Twin Ponds birds and blooms

Monday, May 31, 2021

Photo by Courtney Harris

By Courtney Harris

The blooms of the showy but invasive non-native yellow flag iris, Iris Pseudacorus, add color to the water's edge. It is considered a class C noxious weed in King County, although it is widespread.

Photo by Courtney Harris

Devoted mama Mallard keeps close watch on her kiddos as they learn the ropes of adulthood. Ducklings typically take 50-60 days to fledge (fly) and become independent.

Memorial Day, May 31, 2021

Artwork by Whitney Potter

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

The holiday's exact origins are uncertain, but it came out of Civil War traditions of decorating the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers. Many cities and individuals claimed to have been the first to celebrate the event. 

In 1868, General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic called for a "Decoration Day," which was widely celebrated. By 1890, every Northern state had adopted it as a holiday. 

The World Wars turned it into a generalized day of remembrance, instead of just for the Civil War. In 1971, Congress standardized the holiday as "Memorial Day" and changed its observance.


Shoreline Police: Speed bumps are a challenge on a good day. But when you're seriously impaired, well....

On 05/18/2021 at 10:28pm, King County deputies responded to a single-car accident in the 1100 block of N 192nd Street in Shoreline.

Arriving deputies found a silver SUV partially up on the curb. 

The vehicle was still running and a male was passed out in the driver's seat.

Unfortunately, he had vomited all over himself.

Deputies slowly opened the vehicle door, which woke the driver immediately. 

He shifted his vehicle into drive, rolling into a deputy's patrol car.

The driver was safely taken out of the car and detained, and then promptly got sick again.

The driver could not stand on his own and smelled of alcohol. 

When asked if he needed an aid car, the driver declined any medical attention.

Deputies checked the driver's SUV and found red paint transfer on his vehicle. 

They eventually located a red Honda Civic nearby that, it appears, was sideswiped by the suspect vehicle.

The driver was taken to the local precinct for a breath analysis. 

However, due to his inebriated state, he was unable to stay awake long enough to perform the test.

Once deputies obtained a blood warrant, the fire department was called to the precinct to take the driver's blood samples.

Charges are pending while we await toxicology results from the Washington State Patrol lab.

Case updates May 29, 2021 - UW Shoreline / Fire vaccination clinic closed today

The UW Med North King County (fire department) vaccination 
clinic is located at the Shoreline Center, north entrance, 18560 1st Avenue NE 

Mondays - Fridays, 7:30am - 6:00pm; Saturdays 9:00am - 1:30pm. Both Moderna and Pfizer are offered at this site for anyone over the age of 12. 

The clinic is provided by a partnership between the University of Washington, Shoreline School District, Shoreline Fire, Northshore Fire, and Bothell Fire. Call 206-520-8700 for a guaranteed appointment or walk in.

It will be closed on Monday, May 31, 2021 for Memorial Day.

Case updates May 29, 2021

United States 
  • Total cases 33,079,543 - 12,663 in one day
  • Total deaths 591,265 - 240 in one day

Washington state - not updated today
  • Total confirmed cases 401,526
  • Probable (additional) cases 34,323   
  • Total hospitalizations 24,131 
  • Total deaths 5,765 - 0 new since yesterday

King county 

  • Total confirmed cases 105,104 - 68 new since yesterday   
  • Total hospitalizations 6,159 -   -2 new since yesterday  
  • Total deaths 1,592 - 1 new since yesterday 

Seattle - population 744,995 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 24,930 -  3 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 1,389 -  -1 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 414 -  1 new since yesterday

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 2,414 -  -1 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 201 - 0  new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 101 - 0 new since yesterday

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 324 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 17 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 4 - 0 new since yesterday

Join Shoreline Community College for a community meeting

Residence Hall photo by Steven H. Robinson

Greetings from Shoreline Community College!

Please join us for a Virtual Neighborhood Community Meeting to learn about the College’s future plans, ask questions, and provide your feedback. 

We will share updates about the next academic year and our construction plans for a new Health, Science and Advanced Manufacturing Classroom Complex.

