Thank you from the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


The Shoreline Public Schools Foundation 
is incredibly grateful for all the contributions to our Spring Event.

Spring Event 2021!

  • Two donors provide $20,000.00 in challenge gift funds!
  • There were 228 donations!
  • $87,547 has been raised so far! Which is 70% of our $125,000.00 goal.

This community's commitment to supporting our students and promoting learning in our schools is amazing.

If you would like to help us meet our goal, DONATE HERE

The Shoreline Public Schools Foundation (SPSF) partners with the Shoreline Public Schools and the community to build awareness and fund learning opportunities that help support the best possible education for all students in the Shoreline Public Schools.

Our annual grant program allows the district to more broadly celebrate the diversity within our community and address the inequities that many students and families face.  Additionally the grant program provides the means to connect resources, experiences and opportunities to the learner.

Senior Center is seeking Videographer

Videographer needed
for this campaign
The Senior Center is assembling five brief videos (3-5 minutes each) of various classes we offer at Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center.

They will be uploaded to our YouTube site to be shown May 4th - 7th during the final days of our "Return To Happy Days" Fundraiser.

We are not requiring a professional agency but seeking a very talented individual that would assist us in our efforts to raise funds to support our mission to provide services and programs to our aging adult community in 2021.

If you are interested, please contact Theresa LaCroix via email at

LFP Citizens Commission to hold session on proposed fire department merger Wednesday

The Citizens Commission is a volunteer group not affiliated with the City of Lake Forest Park

At Wednesday night's Lake Forest Park Citizens Commission Meeting, we will have a Presentation from the Northshore Fire District on Proposition #1- the Proposed Ballot Measure to Merge Northshore Fire (King County Fire Protection District #16), into the Woodinville Fire & Rescue District.

We will also allow for Questions, Clarifications, and Answers, in addition to Pro and Con Statements, comments, and opinions.

This event is open to everyone.

According to those involved, it can make a difference to the future of Shoreline Fire, Northshore Fire, Bothell Fire, and Woodinville Fire and Rescue.

The event will start at 5:00pm and continue to 8:00pm, Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
People are welcome to attend at any time, and leave at any time.

The Google Meet Link is:

“Shoreline Walks” Starts Saturday April 3rd

Join walk leader Dan on Saturday, April 3, 2021 at 10:00am for a free walk around the Echo Lake Neighborhood.

This is the first walk of the year, part of the City of Shoreline’s free community program “Shoreline Walks.” The guided walk begins in front of Echo Lake Park (Ashworth Ave N and N 200th St.) and is 2 miles long with a rating of “moderate” for some uneven trails and hills.

The free group walk is part of the City of Shoreline’s “Shoreline Walks” community walking program helping Shoreline adults stay active, meet new people (or connect with old friends) and feel safer and more confident exploring our city by foot. 

No need to sign up, just show up with your walking shoes! For more information on Shoreline Walks, visit or call Recreation Specialist, Marianne Johnson at 206-801-2638.


Saturday, April 3, 2021, 10:00am
Echo Lake Neighborhood Walk

Explore the Echo Lake Neighborhood walking along the Lake and the west side of Ballinger Commons. 
  • Walk is on flat pavement and suitable for strollers and wheelchairs.
  • All participants are required to wear masks and maintain social distancing.
  • Walk is approximately 2 miles / 1.25 hours
  • Walk Rating: Moderate (some uneven trails and hills)
  • Meet at: Echo Lake Park, Ashworth Ave N and N 200th St
  • Walk Leader: Dan

Jobs: City of Shoreline - City Manager's Office Fellowship

City of Shoreline
City Manager’s Office Fellowship

CLOSING DATE: 04/19/21 11:59 PM

Flexible schedule with up to 19 authorized hours per week, June 2021 through May 2022

The City Manager's Office Fellowship is a one-year career development opportunity designed to attract, develop, and retain talented emerging professionals in city government. The City Manager's Office Fellow works under the direction of the City Manager's Office, playing a leading role coordinating, facilitating and managing city projects and programs across the organization. The Fellow will routinely interact with city leadership and attend high-level meetings to be exposed to the responsibilities of each department and current local government issues.

