Shoreline City Council places Shoreline Proposition 1 on November ballot: Bond measure to make park improvements and acquire and improve park land

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Hamlin Park. Photo courtesy City of Shoreline

On June 28, 2021 the Shoreline City Council approved placing Shoreline Proposition 1 on the November 2, 2021 general election ballot. Approval of Proposition 1 will allow the City to make improvements to eight parks and acquire and improve new park land. The City would issue up to $38,500,000 in general obligation bonds to be paid back through an increase in property taxes.  

This measure is identical to the measure that was on the April 27 special election ballot; however, that measure did not have enough voter participation to meet the validation requirement. Under State law, bond measures require 60% approval to pass as well as meeting all validation requirements. 

For a bond measure to ‘validate,’ the total number of votes cast in the election in question must be at least 40% of the number of votes cast in the previous general election. For the April special election, the validation requirement was set in November 2020. 

Seventy-two percent of Shoreline voters who voted in April approved the measure, but it was 122 votes short of meeting the 40% number of votes validation requirement. 

The five parks that would receive a lot of improvements are: Brugger’s Bog, Hillwood, James Keough, Richmond Highlands, and Briarcrest Community (east Hamlin). 

Park improvements would include such things as playgrounds, splash-pads, multi-sports courts, walking trails, picnic shelters, off-leash dog areas, and a fully accessible play area for people of all physical abilities. 

Additional investments in park amenities include constructing a new off-leash dog area and play area at Ridgecrest Park; upgrading the off-leash dog area and converting the dirt soccer field to grass at Shoreview Park; making the education center and children’s garden accessible to people of all abilities at Kruckeberg Botanic Garden; and installing public art throughout the city.  

Park land acquisitions and improvements will expand Paramount Open Space, Brugger’s Bog, and Rotary Parks, and will include additional park land acquisitions in the light rail station areas and other parts of the city.   

The owner of a median valued home ($517,000 in 2020) could expect to pay approximately $112 a year, or $9 a month. It would be an increase of $36 a year, or $3 a month, over what they are currently paying with the expiring 2006 park bond.  

More information on Shoreline Proposition 1

Flags at half-staff July 1 for Officer Alexandra Brenneman Harris

Governor Inslee is deeply saddened by the death of Seattle Police Officer Alexandra Brenneman Harris, 38, and directs that Washington State and United States flags at all state agency facilities be lowered to half-staff in her memory on Thursday, July 1, 2021. 

Officer Harris died in the line of duty on Sunday, June 13, 2021.

Flags should remain at half-staff until close of business or sunset on Thursday, July 1, 2021.

Other government entities, citizens and businesses are encouraged to join this recognition.

A memorial service will take place on July 1, 2021 at T-Mobile Park in Seattle at 1:00pm.

Please call (360) 902-0383 if you have any questions about this flag lowering.

Book review by Aarene Storms - Chance: escape from the Holocaust

Chance: escape from the Holocaust  
by Uri Shulevitz

...if our Warsaw apartment hadn't had flowered wallpaper, I wouldn't have stared at the flowers and I wouldn't have been named Uri.

If my name hadn't been Uri, we would've gotten Soviet passports.

If we had Soviet passports, we would have remained in Belarus, where Father had work and we had an apartment.

By remaining in Belarus, we would have been swept away by the invading Nazis and sent back to Poland to die with the rest of our family....

Uri Shulevitz tells the story of his early childhood, from the time that German bombs started falling on Warsaw through years of hunger and fear, recounting the setbacks and lucky breaks that brought him, eventually, to his career as a Caldecott Medal-winning illustrator and author of books for children.

This is not a "normal" Holocaust book: the family avoided the horrors of concentration camps simply because of a bureaucratic snafu, but they didn't live in luxury while others suffered: they suffered from illness and starvation as refugees for more than eight years. 

Although the text is aimed at middle grade readers, I found myself drawn into this compelling narrative and unwilling to look at anything else until I had finished the book. Shulevitz tells his story as a child might have told it at the time, with simple reflections on the random chances that saved his family. The illustrations complement the text without drawing attention away from the events.  

