AUSA/DEO Wilkinson will be on duty in this District throughout the voting period. He can be reached by the public at the following telephone number: 206-553-7970.”

In addition, the FBI will have special agents available in each field office and resident agency throughout the country to receive allegations of election fraud and other election abuses on election day. The local FBI field office can be reached by the public at 206-622-0460.

Complaints about possible violations of the federal voting rights laws can be made directly to the Civil Rights Division in Washington, DC by phone at 800-253-3931 or by complaint form at 

United States Attorney Brown said, “Ensuring free and fair elections depends in large part on the assistance of the American electorate. It is important that those who have specific information about voting rights concerns or election fraud make that information available to the Department of Justice.”

Please note, however, in the case of a crime of violence or intimidation, please call 911 immediately and before contacting federal authorities. State and local police have primary jurisdiction over ballot drop boxes, and almost always have faster reaction capacity in an emergency.

Ferry reservations open November 1

Photo courtesy WSDOT
Vehicle reservations for winter season (January 1 to March 25, 2023) on the Anacortes/San Juan Islands or Port Townsend / Coupeville routes will be available at 7am Tuesday, November 1, 2022. 

For the Anacortes / San Juan Islands runs, another batch of reservations will be released two weeks before each specific sailing. 

The remaining space on each sailing will be available two days before.

WSDOT: Winter is coming. Are you ready?

Road to Artist Point
photo courtesy WSDOT
In case you needed a reminder that winter is just around the corner, the final portion of State Route 542 to Artist Point and the gates to State Routes 410 and 123 inside Mount Rainier National Park including Chinook and Cayuse passes were closed for the season this week.

With increasing chances for more snow and ice in the not-too-distant forecast, WSDOT urges all travelers to start preparing themselves and their vehicles for winter weather

To help make the winter travel a bit easier, WSDOT suggests:

Shoreline Area News celebrates 13 years


And it seems like only yesterday - thanks Whitney

WeatherWatcher: Windy Sunday, a repeat of Thursday


A frontal system very much like the one we just had on Thursday is moving in during the early morning through early afternoon hours on Sunday. It is expected to give us pretty much the same kind of breezy day, with winds gusting to 30-35mph, as we had on Thursday.

Another wind advisory has been issued by the National Weather Service for our neighbors to the north in Woodway and Edmonds up through Everett to the Canadian border. The wind advisory is in effect from 11PM PDT Saturday night until 2PM PDT Sunday afternoon.

Rain is expected most of the day Sunday, but it will be light for the daylight hours, with around a quarter of an inch expected. Once the front moves south in the evening, winds will slow a little and the rain will pick up with up to one inch of rain in the forecast for Sunday night.

For Halloween it will remain on the breezy side in the morning and afternoon hours with a chance of showers or showers likely through most of the day. It should be a little drier Monday evening for Trick or Treaters, with only a chance of showers remaining. 

Below is the UW WRF-GFS forecast model for Monday evening between 5pm - 8pm PDT. It appears Shoreline and Lake Forest Park will fall in the Olympic Mountain rain shadow at this time so it should be mostly dry. It does however show a convergence zone near Everett. Convergence zones are very difficult to forecast even hours before they form, which means it's possible that convergence zone may develop further south into the Shoreline and Lake Forest Park areas.

Cloudy and wet weather is expected through the remainder of next week with near normal temperatures. We might see some sun breaks on Wednesday. Thursday evening through the next weekend has a steady rain signal in the forecast.

For current weather conditions visit

Halloween eye safety

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Stylish Belles
By Dr. David Epley

It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Halloween is a particularly perilous time for eye-health. Many costumes involve enhancements and alterations to the eye. 

One mishap can lead to frightening results. Glitter mishaps or costume contact lenses sold illegally are just a couple of the hazards that can lead to temporary and permanent blindness.

To avoid a real-life horror story, remember that eye tissue is among the most delicate in the human body. Damage to that tissue is especially difficult to reverse.

The Washington Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons wants to make sure you have a safe Halloween this year. 

Below are a few safety tips to avoid a real-life horror story as you and your family navigate the hazards that come with some Halloween costume-related accessories.

