Case updates July 29, 2021 - everyone over 5 should wear a mask in indoor public spaces
More than 94% of all cases, deaths, and hospitalizations in individuals 12 years or older from Washington state can be attributed to individuals who have not been fully vaccinated.
Vaccinated individuals are advised to wear masks in indoor public spaces. Vaccines are readily available at local pharmacies.
Case updates July 29, 2021
United States
Washington state - not updated on weekends
- Total cases 34,818,278 - 79,732 new cases
- Total deaths 610,264 - 370 new deaths
Washington state - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 432,348- 605 new
- Probable (additional) cases 40,728 - 109 new
- Total hospitalizations 26,771- 63 new
- Total deaths 6,122- 3 new
King county - not updated on weekends
Seattle - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 111,556 - 51 new
- Total hospitalizations 6,686 - 8 new
- Total deaths 1,682 - 1 new
Seattle - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 26,658 - 14 new
- Total hospitalizations 1,472 - 0 new
- Total deaths 425 - 0 new
Shoreline - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 2,559 - -1 new
- Total hospitalizations 212 - 0 new
- Total deaths 101 - 0 new
Lake Forest Park - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 349 - 0 new
- Total hospitalizations 19 - 0 new
- Total deaths 4 - 0 new
public health
LFP Mayor's Corner - Navigating Our New Normal
I’m pleased to report that the City’s business continues to be done, as staff and our customers navigate what currently serves as our “new normal.”
Please remember masks are required when visiting City Hall and many services are by appointment.
Appointments that are in most demand are passport services. As you may have heard on local and national news, it is currently taking up to 18 weeks to get a new passport.
Appointments that are in most demand are passport services. As you may have heard on local and national news, it is currently taking up to 18 weeks to get a new passport.
When we reopened Passport Services, it was by appointment only — and boy do those appointments fill up fast. We are currently in the process of bringing more passport agents on board to work on Saturdays so there are at least two working every Saturday.
Please check our Passport Services webpage for information about passport hours, forms and documents needed, fees, and how to schedule an appointment. We are doing our best to keep up with the demand for these services and appreciate your patience.
If you qualify to renew your passport by mail, we encourage you to do so and avoid the wait for an appointment, as well as the $35 processing fee the City is required to charge for in-person processing. You may have heard the deadline for enhanced ID has been extended to May 2023. This means you don’t need to rush to get your passport or passport card right away if you were only planning to use it for domestic air travel.
I’m hopeful that, by summer 2022, we will be able to return to our regular summer events schedule, including Picnic in the Park. For now, though, we hope you can join in on the Battle of the Bands (see article later in the newsletter).
Wishing you a safe and fun summer!
--Mayor Johnson
I’m hopeful that, by summer 2022, we will be able to return to our regular summer events schedule, including Picnic in the Park. For now, though, we hope you can join in on the Battle of the Bands (see article later in the newsletter).
Wishing you a safe and fun summer!
--Mayor Johnson
LFP Mayor
King County Elections – Primary Election
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Vote by August 3rd |
Election Day is Tuesday, August 3, so be sure to have your ballot postmarked by that date or dropped in the ballot drop box by 8:00 p.m.
For more information, please visit King County Elections' website:, or reach them by phone at 206-296-VOTE (8683).
Inslee addresses Biden, Harris on challenges of worsening wildfires
Gov. Jay Inslee joined a bipartisan group of seven Western governors to address President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on the challenges states face from increasing wildfires.
Wildfires in Washington to date have burned four times more acreage than normal for this point in the calendar year. Inslee talked about the state's need for additional aerial assets in fighting wildfires; challenges with getting dozers to fire lines; the need to train more firefighters; and fuel supply issues.
A transcript of the public portion of the meeting can be found at the White House website. Video of the meeting can be found on the White House YouTube page.
After the meeting, the governor recorded a video wrapping up what was discussed.
Wildfires in Washington to date have burned four times more acreage than normal for this point in the calendar year. Inslee talked about the state's need for additional aerial assets in fighting wildfires; challenges with getting dozers to fire lines; the need to train more firefighters; and fuel supply issues.
"The thing I worry most about is if, for some reason, the Congress did not follow your leadership in this reconciliation and infrastructure bills that allowed you to realize your vision of creating millions of jobs while fighting climate change," Inslee said.
"That’s my biggest worry right now. Because the fact of the matter is there is nothing in human intervention against these fires while climate continues to ravage our forest."
A transcript of the public portion of the meeting can be found at the White House website. Video of the meeting can be found on the White House YouTube page.
After the meeting, the governor recorded a video wrapping up what was discussed.
Book review by Aarene Storms: Devolution
by Max Brooks
audiobook read by a full castKate Holland is a self-acknowledged neurotic mess, and she narrates much of this book via her journal, written as letters to her therapist back in California.
Kate and her husband Dan move to a tiny "eco-community" outside of Seattle: a modern, wi-fi driven, off-grid tech paradise in the Mount Rainier foothills.
Sure, the mountain has been rumbling, the ground has been shaking, and the sky is full of vented steam, but the designers of Greenloop have thought of everything the residents could possibly need ... right?
Sure enough, the mountain erupts, the cell phones stop working and lahar flows destroy the only road out of Greenloop.
Sure enough, the mountain erupts, the cell phones stop working and lahar flows destroy the only road out of Greenloop.
The residents, lacking expertise, access to information, and even basic tools like a shovel or a bucket, reluctantly realize that they will have to actively problem-solve in order to survive a long snowbound winter.
Then, Kate finds the first enormous footprint, surrounded by the fresh blood and shattered bones of a mountain lion.
This book reads like something Michael Crichton (author of Jurassic Park) would have written:
As in the Crichton books, most (if not all) of the main characters assume that technology is reliable, and that nature is as sweet and tame as a Disney movie. Both assumptions are utterly, completely wrong.
Kate's journal entries are interspersed with interviews, news articles and commentary, which keeps the pages turning. A full cast narrates the audiobook, with NPR journalists Terry Gross and Kai Ryssdal playing fictional versions of themselves.
Then, Kate finds the first enormous footprint, surrounded by the fresh blood and shattered bones of a mountain lion.
This book reads like something Michael Crichton (author of Jurassic Park) would have written:
a. take a bunch of experts in disparate fields (none of which are immediately useful)
b. throw them into a survival situation
c. make them battle science/technology gone awry
As in the Crichton books, most (if not all) of the main characters assume that technology is reliable, and that nature is as sweet and tame as a Disney movie. Both assumptions are utterly, completely wrong.