Highly recommended memoir for ages 10 to adult. Uri Shulevitz has also published two picture book memoirs for younger children: How I Learned Geography (about a time his father couldn't find food to buy, and bought a beautiful map instead) and When I Wore My Sailor Suit (about life in pre-war Poland). 
Aarene Storms is a librarian who reads and reviews books for all ages. She can be reached at

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Duckie


Previous cartoons by Whitney Potter HERE

Wildfires and heat - Shoreline Fire provides support to Cedar Hills fire

Shoreline Fire on scene to provide support to Eastside Fire at the Cedar Hill Fire
Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire

Fire crews have been battling a 30-acre brush fire near Cedar Hills and Maple Hills in a wooded, unincorporated area south of Issaquah. As of yesterday morning, the fire was contained and there were no longer open flames.

Shoreline Fire was on scene, providing support services to Eastside Fire and Rescue. Our Rehab vehicle is used when an incident is going to be a long one. This crew and vehicle provide snacks, fluids for hydration, chairs to sit in the shade for recovery and… a bathroom!

Methane stack at the Cedar Hill landfill
Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire

That fire stack has been constantly burning off methane from the landfill.

Across the border, Canada is battling a huge wildfire north of Walhachin, BC, Canada, about 250 miles north of Seattle. Smoke is expected to move into central and eastern Washington.

While the marine air is cooling blistering Puget Sound, Lytton, a village in the Fraser Canyon located about 260 kilometres northeast of Vancouver, British Columbia, has broken the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded in Canada for a third straight day, a blistering 49.6 C on Tuesday.

Before this week, the highest temperature ever recorded in Canada was 45 C in Saskatchewan in 1937.

Classifieds: Shoreline Fire Commissioners' meeting rescheduled to 4:15pm July 1,2021

As required by RCW 42.30, the Open Public Meetings Act, you are hereby notified that the Board of Commissioners of the Shoreline Fire Department has rescheduled the July 1, 2021, Board meeting from 4:15pm to accommodate Department's promotional pinning ceremony.

Register for the Shoreline Drive-through Back to School Event August 21

The Back to School Consortium Event

August 21, 2021 at Shoreline Center

18650 1st Ave NE, Shoreline 98155 
(north parking lot) from 12:30pm - 4:00pm

On Saturday, August 21, the Shoreline Back to School Consortium will hold the 20th Annual Back To School Event at the Shoreline Center north parking lot, 18560 1st Avenue NE, from 12:30pm - 4:00pm.

For the past 20 years, the Shoreline and Lake Forest Park communities have come together to support their students and their success. This year they plan to serve approximately 1,000 students.

There are several ways to participate in this event. 

  • To make a financial donation, visit and look for the “Donate” button. Or, you can mail a check made out to “Back to School Consortium” and mail to Center for Human Services, 17018 15th Ave. NE, Shoreline 98155. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

This year, because of COVID, we will be ordering pre-packaged school supply boxes but we will need donations of backpacks. 

The most desired backpacks have drink holder pouches on the sides and older students prefer solid, dark colors. 

In July, yellow donation boxes with the school bus logo will appear in local businesses. Backpacks can be dropped into these collection boxes and will be distributed at this event.

To register for the August 21 event to receive supplies, visit, or call The WORKS information line at 206-393-4916 and leave a message. 

Opportunities to volunteer prior to or on the day of the event can be found at or leave a message on The WORKS information line.

Back to School Consortium Members include:
  • Center for Human Services; 
  • City of Shoreline; 
  • Dale Turner Family YMCA; 
  • Hopelink; 
  • Ronald United Methodist Church; 
  • The Salvation Army; 
  • Shoreline Community Care; 
  • Shoreline School District; 
  • Lake Forest Park Rotary; 
  • Shoreline Rotary, 
  • Shoreline Public Schools Foundation; and 
  • The WORKS of Shoreline PTA Council.

Case updates June 28, 2021 - mask requirement is lifted - except...

Masks not required outdoors
Photo by Cynthia Sheridan
Gov. Inslee has lifted the state-wide mask mandate and so has Seattle / King county. However, transit requires masks and so do many indoor spaces like restaurants and businesses. Unvaccinated people are asked to continue wearing masks.