The City Manager's Office Fellowship accepts applicants that have completed at least one year of coursework toward a Masters of Public Administration, Masters of Public Policy, or Masters of Political Science. This Fellowship position is for a 12-month period (approximately June through May) and is eligible for PERS retirement.

Job description and application

Jobs: Shoreline Community College - Secretary; Student Leadership Assistant Director

Shoreline Community College
is recruiting for the following positions:

Secretary Senior – Humanities
Date of first consideration: April 7, 2021

Job description and application

Assistant Director – Student Leadership and Residential Life
Date of first consideration: April 19, 2021

Job description and application

To apply or see other employment opportunities at the College, visit the website

Op-Ed: Amend the Development Code to protect trees

Op-Ed submitted by Shoreline resident Susanne Tsoming, on behalf of Save Shoreline Trees Advisory Board

When Shoreline became a city in 1995, it had to conform with the State required mandate that all cities develop and adopt a comprehensive plan (Comp Plan). This plan guides Shoreline’s growth management decisions and provides a common vision for the future.

Shoreline adopted its first Comp Plan in 1998 in response to Washington State Growth Management Act requirements. It is periodically updated and the current Comp Plan was adopted on 12/10/2012 (2012 Comp Plan) by City Ordinance 649.

Comp plans are (1) comprehensive, (2) general, and (3) long range. The City’s Comp Plan confirms that the larger community has an interest and right to participate in the planning process of the City and is “vital to shaping the future.” 

Among the numerous goals in the City’s 2012 Comp Plan, one of them is to protect our natural environment. Goal NE X states that Shoreline is to maintain and improve the City’s tree canopy. 

In accordance, to better protect and preserve our community’s mature trees and urban forest canopy, Save Shoreline Trees ( submitted 11 code amendment proposals. Several of them are new and updated tree definitions and others concern the protection and preservation of our tall mature conifer and native trees. 

One proposed Development Code amendment is to add to Subchapter 5, SMC 20.50.290, “Tree Purpose.” The Tree Purpose describes the functions and benefits of trees. 

Should this, or any of the other 10 proposed code amendments, be approved by Council, the City’s ‘tree codes’ will acknowledge our trees as valued and important elements to our natural environment. 

We await the Planning Commission and Council’s review this year of these proposed code amendments.

CORRECTION: Headline should have read Amend the Development Code

Salomon's bill to protect marine life passes House

State Sen. Jesse Salomon D-32
OLYMPIA – A bill aimed at restoring salmon habitat for Puget Sound orcas struggling to find enough food to survive was approved by the House of Representatives on Sunday.

Senate Bill 5273, sponsored by Sen. Jesse Salomon (D-Shoreline), would require residential property owners to use an alternative that has the least amount of negative impact on marine life when replacing existing shoreline seawalls.

“Nearly one-third of Puget Sound’s shorelines are armored with structures like bulkheads and seawalls,” said Salomon. “These structures can be incredibly destructive to marine habitats in the area. There are several alternatives that can achieve comparable results for property owners while also having less impact on the natural environment.”

Property owners looking to replace a seawall or bulkhead can replace it with the exact same structure under current state law. Certain types of seawalls can be bad for critical nearshore habitat.

When seawalls are installed, the natural process of beach and sand erosion is disrupted. This can cause a chain reaction of negative environmental impacts, including the disruption of fish habitats in the area.

A lack of adequate salmon population has been identified as one of the factors jeopardizing the Puget Sound’s Southern Resident Orca population.

SB 5273 was amended by the House, so it will return to the Senate for a concurrence vote. Salomon expects the Senate will concur with the House amendments.

The 2021 legislative session is scheduled to adjourn on April 25.

Sen. Jesse Salomon, D-Shoreline, represents the 32nd Legislative District, which includes Lynnwood, Edmonds, Mountlake Terrace, Seattle, Shoreline, Woodway, and unincorporated Snohomish County.

Case updates March 29, 2021

  Vaccine Locations
Vaccine Phase Finder is no longer required, but the state’s vaccine phases are staying the same. The state remains in Phase 1B2, and on March 31, vaccine eligibility opens to people in Phase 1B tiers 3 and 4. 