Kate's journal entries are interspersed with interviews, news articles and commentary, which keeps the pages turning. A full cast narrates the audiobook, with NPR journalists Terry Gross and Kai Ryssdal playing fictional versions of themselves.
There are a few flubs that Pacific Northwesterners will notice, especially pronunciations of local place-names.
THIS BOOK CONTAINS SCARY AND YUKKY SCENES. I was able to read it by skimming and skipping some parts, but if you are a timid reader (like me), I recommend that you read something else. There is also violence, cussing, death, and a few minor sexual situations.
If you like action, adventure, thriller-horror books with a local flavor, you will like this.
Aarene Storms is a librarian who reads and reviews books for all ages. She can be reached at
THIS BOOK CONTAINS SCARY AND YUKKY SCENES. I was able to read it by skimming and skipping some parts, but if you are a timid reader (like me), I recommend that you read something else. There is also violence, cussing, death, and a few minor sexual situations.
If you like action, adventure, thriller-horror books with a local flavor, you will like this.
Aarene Storms is a librarian who reads and reviews books for all ages. She can be reached at
book review,
Two new paramedics for Shoreline Fire
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Paramedic class #47 includes two Shoreline Fire medics |
They will then return to their communities as new paramedics ready to provide advanced lifesaving care for those in need.
Paramedic Training Class 47 has students from Bellevue (WA) Fire Department, East Jefferson Fire Rescue, Everett Fire Department, King County Medic One, Port Ludlow Fire and Rescue, Redmond WA Fire, Seattle Fire Department, Shoreline Fire Department, Snohomish Regional Fire and Rescue, and Tulalip Bay Fire Department.
Paramedic Training Class 47 has students from Bellevue (WA) Fire Department, East Jefferson Fire Rescue, Everett Fire Department, King County Medic One, Port Ludlow Fire and Rescue, Redmond WA Fire, Seattle Fire Department, Shoreline Fire Department, Snohomish Regional Fire and Rescue, and Tulalip Bay Fire Department.
Shoreline Fire welcomes two new medics from this class: Tim Tyler and Nick Lewis.
Shoreline Police: Road rage incident ends in Shoreline with a hammer throw
On Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 12:15pm, we received a call from the victim, who had stopped at the intersection of 15th Ave NE and Ballinger Way NE in Shoreline to make the call for help.
Arriving deputies spoke to the victim, who said it all started on the NE 145th ramp onto northbound Interstate 5. The victim said he was turning onto the ramp when the vehicle behind him honked multiple times to get him to hurry up. The victim noticed the suspect did not make the light and had to stop and wait for the next green light.
As the victim continued onto the freeway, the suspect eventually caught up to him and began honking and yelling. The victim took the exit at NE 205th / Ballinger Way to get away from the aggressive driver and to avoid a collision.
The suspect followed the victim, accelerated past him and then made a sudden stop in the middle of the road. The victim had to slam on his brakes to avoid a collision. As the victim came to a stop, the suspect got out of his car and threw a hammer at the victim’s vehicle, causing damage to the windshield. The suspect quickly got back in his car, made an illegal u-turn over the median, and continued on to northbound I-5.
A witness confirmed the victim's story that the suspect was the primary aggressor in the incident.
The suspect is described as a white male in his 40’s, with long blond hair, driving an older model gray Jeep Cherokee with black rims.
If you witnessed this incident or have any knowledge of the case, please call our non-emergency number at 206-296-3311 and reference case #C21023394.
--King County Sheriff's Office
Local student selected to University of Minnesota Twin Cities Dean's List
MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL, Minn. (July 30, 2021) - The following student has been named to the 2021 spring semester Dean's List at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must complete 12 or more letter-graded credits while attaining a 3.66 grade point average.
Honored for academic success during the 2021 spring semester:
Shoreline, WA
Madeline Nielsen, Senior, Carlson School of Management
Notes from Shoreline Council meeting July 26, 2021
July 26, 2021
Notes by Pam Cross
Mayor Hall called the remote meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Councilmember Robertson was excused for personal reasons.
Approval of the Agenda
Agenda adopted by unanimous consent.
Report of the City Manager Debbie Tarry
For adults over 30 in North Seattle and Shoreline, the fully vaccinated rate is over 80% so Thank You!
Help us fight hunger by signing up for the Can Castle Contest.
This week’s Shoreline Walks is a walk around Twin Ponds Park. For details go to
A reminder that Primary Election ballots are due August 3.
Council Reports
Councilmember McGlashan again testified at the Sound Transit Board meeting in support of 522/523 bus rapid transit (BRT). There might be a modified plan under consideration. Whether there will be parking garages is still unknown.
Public Comment
Speaking for the protection of established trees
Consent Calendar approved unanimously by a vote of 6-0.
Action Item 8(a) QUASI-JUDICIAL: Closed-Record Appeal Hearing - Shoreline Preservation Society, Regarding Naval Hospital Chapel Landmark Designation
City Attorney Margaret King
Because the Council will be acting as a quasi-judicial body, the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine applies to their decision tonight. Councilmembers must show that they can act in a fair and impartial manner, free from improper influence.
The City Attorney previously questioned the Councilmembers.
Two Councilmembers advised they had had contact with some of the parties involved. Attorney King asks for additional information.
Councilmember Robertson reported she had had some contact. However, since she is absent from this meeting for personal unrelated reasons, there is no need to pursue.
Deputy Mayor Scully reported he was contacted by Janet Way who asked him a couple of procedural questions. He did not respond to Ms. Way except to say he didn’t know the answers. He contacted the City Manager and staff responded to Ms. Way. He did not receive any additional information. He states he can act in a fair and impartial manner.
Ms. King does not see a need to ask anyone to recuse themselves.
Does DSHS or the Shoreline Landmark Commission have any questions or concerns?
No concerns or objections.
We can proceed.
This is a Closed-Record Hearing which means that the City Council’s decision is to be based solely on the Record before the City Council and on the arguments and supporting exhibits of the parties. Under the rules of appeal, the Council does not have the authority to request additional information from others, including DSHS.
The decision being appealed is the Shoreline Landmarks Commission’s revised designation of the Naval Hospital Chapel, located within the Fircrest Campus at 1902 NE 150th St.
This sketch is an amateur attempt to superimpose SAS “after reconsideration map” over the original designation map. The parking lot (the U-shape on the right or southeast side of the property) is wanted by both SPS and DHSH/DNR.
The issues:
Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
Following arguments by all parties, Councilmembers may ask clarifying questions about rules and procedures.
Motion and second to extend the meeting to 11:00pm is agreed by unanimous consent.
