Power outages Monday night

Monday, February 28, 2022

254 households without power at 11pm Monday

Trees are causing problems in and near Shoreline Monday evening. A tree is blamed for a large power outage in Seattle, directly south of N 145th and The Highlands.

The transformer explosion was so loud that many in the Westminster Triangle were startled by the boom!

36 households without power at 11pm Monday

Another outage, possibly a tree, took out power lines between Sunset School Park and Innis Arden.

If you have any photos, send them to Editor@ShorelineAreaNews.com

--Diane Hettrick

Meanwhile, at the end of the world, US Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star is part of Operation Deep Freeze

US Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star

Here'a another of the Coast Guard icebreakers that sail by our shore on Puget Sound. The US Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star is in Antarctica, breaking through floes of ice.

By PA3 Diolanda Caballero

After a long transit from Seattle, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star's crew have been busting through Antarctic ice, clearing the way for supply vessels to reach McMurdo Station!

Polar Star's crew is supporting Operation Deep Freeze (ODF). This year marks the cutter's 25th mission to Antarctica, supporting #ODF.

Joint Task Force-Support Forces Antarctica provides Department of Defense support to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Antarctic Program through ODF.

The ODF primary season runs annually, from August through July. This timeframe allows the NSF's research teams and partnered entities the safest and most efficient method of accomplishing their joint goals.

--Photos courtesy US Coast Guard

Gallery North Small Works Show March 1-31, 2022

Corina Linden
Gallery North Small Works Show
March 1-31, 2022

In the month of March, Gallery North has long enjoyed the tradition of hosting a juried exhibition of small artwork (less than 154 square inches) in all paint and drawing media. 

2021 saw the much-regretted cancellation of this popular offering due to pandemic conditions, but this March we are thrilled to return with a bang.

Our call for artists resulted in a rich trove of varied work of high quality, from landscapes to florals to still lifes, animal subjects, abstracts, and much more. 

Our gallery’s jurors whittled these down to over 150 pieces of a unique and outstanding character, coming from Washington and many other states, which will grace much of the forward portion of our display space.

Eve Worrell
Our judge this year is Seattle artist, art-educator, and author Patrick Howe (www.patrickhowe.com). We are fortunate to have this noted regional painter and teacher to select first, second, and third prizes, as well as two honorable mentions.
The show runs from March 1st through the 31, 2022. An artists’ reception and awards ceremony will take place at the gallery on March 5 from 1-4pm.
The public can also meet some of the artists at Edmonds’ third Thursday Art Walk on March 17 from 5-8pm. Regrettably, refreshments will not be served at these functions due to pandemic restrictions.

Gallery North has been in operation for more than 60 years as it continues its mission to promote and sell local art in the heart of beautiful downtown Edmonds. 

Gallery North is located at 410 Main Street, Edmonds, WA and is open seven days a week from 11-5. For further information, please visit the Gallery North website at www.gallerynorthedmonds.com or call the gallery at 425-774-0946.

For the Birds: A Yellow Bird in the Winter? Here?

Male Townsend's on branch. Photo by Craig Kerns

By Christine Southwick

Who’s that small warbler-sized bird with yellow and black on its head feeding on my suet, here in the dead of winter? That’s a Townsend’s Warbler!

The male’s yellow head with the black ear patch and black throat, plus the blackish cap really make the yellow pop. The male has a black throat above his yellow breast, and black streaks on the sides of the breast. The female has similar markings, except her black is so pale it looks almost greenish, and her throat is bright yellow. Both males and females have a yellow spot directly under their eyes.

Female Townsend's photo by Craig Kerns
Townsend’s Warblers thrive in old growth forests but can be found in tall evergreen forests with mature, not open, understories. 

They are at home from sea level to subalpine forests, building their nest for 3-5 eggs more than 30 feet up (third-story building height) on a main limb of an evergreen.

The brightly colored males sing their buzzy territorial songs from the top of tall evergreens, making it frustratingly hard to see them while hiking amongst tall conifers.

Townsend’s love caterpillars, especially spruce budworms. They glean lots of insects from conifer needles and buds, plus occasionally catching insects on the wing.
Female Townsend's on suet. Photo by Craig Kerns

Most Townsend’s Warblers migrate to Mexico or Central America during the winter, but a smaller population stays year-round in western Washington and Oregon. 

These hearty warblers come down lower to find wintering bugs, and will readily eat suet, mealworms and peanut butter. 

They still need lots of evergreen cover, and liquid water, so only come to yards that supply those requirements.

Why don’t you see them much in the summertime? 

Male watching. Photo by Craig Kerns
They are here, mostly high in the canopy, although they will come down for a drink of water, and while hunting lower bugs to feed nestlings. 