Case updates June 28, 2021

United States 
  • Total cases 33,451,748 - 4,716 in one day
  • Total deaths 601,506 - 111 in one day

Washington state 
  • Total confirmed cases 414,249 - 455 new since yesterday
  • Probable (additional) cases 36,681 - 71 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 25,424 - 41 since yesterday
  • Total deaths 5,911- 9 new since yesterday.

King county
  • Total confirmed cases 107,711 - 29 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 6,502 - 6 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 1,657 - 0 new since yesterday

Seattle - population 744,995 (2018)
  • Total confirmed cases 25,478 - 6 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 1,439 - 2 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 421 - 0 new since yesterday

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018)
  • Total confirmed cases 2,480 -   3 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 206 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 101 - 0 new since yesterday

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018)
  • Total confirmed cases 326 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 17 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 4 - 0 new since yesterday

Major construction at Ballinger Park Waterfront in Mountlake Terrace this summer

Ballinger Park Waterfront to close for construction July 1 and 2 (reopens July 3-5) and then closes from July 6 through September. 

Plus side: new fishing pier, boat dock, boat launch, enhanced shoreline improvements, and accessible pathway from the Senior Center coming!

Photo courtesy Dean Wallace Photo, LLC

Construction of the Ballinger Park Waterfront Project begins on Thursday, July 1 and Friday, July 2, closing specific areas of the waterfront area in order to begin work on major park improvements.

The waterfront will temporarily reopen July 3-5, for the holiday weekend, with the closure resuming on July 6 and continuing into September.

The waterfront project will add a new fishing pier, boat dock, boat launch, and enhanced shoreline improvements. Project funding also covers the new restrooms at the boat launch as well as an accessible pathway from the Senior/Community Center to the boat launch area. 

Demolition of the existing fishing pier, boat ramp, and tire rip rap is another component of the work. The total project cost is nearly $1.5 million.

What will be closed? The boat launch, driveway, and parking lot area. Additionally, there will be no access to existing fishing pier or wading area during construction.

Why close the beach and fishing area during the summer? The project is reliant upon federal permits that stipulate in-water work can only be done during the fish window period of July 1 through August 31. The in-water construction work will occur in July and August, and upland work will conclude in the month of September.

The remainder of the 55-acre park will be open and available to the public. Alternate access for small hand launch boats will be located only on the east side of the park and is marked on site. 

Parking will only be available at the north parking lot near the Senior Center at 23000 Lakeview Drive.

“We understand it is disappointing that the beach will be closed for most of the summer,” stated Recreation and Parks Director Jeff Betz. “However getting funding for these terrific amenities that were included in the 2015 Ballinger Park Master Plan is a huge win not only for Mountlake Terrace, but the region.”

To learn more about Ballinger Park projects, visit 
For more information about this project, contact Recreation and Parks Director Jeff Betz at or 425-640-3101

Inslee issues housing stability ‘bridge’ proclamation

Gov. Jay Inslee Tuesday issued a housing stability “bridge” emergency order, Proclamation 21-09, which he said is intended to bridge the operational gap between the eviction moratorium (which will expire at 11:59pm on June 30, 2021,) enacted by prior proclamations and the protections and programs subsequently enacted by the Washington State Legislature.

The bridge, which was initially announced last week, will also reduce uncertainty as the state implements post-COVID long-term housing recovery strategies contained in legislative enactments such as SB 5160. 

The bill, passed by the Legislature earlier this year, creates new tenant protections, provides legal representation for indigent tenants in eviction cases, establishes an eviction resolution pilot program for nonpayment of rent cases statewide, and creates rental assistance programs.

“COVID has created a significant economic impact on our state and many Washingtonians are still experiencing financial hardships,” Inslee said. “This bridge creates reasonable steps that will help ensure that renters have the opportunity to receive support and resources available to them and that the Legislature intended to be in place to help both landlords and tenants.”