Case updates March 29, 2021

United States 
  • Total cases 30,085,827 - 60,699 in one day
  • Total deaths 547,296 - 592 in one day

Washington state   
  • Total cases 363,235 - 850 in a day 
  • Total hospitalizations 20,490 - 49 in a day 
  • Total deaths 5,237 - 11 in a day 

King county 
  • Total cases 87,726 - 159 in a day  
  • Total hospitalizations 5,333 - 30 in a day  
  • Total deaths 1,462 - 1 in a day  

Seattle - population 744,995 (2018) 
  • Total cases 21,585 - 25 in a day
  • Total hospitalizations 1,235 -  9 in a day
  • Total deaths 378 - 1 in a day

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018) 
  • Total cases 2,094 -  2 in a day 
  • Total hospitalizations 187 - 1 in a day
  • Total deaths 92 - 0 since last report

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018) 
  • cases 290 - 0 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 17 - 0 since yesterday
  • deaths 4 - no change

Third Place Books raises funds to support AAPI community

One of the books on the list
Third Place Books announced Friday that they will donate a portion of the sales from a list of books by Asian American authors to API Chaya, an organization dedicated to ending systemic violence in local communities.

From March 26-April 4, 2021 Third Place Books will donate 20% of the sales from all titles on the list - all by AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) authors - to API Chaya. Both in-store and online purchases will qualify.

The featured books, curated by booksellers at Third Place Books’ three locations, include recent bestsellers like Minor Feelings by Cathy Hong Park and National Book Award Winner Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu, alongside titles by local Seattle-area authors, like Heiress Apparently by Diana Ma and My Unforgotten Seattle by Ron Chew.

Diana Ma is a local author
A full list can be found at

API Chaya, a Seattle-based non-profit, seeks to “[empower] survivors of gender-based violence and human trafficking to gain safety, connection, and wellness... by educating and mobilizing South Asian, Asian, Pacific Islander, and all immigrant communities to end exploitation, creating a world where all people can heal and thrive.”

The reporting agency Stop AAPI Hate reported more than 3800 anti-Asian hate incidents in the past year.

For more information about API Chaya, visit:

Mountlake Terrace man dies in one car, high speed collision

On Tuesday morning, 2am, March 30, 2021, a Mountlake Terrace man, 19 year old Spencer A. Mudaliar, crashed his vehicle on the off ramp to the bus barn just south of NE 175th on southbound I-5.

He was traveling at a high rate of speed when his vehicle drove up the embankment and hit a tree before coming to a stop.

Mudaliar was declared dead at the scene. It was not apparent if drugs or alcohol were involved and he was wearing his seatbelt.

The off ramp was open, the scene was cleared, but traffic was still backed up

Crews blocked the off ramp for the emergency response and ensuing investigation.

This caused a distraction that backed up southbound traffic to Lynnwood, even after the scene was cleared at 7:45am.

U.S. Rep. Jayapal addresses Edmonds Rotary on legislative activity, COVID and Jan 6 insurrection

U.S. Rep. Jayapal
Photo courtesy
My Edmonds posted an extensive report on U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal's virtual visit to the Edmonds Rotary.

The Edmonds Noon Rotary hosted U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Washington State’s 7th District representative to the U.S. Congress, for a virtual presentation during its regular Tuesday meeting. 
Jayapal shared her perspectives on current congressional activity, the recently passed COVID relief package, her personal experiences and views on the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, and how she sees her role as a representative.

The 7th District includes most of Seattle and surrounding areas including Edmonds, Shoreline, Vashon Island, Lake Forest Park and parts of Burien and Normandy Park.

As the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Jayapal is the lead sponsor of the Medicare for All Act, the College for All Act, the Housing is a Human Right Act, and the Roadmap to Freedom immigration resolution. She currently serves on the Judiciary, Budget, and Education and Labor committees. She lives in West Seattle with her husband Steve.

Read more here

After the storm

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Sunday's storm rolled in as predicted and those of us in the convergence zone got it all. Wind coming at intervals with occasional gusts that knocked over anything loose. Small branches down in the streets and yards. Pounding hail.