Yellow is a surprisingly effective camouflage coloring, especially if a yellow bird is pursuing bugs in trees with yellow in their leaves, like weeping willows, and alders.

Habitat loss is the number one cause of species declines, and logging of old growth, and the cutting down of large, tall neighborhood trees seem to be affecting some Townsend’s populations.

Watch your suet feeders, put out mealworms and peanut butter, and you may see these warblers in your yard all year long. They don’t stay long, but they will return repeatedly once they have found a reliable food source. Enjoy—you should be so lucky.

History: First session of the Washington territorial legislature convened 168 years ago

Journal entry for that day

The first session of the WA territorial legislature convened on February 27, 1854. There were only 9 members in the Council (the present-day Senate) and 18 members in the House. Many down-sound legislators arrived in Olympia by canoe.

--Washington state archives

Scene on the Sound: Submarine and cargo ship

Photo by Lee Wolfe

This morning there was an interesting scene with an Ohio class submarine heading into port at Naval Base Kitsap and the Maipo River, a Hong Kong based bulk carrier, heading out.

I don't know which amazes me more - the variety of waterfowl on our lakes or the variety of vessels on our stretch of Puget Sound. I've been trying to think what this photo needs. I think an oil rig and a sailboat would fill it out nicely.

--Diane Hettrick

Last Chance to Join Third Place Commons in Rebuilding Community on March 5th

Time is running out to get your tickets and join in the fun at the Third Place Commons Rebuilding Community Annual Celebration and Fundraiser on Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 5pm.

The short and sweet program will include great music, social time, a bit of trivia fun, and acclaimed author, speaker, and thought leader Eric Liu as featured speaker.

Eric Liu is the co-founder and CEO of Citizen University, which works to build a culture of powerful and responsible citizenship in the United States through a variety of programs including the nationwide Civic Saturdays movement.

Liu’s most recent book, Become America: Civic Sermons on Love, Responsibility, and Democracy — was a New York Times New and Notable Book.

All proceeds from the event will benefit Third Place Commons, a community supported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to building real community in real space for over 20 years.

Third Place Commons fosters community through hundreds of free events each year, including live music every Friday and Saturday night at 7pm. During the pandemic, Third Place Commons has also offered many online programs including book and movie clubs, foreign language conversation groups, and a wide array of stand-alone events.

All of these – as well as the Commons’ flagship program, the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market – are made possible through donor support from community members like you.

So don’t miss your chance to connect with community, have some fun, hear from a great speaker, and help raise vital funds for Third Place Commons and the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market.

Get your Rebuilding Community tickets here.

Battalion Chief Doug Knight retires after almost 50 years of service with the Northshore Fire Department

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Battalion Chief Doug Knight on the job
Photo courtesy Northshore Fire
Battalion Chief Doug Knight has officially retired after almost 50 years of service with the Northshore Fire Department! 

Starting in high school he joined a fire program and became a founding member of the Fire Service Explorer - Post 916 for the Kenmore Fire Department (name changed to Northshore Fire Department in the mid 1990’s). 

He then joined the department as an official volunteer after graduation. 

During his 40+ year career as a professional firefighter he rose through the ranks from firefighter, lieutenant, captain and battalion chief.

Battalion Chief Doug Knight photo courtesy Northshore Fire
We thank BC Knight for his many years of sacrifice and service for our community. Congratulations and enjoy this next chapter!

WeatherWatcher: Atmospheric River Monday

UW WRF-GSF Forecast model 4km Rainfall total ending Tuesday at 4pm PST.

Heavy rain expected over the next 24 hours, with continued showers and rain at times for most of the week. An atmospheric river has taken aim at the Pacific Northwest Sunday and Monday. Several inches of rain are expected to fall in the region with Shoreline sort of skirting the edge of the Olympic Mountain rain shadow. 

For Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, we're expecting 1-3 inches of rain by the end of Monday night. A little less rain closer to the Puget Sound in areas such as Richmond Beach, heaver rain towards Lake Forest Park. 

To give you a general idea of the west to east spread of rainfall, Sunday night the North Ridge (Echo Lake) station near I-5 and Highway 104 is at 0.88 inches of rain, and Richmond Beach station near Kruckeberg Botanic Garden is at 0.47 inches of rain. The above forecast image also shows a clear northeast line of where the heavier rain ends from south to north, and from west to east.

Forecast: A break from steady rain on Tuesday with just a threat of showers. Another round of rain Tuesday night and Wednesday. Showers or a chance of rain Thursday through Friday. The weekend looks dry right now, suggesting we might even see some sunshine on Sunday.