Recent legislative actions include appropriating an additional $650 million for landlord and tenant rental assistance and also establishing certain programs, like the eviction resolution pilot program, which were intended to be in place after the eviction moratorium ends. However, the funding has not yet been disbursed and these programs are not yet operational statewide.

In response to this unintended gap, Inslee’s proclamation requires, among other things, that:

  • Landlords and tenants avail themselves of rental assistance and eviction resolution pilot programs pursuant to SB 5160 to resolve any COVID-related past due rent (Feb. 29, 2020 through July 31, 2021);
  • Tenants take steps to pay rent or avail themselves of rental assistance in order to pay future rent (beginning Aug. 1, 2021 throughout the effective dates of this order);
  • For any tenant who is or becomes in arrears, landlords offer a reasonable repayment plan to tenants per SB 5160; and
  • Tenants respond to notice of funding and other available programs within the timeframes established by SB 5160.

In short, an eviction for non-payment of past-due rent is not permitted until such time as the resources and programs established by the Legislature are in place and operational, and eviction for non-payment of future rent (Aug. 1, 2021 through Sept.30, 2021) is not permitted if the tenant has demonstrably taken action to pay rent, Inslee said. 

Evictions for other reasons allowed under state law are permitted.

In addition, although late fees are prohibited, rent increases are permitted as provided under state law.
Finally, the non-traditional and other transient housing previously covered by the eviction moratorium are not included in this order, including hotels/motels, Airbnbs, and camping areas.

The governor’s order is effective July 1, 2021 and remains in effect until 11:59pm on September 30, 2021.

No, photog, I'm not shouting -- just tryin' to survive 105℉

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Photo copyright Gloria Z Nagler

(The Steller's Jay -- and most other birds -- opens its beak and vibrates its neck muscles to shed heat.)

--Gloria Z Nagler

Case updates June 27, 2021

COVID-19 deaths in King county

Case updates June 27, 2021

United States 
  • Total cases 33,470,212 - 7,888 in one day
  • Total deaths 601,808 - 168 in one day

Washington state 
  • Total confirmed cases 414,509 - 260 new since yesterday
  • Probable (additional) cases 36,739 - 58 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 25,455 - 31 since yesterday
  • Total deaths 5,920  - 9 new since yesterday.

King county
  • Total confirmed cases 107,682 - 35 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 6,496 - 5 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 1,657 - 0 new since yesterday
Seattle - population 744,995 (2018)
  • Total confirmed cases 25,472 - 12 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 1,439 - 2 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 421 - 0 new since yesterday

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018)
  • Total confirmed cases 2,477 -   -1 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 206 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 101 - 0 new since yesterday

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018)
  • Total confirmed cases 326 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 17 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 4 - 0 new since yesterday

All City of Shoreline recreation programs will operate AS NORMAL June 29

All City of Shoreline recreation programs will operate as normal on Tuesday, June 29, 2021. 

This includes all camps and specialized recreation programs. 

Everyone should continue to take precautions to stay cool and safe during these hot temperatures.

Third Place Commons Benefit Night at the Lake Forest Bar and Grill on July 7th

The Lake Forest Bar and Grill will host a benefit night for Third Place Commons on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 from 5-9pm.

When you dine and drink from 5-9pm, 20% of proceeds will be donated to Third Place Commons and two of its key programs, the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market and the Market Bucks food assistance program.

Third Place Commons has been actively serving the community with a wide variety of virtual events over the past year – from weekly meet-ups for foreign language conversation to monthly computer Q/As and book and movie clubs, to a whole host of stand-alone lectures, community conversations, and programming just for fun.

And the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market, the Commons’ flagship program, has carried on through all the challenges of the past year to provide a safe, fresh, and fabulous place for you to shop for the best locally grown and made food.

Third Place Commons also serves the community through the Market Bucks food assistance program, funded by local donors just like you. Working with local partners like Ballinger Homes, Hopelink, the Shoreline Lake Forest Park Senior Center, and local schools, Third Place Commons distributes vouchers to families and seniors facing food insecurity that allow folks to access free food at the farmers market.

Now, as the world reopens, Third Place Commons is excitedly planning to relaunch in-person programming inside the Commons so our community can connect face to face once again! (Spread the word, the Commons is now looking for a part-time Music and Events Coordinator to help make it happen.)