Hailstones covered the ground in Kirkland
Photo by KC

In Everett the hail stayed on the ground starting in the afternoon and the wind blew over barbeques. In north Kirkland, also in the convergence zone, the hail covered the ground.

Photo by Diane Hettrick

But in north Shoreline at the same time, only remnants of the hail were on the ground.

The black clouds dissipating in Lee's photo were solid and low just a short time before and covered the entire convergence zone.

--Diane Hettrick

North City Tech Meetup April 5th presentation on MAKING Communities

MAKING Communities by Emily Kelton and Andrew Gordon

Monday, April 5, 2021, 7-9pm, online zoom meeting
North City Tech Meet-up

Free and open to everyone

In an age of unparalleled access to information and technology, it's no surprise that more and more people are interested in becoming producers, rather than simply consumers. 

This Maker Movement has given rise to numerous organizations in the form of Fab Labs and Makerspaces. However, these organizations do more than just host tools for prospective makers; they act as hubs for a larger community where people of all ages, backgrounds, and skills can come together and share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and make lifelong friends. 

This talk will explore what it means to be a part of the Maker Movement, the communities that spring up around it, and the impact they are having on popular, civic, and economic growth.

We will also introduce you to our community, talk briefly about what we have planned for the next year, and give a demonstration of some of the tools common to makerspaces. We are also happy to answer any questions you have once our presentation is over.

Emily Kelton, Presenter and board
member of North End Makers


Emily Kelton and Andrew Gordon are board members of North End Makers, a nonprofit organization fostering an inclusive community of makers, creators, and artists who get together to learn, share, and grow. 

They are building a vibrant community while also working towards their goal of creating a new makerspace in the north end of the Greater Seattle Area this year. 

All people, crafts, and skill levels are welcome.

Emily has a background in graphic design and art and runs an Etsy store which makes goods for gamers and geeks. 

She has too many hobbies to list, but currently is doing lots of laser cutting and designing, sewing, and lighting everything up with Neopixels.

Andrew Gordon, Presenter and board
member of North End Makers
Andrew has a background in coding and is a stay-at-home dad and woodworker. 

He too is constantly picking up new hobbies; currently they are basket weaving, microcontrollers, and baking.

More information and optional RSVP here:

FREE and Open to All!

ZOOM Information

MAKING Communities
Presented by: Emily Kelton and Andrew Gordon

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 3954 3284
Passcode: 440290

The North City Tech Meetup is a free meetup, usually the first Monday of each month at one of our local libraries: Lake Forest Park, Shoreline or Kenmore. People of all levels of interest and experience are encouraged to attend. There is always time for introductions and discussions. Skip the traffic and join with your fellow north-enders once a month for interesting presentations and discussions.

For the time being all North City Tech Meetups will be online using Zoom.

Upcoming North City Tech Meetup Events
  • May 3rd, Dr. Jeffrey S Hazboun, UW Bothell, “The NanoGrav Project”
  • June 5th, Brian Saunders, North Seattle College, “The Vital Role of the Oceans in Climate Change”

Explore your creative side in Shoreline Community College's online photography classes

stock photo
Join professional photographer and facilitator Lara Grauer in an upcoming digital SLR photography class with Continuing Education at Shoreline Community College!

Dust off your "fancy" camera and finally learn how to use it in Digital SLR Photography for Beginners

You'll explore what the different settings on your DSLR (Digital Single-Lens Reflex) or mirrorless camera can do and how to get creative by making purposeful choices.

The course will cover basic topics such as: shooting modes, exposure, lighting and composition, depth of field, aperture, shutter speed, flash, and more. Each week, you will practice the techniques taught in class and observe and critique work from fellow classmates.

If you already understand the basics of how your camera works, check out Images with Impact: Intermediate DSLR Photography and explore topics such as: lighting, composition, color theory, and story-telling in a collaborative online environment.

You’ll learn how to put these elements into practice and approach your photography intentionally so your work begins to reflect the images you see in your mind. Each week, you’ll practice a new idea that builds on your previous knowledge. Bit by bit, you’ll become a more deliberate photographic artist.

Prerequisites: Students must have a DSLR (Digital Single-Lens Reflex) or mirrorless camera with both automatic and manual controls, and the ability to remove and switch out lenses. (Only 1 lens is needed, but it must be removable.) 