Council meets with the City Attorney at a Closed Session in a different Zoom meeting.
Council returns to open session.
The Mayor conducted the following discussion as is normally done during a Council meeting.
Mayor Hall: Does anyone object to asking for staff documents that were most recently sent? We want to make sure we have all the information we need to make the decision.
Are we voting on each issue as we go? Or at the end?
1. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
The original decision had to be based on an error or omission of fact, or new information that was not readily available. I urge Council to vote that the Commission did properly consider the motion for Reconsideration, regardless of the result. I believe they properly considered it. DSHS’s argument was founded in an argument there were errors or omissions of fact: that the Commission erroneously designated the entirety of the parcel rather than a section of it that DSHS thought they should exclude.
I thought SAS proposed a map, DSHS proposed a different map, and the Commission came up with their own map. I don’t see the underlying error.
This doesn’t fit cleanly into parameters. If one party proposed a map, the other party proposed a different map, and a decision was reached, then it shouldn’t be called a Reconsideration but just a continuation of the hearing. Procedurally, it doesn’t make a difference. They are still entitled to review here.
Because the map was mischaracterized?
Yes, so they are entitled to argue either that it was an error of fact how it was characterized, or it was an error of fact how it was presented on the map.
We heard that the Commission felt they did it properly. Their rules state that any party can petition the decision based on the grounds that it was based on error of fact. DSHS did submit a petition. The Commission reconsidered it and rendered a revised map. That map, then, had the parties looking differently at the northern and southern parts. It appears the Commission did it correctly.
I came to the same conclusion. After reading the minutes carefully to determine what map/boundaries they were talking about, I noticed there were some that didn’t appear to be 100% sure of the boundaries they were discussing. There was confusion and I felt that was enough, but then there was the new information of whether there would be a material effect on the landmark designation. I think Reconsideration was appropriate.
Council reaches general consensus.
2. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
Note: the section being discussed is the parking lot (refer to maps).
I don’t believe they did. It was never clear to me how the exact boundaries were selected. They seemed to be based on the roads. I believe asking for Reconsideration on any of the boundaries would be appropriate.
I came to a different conclusion. I don’t see how you can reach any conclusion, using any standard, that the character of the forest isn’t important to the integrity of the structure. The photographs and historical description show that the forest is integral to the importance of the site. If the boundaries are not retained, who knows what could be built on the property that could adversely affect the Chapel setting of peace and tranquility.
I don’t think we’re tasked to make a decision on what could possibly be built there.
I agree. We can’t make decisions on what might possibly be built there. Owners change; circumstances change. Something can be built next to any landmark at any time and anywhere. I think it’s important in this case that there’s a buffer.
But we do have to think about that. All kinds of uses could go in there. Also, the new boundary doesn’t make sense - it’s not a uniform shape, it doesn’t follow the road, it doesn’t follow the contour lines, it doesn’t follow a path - it’s just kind of there.
I agree. There are several references that there are pathways to the Chapel that are important to the site. To exclude the path (from the parking lot) does not seem logical.
You need to have a topographic map to see how the changes could affect the feel of the Chapel. Based on the topography, I agree with the map after the Reconsideration. There is a slope down to the (parking lot) and the feel of the Chapel is based on what you can see.
I have no problem with the map. Area to the west of the Chapel is flat so there is a lot of visibility. To the east, there’s the hill sloping away.
The Commission stated they agree that the forest is significant but disagree on the scope based on photos and visits. Based on the deliberations that the Commission went through are evidence enough to me that there is no single perfect boundary. I don’t see that they made an error. Reasonable people can disagree. I’m ok with the boundaries and don’t see a need to second-guess that decision.
Do we have a consensus?
4 people think it is not an error.
MOTION to extend the meeting to midnight. Agreed by unanimous consent.
3. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
Council does not see an error.
4. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
I’m torn on this one. Testimony was in the record. They didn’t say you may not provide this testimony. But the health of the forest had not been considered. It is not appropriate to discuss the forest as a habitat for birds or animals, but the health of the forest is integral to protecting the landmark. If there is a problem what would be the solution? I’m not sure.
Agree the health of the forest is important as part of the landmark, but one of the things we have to recognize is that Shoreline, King County and Washington State codes do not grant the Commission the ability to consider environmental issues. Their focus is on buildings/structures.
I think they accepted all of the testimony and arguments that they got. I don’t see an error here. Did they adequately consider whether the environmental harm to the forest would impact the Chapel? I don’t see that they did. But there’s no evidence that a different boundary would have a different impact.
5. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
I don’t see that their decision to revise the boundary was based on any specific plan to develop or not develop in the area.
No disagreement.
6. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
The attorney clearly tried to intimidate, to negotiate a resolution instead of arguing the facts of the law which should have been done. These are volunteers - no different from a jury. Some people are clearly intimidated by this. This generated a lot of anger and a loss of decorum.
I’m not convinced this didn’t have an impact on the decision. I don’t think we should let this one go.
Not everyone is intimated. This is bad lawyering but I don’t think it changed the outcome.
I’m undecided. He was just stating the facts: if things go one way, then this will be our next step.
The reaction of one of the Commissioners to recuse himself because of how he felt he was being treated, cannot be seen as harmless. We don’t know what would have happened had he stayed.
It doesn’t bother me enough to send it back.
7. Was the Appeal Action the result of an unfair and improper public process due to a lack of reasonable public notice and unfair timeline causing substantial harm to Appellant?
Having a hearing was optional. The Commission could have chosen to review the record and revise or reverse their decision without holding a hearing. They elected to hold a public hearing. They provided notice 6 days in advance instead of the correct notice of 10 days in advance.
They should have followed the public process (of 10 days notice). The people of the State through the Legislature, have spoken loud and clear that with violations of the public process we need to stop and redo. 6 days just wasn’t enough time and this is something fairly major. I think the proper decision is a remand for another hearing.
Did it cause substantial damage? Not sure it would have made a difference.
I agree an extra 3.5 days probably would not have affected the outcome, but rules are rules and a notice is a notice. It should have been rescheduled.
We face the same thing in what we do. We delay and re-notice. What is a harmless error? 6 days to prepare instead of 10? Definitely less time but no way to know what would have changed. Although it’s going to involve a lot of work by a lot of parties, and the outcome may be the same, we need to play by the rules and remand.
8. Was the Appeal Action the result of an unlawful and unfair hearing process because Appellants were not given the opportunity to rebut DSHS arguments recently presented to Appellant?
Council doesn’t have a problem with this one.
9. Was DSHS required to notify the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation or tribal groups of its motion for reconsideration?
