Shoreline Police: Car prowl at RB Saltwater Park leads to $10,000 credit card fraud

Friday, September 17, 2021

This man has exquisite taste for high-end merchandise. He purchased four, lovely Louis Vuitton bags for $10,617.08. Boy, he must make a lot of money. Oh, wait... he is a thief who uses other people's money.

On Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 5:42pm, deputies contacted victims of a car prowl in the 2000 block of NW 190th St in Shoreline. A couple parked their vehicle at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park and were away approximately an hour and a half.

When they returned, someone had punched the lock on their car and their credit cards were gone.

Just thirty minutes after discovering the theft, the wife got an alert from her credit card company asking if she was attempting a high end purchase at a local department store. She replied "NO" and the store interrupted the transaction. Unfortunately, the purchase of the four handbags had already occurred.

A detective following up on the case received video footage from the Seattle department store. In the video, the suspect is seen "purchasing" the high-end bags at the counter.

A review of the video shows the suspect possibly being a mixed-race male, wearing a long-sleeve athletic shirt, grey joggers, and tennis shoes. The suspect was seen taking out a credit card from a large trifold wallet to “pay” for the merchandise.

While the photos are grainy, we hope someone will recognize the suspect's clothing or know someone who has been peddling Louis Vuitton bags.

If you have any information, please call our 24-hour non-emergency number at 206-296-3311, and reference case #C21027155.

--King County Sheriff's Office


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