So spread the word and gather your friends and family for a tasty night out for a good cause! Join your Commons Community for a delicious dinner that will provide critical support to all these vital community programs on Wednesday, July 7th.

The Lake Forest Bar and Grill is located at 17535 Ballinger Way NE, on the upper level of the Town Center at Lake Forest Park.

Can’t make it to dinner? You can always make a donation online here.

Third Place Commons – a community supported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization – has been building real community in the heart of Lake Forest Park for over 20 years. In addition to presenting its largest program, the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market, Third Place Commons now also fosters real community in digital space with TPC At Home programs. Learn more at

Wildfire season begins

Brush fire in Lynnwood Friday

Fires have already started - big fires in central Washington and King county and a brush fire along I-5 in Lynnwood. Monday Seattle Fire reported multiple fires in grass. Snohomish county had several grass fires Monday including a one acre grass fire that started with a car fire.

Lind fire photo courtesy WSDOT
The Lind Fire in Adams county
started June 27, 2021 and is burning in sage, grass, and wheat. This fire is estimated at 20,000 acres and growing. It is threatening homes, crops, and infrastructure. Level 1, 2, and 3 evacuations are in effect at this time. The fire cause is currently under investigation.

The Cedar Hills fire in east King county near Issaquah started on June 28, 2021, and is burning in timber and grass. This fire is estimated at 25 acres and growing. It is threatening homes, power lines, and timber. No evacuations are in effect at this time. The fire cause is currently under investigation

Closer to home there was a dramatic brush fire along I-5 in Lynnwood on Friday.

I-5 pavement repair at four locations in Shoreline blocks lanes north and southbound during evening commute

WSDOT crews on I-5 at NE 130th just south of Shoreline
Photo courtesy WSDOT

WSDOT had their hands full with two different pavement failures on southbound I-5 in and near Shoreline Monday.

1. Southbound I-5 @ NE 130th St.
2. Southbound I-5 @ NE 145th St.
3. Northbound I-5 @ NE 175th St.
4. Northbound I-5 @ NE 195th St.

The freeway was blocked between 130th and 145th southbound while crews repaired two panels where patches of the concrete crumbled. One section was just north of 145th and the other was at 130th

Three lanes were blocked and traffic was diverted into the HOV lane. Crews were out in 107 degree heat, swinging sledge hammers to break up concrete.

They were finished in about three hours and around 6:30pm that section of the freeway was reopened to traffic.

, work to repair the pavement buckle at NE 195th St blocked the two center lanes. The HOV lane was opened to all traffic in this area.

NE 175th is on the list but I have not found information about it.

--Diane Hettrick

Cooling center open in Kenmore Tuesday

Monday, June 28, 2021

Kenmore, on Bothell Way, has been operating cooling centers at City Hall, Northlake Lutheran Church, and Northshore Utility District on a rotating basis.

Tuesday, June 29

Northlake Lutheran Church will be open from 11:00am-6:00pm. 
The church is located at 6620 NE 185th St

Residence fire in Kenmore Monday

Photo courtesy Northshore Fire

This afternoon, Monday June 28, 2021 at approximately 11:30am, the Northshore Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire in the 18700 Block of 68th Ave NE. 

Two adults and two cats were able to safely self-evacuate their residence without injury. The fire was contained to a single unit and is currently under investigation. 

Thank you to the following departments for your support on this fire: Shoreline, Bothell, Woodinville, Kirkland, Redmond, Seattle, Bellevue and South County Fire.

When the temp reaches 111℉...

Photo copyright Gloria Z Nagler

... it's time to lie in a flower pot!


Another pavement problem on I-5 in Shoreline

Photo courtesy WSDOT

WSDOT reports another pavement buckle, this one on northbound I-5 at NE 195th St (pedestrian bridge). 

The two center lanes are blocked. The HOV lane is open to ALL traffic in this area.

4:40pm 6-28-21

Department of Ecology responds: No problems at RB Saltwater Park

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

In response to my query, spokespeople from the state Department of Ecology reported that Richmond Beach Saltwater Park was listed as closed in error.