Students will also need the ability to transfer images to a device - either by using a cable connection or a memory card reader - to share their work.

Classes begin as early as April 6, 2021 and registration is open now! Click on the links above to see the full course descriptions and register, or contact for more information.

Case updates March 28, 2021

   Vaccine Phase Finder Vaccine Locations
Vaccine Phase Finder will no longer be required as of March 31, 2021

Case updates March 28, 2021

United States 
  • Total cases 30,085,827 - 47,464 in one day
  • Total deaths 546,704 - 560 in one day

Washington state   
  • Total cases 362,385 - 1,270 in a day 
  • Total hospitalizations 20,441 - 78 in a day  
  • Total deaths 5,226 - 8 in a day 

King county 
  • Total cases 87,567 - 185 in a day  
  • Total hospitalizations 5,303 - 15 in a day  
  • Total deaths 1,461 - 0 in a day  

Seattle - population 744,995 (2018) 
  • Total cases 21,560 - 48 in a day
  • Total hospitalizations 1,226 -  4 in a day
  • Total deaths 377 -  -1 in a day

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018) 
  • Total cases 2,092 -  6 in a day 
  • Total hospitalizations 186 -  -1 in a day
  • Total deaths 92 - 0 since last report

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018) 
  • cases 290 - 4 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 17 - 1 since yesterday
  • deaths 4 - no change

One of Shoreline’s oldest churches open for Easter Week services

Photo by John Bates
Berean Bible Church will hold three services for Easter weekend with both in-person services and streaming online. 

Good Friday Service on Friday, April 2, 2021 will be at 6:30pm. 

There will be two services for Easter on April 4th. Services will be held at 9:00am and at 11:00am. 

Children’s Program will be offered only for the first service at 9:00am. 

All are welcome.

As the church resumes in-person services, anyone planning to come to either of the three services is asked to register to assist in planning for capacity so that everyone who wants to attend can be accommodated.

To register, please either use the church’s website at for information and to register or call the church office at 206-363-1466.

Pandemic protocols will be in place with masks required and social distancing.

This Easter weekend is also a historic time for Berean. Pastor Jim Shemaria and his wife Teresa will be closing out a 37-year ministry at Berean where Jim was also a charter member along with his mother in 1964. Pastor Jim was Christian Education Minister from 1984 and then Senior Pastor from 1993 to the present. He will deliver his last sermon on Easter weekend.

Two pastors will be helping during the transition while the church seeks a senior pastor to replace Pastor Jim. Pastor John Spooner will be interim pastor while Dr. Jim Carlson will assist the church leadership during the interim in its search for a new pastor. Dr. Carlson served as Christian Education Minister from 1966 through 1971.

Berean Bible Church is located at 2345 N 185th St at the corner of 1st Ave NE and N 185th St. For more information, please go to or call the church office at 206-363-1466.

--Bob Junell

Shorecrest varsity boys tennis wins close match with Shorewood Mar 29

Shorecrest varsity boys tennis
Wesco 2A/3A/4A
3-29-21 away game at Shorewood HS
Shorecrest 4 - Shorewood 3
SC overall record 8-1


State Parks announces two free days in April

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission invites the public to celebrate the spring season and Earth Day with two free days at state parks in April. 

On free days, visitors do not need a Discover Pass for day-use parking.

The first free day is Saturday, April 3 —a springtime free day. The next free day is Thursday, April 22, in honor of Earth Day.

The free days are in keeping with legislation that created the Discover Pass. The pass costs $30 for an annual pass or $10 for a one-day permit. It is required for vehicle access to state recreation lands managed by Washington State Parks, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). 

The Discover Pass legislation provided that State Parks could designate up to 12 free days when the pass would not be required to visit state parks. The free days apply only at state parks; the Discover Pass is still required on WDFW and DNR lands.