Based on the record and the testimony we’ve heard, it seems pretty clear that this action requesting reconsiderations is not subject to this notification law.
Motion and second to direct staff to prepare findings and conclusions that tracks the majority of the Council’s comments tonight,
Attorney King offers guidance in the wording of the motion.
City Manager, Debbie Tarry advises the next available meeting is August 9th
Passes unanimously by a vote of 6-0.
City Attorney King confirms that Councilmembers are still bound by the appearance of fairness as outline at the beginning of this discussion.
Notes by Pam Cross
Mayor Hall called the remote meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Councilmember Robertson was excused for personal reasons.
Approval of the Agenda
Agenda adopted by unanimous consent.
Report of the City Manager Debbie Tarry
For adults over 30 in North Seattle and Shoreline, the fully vaccinated rate is over 80% so Thank You!
- Ages 20-29 61% are fully vaccinated, and ages 12-19 the number is 62%.
- Vaccinations are open to everyone 12+.
- Vaccination locator
- Or call 1.800.525.0127. Language assistance available
This week’s Shoreline Walks is a walk around Twin Ponds Park. For details go to
A reminder that Primary Election ballots are due August 3.
Council Reports
Councilmember McGlashan again testified at the Sound Transit Board meeting in support of 522/523 bus rapid transit (BRT). There might be a modified plan under consideration. Whether there will be parking garages is still unknown.
Public Comment
Speaking for the protection of established trees
- Bill Turner, Shoreline
- Nancy Morris, Shoreline
- Kathleen Russell, Shoreline, Save Shoreline Trees
- Encourages ongoing oversight as the enhanced shelter nears capacity.
Consent Calendar approved unanimously by a vote of 6-0.
Action Item 8(a) QUASI-JUDICIAL: Closed-Record Appeal Hearing - Shoreline Preservation Society, Regarding Naval Hospital Chapel Landmark Designation
City Attorney Margaret King
Because the Council will be acting as a quasi-judicial body, the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine applies to their decision tonight. Councilmembers must show that they can act in a fair and impartial manner, free from improper influence.
The City Attorney previously questioned the Councilmembers.
Two Councilmembers advised they had had contact with some of the parties involved. Attorney King asks for additional information.
Councilmember Robertson reported she had had some contact. However, since she is absent from this meeting for personal unrelated reasons, there is no need to pursue.
Deputy Mayor Scully reported he was contacted by Janet Way who asked him a couple of procedural questions. He did not respond to Ms. Way except to say he didn’t know the answers. He contacted the City Manager and staff responded to Ms. Way. He did not receive any additional information. He states he can act in a fair and impartial manner.
Ms. King does not see a need to ask anyone to recuse themselves.
Does DSHS or the Shoreline Landmark Commission have any questions or concerns?
No concerns or objections.
We can proceed.
This is a Closed-Record Hearing which means that the City Council’s decision is to be based solely on the Record before the City Council and on the arguments and supporting exhibits of the parties. Under the rules of appeal, the Council does not have the authority to request additional information from others, including DSHS.
The decision being appealed is the Shoreline Landmarks Commission’s revised designation of the Naval Hospital Chapel, located within the Fircrest Campus at 1902 NE 150th St.
More specifically, the appeal is of the Commission’s decision to revise its original designation of the Chapel by reducing the 2.7-acre area surrounding the Chapel to 2.6 acres by revising the eastern boundary to include a section south of the contributing lower parking lot and to exclude a 60-foot by 260-foot section north of the lower parking lot. The revised designation was based on a Request for Reconsideration filed by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS).
Because of the nature of this action item, this will be a more structured presentation than normally seen at Council meetings. While the Appeal Hearing will be open to the public, only SPS, DSHS/DNR, and a representative for the Shoreline Commission may participate. The City Attorney will be present to assist the Council in the appeal proceedings.
The participants:
1. SPS (Shoreline Preservation Society) seeking Historical Landmark status
2. DSHS/DNR (Dept. of Social and Health Services / Dept. of Natural Resources) owners of the property
3. Commission (Shoreline Landmarks Commission) whose purpose is to designate, preserve, protect, enhance, and perpetuate historic landmarks
The process:
The schedule for oral argument of the appeal proceeding is as follows:
Burden of proof:
The burden of proof to show the Shoreline Landmark Commission’s (Commission) decision was in error is on the Shoreline Preservation Society (SPS).
SPS’s opening argument included a detailed description of the Navy Chapel’s importance as an historical landmark presented by Janet Way.
Because of the nature of this action item, this will be a more structured presentation than normally seen at Council meetings. While the Appeal Hearing will be open to the public, only SPS, DSHS/DNR, and a representative for the Shoreline Commission may participate. The City Attorney will be present to assist the Council in the appeal proceedings.
The participants:
1. SPS (Shoreline Preservation Society) seeking Historical Landmark status
2. DSHS/DNR (Dept. of Social and Health Services / Dept. of Natural Resources) owners of the property
3. Commission (Shoreline Landmarks Commission) whose purpose is to designate, preserve, protect, enhance, and perpetuate historic landmarks
The process:
The schedule for oral argument of the appeal proceeding is as follows:
- SPS’s (Shoreline Preservation Society) Opening Argument 45 minutes
- DSHS/DNR’s Response Argument 40 minutes (Dept. of Social and Health Services/ Dept. of Natural Resources).
- Commission’s (Shoreline Landmark’s Commission) Response 15 minutes
- SPS’s Rebuttal 10 minutes
Burden of proof:
The burden of proof to show the Shoreline Landmark Commission’s (Commission) decision was in error is on the Shoreline Preservation Society (SPS).
SPS’s opening argument included a detailed description of the Navy Chapel’s importance as an historical landmark presented by Janet Way.
NOTE: This is an appeal of the Commission’s decision to alter the boundary of the original designation as a result of DSHS’s Request for Reconsideration. It is not an appeal of the Shoreline Commission’s decision to designate the Fircrest Naval Chapel as a Shoreline Landmark. As a result I am including only those remarks relative to the boundary. For details about the Chapel, please go to the staff report at
![]() |
DSHS requested change |
This sketch is an amateur attempt to superimpose SAS “after reconsideration map” over the original designation map. The parking lot (the U-shape on the right or southeast side of the property) is wanted by both SPS and DHSH/DNR.
The issues:
Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
- in granting the Motion for Reconsideration filed by DSHS because it did not apply the proper legal standard for a motion for reconsideration?
- when it concluded that revising the eastern boundary to exclude the proposed 60 feet by 240 feet section would not have a significant adverse impact on the integrity and character of the Chapel setting?