Temperatures will be mild to start the week. High temperatures in the low to mid 50's on Monday and Tuesday with a low near 50°F Tuesday morning, typical of an atmospheric river. We cool a little into the 40's Tuesday night but warm back up to the 50's Wednesday. Thursday and Friday we cool back into the 40's, and get even chillier into the weekend with lows dipping back down into the mid 30's.

For current weather conditions visit www.shorelineweather.com

Lake Forest Park: A Tale of Two Creeks

Volunteers sampling benthic invertebrates living in McAleer Creek.
Photo by Dan Benson

By Brian Saunders, LFP Stewardship Foundation Board Member

The biological health of Lyon and McAleer Creeks has been sampled in Lake Forest Park (“LFP Streamkeepers team-up with LFP Stewardship Foundation to sample local streams” 10/25/21 SAN) for many years. A tale of how different these two creeks might be has emerged, even though they flow within 200 feet of each other as they make their way through Lake Forest Park to north Lake Washington.

As an instructor at Shoreline and North Seattle College, I am fortunate to have access to good equipment, such as a dissecting microscope, ideal for observing insects and their delicate anatomical structures. I am looking at a member of the Ephemeroptera (E·PHEM·er·op·ter·a), an insect order of mayflies, highly coveted by fly fishing aficionados. Having trained as a marine biologist, studying creatures like soft-bodied anemones, my recent interest in identifying freshwater invertebrates has brought me a sense of nostalgia. Counting the number of thoracic (body) segments, the positioning of abdominal gills, and looking up unfamiliar terms such as “cerci”, recalls long afternoons in a cold laboratory at Shannon Point Marine Station in Anacortes where I received my Masters at Western Washington University in the mid 1990’s.

Why do we care what (and how many) invertebrates live in a stream?

Identifying aquatic insects of streams provides a good deal of information regarding stream health. In the October article, I described how some aquatic “bugs” are very tolerant to pollution and human disturbance while others are not. By collecting, identifying and counting these organisms, scientists have developed quantitative formulas that score each waterway, to determine which are in excellent condition and which are fair to very poor (https://pugetsoundstreambenthos.org/). Examining 20 years’ worth of data on the biological health of Lyon and McAleer Creek, has revealed two creeks on two different health paths. Further examination of the chemical health of the creeks over the past 50 years, suggests that their future ability to support the present-day biota looks dour, unless strong actions to protect and mitigate human disturbances are taken.

Drainage areas for McAleer (green shaded) and Lyon Creeks (blue shaded) in Lake Forest Park.

A Look at the Overall Health Scores

The first thing to know is that both Lyon and McAleer Creeks are in Fair to Poor condition regarding their biological health, with McAleer slightly, but significantly, healthier than Lyon. A closer look at the specific organisms found in each creek showed that McAleer had significantly greater diversity of Stoneflies (a taxonomic group under the Order Plecoptera, known to diversify in healthy streams), and Clinger species (organisms that cling to surfaces between rocks and cobble along the bottom of the stream and are susceptible to being smothered by pollution and sediment). McAleer also had significantly less Tolerant species (species that are better adapted to polluted or disturbed creeks).

A Look at the Health Over Time

An environmentally conscious citizen isn’t just content to know the overall health of a neighborhood creek. They would also be interested in determining how it has fared over time and what might it look like in the future. With 20 years’ worth of data, we are fortunate enough to be able to do so, even though the data used to analyze the health of McAleer, and Lyon Creek was not collected by a single group, nor has it been conducted at the same site along the creek, or on the same dates from year to year. All of which can produce variability in analyzing the data and thus, can affect the interpretation of results and skew conclusions. We should all recognize that this preliminary account and should enthusiastically spur more data collection to fine-tune a clearer picture.

McAleer and Lyon Creek appear to be heading in opposite directions with their overall health trends. Over the past 20 years, McAleer Creek has been slowly decreasing its overall score. Specifically, the diversity of Predators in the creek has decreased and there has been an increase in Dominant species (less healthy creeks tend to be dominated by fewer, larger groups).

Overall Scores for Lyon and McAleer Creek over time.

In contrast, Lyon Creek has been increasing significantly in its overall health score over the last 20 years. Specifically, the number of Stoneflies, Caddisflies, and Long-lived species have been slowly increasing. Does this mean the Lyon Creek will soon be in good to excellent health while McAleer is doomed to an unhealthy future? Doubtful on both accounts. We can’t possibly predict future health of these two creeks without determining the factors that are affecting each creek and how or if they can be mitigated.

Of Roads and Recent History

It would take me several more articles to fully cover all the variables that affect McAleer and Lyon Creek and their biological health. For example, the area of developed versus undeveloped land the creek flows through, the total drainage area that each creek covers, proximity to non-point and point source pollutants, and the creek volume and flow rate. After researching a few of these variables, a few things popped out in the data: Roads and Creek History.

