
Friday, August 13, 2021

Letter to the Editor: If you think you are having a heart attack - never drive yourself to the hospital

To the Editor:

Regarding the article, “Lesser-Known Heart Attack Warning Signs,”

Absolutely, jaw pain can be a warning sign of heart attack. However, PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF to the hospital if you think you are having a heart attack.

CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. The medics are more than happy to drive you to the hospital and provide life-saving care on the way. The drive can literally kill you, or other folks on the road, and driving all the way to Bellevue could be catastrophic under the circumstances.

BTW, doctors and medics never think you are wasting their time.

This article needs a huge red flag attached to it.

Thank you to SAN for all you do for our community!

Kimberly Parker
Shoreline Fire Department

1 comment:

  1. How much does that ride cost, though? $1000? More? If you're ambulatory and particularly if you have someone else in the house to drive you, it seems like it might be a better idea to chew an aspirin, get in the car, and go right away.

    This holds true at 3 am. On a Saturday at 6 pm the lights and sirens clearing your way would be much more valuable.


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