- because it failed to give due consideration to the findings set forth in the February 2, 2021, Findings and Fact and Decision of the Shoreline Landmark Commission?
- when it did not accept testimony and arguments on protecting the existing landmark from environmental harm?
- to the extent it considered evidence of DSHS’s intent to use and develop the Fircrest property in the future?
- to the extent its decision to revise the boundary was a response to a threat of litigation by DSHS
- Was the Appeal Action the result of an unfair and improper public process due to a lack of reasonable public notice and unfair timeline causing substantial harm to Appellant?
- Was the Appeal Action the result of an unlawful and unfair hearing process because Appellants were not given the opportunity to rebut DSHS arguments recently presented to Appellant?
- Was DSHS required to notify the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation or tribal groups of its motion for reconsideration?
Following arguments by all parties, Councilmembers may ask clarifying questions about rules and procedures.
Motion and second to extend the meeting to 11:00pm is agreed by unanimous consent.
Council meets with the City Attorney at a Closed Session in a different Zoom meeting.
Council returns to open session.
The Mayor conducted the following discussion as is normally done during a Council meeting.
Mayor Hall: Does anyone object to asking for staff documents that were most recently sent? We want to make sure we have all the information we need to make the decision.
- No objection.
- Documents are emailed to Council.
- Councilmembers appear to be reading the documents.
Are we voting on each issue as we go? Or at the end?
Both. We will have to direct staff to prepare an ordinance that remands, revises or upholds the Commission’s decision. Because there are so many issues, if we seem to reach consensus on each individual one we don’t need the formality of voting on each one. If we get to one where we’re divided, then I think we need to ask for a motion and then put it to a vote. And at the end, we will be voting on the totality of what we’re directing staff to put in the Ordinance.
1. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
in granting the Motion for Reconsideration filed by DSHS because it did not apply the proper legal standard for a motion for reconsideration?
The original decision had to be based on an error or omission of fact, or new information that was not readily available. I urge Council to vote that the Commission did properly consider the motion for Reconsideration, regardless of the result. I believe they properly considered it. DSHS’s argument was founded in an argument there were errors or omissions of fact: that the Commission erroneously designated the entirety of the parcel rather than a section of it that DSHS thought they should exclude.
I thought SAS proposed a map, DSHS proposed a different map, and the Commission came up with their own map. I don’t see the underlying error.
This doesn’t fit cleanly into parameters. If one party proposed a map, the other party proposed a different map, and a decision was reached, then it shouldn’t be called a Reconsideration but just a continuation of the hearing. Procedurally, it doesn’t make a difference. They are still entitled to review here.
Because the map was mischaracterized?
Yes, so they are entitled to argue either that it was an error of fact how it was characterized, or it was an error of fact how it was presented on the map.
We heard that the Commission felt they did it properly. Their rules state that any party can petition the decision based on the grounds that it was based on error of fact. DSHS did submit a petition. The Commission reconsidered it and rendered a revised map. That map, then, had the parties looking differently at the northern and southern parts. It appears the Commission did it correctly.
I came to the same conclusion. After reading the minutes carefully to determine what map/boundaries they were talking about, I noticed there were some that didn’t appear to be 100% sure of the boundaries they were discussing. There was confusion and I felt that was enough, but then there was the new information of whether there would be a material effect on the landmark designation. I think Reconsideration was appropriate.
Council reaches general consensus.
2. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
when it concluded that revising the eastern boundary to exclude the proposed 60 feet by 240 feet section would not have a significant adverse impact on the integrity and character of the Chapel setting?
Note: the section being discussed is the parking lot (refer to maps).
I don’t believe they did. It was never clear to me how the exact boundaries were selected. They seemed to be based on the roads. I believe asking for Reconsideration on any of the boundaries would be appropriate.
I came to a different conclusion. I don’t see how you can reach any conclusion, using any standard, that the character of the forest isn’t important to the integrity of the structure. The photographs and historical description show that the forest is integral to the importance of the site. If the boundaries are not retained, who knows what could be built on the property that could adversely affect the Chapel setting of peace and tranquility.
I don’t think we’re tasked to make a decision on what could possibly be built there.
I agree. We can’t make decisions on what might possibly be built there. Owners change; circumstances change. Something can be built next to any landmark at any time and anywhere. I think it’s important in this case that there’s a buffer.
But we do have to think about that. All kinds of uses could go in there. Also, the new boundary doesn’t make sense - it’s not a uniform shape, it doesn’t follow the road, it doesn’t follow the contour lines, it doesn’t follow a path - it’s just kind of there.
I agree. There are several references that there are pathways to the Chapel that are important to the site. To exclude the path (from the parking lot) does not seem logical.
You need to have a topographic map to see how the changes could affect the feel of the Chapel. Based on the topography, I agree with the map after the Reconsideration. There is a slope down to the (parking lot) and the feel of the Chapel is based on what you can see.
I have no problem with the map. Area to the west of the Chapel is flat so there is a lot of visibility. To the east, there’s the hill sloping away.
The Commission stated they agree that the forest is significant but disagree on the scope based on photos and visits. Based on the deliberations that the Commission went through are evidence enough to me that there is no single perfect boundary. I don’t see that they made an error. Reasonable people can disagree. I’m ok with the boundaries and don’t see a need to second-guess that decision.
Do we have a consensus?
4 people think it is not an error.
MOTION to extend the meeting to midnight. Agreed by unanimous consent.
3. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
because it failed to give due consideration to the findings set forth in the February 2, 2021, Findings and Fact and Decision of the Shoreline Landmark Commission?
Council does not see an error.
4. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
when it did not accept testimony and arguments on protecting the existing landmark from environmental harm?
I’m torn on this one. Testimony was in the record. They didn’t say you may not provide this testimony. But the health of the forest had not been considered. It is not appropriate to discuss the forest as a habitat for birds or animals, but the health of the forest is integral to protecting the landmark. If there is a problem what would be the solution? I’m not sure.
Agree the health of the forest is important as part of the landmark, but one of the things we have to recognize is that Shoreline, King County and Washington State codes do not grant the Commission the ability to consider environmental issues. Their focus is on buildings/structures.
I think they accepted all of the testimony and arguments that they got. I don’t see an error here. Did they adequately consider whether the environmental harm to the forest would impact the Chapel? I don’t see that they did. But there’s no evidence that a different boundary would have a different impact.
5. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
to the extent it considered evidence of DSHS’s intent to use and develop the Fircrest property in the future?
I don’t see that their decision to revise the boundary was based on any specific plan to develop or not develop in the area.
No disagreement.