The remaining 2021 State Parks free days are as follows:
  • Saturday, June 5 — National Trails Day
  • Saturday, June 12 – National Get Outdoors DaSunday, June 13 — Free Fishing Day
  • Wednesday, Aug. 25 — National Park Service Birthday
  • Saturday, Sept. 25 — National Public Lands Day
  • Thursday, Nov. 11 — Veterans Day
  • Friday, Nov. 26 — Autumn free day

The Discover Pass provides daytime access to parks. Overnight visitors in state parks are charged fees for camping and overnight accommodations. Day access is included in the overnight fee. For information about the Discover Pass, visit

U.S. Senator Patty Murray introduces bill which would effectively stop the sale of the Seattle branch of the National Archives

U.S. Senator Patty Murray
On March 24, 2021, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) led Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) in introducing the ARCHIVES Act.

The Act would amend the Federal Assets Sale Transfer Act (FASTA) to add a requirement that properties cannot be sold or transferred unless the relevant agency has consulted with all affected Tribal governments or if the sale would harm access to agency services by a federally recognized Tribe.
This targeted legislation would only affect facilities that provide services to Tribal members, such as the federal archives facility in Seattle.

It would effectively halt the current process to close the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Federal Archives and Records Center in Seattle.

“The generations of history and artifacts stored in the Seattle federal archive facility are critical to telling the story of the Pacific Northwest, especially for our region’s Tribal communities,” Senator Murray said. 
“This bill would correct a flawed process and ensure that Tribes are a part of any decision regarding the future of this facility, which houses so many critical pieces of their history."

Read more here

"Phase Finder" no longer required starting Mar 31

Phase Finder, the state’s online vaccine eligibility tool, will no longer be required to verify COVID-19 vaccine eligibility starting March 31.

That means that people who want a vaccine should check DOH’s prioritization guidance webpage to see when they are eligible to get vaccinated. 

Those who are eligible can then use Vaccine Locator to find an appointment. After March 30, those who visit the Phase Finder site will be directed to Vaccine Locator. 

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has informed vaccine providers of this change. DOH has asked that providers no longer require Phase Finder to schedule an appointment or ask for it when patients arrive for their appointment.

Vaccine Locator is available in 30 languages and will add seven more languages by the end of April. Those who have further questions or need help making an appointment can call the state’s COVID-19 information hotline at 1-800-525-0127, then press #. Language assistance is available.

While Phase Finder is going away, the state’s vaccine phases are staying the same. The state remains in Phase 1B2, and on March 31, vaccine eligibility opens to people in Phase 1B tiers 3 and 4.

“The goal is to vaccinate as many vulnerable community members as fast as possible before opening vaccine eligibility to everyone 16 years and older in just a few weeks. 
"Removing Phase Finder will help speed up the process by reducing barriers for eligible individuals,” says Michele Roberts, one of the state leaders for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. 
“We trust most people will continue to do the right thing and wait their turn to be vaccinated.”

Cherry trees in bloom at the UW

Monday, March 29, 2021

Cherry trees in bloom in the UW quad
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

The ornamental fruit trees are in full bloom right now - if the hail hasn't pounded the blossoms off the trees!

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Fortunately, Steve Robinson got to the University of Washington campus before that happened and is sharing his photos of the old quad with its spectacular blooms.

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Visitors were reminded of COVID protocols and it appears that most, if not all, were wearing masks.

Flowering plums on NE 165th
Photo by Steven H. Robinson 2017

Closer to home, the flowering plums are in full bloom in the Ridgecrest neighborhood. According to their Facebook page,"Blireana Flowering Plum trees on NE 165th in front of Ridgecrest Elementary School. These trees were planted by Ridgecrest Neighborhood volunteers in the late '90's."

A current photo of the plum trees here

For the Birds: Who's that Knocking on My Chimney Cap?

Male Red-shafted Northern Flicker
on wooden drumming surface.
Photo by Craig Kerns
By Christine Southwick

Have you been sitting in your house when all-of-a-sudden something starts loudly drumming on your chimney cap? Startling, but not damaging-it just sounds like it.

Male Flickers are starting to drum on telephone poles, and any other sonorous surface, the louder the better. 

Telephone poles, tree trunks, and most branches don’t reverberate too well, so the males go for metal surfaces.

Females judge the fitness of a potential mate by how loud he can drum.

The good news is that males will stop using metal surfaces and return to wood and vocalizations, once a mate is acquired.

Flickers, the most common woodpecker in Washington, are important to the health of our wooded areas, and are considered a Keystone or Indicator Species.