The beach was never closed or posted by Public Health -- there was no risk to public health and the water remains safe.

Good thing, because even with the low tide, the water was full of people today!

--Diane Hettrick

More pavement repairs on southbound I-5 - three lanes closed between 145th and 130th

Photo courtesy WSDOT

3:50pm  6-28-21 Maintenance crews are making immediate repairs to pavement panels on southbound I-5 between NE 145th St and NE 130th St.

Three right lanes are currently closed, with only the left and HOV lane open. The HOV lane is open to all traffic in this area. There is no timetable on when work will be completed.

Smoky sunset

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Sunday's sunset amplified by what appears to be smoke in the air. Beautiful but hopefully just pollution under the heat dome instead of the beginning of a summer of wildfire smoke.

--Diane Hettrick

Shoreline Arts Festival finishes under the trees of Lake Forest Park

All photos by David Walton

Shade was the name of the game as both vendors, patrons and performers enjoyed the heat and the shade as temps were >100!

Our friends at Jazz Vespers had a booth, letting people know about their free, online monthly jazz concerts.

Someone found a treasure!

The street was closed next to Pfingst Animal Acres park and the food trucks had a shady spot to set up for business. Customers appreciated the location as well.

If you picked the right time of day, you could have shade and be close to the stage.

ShoreLake knows where to get the best talent!

Next year the Shoreline Arts Festival will be back at Shoreline Community College. Everyone was happy to have a good location this year, after having to cancel last year's event during the pandemic.

The Shoreline Arts Festival is a production of the ShoreLake arts council.

Work party Tuesday at Animal Acres Park

Animal Acres Work Party

Tuesday, June 29, 9am-12pm

LFP Rotary, City of LFP, SCHS Interact, Master Gardeners need your help 
to beautify our Animal Acres Park...

This is a work party to clean up Animal Acres Park. 

 We need some people who are able to bring shovels and rakes.

***Bring your own gardening tools and gloves.

25th annual Edmonds in Bloom garden tour July 18


Sunday, July 18, 2021 11am to 4pm

Tickets and Information:

Edmonds in Bloom welcomes visitors to the 25th Anniversary Garden Tour, Sunday, July 18, 11am - 4pm.

Tickets are available online at and at Sky Nursery in Shoreline, 18528 Aurora Ave N, plus Bountiful Home, FIELD and Garden Gear and Gallery in downtown Edmonds. Early-bird tickets $15; Day of Tour tickets $20.

This year’s collection of six gardens features an array of artistry, ambiance and whimsy. Visitors will enjoy young gardens and mature landscapes, new cultivars and traditional favorites, novel approaches for planting challenging spaces plus creative ways to incorporate edibles and imaginative options for charming outdoor gathering spaces.

Gardens showcase styles inspired by the homeowners and are united by themes of beauty, bounty, renewal and sustenance. The Tour gardens are bursting with blossoms, colors and creativity. Enjoy Edmonds in Bloom!

Edmonds in Bloom is an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the floral beautification of the community by uniting the residents, organizations and businesses of Edmonds, supporting horticultural education and creating a colorful and vibrant place to live, work and visit.

Proceeds from the Garden Tour support a variety of projects and activities in the community. Visit for more information.

For more information: Jeanne Thorsen, Garden Tour Chair 

Forest Abstractions at Paramount Open Space

Sometimes it's a wetland but today it's a pond

All photos by Janet Way

The trees lower the temperature substantially in local parks, like Paramount Open Space, 946 NE 147th St, Shoreline, WA 98155 in the Ridgecrest Neighborhood.

Water striders in abundance make shimmering rings in the water

This large natural wild space is deep green with splashes of color from berries with a tree-shaded path circling through the park.

The pond at Paramount Park is teeming with life!

Native elderberry showing off!

Case updates June 26, 2021

King county positive COVID-19 cases

Case updates June 26, 2021

United States  - not updated
  • Total cases 33,437,643 -  in one day
  • Total deaths 601,221 -  in one day

Washington state  - not updated
  • Total confirmed cases 413,794 -  new since yesterday
  • Probable (additional) cases 36,610 -  new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 25,383 -  since yesterday
  • Total deaths 5,902 -  new since yesterday.  