6. Did the Shoreline Landmark Commission err
to the extent its decision to revise the boundary was a response to a threat of litigation by DSHS?
The attorney clearly tried to intimidate, to negotiate a resolution instead of arguing the facts of the law which should have been done. These are volunteers - no different from a jury. Some people are clearly intimidated by this. This generated a lot of anger and a loss of decorum.
I’m not convinced this didn’t have an impact on the decision. I don’t think we should let this one go.
Not everyone is intimated. This is bad lawyering but I don’t think it changed the outcome.
I’m undecided. He was just stating the facts: if things go one way, then this will be our next step.
The reaction of one of the Commissioners to recuse himself because of how he felt he was being treated, cannot be seen as harmless. We don’t know what would have happened had he stayed.
It doesn’t bother me enough to send it back.
7. Was the Appeal Action the result of an unfair and improper public process due to a lack of reasonable public notice and unfair timeline causing substantial harm to Appellant?
Having a hearing was optional. The Commission could have chosen to review the record and revise or reverse their decision without holding a hearing. They elected to hold a public hearing. They provided notice 6 days in advance instead of the correct notice of 10 days in advance.
They should have followed the public process (of 10 days notice). The people of the State through the Legislature, have spoken loud and clear that with violations of the public process we need to stop and redo. 6 days just wasn’t enough time and this is something fairly major. I think the proper decision is a remand for another hearing.
Did it cause substantial damage? Not sure it would have made a difference.
I agree an extra 3.5 days probably would not have affected the outcome, but rules are rules and a notice is a notice. It should have been rescheduled.
We face the same thing in what we do. We delay and re-notice. What is a harmless error? 6 days to prepare instead of 10? Definitely less time but no way to know what would have changed. Although it’s going to involve a lot of work by a lot of parties, and the outcome may be the same, we need to play by the rules and remand.
8. Was the Appeal Action the result of an unlawful and unfair hearing process because Appellants were not given the opportunity to rebut DSHS arguments recently presented to Appellant?
Council doesn’t have a problem with this one.
9. Was DSHS required to notify the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation or tribal groups of its motion for reconsideration?
Based on the record and the testimony we’ve heard, it seems pretty clear that this action requesting reconsiderations is not subject to this notification law.
Motion and second to direct staff to prepare findings and conclusions that tracks the majority of the Council’s comments tonight,
- in favor of the appellant SPS (Shoreline Preservation Society) on issue #7, and
- in favor of the respondent DSHS/DNR (Dept. of Social and Health Services/ Dept. of Natural Resources) on the remaining issues, and
- present that to Council at the next available meeting, and
- remand to the Landmark Commission on issue #7.
Attorney King offers guidance in the wording of the motion.
City Manager, Debbie Tarry advises the next available meeting is August 9th
Passes unanimously by a vote of 6-0.
City Attorney King confirms that Councilmembers are still bound by the appearance of fairness as outline at the beginning of this discussion.
city council,
Goat Olympics at Midvale Gardens July 31st - August 1st
Friday, July 30, 2021
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Hungry goats at Midvale Gardens this weekend |
Just back from lunch and ready for more, 'Team Goatherd ' brings their hungry expertise to Midvale Gardens (N 192nd St and the Interurban Trail) Saturday and Sunday, July 31 - Aug 1, 2021.
This is the second summer for this project and the subsequent reduction in invasive foliage now allows a vastly improved line of sight across the entire property.
Made possible by 'Diggin' Shoreline' and financed through an environmental grant (courtesy of the City of Shoreline) fans of the Interurban are invited to cheer on these robust ruminants.
Made possible by 'Diggin' Shoreline' and financed through an environmental grant (courtesy of the City of Shoreline) fans of the Interurban are invited to cheer on these robust ruminants.
Eat those weeds! Eat those weeds!
PS: 'Team Goatherd ' will return next weekend - August 7/8. Two more weekends will be announced for September as soon as they have been scheduled.
PS: 'Team Goatherd ' will return next weekend - August 7/8. Two more weekends will be announced for September as soon as they have been scheduled.
Photo: Angels in the Sky
Lee sees angels - I wonder why water is clear when I can see that it's blue but the sky is actually blue when the air in front of me is clear. Don't try to explain - I'll just look at the angels.
WSDOT King County News - Montlake Bridge restrictions start tonight
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Montlake Bridge photo courtesy WSDOT |
From the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)
SEATTLE - The closure we’ve been previewing for months is almost here – and it’s a doozy.
The Montlake Bridge will close to motor vehicles from August 9 to September 3, 2021 as our contractor, Hamilton Construction Co., replaces the aging metal grid deck.
The bridge sidewalks will remain open during that stretch. Before construction can begin, crews will have to do two things: survey the bridge and set up containment.
This involves the following restrictions to traffic:
- Overnight tonight (Friday morning, July 30): The contractor will hold all traffic, including pedestrians and bicycles, for up to 15 minutes at a time from midnight to 3am. This allows crews to safely survey the bridge. Expect delays during that time.
- 2-6: Crews will begin to assemble containment on the bridge. Work will likely restrict access on the east bridge sidewalk from 6am to 7pm Monday through Friday. This means bicyclists and pedestrians will need to cross on the south end at East Shelby Street and on the north end at Walla Walla Road/NE Pacific Street.
Do you boat through the Montlake Cut? If you require bridge openings, things will looks different in August. Visit our boating information page to learn more.
"Know before you go" resources:
National Night Out - August 3, 2021
As we all start to transition to more in-person events, the City of Shoreline encourages neighbors to meet in small groups for National Night Out this year.
What a great way to get to know your most immediate neighbors even better!
Since we expect gatherings to be small, the City does not intend to issue street closure permits.
Since we expect gatherings to be small, the City does not intend to issue street closure permits.
Please host your parties in a driveway or yard away from the street and out of the Right of Way.
There is no registration required this summer. If you would like to have a City Councilmember or Shoreline Police representative visit your party, please contact Constance Perenyi,
There is no registration required this summer. If you would like to have a City Councilmember or Shoreline Police representative visit your party, please contact Constance Perenyi,
Reconnect with your community with games and activities sponsored by the City of Shoreline
The City of Shoreline is sponsoring outdoor games and activities to help residents reconnect with their community.
Shoreline Can Castle Contest
Shoreline Can Castle Contest
The 2nd annual Can Castle Contest will take place August 2 – 16. Participants are encouraged to register a team of friends, coworkers, neighbors and/or family to create a structure made of canned and boxed foods. Be sure to look at the list of highly recommended food donations. Following the contest, food available for donation will be scheduled for drop off. Donations will be given to Hopelink in Shoreline.