Female Red-shafted Northern Flicker.
Photo by Craig Kerns
Their many nest-holes (usually abandoned after nesting) are used by small owls, wood ducks, bluebirds, swallows, chickadees, wrens, and small mammals like Douglas Squirrels.

Flickers create nest holes in dying trees, old telephone poles, fence posts and sometimes house siding (close-by nest boxes will help with the last issue).

It usually takes up to fourteen days for the pair to excavate the 8-16-inch-deep hole for the 5-8 eggs.

Flickers are unusual in the woodpecker family — they are often found on the ground eating their favorite foods - ants and beetles. 

Even so, you will still see them on tree trunks and limbs hunting for bugs, plus they nest and sleep in larger trees.

Intergrade male Northern Flicker.
Photo copyright Lyn Topinka
(both red-shafted and yellow feathers;
malar stripe is both red and black --
really extreme feathers
The flickers that are in our area are usually Red-Shafted Flickers, with salmon-red underside wing and tail feathers. These males have a red malar stripe.

Flickers migrate a little southerly in the winter, and back to the northern part of their range in the spring. During the winter months yellow-shafted flickers will sometimes be seen here.

We know that the ranges of these two subspecies overlap since we sometimes see Intergrade flickers.

Intergrade flickers have a mixture of some red-shafted flicker markings, and some markings of yellow-shafted flickers (male yellow-shafted have black malar stripe, and all yellow-shafted have a red spot on the back of their heads which red-shafted do not).

Sometimes these flickers have red-colored under-wing feathers, other times yellow-colored under-wing feathers.

If flickers drumming on your house and chimney vents are driving you crazy, don’t worry. The flickers will stop within a month.

More info on how to get these protected flickers to stop pounding on your siding.

LFP Garden Club April 13th Zoom meeting with speaker Christina Pfeiffer

The Lake Forest Park Garden Club will meet on Tuesday April 13, 2021 at 10am on zoom. The speaker will be Christina Pfeiffer on:

How to Prune the Over Grown Garden - for a new lease on plant life. 

Facing an overgrown garden can elicit a desire to cut it all way back. Avoid the perils of that temptation with an approach that combines pruning techniques and timing with the natural growth habit of garden trees and shrubs for beautiful results.

Christina Pfeiffer
Christina Pfeiffer is a horticulture consultant, instructor and garden writer with 35 years years experience in landscape management and arboriculture. 

She's a guest speaker at the NW Flower and Garden Show. She co-wrote Pacific Northwest Gardening Month-by Month with Mary Robson. 

She teaches in the department of horticulture at Edmonds Community College and South Seattle Community College.

If interested email for the zoom link and password.

National Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Day is Monday March 29th

Local veterans gather at the Shoreline Veterans Recognition Plaza

On Saturday, March 27, 2021 the Shoreline Veteran’s Association, in partnership with the Starr Sutherland Jr. Post #227 of the American Legion, the U. S. Volunteers-Joint Services Command, and the VFW Post #1040 gathered at the Shoreline Veteran’s Recognition Plaza, at City Hall, to commemorate this Special Veteran’s Memorial Day.

National Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day is observed every year on March 29 and is a way to thank and honor our nation’s Vietnam veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice. There are five objectives with the National Vietnam Commemoration and the other four are:
  • Highlight the service of our Armed Forces and support organizations during the war;
  • Pay tribute to wartime contributions at home by American citizens:
  • Highlight the technology, science and medical advances made during the war; and
  • Recognize contributions by our Allies.
National Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day recognizes all U.S. Armed Forces personnel with active duty service between November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, for their service regardless of their location. The commemoration makes no distinction among veterans who served in-county, in-theater, or were stationed elsewhere during those 20 years.

The Shoreline Veteran’s Association’s Ceremony included a Parade of Service Flags, by veteran representatives of each of the Armed Services.

The national anthem was performed by nine year old Symphony Ames of Snohomish WA. Reading of the history of the Shoreline Recognition Plaza was by American Legion Commander Larry Fischer, and the reading of the history of Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Day was by CPO Earl Thompson, USN (Ret.).

