ELNA to get a look into the future of the neighborhood -- and the future of the city council

Saturday, September 18, 2021

ELNA monthly meeting Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 7-9pm on Zoom. Email to be sent the meeting link: ELNABoard@gmail.com

The Echo Lake Neighborhood will get a look into its future with guest Nathan Daum, Economic Development Program Manager for the city of Shoreline. 

Traffic, development, 185th redesign, the transit station, townhouses, perhaps huge apartment buildings. 

We're in the midst of major change right now. What will it be like in five years? Ten years? Will we be forced out of our homes? Will we be able to get out of our homes when commuters park across our driveways? What advantages will come with the changes?

We've asked Nate to look into his crystal ball and tell us our future.

We are pleased that all four people on the ballot for Shoreline City Council will join us to introduce themselves. 

All four are running unopposed on the November ballot, so will be on the council come January 2022. Chris Roberts is the lone incumbent and Laura Mork, Eben Pobee, and John Ramsdell will be new. All have deep roots and involvement in the community.

North City and Meridian Park neighbors are particularly welcome to join us.


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