Virtual Neighborhood Community Meeting

Shoreline Community College
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Learn more and get the Zoom link.

All are welcome! We hope to see you there.

Shoreline Chamber of Commerce welcomes Mayor Will Hall to June 9 zoom meeting

Mayor Will Hall will speak at
Shoreline Chamber meeting June 9
The Shoreline Chamber of Commerce welcomes Mayor Will Hall as a speaker at our Wednesday June 9, 2021 Zoom meeting.

June ZOOM Luncheon featuring Shoreline Mayor Will Hall
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
11:30am - 1:00pm

Shoreline Mayor Will Hall, on behalf of the Shoreline City Council, will discuss the State of the City and answer your questions. 

Learn about how the City responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City's current and future financial position, and what the coming year holds for Shoreline

Gloria's Birds: While the Pine Siskins debated relative rights to the feeder, photog noticed their glorious racing stripes:)

Photo copyright Gloria Z Nagler

(FYI, to combat salmonella risk this winter and spring we bleached/washed the feeders frequently)
--Gloria Z Nagler

Creating Safe Neighborhoods #Stop Asian Hate presentation Thursday with Jolene Jang

By Donna Hawkey

Creating safe neighborhoods and “#Stop Asian Hate“ will be presented by Jolene Jang on Thursday, June 3, 2021 from 5:30 to 6:30pm.


Hate crimes against Asians have escalated, and Jolene wants to help change this trend. Please join her in this timely information session. 

Most people won’t see these hate crimes against Asians because they’re not the target, and Asians “don’t want to burden you, it’s not in our culture to do that,” said Jolene.

The following topics will be discussed:
  • Define the dangers for Asians in your neighborhood.
  • Learn the impact on Asians.
  • Why it is important for people to be pro-active and speak-up before bad things happen.
  • Why crimes against Asians are not reported in the news.
  • Why this topic is not talked about.
  • How you can make a big difference in other people’s lives with little effort.
Thursday, June 3rd 5:30pm PDT
RSVP not required but appreciated.
Join the presentation here on zoom

Lake Forest Park Tree Board hosts Champion Tree Contest for kids and teens

Possibly the largest sequoia in Washington state belongs to Betsy (shown) and George Piano of Lake Forest Park. Photo by George Piano

From the Lake Forest Park Tree Board

In Lake Forest Park, we love our trees and our forest canopy — the “roof” of leaves made by all our trees. We love them so much we have laws to protect them, and we honor them on Arbor Day. They are important because they clean our air, give birds and bugs places to live, and cool off our Earth.

Kids and animals grow up and stop getting bigger, but did you know that trees keep growing their whole lives? A “champion tree” is the biggest tree of its kind. There is a list of champion trees for our whole country, and a list of champion trees in our state. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a list of champion trees in our city, too?

Sequoiadendron giganteum are an uncommon species in Lake Forest Park. This one is in the front yard of George and Betsy Piano. Photo by Hitomi Dames

We want this list to be started by KIDS and TEENS! To kick off this project, the volunteer Lake Forest Park Tree Board is holding a contest to see who can find the biggest examples of five common trees in our city. 

There will be multiple winners in each age category (12 and under and 13-17) who will each receive a GIFT CARD for SWIRL FROZEN YOGURT!

If you live or go to school in Lake Forest Park you can enter! Hunt for big trees in your yard, your neighborhood, at a park or your school — anywhere in Lake Forest Park. 

Just be sure to follow COVID-19 safety rules, ask permission if you go on someone else’s property, and tell an adult if you’re searching away from home.

What are the contest tree species? Check these websites for descriptions and photos to help you learn to identify each kind!
When you find one of these trees that you think might be the BIGGEST of its kind, you or your parent can send an email to our City Arborist with this info:
  • your name, age, and school
  • a photo of the tree
  • the species (type) of tree
  • how big the tree is (measure the circumference of the trunk—the distance around it. Measure it at about 4-1/2 feet from the ground.)
  • where it is (GPS location or street address)
Send in your entry by midnight on Wednesday, June 30. Winners will be announced in July!