King county  

  • Total confirmed cases 107,647 - 61 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 6,491 - 1 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 1,657 - 0 new since yesterday

Seattle - population 744,995 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 25,460 -  14 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 1,437 -  0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 421 -  0 new since yesterday

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 2,478 -  3 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 206 -  0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 101 - 0 new since yesterday

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 326 -   0 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 17 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 4 - 0 new since yesterday

UPDATE: Dept of Ecology reports Richmond Beach closed to swimming

Dept of Ecology Sunday night

UPDATE: Department of Ecology media contacts responded. The beach was posted in error. 

The beach was never closed or posted by Public Health -- there was no risk to public health and the water remains safe.

Original story:

The state Department of Ecology lists Richmond Beach Saltwater Park closed to swimming because of bacterial contamination from sewage spills from the Brightwater Treatment Plant that occurred Friday, June 25, 2021 and Saturday, June 26. Volume unknown.

There are no signs posted and the beach was full of people on Sunday. We will update this story when more information is available.

--Diane Hettrick

Scene on the Sound: ship horns on the Sound

Tugboat goes through the middle of the fishing boats

Story and photos by Jan Hansen

There were lots of ship horns on the Sound this morning. I couldn’t hear voices responding, but there were probably heated vocalizations without the energy of the sun.

Tugboat was towing a barge

I watched the fishing boats react to the freight traffic. The northbound lanes were open as ships went through, while ships coming into the Port of Seattle were a disruption.  
It’s not as much a question of “who has the right of way” as much as  “who has the bigger vessel.”  Tugboat captains are goal motivated, but so are fishermen.

Anonymous naval vessel sails north

The tugboat is the Gulf Titian with a barge of cargo moving south. The Naval vessel, headed out to sea, did not appear on the Marine Traffic map, so I don’t know her name. 

I-5 southbound lanes in Shoreline closed three hours for pavement repair

Pavement repair on I-5

WSDOT's Incident Response Team closed all but one lane of southbound I-5 just north of 145th in Shoreline around 6:30pm on Sunday, June 27, 2021  to repair the pavement.

The job took around around three hours and the lanes were reopened by 9pm.

WSDOT did not provide details, but heat makes pavement expand and the truck is parked by what looks like a pavement join / expansion joints.

--Diane Hettrick

All City of Shoreline recreation programs cancelled Monday

Spartan gym photo by Jim Stitchka
ALL City of Shoreline recreation programs will be cancelled Monday, June 28, due to inclement weather. 

This includes all camps offered by the City of Shoreline and specialized recreation programs.

Spartan Recreation Center will also be closed.

We are monitoring the weather for Tuesday. Please watch your email and the website. We will notify participants by 3:00pm Monday if we need to cancel programs on Tuesday due to weather.

Power outages due to equipment failure

147 at Town Center 175th and Aurora
Power to be restored by 2pm
Cause: investigating

Just before midnight Sunday, June 27, 2021, Shoreline / Lake Forest Park had four widely separated power outages.

Four households in Hillwood
Power to be restored by 11am
Equipment failure

Two of them were identified as equipment failure and it's a pretty safe guess that was the issue with the other locations as well.

19 in Horizon View in LFP to be restored by 6am - equipment failure
4 on 47th NE near Ballinger Way to be restored by 7:30am - investigating cause

Will continue to monitor this situation through the night and update.

--Diane Hettrick

Update for email subscribers

Sunday, June 27, 2021

This is what the new digest will look like.
Some of you were transferred to today and should have gotten your email from them with the confirmation link.

Most will get theirs on Monday. We had enough addresses that is going to do the set up for us. The good news is that they were very responsive.

And they agreed to enter all the addresses at 6am which should mean that you will get your new digest at 6am every day.

Many thanks to Carl Dinse who keeps things running behind the scenes!

--Diane Hettrick

Peony precipitation

Photo copyright Gloria Z Nagler

Gloria says this is Peony Precipitation.
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