Food for Hopelink can also be dropped off Saturday, August 7, 2021 at the Shoreline Farmers Market at Shoreline Place on Westminster Way (near Central Market)
More information here
The Great Shoreline Scavenger Hunt
The City of Shoreline is excited to offer you the opportunity to reconnect with our great community as we come out of the pandemic. Each week through the end of August new scavenger hunts will be posted on the Goosechase app. You are encouraged to participate as a group or individually. There is no cost. You will need access to a mobile device.
This Week's Game Name: Name That (Local) Business (July 27-August 2)
The City of Shoreline is excited to offer you the opportunity to reconnect with our great community as we come out of the pandemic. Each week through the end of August new scavenger hunts will be posted on the Goosechase app. You are encouraged to participate as a group or individually. There is no cost. You will need access to a mobile device.
This Week's Game Name: Name That (Local) Business (July 27-August 2)
Past Games were:
- Plastic Free Shoreline (July 19-July 31)
- Treasures Found in a Park (July 13-July 20)
- Download the GooseChase iOS or Android app from
- Choose to play as a guest or register for a personal account with a username & password.
- Search by game name to join the game. We will post the name of the weekly game here and on the Parks Facebook page.
- Follow the prompts to create or select a team, or to create or select an individual player profile.
College and Career Success course helps new students find their way through the college system
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Start college on the right foot with the College and Career Success course |
Undecided about your degree goals or unsure if college is right for you? A new course debuting at Shoreline Community College this fall could help you start your college journey on the right foot.
The College and Career Success course (COLL 293) is designed for new, undecided students in their first or second quarter at Shoreline to learn how to:
- Identify strengths and interests
- Explore career goals and set academic plans
- Navigate and access campus resources and services
- Improve study habits and other personal skills, such as time management
- Connect with classmates and instructors in an inclusive, supportive environment
The three-credit course is conveniently offered at multiple times, in both online and hybrid (or partially in-person) formats. The instructors use a common curriculum and have completed special training to ensure students receive the information they need to make a successful transition to college and beyond.
This course also counts as elective credits for those who plan to later transfer to a university.
Whether you are taking Running Start classes, just graduated high school, or are coming back to school after time away, this course is beneficial for anyone who has not yet declared a program of study at Shoreline.
Find class time, more information, and enrollment HERE
Case updates July 28, 2021 - wear your masks in public indoor spaces
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Vaccines are easily available at area pharmacies like Costco and Safeway |
More than 94% of all cases, deaths, and hospitalizations in individuals 12 years or older from Washington state can be attributed to individuals who have not been fully vaccinated.
Vaccinated individuals are advised to wear masks in indoor public spaces.
Case updates July 28, 2021
United States
Washington state - not updated on weekends
- Total cases 34,722,631 - 86,058 new cases
- Total deaths 609,853 - 397 new deaths
Washington state - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 431,743 - 712 new
- Probable (additional) cases 40,619 - 161 new
- Total hospitalizations 26,708- 74 new
- Total deaths 6,119 - 19 new (figure includes out of state deaths recently reported)
King county - not updated on weekends
Seattle - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 111,505 - 94 new
- Total hospitalizations 6,678 - 9 new
- Total deaths 1,681 - 0 new
Seattle - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 26,644 - 27 new
- Total hospitalizations 1,472 - 2 new
- Total deaths 425 - 0 new
Shoreline - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 2,560 - 1 new
- Total hospitalizations 212 - 0 new
- Total deaths 101 - 0 new
Lake Forest Park - not updated on weekends
- Total confirmed cases 349 - 0 new
- Total hospitalizations 19 - 0 new
- Total deaths 4 - 0 new
public health
Health Through Housing: King county purchases three properties including one in North Seattle for homeless housing
The agreements announced today are for the purchase of the former Extended Stay America in Federal Way for $23 million, a brand-new apartment building, Canton Lofts, in Pioneer Square for $32 million, and the former Extended Stay America in North Seattle for $41 million.
With other purchases already announced, King County is positioned to welcome almost 850 chronically homeless people off the streets and into their new homes before this winter.
See more here
"For too long, we’ve let process stand in the way of progress, and with our regional partners across King County we have acted swiftly to purchase the first eight Health Through Housing properties, a substantial step forward in our regional solution to chronic homelessness," said Executive Constantine.
"Two months ago I announced the first purchase for Health through Housing, and with today’s announcement we’ll soon have 850 new supportive housing units ready to serve our community before this winter, and up to 1600 by the end of next year."
See more here
king county
NE 155th St will be closed under the freeway overnight Saturday July 31
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NE 155th closed Saturday night |
As early as Saturday, July 31, 2021 Sound Transit will be working on NE 155th St at the Interstate-5 underpass as part of the Lynnwood Link Project.
Sound Transit crews will be working on NE 155th from 1st Ave NE to the Shoreline Fire Station.
Crews will be operating with large cranes to set girders for the future link light rail guideway.
Pedestrians and bicyclists will be directed through by flaggers and local access will be maintained.
Work hours are 9:30pm to 7:00am.
After-hours construction hotline: 888-298-2395
sound transit,
Lake Forest Park City Council approves property tax measure to appear on ballot in November
By Tracy Furutani
“In the last few years we’ve engaged with our community to talk about what’s important and we’ve used a series of planning exercises to really get clear about what’s most important for how we invest and what our policies say about us and our values.
"We also made some commitments to the community to make sure we are drawing in all the other revenue sources before we start to ask the question of what else do we need to fund to meet these priorities… I promised I would never go to the voters without knowing that we’re doing it together and being really clear about what we’re trying to invest in,”
said Lake Forest Park Councilmember John Resha, before the LFP City Council last Thursday unanimously approved the placement of Proposition 1, the so-called “levy lid lift,” on the general election ballot in November.
The proposition would have to get a simple majority of city voters to agree in order to take effect.
By a statewide proposition passed in 2001, a city cannot raise the rate at which it taxes property more than 1% annually (the “lid”) without agreement from city voters.
Since the new levy would increase the tax rate by $0.59 per $1000 of assessed value (the “lift”) over the current rate of about $0.97 per $1000 of assessed value, a vote of the people is necessary, according to a presentation given by City Administrator Phillip Hill.
These rates are not mentioned in the wording of the proposition because the King County Assessor’s Office adjusts the levy rate to yield the dollar amount requested by the city.
The new money raised from the increased property tax would be placed, according to the proposition, in “a special revenue fund established exclusively for the levy proceeds.” Moreover, this special revenue fund is to be spent specifically on the goals of the Safe Streets for Pedestrians and Bicyclists, and the Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST) projects adopted by the City Council in 2016.