Typical storm drain in LFP that often
transports water directly into streams.
Stream ecologists have long known about the negative effects roads have on waterways. Roads are impervious surfaces that collect dirt, oil, and chemicals that would normally be filtered out before entering a stream if they were allowed to drain through a pervious ground. Storm drains that collect this toxic runoff, often drain directly into creeks. One of these chemicals, newly discovered from tire wears, is known to be the leading cause of pre-spawn mortality in Coho salmon (see article here:
Sure enough, when I looked at the biological data in respect to testing sites distance from the nearest road, that there was a significant “road” effect in the overall health score. Specifically, the overall score and species richness increased the further away from the road. Data like this should help us understand the significance of buffer zones for development projects near or along water systems.

Roads can affect creek health in other ways, even if the nearness to a creek is not directly obvious. When I analyzed the data from the different sites located in the upper regions of Lyon in comparison to the lower regions, I found the upper regions were significantly less healthy. Starting close to the headwaters of Lyon Creek in Mountlake Terrace just north of Terrace Creek Park, the overall health score of Lyon creek increased traveling downstream. A quick look at a city map showing the location of outfalls, pipes, control structures and ditches, all of which can severely disrupt the biological ecosystem of a creek, might help us understand why the upper regions of Lyon creek is relatively poor health compared to its lower region.

City map of Lake Forest Park identifying structures that may impede or
adversely affect Lyon and McAleer Creek

Climate Change and the Future of Lyon and McAleer Creek

Climate change awareness is growing. Humans have increased the average temperature of the planet by almost 1.5 ⁰C since the dawn of the Industrial Age, some 200 years ago. Surface currents are changing, and deeper waters are becoming more acidic. Extreme weather conditions are intensifying. Animals and plants are migrating into new latitudes and others are being displaced as their habitats change. By examining the chemical parameters of Lyon and McAleer Creek, I have found evidence that they are not immune to these forces of change.

The Department of Ecology began collecting data on Lyon and McAleer Creek in 1976 and although testing hasn’t always been consistent, trends over time are starting to emerge 

Regression analysis of temperature change for Lyon and McAleer Creek over time.

Both Lyon and McAleer Creek are significantly increasing temperature by +0.05 ⁰C per year. The average annual temperature of Lyon and McAleer creek has increased by +1.2 ⁰C since 1979. This could be due to the warming climate but also from increased development that reduce tree /riparian cover, preventing valuable shade to cool the water. This paints a gloomy picture for the present-day biota living in the creeks. The Washington Department of Ecology has assessed that 13 ⁰C is the Upper Threshold (non-summer) of tolerance for the more sensitive species at which point, will no longer survive. Extrapolating from the data trend, Lyon Creek will have an annual average of 13 ⁰C by 2038. Does this mean our creeks are doomed to be lifeless? No, they just won’t be able to support the life we see today or have seen in the past. They certainly, won’t support the iconic salmon species we know.

We Must Still Have Hope, and Take Action

Thinking back to the gray, overcast day in October when neighbors gathered to organize and strategize a day of biological sampling, I remember how invigorated and spirited people were. It was a day of hope. We are still hopeful. We understand that much harm has been done to both Lyon and McAleer Creek, some may be irreversible, but we still have hope. The hope that we cling to is embodied by a single species we collected on that day that, which has not been seen in either creek over the past 20 years. Cinygmula!

A picture of a species in the genus Cinygmula
which are sensitive to aquatic pollution.
A flat-headed species of Mayfly; the same group I introduced to you at the beginning of this article. This genus of Ephemeroptera appears more alien-like than emblematic, but a species of great importance and hope. Cinygmula is not any ordinary stream aquatic macroinvertebrate but is very intolerant to pollutants and human disturbance. The delicate feathery abdominal gills and lengthy three-tails speak to me of resilience and possibility. By enforcing buffer zone restrictions around creeks, mitigating road-runoff directly into creeks, and restoring areas that have been adversely impacted, it may be possible to entice more cinygmula-like species to return. And with their return, so does hope.

Streamkeepers and the LFP Stewardship Foundation is a cooperative volunteer group of local citizens who have a deep passion for the health and protection of McAleer and Lyon Creek.

If you are interested in learning more about this group, go to https://lfpsf.org/ or contact Brian Saunders at bandesaunders@comcast.net

Gloria's Birds: Sorry, photog, replied Harriette, I don't do catch-and-release!

Heron with fish
Photo copyright Gloria Nagler

(Just thought I'd ask, but, in all fairness, Harriette has limited options: there aren't many Fish 'n Chips takeout joints for Great Blue Herons! 