KING 5 story on Shorecrest drama online production

KING 5 TV did a nice segment on the Shorecrest original musical production More Than A Feeling.

Their segment here

Courtesy Shorecrest Drama

While they couldn’t perform an in-person musical this spring, Shorecrest Drama took “pandemic projects” to another level by producing an original musical comedy series, More Than a Feeling.

Written by Shorecrest Theater Director Andy Kidd and his musical collaborator Chris DiStefano, students took on much of the series’ filming and editing.

Duet. Courtesy Shorecrest drama.

The story was told in seven episodes, released one day at a time. Here's the trailer.

All episodes are available now on YouTube at

There is no ticket needed but you can help defray production costs by donating here.

Our previous story here

Sunset and sail

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

One sailboard in an orange sea as the sun sets in bands of purple and orange clouds.

LFP Mayor: City Hall will reopen July 6

LFP Mayor Jeff Johnson
From Lake Forest Park Mayor Jeff Johnson

I am very happy to announce that Lake Forest Park City Hall reopens to the public on Tuesday, July 6. City Hall hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays. 

Passport Services will also resume, by appointment (see hours below). Masks are required while visiting City Hall. In addition to masks, meetings with City staff, including Planning, Building, and Municipal Court will be by appointment only, and require answering a COVID-19 questionnaire.

When Passport Services resume during the week of July 6, it will be by appointment only. Passport Services hours are Monday, Thursday, and Friday, from 12:00 to 4:00pm, and Saturday, 10:00am to 3:30pm. 

Applicants will need to sign up online to schedule an appointment. Information about how to sign up will be available soon on the City’s Passport Services webpage. Since the REAL ID Act requirements have been postponed to May 2023, it is not necessary to rush to get a passport or passport card if you are flying domestically.

The City’s public meetings -- City Council and Council Committees (Budget and Finance, Committee of the Whole), Planning Commission, Tree Board, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board -- will remain virtual for now. Information about any changes to this will be widely distributed to the public when the time comes. 

Due to the small size of the Council Chambers, staff is working on the logistics of socially distanced seating for a seven-member City Council and nine-member Planning Commission, as well as a limited number of chairs for audience members. It is probable that a hybrid approach to public meetings will be the norm in the future, with limited in-person public attendance and wider public participation via Zoom.

While City Hall was closed, many COVID-19-related improvements were put in place to protect employees and visitors:
  • Physical barriers are installed at workstations where there is interaction between employees and visitors
  • Social distancing markers are placed throughout City Hall
  • Hand sanitizer is placed throughout City Hall
  • Disposable masks will be provided should a visitor forget theirs
  • Increased cleaning of City facilities and high-touch areas is also implemented
  • Improvements to the HVAC system were also made, including use of the highest-rated filters and increased cleaning
On behalf of myself and the City Hall staff, we look forward to seeing you when we reopen on July 6.

Shorecrest vs Shorewood Capture the Flag - Saturday, June 5 at Hamlin Park noon - 2pm

Shoreline Teen Center is hosting an event for local teens on Saturday, June 5, 2021. 

Capture the Flag! Teens can participate solo or in teams of two. The first place winner(s) get a galaxy projector, and there will be donuts for everyone!

It will be outdoors at Hamlin Park, from Noon to 2 pm. 16006 15th Ave NE
Shoreline, WA 98155

Case updates May 28, 2021

Entrance to the vaccination center
The UW Med North King County vaccination 
clinic is located at located at Shoreline Center, north entrance, 18560 1st Avenue NE 

Mondays - Fridays, 7:30am - 6:00pm; Saturdays 9:00am - 1:30pm. Both Moderna and Pfizer are offered at this site for anyone over the age of 12. 

The clinic is provided by a partnership between the University of Washington, Shoreline School District, Shoreline Fire, Northshore Fire, and Bothell Fire. Call 206-520-8700 for a guaranteed appointment or walk in.

It will be closed on Monday, May 31, 2021 for Memorial Day.

Case updates May 28, 2021

United States 
  • Total cases 33,066,772 - 21,314 in one day
  • Total deaths 590,959 - 573 in one day

Washington state
  • Total confirmed cases 401,526
  • Probable (additional) cases 34,323   
  • Total hospitalizations 24,131 
  • Total deaths 5,765 - 0 new since yesterday

King county 

  • Total confirmed cases 105,036 - 192 new since yesterday   
  • Total hospitalizations 6,161 - 22 new since yesterday  
  • Total deaths 1,592 - 1 new since yesterday 

Seattle - population 744,995 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 24,927 -  27 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 1,390 -  6 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 414 -  1 new since yesterday

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 2,415 -  6 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 201 - 0  new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 101 - 0 new since yesterday

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 324 - 1 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 17 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 4 - 0 new since yesterday


3rd Annual 3v3 Tournament for a Cause Saturday June 12

3rd Annual 3v3 Tournament for a Cause!

SSF will be hosting its 3rd Annual Spartan Classic 3v3 tournament for a cause with DYSports!

You can help us raise $20,000 through registrations, donations, and purchasing gear at the event to change the lives of local youth.

Click Here to Donate

Saturday, June 12, 2021 at the SSF Gym Westminster Center 
14550 Westminster Way NE, Ste 6431
Shoreline WA 98133.

  • Girls 5th + 6th, 7th + 8th, and High School
  • Boys 5th + 6th, 7th + 8th, and High School
  • $105 per team to enter
  • Teams are 3-4 players
  • Family friendly 3 on 3 event
  • Barbecued Burgers and Hot Dogs for purchase
  • Create a team name and jersey
  • 3 Game Guarantee
  • Game times will be published the week before the tournament
  • COVID-19 Prevention Protocol will be in place for the event
Click Here to Register Your Team

Click Here to Visit Event Website

Contact with any questions!

Scene on the Sound: Articulated tug

Photo by Jan Hansen

Jan Hansen captured this tug and barge sailing by Shoreline last week. 

John Crawford identified it as an articulated tug barge (ATB). ATBs consist of a tank vessel (barge) and a large, powerful tug that is positioned in a notch in the stern of the barge, which enables the tug to propel and maneuver the barge.

And, he says, it could be a Crowley ATB as they operate on the West Coast.

Crowley Shipping | Articulated Tug Barge Services - ATBs

Third Place Books free, virtual author events this week

Third Place Books presents virtual meetings with authors of new books.

Books are available for purchase on each event page. Third Place Books ship around the country and offer in-store pickup at their store in Lake Forest Park.

Register for author events on Events Calendar here or at the link embedded in the event date below.

On Tuesday, June 1 at 7pm, Third Place Books welcomes Rachel Griffin for a presentation of her highly-anticipated debut YA novel, The Nature of Witches, in conversation with Adrienne Young.

On Wednesday, June 2 at 6pm, Third Place Books welcomes acclaimed writer Benjamin Percy for a presentation of his latest novel, The Ninth Metal. He will be joined in conversation by award-winning actor, writer, and audiobook narrator Julia Whelan.

Third Place Books is located on the upper level of Lake Forest Park Town Center at the intersection of Bothell and Ballinger Way.

Live virtual town hall with 46th District Legislators on Wednesday June 2

Join your 46th Legislative District lawmakers for a LIVE VIRTUAL TOWN HALL on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 6pm.

It will be livestreamed on the legislators' Facebook pages: 

Sen. David Frockt, Rep. Gerry Pollet and Rep. Javier Valdez will provide a recap and answer your questions about the 2021 legislative session.

Submit your questions ahead of time at

Or type your questions live during the event in the comments section.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Left at London debut album virtual release party and presentation June 3

Left at London Debut Album
Virtual Release Party and Presentation

June 3, 5:45 – 8:00pm
Sponsored by Shoreline Public Art

For the past several months at the cottage at Saltwater Park, Indie Pop musician Left at London worked on finalizing her first full-length album. Joined by friends and collaborators, she will present the 33 minutes of T.I.A.P.F.Y.H. in its entirety following a series of short introductory sets by Adult Mom; American Loves Me; Jamvvis; Rose Catalyst; Phixel; and Peter Kuli. 

