
Friday, August 20, 2021

Letter to the Editor: Our Human Crisis

To the Editor:

It is disappointing, revolting and sad beyond words that the crisis we are facing on this beautiful planet  has been misnamed in order to make it look natural, like our planet is doing it to us but this is far from the truth. Our Mothering planet is reacting to us What if your children were overflowing water in the tub, or swallowing  drano to see what it tasted like … or setting fire to your home. You would react.  Earth is reacting but can only react to these problems we’ve created with extremes, like earthquakes, hurricanes, flash floods, drought and pandemics.
Look at a photo of our planetary home from space …  at night …  to see how we as humans have overwhelmed other life forms. Artificial light is everywhere!. Huge forests have been cut down and replanted with no idea of how Trees and plants communicate underground and create sustaining life.  Concrete covers too much Soil, the element naturally allowing Earth to breathe wholeness. We can not live without water but humans haven’t figured out how to create this Life sustaining element.
Humans seem to prefer human creations.

Here in Shoreline our city wants to be called Green and pretends that it cares about the changes happening as they give developers permission to cut down more and more Trees. They say we expect developers to replace those elder Trees with even more Trees. But the elder Trees create shade now and store carbon, the baby Trees being planted won't create shade which lowers temperatures, nor store carbon, as developers race to build more condos or apartments They will not protect our current environment for probably 30 years.   Who will protect the children?

Isis Charest
author of Awakening Earth Chronicles

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