Remand Hearing for Naval Hospital Chapel Boundary - September 23, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021

Naval Chapel at Fircrest photo by Janet Way

It will be a “Redo!” According to King County Preservation Board, the “Motion for Reconsideration” on the Landmark “boundary decision” will recommence at a Remand Hearing next Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 4pm. But the property and Chapel that was preserved by the Shoreline Landmarks Commission will stand.

The dispute arose when DSHS (Management at Fircrest) challenged the original decision borders and requested a Motion for Reconsideration on the property boundaries. They were requesting a section of the forest, which was landmarked around the Historic Chapel, for use as a parking lot.

But interestingly, according to the Historic Property Inventory Form and determinations made prior to 2001, the entire Fircrest Campus is actually eligible for the National Register of Historic Places! So, it is even more significant than previously known.

The Shoreline City Council Remanded the case back to the Landmarks Commission because of an error in the original Legal Notice.

So, if you are someone who cares about this historic World War II site, where thousands of injured sailors were cared for and healed, and that this Chapel was built as a place for spiritual support and healing within a beautiful forest, then please send a comment to The King County Landmarks Commission c/o Sarah Steen, And/or, please tune in to the hearing and comment if you wish on Zoom.

Zoom Conference Access Link:

If you have any questions, contact Shoreline Preservation Society via Janet Way at 206-734-5545 or


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