These musicians, curated by Left at London, span a range of musical genres, from indie pop, electronic, and hip hop, to electronic hip hop, hyperpop, and electronic pop (approximate order of appearances). 

In recognition of Pride Month, about half of the musicians identify as LGBQT+. A live question and answer session immediately follows the presentation of the album. The artist’s previous material can be sampled at

The Listening Party follows the raising of the Pride flag at City Hall as part of the City’s Pride Month celebration, which also includes the following:

Shoreline yarn-bombers creating fiber rainbows at Town Center Park and across the city. One contributor is participating in Love Across the USA’s nation-wide project led by nationally recognized street artist London Kaye.

Homemade Pride Flag Art Activity Kits distributed June 26 – 27 by ShoreLake Arts at the Shoreline Arts festival at Animal Acres in LFP as well as at the Shoreline Farmers Market later in June.

Memorial Day Saturday

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

A multi-generational family group, accompanied by friends and church members, gathered on Saturday, May 29, 2021 to decorate veterans' graves and hold a ceremony at Evergreen Washelli Cemetery in north Seattle.

Gloria's Insects: Hanging by a thread, photog? Try hanging by a stamen!

Photo copyright Gloria Z Nagler

(Tillie the Tri-colored Bumblebee: Without labor nothing prospers, Tillie (and Sophocles) said.)
--Gloria Z Nagler

Shoreline Police: Airbags save lives after accident at NE 150th and 15th NE

Collision on 15th NE at NE 150th

If you judge simply by looking at these pictures, you'd think this May 21, 2021 crash in Shoreline would have resulted in very serious injuries.

Thankfully, that was not the case. Why? Airbags save lives. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that, as of 2017, more-than 50,000 lives have been saved by frontal airbags.

King County deputies responded to the intersection of NE 150th St and 15th Ave NE, just after 12:30pm, to investigate this crash. One motorist was transported to NW Hospital as a precaution.

Were it not for each pickup being airbag-equipped the outcome of this collision could have been much worse.

One driver was cited in this case but both, thanks to airbags, will go home.

We must always buckle-up. When used together, seatbelts and frontal airbags reduce fatalities by 61%.

--King County Sheriff's Office

Shorewood wrestling match 5-28-21 vs Cascade answers the question of Why wrestle in a shortened pandemic season?

By Clark Norton
When the 2021 wrestling season finally began in early May people asked “Why”? 
Why wrestle if the season is only 5 weeks long? Why wrestle if you have to get Covid tested twice a week? 
Why wrestle if there were no district, regional, or state tournaments? 
Why wrestle if there would be no titles to win? Why wrestle? 

The young men from Shorewood and Cascade high schools answered those questions and so much more in an entertaining, electric, and dramatic match on Friday night, May 28, 2021.

The contest began at 132 pounds with team captain Quincy Laflin the first Thunderbird to step on the mat. Laflin gave up the first takedown and quickly found himself locked up in a cradle. After fighting off his back he was able to get back to his feet and escape. Laflin didn’t let his second chance go to waste, scoring a takedown of his own and turning his opponent for a pin to give Shorewood the early 6-0 lead.

The two teams traded pins at 138 and 145 pounds before Shorewood's sophomore Joseph Rivera went out at 152 pounds. After giving up the first takedown Rivera was able to rally to grab a 3-2 at the end of the first period. 

In the second round it was move after move, effort after effort, counter after counter as Rivera clung to a narrow 5-4 lead. In the third period the two wrestlers began on their feet and Rivera paused for just an instant, letting this guard down for just a moment and getting thrown straight to his back. After over a minute of fighting to stay alive Cascade finally solved the puzzle for a pin with just 23 seconds left in regulation.
Cascade built on their huge win at 152 pounds to take the next two weights and build a 24-12 lead. RJ Buchheit returned to the line-up for the Thunderbirds at 182 pounds after missing the last two matches and did not disappoint. After jumping out to a 6-2 lead in the first period, Buchheit turned his opponent early in the second period for a momentum killing pin. 

Shorewood’s Hunter Tibodeau picked up a pin of his own at 195 pounds to tie the team score at 24-24 with just three bouts to go.

