The Little Lemon Drops Junior Guild Outdoor Movie Night fundraiser brought in over $26,000 for uncompensated care at Children's Hospital

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

2021 Little Lemon Drops. 3rd and 5th from left are Co-Presidents Lindsay Rand and Emily Lin.
Center is Parent Advisor Shauna Eckhardt.

The Little Lemon Drops Junior Guild hosted their Annual Outdoor Movie Night benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital on September 11, 2021 at the Innis Arden Clubhouse.

Outdoor Movie Night is an annual fundraiser for the Guild

The fundraiser raised over $26,000 for uncompensated care, helping patients and families in need of financial support to get the care they require. Thank you to Mercy Haub for being the special guest patient and for sharing her story of Hodgkin lymphoma and her treatment journey. 

Learn more about her story of resilience, kindness and inspiration HERE

All set up and ready to go

The Little Lemon Drops Junior Guild is led by Guild Co-Presidents Lindsay Rand and Emily Lin, as well as Shauna Eckhardt as the Parent Advisor. With the hard work and commitment from 17 other junior members and their families, this event was once again a success because of the overwhelming and generous support from the community.

Activities were both indoor and outdoor. They had a silent auction and sold raffle tickets.

So many loyal constituents have been supportive of this group since inception in 2007. Gratitude and appreciation was felt at the event and throughout the year for the service commitment from these young philanthropists. To learn more about the Little Lemon Drops, visit

Photos courtesy Little Lemon Drops Junior Guild


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