Besides, turns out, according to several studies on the internet, that somewhere between 19% and 43% of released fish die, anyway. So enjoy your lunch, Harriette.)

--Gloria Z Nagler

Lake Forest Park police blotter

Notable Calls/Incidents in Lake Forest Park

Officers responded to a reported shooting. Officers found a victim lying in the parking lot with a gunshot wound. 

As the scene could not be made secure, officers provided immediate medical care and then transported the victim by patrol vehicle to the waiting medics. 

Major Crimes Task Force responded and is assisting with this ongoing investigation. The victim is recovering at the hospital from multiple surgeries.

Officers responded to a fraud complaint and discovered the suspect used the names of several PD employees to defraud the victim of over $300,000. The fraud occurred over a period of three weeks before the victim called police.

Officers responded to a theft at Starbucks. The suspect fled into Albertsons where she was detained and ultimately arrested. It was discovered the suspect had stolen from the Starbucks the previous five days, in a row, prior to police being called. The suspect is transient with mental health issues.

Officer responded to a hit and run where the victim confronted the driver who rear ended him. The at fault driver drove around the victim to leave the scene. The victim grabbed onto the suspect vehicle and was drug, at high speeds, until he ultimately was thrown free. The victim sustained significant injuries to his foot. The same vehicle (reported stolen) fled from officers two days later, however officers were unable to pursue due to current legislation.

Officers contacted a subject threatening suicide with a knife. Officers were able to successfully deescalate the subject and get him help.

192 Shoreline project underway on Aurora

192 Shoreline will be built at N 192nd and Aurora
Drawing courtesy TWG
Alpha Supported Living Services, headquartered in Bothell, is partnering with TWG, an Indianapolis-based real estate developer, on a project called 192 Shoreline, which will be built on the site at N 192nd St and Aurora Ave N, formerly the home of the Rat City Rollergirls and before that the SleepAire Mattress factory.

The previous building was completely demolished the week of February 14, 2022.

TWG was formed in 2007 and specializes in affordable and senior housing developments. They have developed properties in 14 states, but they are new to Washington state. The 192 Shoreline project and another in Kirkland, are their first projects in Washington, where they have plans to expand further in the affordable housing market.

192 Shoreline is affordable housing with 250 apartments in a seven-story development at 19022 Aurora Ave N. in Shoreline. Fifty-five of the units are reserved for people with disabilities. Alpha will have designated apartment units within the building for clients needing affordable housing. The project is set to finish by mid-2023.

As part of this project Alpha will have a community facility on the second level of the housing complex. This new space will allow them to reach more individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and continue their vision of an inclusive community. The community space is 4,700 sf and will have two large activity/conference rooms; a teaching kitchen; satellite office space as well as storage.

One of the main goals of the space is to house their Community Projects Program. Alpha’s Community Projects Program is a substitute for the no longer state funded adult day services programs. This program represents strong partnerships with the greater community. 

In many cases, community members reach out to Alpha with ideas of events, which our staff help coordinate. This includes walking club, art club, zoo outings, bowling, drum circle, movie night, and cooking classes. 

With the 192 Shoreline space we will be able to host art club in the community center as well as cooking classes and other events. These activities will be open to other supported living agencies and the community at large. 
The challenge has always been finding locations to have our recurring events, such as art club and game night. With 192 Shoreline Community Center we will be able to remove this barrier and provide a stable location for our clients and the community to gather.
Trail view of the 192 Shoreline
Drawing courtesy TWG Development

Along with the Community Projects activities the space will also support the following:
  • Nutrition classes taught by Alpha’s Nutritionist. These will benefit our staff who support our clients as well as staff from other agencies.
  • Satellite office space for staff to take care of paperwork; email; send faxes etc.
  • Recreation/Respite area for clients. We will be relocating “Cameron’s Corner” to the community center. Cameron’s Corner was dedicated to a former client of Alpha who passed away in 2008. His family donated to create a small area with seating; books; and a TV with DVD’s - all activities Cameron loved. We will dedicate a space to his memory that our clients can enjoy.
  • Staff break/respite area. Many of Alpha’s employees are Muslim. As an agency we have worked hard to recognize this, including a paid time off for Eid, a very important holiday celebrated for Muslim’s worldwide. We also recognize that prayer is a very important part of our staff’s daily life. It is often hard to incorporate this practice during the day for those working in client homes. We will be reserving a private space for staff to be able to come to pray or simply enjoy a quiet moment.
  • Provider Training and Staff Development – Alpha offers classes to other agencies including Dementia Specialty Training; Mental Health Specialty Training; Nurse Delegation and Diabetes Training.