The Governor’s proclamation was read by MG John Natterstad, USAVR, Commander of the 10th Region, of the U.S. Volunteers-Joint Service Command. The keynote speaker was Col. David Gibson, USAF (Ret); a combat pilot during the Vietnam War, who gave an inspirational talk on his and others' heroic service in Vietnam.

A special Vietnam Commemorative Wreath was laid in remembrances of the over 58,000 U.S. military personnel who were lost in the war. The Honor Guard from VFW Post #1040, under the command of Mr. Frank Martinez, fired the three round volley, and bugle Echo Taps was played by Mr. Glenn Ledbetter and Scout Brody Rees.

Pastor Steve Ulmer (a former Lt, USCG and Vietnam veteran) offered prayers to all. All local area Vietnam veterans attending were honored at the wreath laying. The overall program was emceed by MG Raymond Coffey, USAVR and Chair of the Shoreline Veterans’ Association. Video and photography was by CPO Ronald Jones, USNVR.

Third Place Commons is calling all book and movie lovers

Are you an avid reader or a movie superfan? Do you love delving into great stories, then discussing them with friends? Third Place Commons has the group for you!

Book lovers will discover kindred spirits and a warm welcome in the Commons Community Book Club, which meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5pm. The group reads recent and critically acclaimed fiction bestsellers that have made it to paperback.

For April, the group is reading The Dutch House by Ann Patchett, a New York Times Book Review Notable Book, one of TIME Magazine's 100 Must-Read Books of 2019, and named one of the "Best Books of the Year" by NPR, the Washington Post, O Magazine, Buzzfeed, and more!

This Pulitzer Prize finalist is a richly moving story that explores the indelible bond between two siblings, the house of their childhood, and a past that will not let them go. The Dutch House is the story of a paradise lost, a tour de force that digs deeply into questions of inheritance, love and forgiveness, of how we want to see ourselves and of who we really are.

The group meets next on April 21st, so start reading and join the conversation!

Register here for the Commons Community Book Club. (Register just once to get the link to use for all future meetings.)

Meanwhile, movie lovers will find themselves right at home in the TPC Movie Club. The club meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm to discuss that month’s selection, plus other favorites old and new.

For the moment, the group focuses on critically acclaimed films from recent years that are widely available to stream so that everyone can easily watch them from home prior to the meeting. In the future, the club may switch to new releases in the theatres, but not until the current public health crisis passes.

At the next meeting on April 13th, the group will discuss 1917, which was nominated for 10 Oscars including Best Motion Picture and Best Director, and won three! It’s the story of two British soldiers during World War I who receive seemingly impossible orders. In a race against time, they must cross over into enemy territory to deliver a message that could potentially save 1,600 of their fellow comrades -- including the brother of one of the soldiers.

This gripping, nail-biter of a film is both powerful and visually dazzling and will keep you breathless till the end. So stream it now and join the club to discuss!

Register here for the TPC Movie Club. (Register just once to get the link to use for all future meetings.)

Currently, both groups meet via Zoom and are expected to continue online for the foreseeable future.

Third Place Commons, a community supported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, has been building real community in the heart of Lake Forest Park for over 20 years. In addition to presenting its largest program, the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market, Third Place Commons now also fosters real community in digital space with TPC At Home programs. Learn more at

Gloria's Birds: Looky here, photog -- I even framed myself

Photo copyright Gloria Z Nagler

So take your best shot; I need a new profile picture for my Facebook page.

(American Goldfinches look exquisite in any pose!)

--Gloria Z Nagler

Case updates March 27, 2021 - U.S. tops 30 million reported cases

  Vaccine Phase Finder Vaccine Locations
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is thrilled to share the state surpassed two major vaccine milestones this week. More than 1 million people in Washington are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and more than 3 million doses of vaccine have been administered and reported across the state since vaccine rollout began in mid-December.

Case updates March 27, 2021

United States 
  • Total cases 30,038,363 - 62,184 in one day
  • Total deaths 546,144 - 871 in one day

Washington state - not updated   
  • Total cases 361,115 - 1,449 in a day 
  • Total hospitalizations 20,363 - 77 in a day  
  • Total deaths 5,218 - 0 in a day 

King county 
  • