Candidate Semra Riddle - Lake Forest Park City Council Pos 1

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Semra Riddle, LFP City Council Pos 1
I am thrilled to once again be running for LFP City Council position 1. And with the pandemic of 2020 and 2021 continuing to impact our community and myself I have to admit that I missed the Voter’s Guide statement deadline. 

As I’ve said often, I will offer grace and solutions when things don’t work out as we first intended. So please find my expanded voter’s guide statement here and on my Facebook Page.

My interest in governing originated in a need to see this city grow to be a place my daughter wants to live in when she grows up and raises kids. 

 With this future always on my mind, I am proud that over the last 5 years I brought strong environmental regulations that protect our shared tree canopy, added affordable housing at Town Center, future proofed the Town Center code to be prepared for more electrified vehicles and even conversion from parking to commercial space if reliance on cars diminishes, and advocated for those in our community that are often unheard including encouraging the Police to adopt a Values Statement that “values the sanctity of all life”.

In the coming 4 years I intend to build on those successes like bringing forward city-wide Equity Guidelines to expand on the Police Chief’s message, to revisit how we value trees through the lens of a connected ecosystem that has intrinsic and economic value to all in our community, to increase housing diversity and options that fit in LFP, and to support the creation a Climate Action Plan.

I also hope to bring some new opportunities to our community like creating a real public art program, fostering a partnership with the University of Washington’s Livable City program to give real world experience to students while reaping the benefits of the perspective and creativity of youth, and creating a city sponsored locking mailbox program to help reduce the rampant mail theft that often plagues our community.

Ultimately, I see a future for LFP that will forever be green, welcoming, and prepared to face the challenges of the future. Thank you for the opportunity to serve this community for another term.

Semra Riddle, Councilmember City of Lake Forest Park


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