False eyelashes 
  • Test for lash glue allergies
  • Don’t share false eyelashes with anyone else
  • Wash your hands before putting on and taking off
  • Visit an experienced aesthetician to see what shape and weight works best with your eyes
Eye makeup 
  • Avoid metallic, glittery or flakey eye makeup
  • Avoid applying products inside the eyelash line, which has been shown to increase irritation and dryness of the eye surface
  • Carefully select the makeup you use, and be aware that certain ingredients such as fragrances, preservatives, metallic pigments and color additives might cause irritation to your skin or eyes
  • Remove all eye makeup before bed
Halloween costume contacts

Wearing colored contacts that weren’t prescribed to you could cause: 
  • Painful infections
  • Sore and scars
  • Corneal abrasions
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Vision loss
Other contact safety tips: 
  • Don’t share contacts with anyone
  • Always remove contacts before sleeping
  • Be sure to use contact solution and not water
  • If you experience any redness, irritation or decreased vision while or after using contact lenses, discontinue wear immediately and reach out to your eye care provider for guidance
Sure, a simple accessory can complete a costume and bring it to the next level, but before you purchase anything, consider asking your eye doctor what would be best.

For more eye-related safety and information, visit Vision for Washington, CDC and the FDA.

Dr. David Epley is a pediatric ophthalmologist and adult strabismus specialist from Washington Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons (WAEPS), affiliated with Swedish Hospital, Children’s Hospital, Evergreen Hospital and Skagit Valley Hospital.

Four weeks of traffic revisions on NE 155th under the freeway

Starting as early as Monday, October 31, 2022 Sound Transit will be working on NE 155th St for roadway and sidewalk restorations near the I-5 overpass. 

This work is part of Sound Transit’s Lynnwood Link Extension Project. 

These lane shifts will occur between the work hours of 7am and 5pm.

  • The overpass will remain open.
  • There will be different variations of westbound and eastbound lane shifts on NE 155th Street.
  • Sidewalk closures will be performed along with lane closures (one open sidewalk will be maintained at all times).
  • Flaggers will help direct traffic, pedestrians and bicyclists as needed.
  • Sound Transit has coordinated with King County Metro, Shoreline School District, Shoreline Fire Department and the City of Shoreline to minimize construction effects.
  • Access to driveways will be maintained.
  • Week 1: Monday, Oct. 31 to Friday, Nov. 4 from 7am to 5pm.
  • Week 2: Monday, Nov. 7 to Friday, Nov. 11 from 7am to 5pm.
  • Week 3: Monday, Nov. 14 to Friday, Nov. 18 from 7am to 5pm.
  • Week 4: Monday, Nov. 21 to Friday, Nov. 25 from 7am to 5pm.
  • Work zone is located on Northeast 155th beneath the I-5 overpass between 1st Ave NE and 2nd Ave NE (see map).
  • Local access will be maintained.
  • See map for work area details.

Crime prevention in Lake Forest Park

Did you know that the Lake Forest Park Police Department provides its citizens with an effective crime prevention tool called "Crime Watch"?

Crime Watch is a free program staffed by volunteers who check homes of residents who are out of town. 

To sign up for a vacation house check, residents fill out a Crime Watch Vacation House Check Form and bring-or send-the completed form to the Lake Forest Park Police Department.

The Crime Watch program depends on volunteers. Each volunteer is assigned a partner, both of whom will go out together in a city vehicle to check the houses of those residents who have submitted the Vacation House Check Form. 

Signing up to participate as a crime watch volunteer requires both a background check and a credit check. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Lieutenant Diego Zanella at

Letter to the Editor: Farewell to Leena's Restaurant

To the Editor:

I am so sorry to see that Leena's Restaurant in North City is to be replaced by yet another six story apartment building. We have enjoyed eating there for years, and know people from surrounding cities who also eat there as often as they are able.
It seems that once Shoreline gets done approving multi-housing buildings in North City, there won't be a business district left for any of us to enjoy. We all will have to drive further and further for the services that used to be local.  What a shame!
Robin Leaden

Nightly closure of I-5 off-ramps to SR-104

As early as Monday October 31, 2022 Sound Transit’s contractor will work on bridge operations, near the SR-104 and I-5 interchange in Shoreline - Mountlake Terrace. 

This work will require the nightly closure of the I-5 NB off-ramps to both EB and WB SR-104. 

The ramp from SB I-5 to EB SR-104 will be closed at night as well. The contractor has obtained a temporary noise variance to complete the work. Detours will be provided.

October 31 through November 11, from 10pm to 7am, excluding weekends

Parks restoration volunteer opportunities in Lake Forest Park November 5 and 19, 2022

Photo by Jerry Pickard

Parks Restoration Volunteer Opportunities

Five Acre Woods 


November 5th



City Park Five-Acre Woods

18678-18998 40th Pl NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155, USA

The forest is waiting for you!


please email volunteer coordinator

Grace Cole Nature Park


November 19th



Grace Cole Nature Park (GCNP)

16735 30th Ave NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155, USA

A hidden gem of a park!


Contact park restoration lead Jim Mead at

Two opportunities to help restore parks in Lake Forest Park in November. Five Acre Woods on Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 9am - noon and Grace Cole Nature Park on Saturday, November 19, 2022 from 9am - noon.
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