MAKING Communities by Emily Kelton and Andrew Gordon
Monday, April 5, 2021, 7-9pm, online zoom meeting
North City Tech Meet-up
Free and open to everyone
In an age of unparalleled access to information and technology, it's no surprise that more and more people are interested in becoming producers, rather than simply consumers.
This Maker Movement has given rise to numerous organizations in the form of Fab Labs and Makerspaces. However, these organizations do more than just host tools for prospective makers; they act as hubs for a larger community where people of all ages, backgrounds, and skills can come together and share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and make lifelong friends.
This talk will explore what it means to be a part of the Maker Movement, the communities that spring up around it, and the impact they are having on popular, civic, and economic growth.
We will also introduce you to our community, talk briefly about what we have planned for the next year, and give a demonstration of some of the tools common to makerspaces. We are also happy to answer any questions you have once our presentation is over.
Emily Kelton, Presenter and board member of North End Makers
PresentersEmily Kelton and Andrew Gordon are board members of North End Makers, a nonprofit organization fostering an inclusive community of makers, creators, and artists who get together to learn, share, and grow.
They are building a vibrant community while also working towards their goal of creating a new makerspace in the north end of the Greater Seattle Area this year.
All people, crafts, and skill levels are welcome.
Emily has a background in graphic design and art and runs an Etsy store which makes goods for gamers and geeks.
She has too many hobbies to list, but currently is doing lots of laser cutting and designing, sewing, and lighting everything up with Neopixels.
Andrew Gordon, Presenter and board member of North End Makers |
Andrew has a background in coding and is a stay-at-home dad and woodworker.
He too is constantly picking up new hobbies; currently they are basket weaving, microcontrollers, and baking.
More information and optional RSVP here: FREE and Open to All!
ZOOM InformationMAKING Communities
Presented by: Emily Kelton and Andrew Gordon
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 862 3954 3284
Passcode: 440290
The North City Tech Meetup is a free meetup, usually the first Monday of each month at one of our local libraries: Lake Forest Park, Shoreline or Kenmore. People of all levels of interest and experience are encouraged to attend. There is always time for introductions and discussions. Skip the traffic and join with your fellow north-enders once a month for interesting presentations and discussions.
For the time being all North City Tech Meetups will be online using Zoom.
Upcoming North City Tech Meetup Events- May 3rd, Dr. Jeffrey S Hazboun, UW Bothell, “The NanoGrav Project”
- June 5th, Brian Saunders, North Seattle College, “The Vital Role of the Oceans in Climate Change”