With the 192 Shoreline Project Alpha will be working very closely with TWG Development. TWG has a significant track record in building high quality apartments and providing affordable housing for the underserved. 

They understand the importance of building strong relationships in the communities they serve. This is highlighted by two of their recent projects in other states. 

  • In 2021 they opened the doors of a new apartment complex with 30 units. These units will be home to foster youth who age out of the system. 
  • In September of this year, they opened an apartment complex in Indiana for seniors and reserved 1/5 of the units for seniors with visual impairments. 
  • This same unit also is home to a 6,000- sf resource center for children who are blind or visually impaired and their families. 

Alpha commented:
The collaboration and innovation that TWG has shown in its projects makes this partnership with them invaluable to Alpha and our community.

City of Lake Forest Park seeks volunteers for positions on Planning Commission, Tree Board, and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

The City of Lake Forest Park has openings for volunteers on Planning Commission, Tree Board, and Parks and Recreation

Student Representative Vacancy on Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
The student representative position on this board is vacant. If you are interested and are a junior or senior in high school and reside in Lake Forest Park please contact Volunteer Coordinator Cory Roche for more information and application information. Terms are three years, but the City anticipates students may only be available to serve for one or two years.

Vacancy on Planning Commission
The Planning Commission makes recommendations to the City Council on issues relating to land use policy and regulations. This year the Commission will begin work on updating the City’s comprehensive plan. 

One of the focuses of this update is diversity, equity, and inclusion. The City hopes to fill this vacancy with an individual that provides a perspective that is currently under-represented on the Commission. Diversity in this case could be race, age, gender, ethnic or socioeconomic background. We hope you will consider submitting an application if you think you can bring a unique perspective to the Commission. If you are interested in applying, please contact City Clerk Matt McLean.

Vacancies on Tree Board
The City is seeking applications for two vacant seats on the Lake Forest Park Tree Board. The Tree Board provides outreach and education to the community on tree-related issues, organizes and facilitates public events involving trees, and provides advice to the City Council on policy and regulatory issues involving trees. 

Board members should live within the Lake Forest Park city limits, but it is not required. Interests or backgrounds in urban forestry, horticulture, and habitat restoration are encouraged, but not required. Membership terms are for three years. If you are interested in applying or have questions, please contact Assistant Planner Cameron Tuck.

King's graduate publishes debut poetry collection “Motherhood: The Crucible of Love”

Dominique Snedeker
Shoreline, Washington, February, 2022—US Air Force Veteran and spouse Dominique Snedeker will release her poetry collection “Motherhood: The Crucible of Love” in time for National Poetry Month and Mother’s Day. 

The perfect read for mothers of all ages, this book explores and celebrates both the angst and the glory of parenting.

When Snedeker left her Air Force career destined for marriage and parenting, she struggled with assimilating into her new role, eventually writing about the existential crisis that is true for all parents.

“Poetry speaks to the soul,” Snedeker explains. “There is such pain and beauty in parenting, and poetry is the perfect medium for exploring that dichotomy.” Although this is her publishing debut, she has high hopes for the book.
“This is for all mothers to know that confusion, joy and frustration are all a part of it. Parents really, not just moms, are not alone in trying to figure it all out as they go.”

Another mom figuring it out is Stacy Brevard-Mays, the owner of the small publishing house, Hear Our Voice LLC out of Elgin, SC that is publishing Snedeker’s work. 

She explains, “We started the company for school-children to educate and nurture budding authors but then covid. You know, we had to change tactics.” 

'Motherhood: The Crucible of Love' will be their second release but there is so much more to come. Mays continues, 

“We already have 30 authors signed. We’re looking to find those special books that might get missed by the bigger publishing companies.”

'Motherhood: The Crucible of Love' can be preordered online now or purchased throughout the country after April 1, 2022 online or at bookstores both in e-book or paperback. 

When asked why she is publishing now, Snedeker responds, “It is time. I’ve always wanted to publish and I finally have something to say now that I’ve got two in elementary, one on the hip, and half my brain back. I have one grandmother left. I want her to know that she did well. It was hard. Right now is hard. But we can get through it.”

Dominique Snedeker has multiple projects in the works, including two other poetry books, a memoir about her time in the Middle East and a children’s book about overcoming fears. 'Motherhood: The Crucible of Love' is just the beginning of her writing career. 

As a military spouse, she spent the last eight years as a full-time mom in multiple locations, and before that, eight years herself in the U.S. Air Force, three of which were spent doing military training liaison work in the Sultanate of Oman. 