At 220 pounds Cascade’s Sam Kolesar put Shorewood’s Max Null on the defensive the entire match before finally getting a pin with only 3 seconds left in the third period that brought the entire gym to their feet. 

T-bird heavyweight Milan Johnson fell behind 4-1 in his match before reversing his opponent for the pin as the two teams, each brimming with excitement, found themselves tied 30-30 with just one match remaining.

The final bout of the night featured Shorewood’s Clayton Elder against Cascade’s Kevin Jacks. Elder fell behind in the opening seconds, but fought back to put Jacks onto his back. With his shoulders just millimeters from defeat Jacks was saved by the buzzer at end of the first period. Elder built his lead up to 9-5 in the second period before being caught with a reversal to his back.

There was no salvation this time though as Jacks was able to get the pin with just one second remaining in the period to give Cascade a dramatic 36-30 victory.

So if anyone still wonders why we are wrestling this year, here is the answer. We wrestle for the nights like Friday. The joy of victories and the lessons learned in defeat. We wrestle for the competition and the camaraderie, the intensity and the passion. In this year of uncertainty we are grateful to wrestle. We wrestle. We wrestle because we can.

Shorewood wrestles next on Thursday, June 3rd, at Shorecrest High School. Wrestling begins at 7pm.

Cascade 36 - Shorewood 30
@ Cascade High School
*Match began at 132 pounds

106: Double Forfeit
113: Double Forfeit
120: Kenvin Jacks CAS pinned Clayton Elder 3:59
126: Double Forfeit
132: Quincy Laflin SW pinned Vinh Ngo 1:45
138: Jeremy Delap CAS pined Henry Poetzl 1:18
145: Isaac Van Horn SW pinned Nam Ngo 1:06
152: Carlos Garcia CAS pinned Joseph Rivera 5:37
160: Mohammed Chorr CAS win by forfeit
170: Connor Olson CAS pinned Alberto Solano 3:57
182: RJ Buchheit SW pinned Ronan McKague 1:14
195: Hunter Tibodeau SW pinned Daniel Eriksson 1:46
220: Sam Kolesar CAS pinned Max Null 5:57
285: Milan Johnson SW pinned Luis Del Moral 1:29

Shorewood Record: 3-4 Overall

Wisteria at Gateway Plaza in Shoreline

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Photo by Cynthia Sheridan

Bearing clusters of fragrant flowers in spring, this glorious vine is very popular in the Seattle area, despite its reputation as an extremely vigorous grower. 

Wisteria can grow out of control without careful maintenance; it requires sun and a strong supportive structure. The American and Kentucky varieties are most durable in frosty climates.

Warning: fertilizer not recommended ( if you want to save your other structures!!!)

This lovely arbor is in front of the U.S. Post Office retail store in Gateway Plaza at 185th and Aurora (Midvale) in Shoreline.

Trivia Night - have fun and support the Shoreline Historical Museum

Join the Shoreline Historical Museum for a virtual evening of trivia and fun(d)raising!

Silent auction and Trivia Night. Good company. Good cause.
The silent auction opens Saturday, May 29, 2021 and 
Trivia Night starts at 6pm on Saturday, June 5th

Buy tickets and get a Trivia Party Box (available for pickup at the Museum on Friday June 4th)

It promises to be a lot of fun!

More information on the Museum's website: 

Case updates May 27, 2021 - Shoreline vaccine clinic closed Monday for Memorial Day

No lines at the Shoreline Vaccine Clinic at the Shoreline Center
Photo by Gidget Terpstra

The UW Med North King County vaccination clinic is located at located at Shoreline Center, north entrance, 18560 1st Avenue NE, Mondays - Fridays, 7:30am - 6:00pm; Saturdays 9:00am - 1:30pm. Both Moderna and Pfizer are offered at this site for anyone over the age of 12. 

The clinic is provided by a partnership between the University of Washington, Shoreline School District, Shoreline Fire, Northshore Fire, and Bothell Fire. Call 206-520-8700 for a guaranteed appointment or walk in.

It will be closed on Monday, May 31, 2021 for Memorial Day.