As Resha pointed out, though some of the fund would likely be spent on hiring new staff to oversee these projects, and for materials and maintenance on the new parks and sidewalks, the bulk of the fund would be spent on repaying the loans needed to finance approximately $20 million in Safe Streets and PROST projects, which the City Council had previously identified. Examples of these projects are the development of the lakefront park. and the building of sidewalks throughout the city, near schools and connecting parks.
One of the public commenters at the meeting wondered why the council’s proposition did not have a limited time over which the additional levy would be collected.
“That question of permanence versus a shorter duration is a big deal,” acknowledged Resha. “If we were to shorten the duration of the levy and, say, make it for five years, …in order to generate enough money in five years to build a series of projects and maintain them, we would exceed our capacity that is legally available to us… so we would have to dramatically shrink the size of the investment.”
“I’m comfortable with the permanent lift, because I think over time… at fifty years, what will be the real value of $2 million a year? It will be a declining amount,” said Councilmember Lorri Bodi. She also mentioned the accountability built in to the levy spending “I’m sure if a dock is falling down, we’ll hear from the community.”
Councilmember Resha presented a graph that showed how the new fund balance would change over time. (See above). Initially, the fund would grow as projects were being designed and twenty-year loans were used to finance the projects, but as the projects were completed, the debt service payments would grow and use up any surplus the fund collected at the beginning.
“It’s about 2045 or 2046 when a future council will be in a position to make a choice,” said Resha. “They’ll have about $700 to $800 thousand of ongoing operating expenses, due to the staff and [other fixed costs] which will leave them a question: Do we actually reduce the levy at that point… or go back to the community and say ‘are there new priorities that we should be investing in?’”
Councilmember Semra Riddle agreed with the other council members in the permanence of the levy. However, she had some concern about the levy amount. “I’m thinking about this in terms of the changing landscape we see in police reform and [mental health and other social services],” she said. “I’m concerned there’s going to be a need to support that in the future and balancing that with this commitment to this levy, I want to be sure that this community has the ability to meet both needs if it were asked.”
Councilmember Resha asked, “Are we [the council] comfortable at that $20 million capital [investments] plus about $700 thousand per year in operating [expenses], or do we want to see a lower level which will require more prioritization and less flexibility going into the future?”
In the end, Councilmember Riddle offered an amendment to lower the levy lid increase to $1.5 million annually, which was not adopted, and the proposal to put the proposition on the ballot was approved unanimously by the council to raise $2 million annually.
As required by state law, the council also approved the two committees who will write the statements (and the rebuttals to the other side’s statement) for the general election voter’s pamphlet:
LFP residents Vicki Pettiross, Rachel Chen and Annthea Vining will write the statement in favor, and Bryce James, Don Nibouar and Jeff Snedden will write the statement in opposition.
If the proposition passes in November, what would be the effect on property owners?
The “average” property in the city is assessed at a valuation of $617,000, according the King County Assessor’s Office, and the increase in the levy rate would result in a $366 increase in the property tax bill, according to Administrator Hill. Similarly, a property assessed at $817,000 would result in a $485 increase. This would be a permanent increase.
What would be the effect on renters? “That is a difficult impact to calculate as you would need to consider the value of the rental property and the number of renters the increase could be shared among,” said Hill. “And while renters may share in the increase, they will also benefit from the improvements to their community.”
7-31-2021 Amended to add full explanation of the graph at the head of the story.
city council LFP
Jobs: City of Shoreline Teen Program Leaders (4 positions)
Extra Help – Teen Program Leader
SALARY: $16.05 - $18.00 Hourly
CLOSING DATE: 08/31/21 12:00 AM
Shoreline is an inclusive City that endeavors to build a work culture which embraces diversity, encourages participation, and promotes equity.
General Purpose
We have four (4) open Teen Program Leader positions in our Youth and Teen Development Program. In this position you will serve as a positive role model for youth by helping to plan, lead and participate in activities that reach and respond to the changing needs of youth in our community. Below is an example of the schedule. Expanded hours available in the summer.
Maximum of 20 hours per week.
Programs exist between these hours:
Monday thru Friday 11:00am - 7:00pm
Expanded hours in the summer
Starting pay: $16.05 per hour
This position is open until August 31st, first review date: August 17th
Scope of Work
Provide leadership at all city sponsored teen program events. Assist in sports, music, arts and environmental program development for youth in middle and high school, up to 18 years old. Must have the ability to work late afternoon, evening and/or weekends 10-20 hours per week.
Job description and application
SALARY: $16.05 - $18.00 Hourly
CLOSING DATE: 08/31/21 12:00 AM
Shoreline is an inclusive City that endeavors to build a work culture which embraces diversity, encourages participation, and promotes equity.
General Purpose
We have four (4) open Teen Program Leader positions in our Youth and Teen Development Program. In this position you will serve as a positive role model for youth by helping to plan, lead and participate in activities that reach and respond to the changing needs of youth in our community. Below is an example of the schedule. Expanded hours available in the summer.
Maximum of 20 hours per week.
Programs exist between these hours:
Monday thru Friday 11:00am - 7:00pm
Expanded hours in the summer
Starting pay: $16.05 per hour
This position is open until August 31st, first review date: August 17th
Scope of Work
Provide leadership at all city sponsored teen program events. Assist in sports, music, arts and environmental program development for youth in middle and high school, up to 18 years old. Must have the ability to work late afternoon, evening and/or weekends 10-20 hours per week.
Job description and application
Scene on the Sound: Ferry at Sunset
Thursday, July 29, 2021
scene on the sound
Free Parkwood Neighborhood Walk this Saturday
Shoreline Walks photo courtesy City of Shoreline |
The free group walk is part of the City of Shoreline’s “Shoreline Walks” community walking program helping Shoreline adults stay active, meet new people (or connect with old friends) and feel safer and more confident exploring our city by foot. No need to sign up, just show up at the meetup location.
For more information on Shoreline Walks, please visit or call Recreation Specialist, Marianne Johnson at 206-801-2638.
Saturday, July 31, 2021,10:00am
Twin Ponds and Parkwood Neighborhood Walk
A nice morning stroll around Twin Ponds Park with an extra loop around Parkwood School. This walk includes discussions about the local flora and fauna.
- Walk is approximately 2.5 miles / 2 hours
- Walk Rating: Easy
- Meet at: Twin Ponds Park, 14915 1st Ave NE (Parking lot on 1st by Community Gardens)
- Walk Leader: Ray
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