Dominque graduated from the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs with a BS in English. She graduated from King’s High School in Shoreline, Washington. Dominique has been writing since she was three and could only dictate. Keep track of her at www.dmsnedeker.com

For more information, contact Hear Our Voice at 803-713-4576 or hearourvoicellc@yahoo.com

1st Ave at Northgate to close nights for Sound Transit work

1st Ave NE will be closed nights starting Wednesday, from Northgate Way across I-5 to NE 117th for Sound Transit work.

Wednesday night to Friday morning, 11pm to 5am.

Suggested detour route shown in green.

Agenda for Shoreline council Monday - staff report for Study Item 9(a) is now available

The agenda for Monday's Shoreline council meeting is here. At the time of publication, the staff documents for Study Item 9(a) were not available.

Study Item 9(a)
Discussion of Required Undergrounding in the South Shoreline/148th Street Light Rail Station Area and the Impact on the Sound Transit Project

Seattle City Light (SCL) currently has three-phase (3-phase) underground power running down 5th Ave NE, in front of the future Shoreline South/148th Light Rail Station. This underground power is what is called “direct bury” power, in that the powerlines are not installed in any conduit (typically plastic piping), but rather are buried directly in the ground as was the typical practice in past years.

The issue with direct bury lines is that they degrade over time due to exposure to the elements and the difficulty in replacing the lines as the lines must be dug up rather than being “pulled” like those in conduit. All current underground electrical lines are constructed in conduit for these reasons.

Constructing new connections to this existing direct buried line is not viable for most development, including the Lynnwood Link Extension (LLE) Project, due to its age and the inability to replace or upgrade the cables without digging it up. Given that the 5th Ave NE 3-phase line has reached the end of its useful life and is in danger of failing, SCL has planned for its replacement with new 3-phase power in a duct bank project (multiple conduits put together) within 5th Ave.

However, in early 2021, SCL informed Sound Transit and the City that it does not have the capital funding to complete the Duct Bank Project in coordination with the LLE Project timeline.

This will be a discussion of “what do we do now?” See the staff report to review the options under consideration.

--Pam Cross

These flowers don't care about snow

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

I have enduring childhood memories of my mother exclaiming "Oh no! It's going to freeze" and running outside to bring in dozens of container plants to spend the night in the enclosed patio.

So I'm always surprised to see my jonquils sitting happily in a bed of snow. These in the photo aren't mine but I have a clump of six inch tall leaves surrounded by snow, just as jaunty as can be.

--Diane Hettrick

AG Ferguson files lawsuit against Swedish for failing to make charity care accessible to thousands

Swedish Edmonds is named in Attorney General's lawsuit 
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced a consumer protection lawsuit against five Swedish hospitals and nine Providence-affiliated facilities for failing to ensure that eligible low-income Washingtonians receive the discounts to which they are legally entitled, and aggressively collecting money from charity care eligible low-income Washingtonians.

Ferguson will also file a motion for preliminary injunction unless the hospitals agree to stop their conduct while the case is ongoing.

Washington’s charity care law protects low-income Washingtonians from out-of-pocket hospital costs. The protections apply to both insured and uninsured patients.

The hospitals are located around the state, from Seattle to Spokane, Walla Walla to Everett. In their communities, many of the hospitals are either the largest, or the only hospital in their area. Swedish’s location at First Hill is the largest hospital in the state with over 800 beds. Together, these hospitals reported more than $18 billion in patient service revenues in 2020.

Ferguson’s lawsuit, filed in King County Superior Court, asserts that these hospitals committed thousands of Consumer Protection Act violations, including:
  • Training employees to aggressively collect payment without regard for a patient’s eligibility for financial assistance, instructing them to use a specific script when communicating with patients that gives patients the impression that they are expected to pay for their care. Providence instructed employees: “don’t accept the first no”;
  • Failing to notify patients they were eligible for charity care financial assistance when the providers determined they qualified for assistance;
  • And sending more than 54,000 patient accounts to debt collection, despite knowing the patients were eligible for financial assistance. These 54,000 patient accounts totaled more than $70 million. Under Washington’s current charity care law, those patients were eligible for discounts on their bills. 
Moreover, under its own charity care policies that Providence promoted, these patients should have been eligible for full write-offs of their medical debt.The lawsuit seeks restitution in the form of full write-off of medical debts, and refunds, plus interest, for patients who did not receive financial assistance. 

In addition to the $70 million in debt relief and refunds, Ferguson is also seeking millions of dollars in civil penalties. The total number of Consumer Protection Act violations will be determined as the case progresses.

If you paid for medical services or are in collections for a medical bill from a Providence or Swedish hospital or Kadlec Regional Medical Center, and believe you may be eligible for charity care, contact Attorney General’s Office Investigator Bau Vang at 206-516-2989 or by email at bau.vang@atg.wa.gov

More information here

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Goddess

Previous cartoons by Whitney Potter HERE

Jobs: WSDOT Assistant Landscape Architect (TPS5)

Assistant Landscape Architect (TPS5)

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is eager to hire an experienced Landscape Architect to serve as Assistant Landscape Architect to support WSDOT’s mission to provide safe, reliable, and cost-effective transportation options to improve communities and economic vitality for people and businesses. 