Case updates May 27, 2021

United States 
  • Total cases 33,041,551 - 22,138 in one day
  • Total deaths 590,212 - 615 in one day

Washington state
  • Total confirmed cases 400,615
  • Probable (additional) cases 34,168   
  • Total hospitalizations 24,075 
  • Total deaths 5,765 

King county 

  • Total confirmed cases 104,844 -  179 new since yesterday   
  • Total hospitalizations 6,139 - 10 new since yesterday  
  • Total deaths 1,591 - 3 new since yesterday 

Seattle - population 744,995 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 24,900 -  40 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 1,384 -  6 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 413 -  1 new since yesterday

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 2,409 -  3 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 201 - 0  new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 101 - 0 new since yesterday

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018) 
  • Total confirmed cases 323 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total hospitalizations 17 - 0 new since yesterday
  • Total deaths 4 - 0 new since yesterday


Shoreline Planning Commission to consider "mobility hubs"

The Shoreline Planning Commission will study the concept of mobility hubs at its meeting on Thursday, June 3, 2021, 7 - 10pm online.

To maximize the use of the upcoming light rail and to support in car-light and car-free lifestyles, the City is interested in creating “mobility hubs'' in strategic locations across Shoreline. 

The City is particularly interested in how these hubs can be integrated into rezoned mixed-use development surrounding the new light rail stations and connect residents to neighborhood-based commercial services. 

The City is also interested in better understanding the range of features and services offered at mobility hubs and how these might differ given community needs and the surrounding environment. 

Complete agenda, instructions on watching the meeting or making comments can be found HERE.

Origins: True Tales of the Immigrant Experience

Shoreline Community College is hosting a live streaming production with performances written, performed, and directed by some of Shoreline Community College students.

The show will be held on June 11 and 12, 2021 at 7:30pm on Shoreline’s Ray Howard Library's YouTube channel. This is free and open to the public.

Origins is a collection of performances based on the students’ experiences or members in their community about traveling to the United States. This production was inspired by the book and documentary, Papers: Stories of Undocumented Youth, where people between the ages 10 and 19 share their experiences coming to and living in America. 

After the performances, the audience will have an opportunity to talk to the cast and crew about their work.

For more information, go to Please email TaChalla Ferris, if you have any questions.

To watch the show, click here: Origins: True Tales of the Immigrant Experience

Founded in 1964, Shoreline Community College offers more than 100 rigorous academic and professional/technical degrees and certificates to meet the lifelong learning needs of its diverse students and communities. Dedicated faculty and staff are committed to the educational success of its nearly 10,000 students who hail from across the United States and over 50 countries.

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Canary Islands


Previous cartoon by Whitney Potter HERE

Dale Turner Family YMCA and Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park honored by Washington Association of School Administrators

Shoreline Schools Superintendent Rebecca Miner and Shoreline City Manager Debbie Tarry.
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

The Dale Turner Family YMCA and Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park were recently honored by the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) for their support of schools and students during the pandemic.

The three organizations were each presented with Community Leadership Awards by WASA at the association’s recent regional virtual awards ceremony on May 21, 2021. 

L-R: Shoreline Schools Superintendent Rebecca Miner, Dale Turner Family YMCA Branch Executive Megan Castellano and Dale Turner Family YMCA Executive Director Carolan Cross.
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

They were nominated by Shoreline Schools Superintendent Rebecca Miner, who also delivered the award plaques to the recipients in person this week.
“Since our schools were forced to close on March 12, 2020, the City of Shoreline, City of Lake Forest Park and the Dale Turner Family YMCA engaged in offering a system of support and child care for families and students in our district,” said Superintendent Miner.


Lake Forest Park City Manager Phillip Hill and Shoreline Schools Superintendent Rebecca Miner.
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

Recognizing that child care was the most immediate and pressing need many families were faced with, the three organizations quickly mobilized their resources and staffing to begin offering child care and remote learning camps, and offering scholarships and funding so that those programs would be offered for free to families in of that support.

“We are incredibly grateful for the outstanding efforts of the Cities and YMCA during this very challenging year,” said Superintendent Miner.
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