The work of the Assistant Landscape Architect supports WSDOT’s mission by providing expertise to facilitate the visual integration of the transportation facility with the surrounding natural and built environment. This position further supports WSDOT’s mission through wise management of the roadside as an asset, delivering right-sized projects, supporting multi-modal transportation options, and improving environmental conditions.

Job description and application

SR 104, I-5 ramps to close overnight for light rail work next week

The eastbound and westbound State Route 104 on-ramps to northbound I-5 will close from 8pm to 4:30am nightly Monday, February 28, 2022 through the morning of Friday, March 4.

The northbound I-5 off-ramps to westbound State Route 104 will close from 9pm to 4am nightly Monday, February 28 through the morning of Friday, March 4.

Sound Transit contractor crews will continue work on the Lynnwood Light Rail extension during the closures.

Jobs: WSDOT Northwest Region Program Manager (WMS 03)

Northwest Region Program Manager 
(WMS 03)

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is eager to find an experienced engineering program manager looking to advance their career into a leadership role to serve as our next Northwest Region (NWR) Program Manager. 

This position will provide oversight over NWR’s Capital Improvement and Preservation Program (CIPP), a complex and highly visible capital program delivering multibillion dollar projects over the next ten years. This position will also serve as the primary support to the I-405 and SR509 Gateway Projects, performing all the Program Management functions for these programs. We encourage you to apply if you are interested in taking on this challenge to lead a diverse team to successfully deliver WSDOT projects.

Job description and application

Art for STEM event March 25

Friday, March 25, 2022 from 5:00 - 8:00pm there will be an Art Show at the Edmonds Center for the Arts. 

Support your local artists and enjoy browsing through art for sale, silent auctions, raffles, a cash bar, and light refreshments. 

Tickets are $20 via EventBrite.

The evening is sponsored by the Edmonds SnoKing branch of the American Association of University Women and monies raised go for scholarships for local women in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)

Edmonds Center For the Arts, 410 4th Ave N, Edmonds, WA 98020 View Map

Ash Wednesday at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, The Church That Feeds People

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church in Shoreline

Please join us on March 2, 2022 for Ash Wednesday. 

We will offer Ashes-to-Go to commuters in the parking lot between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. 

At 7:00pm we will offer the traditional Ash Wednesday service in person and online at St. Dunstan’s, 722 N. 145th St. in Shoreline WA

Visit our website for online worship information. 

All are Welcome!

Ash Wednesday is a Christian tradition marking the first day of Lent, a 40-day season of fasting and personal sacrifice.

Singing lessons at Shoreline Community College

Dreaming of being the next American Idol, improve vocal skills? 

Meg Thecker Thorsen and Evan Norberg are amazing vocal teachers at Shoreline CC and both welcome beginners and advanced vocalists. 

Flexible lesson dates. Online or in-person. 


Local COVID-19 case updates Friday, February 25, 2022

COVID-19 Case Numbers as of Friday, February 25, 2022

The numbers reported in this article are still being verified as the reporting agencies strive to confirm cause of death, remove duplicates, verify residence, and catch up to a huge backlog from January's surge.

King county

Level of community transmission HIGH*

King county cases

King county cases

Total confirmed cases - 342,980
Cases in past 7 days - 2,639

King county hospitalizations

King county hospitalizations

Total hospitalizations - 11,101
Hospitalizations in past 7 days - 72

King county deaths

King county deaths

Total deaths - 2,551
Deaths in past 14 days - 80

Level of community transmission HIGH*

Total confirmed cases - 94,076
Cases in past 7 days - 853

Total hospitalizations - 2,355
Hospitalizations in past 7 days - 14

Total deaths - 609
Deaths in 14 days - 20

Level of community transmission: HIGH*

Total confirmed cases - 8,043
Cases in past 7 days - 89

Total hospitalizations - 287
Hospitalizations in past 7 days - 1

Total deaths - 125
Deaths in 14 days - 1

Lake Forest Park
Level of community transmission: SUBSTANTIAL*

Total confirmed cases - 1,437
Cases in past 7 days - 13

Total hospitalizations - 31
Hospitalizations in past 7 days - 0

Total deaths  - 6
Deaths in 14 days - 0

*Level of Community Transmission is based on the number of new cases per 100,000 residents in the past 7 days:

High: ≥ 100
Substantial: 50-99
Moderate: 10-49
Low: < 10

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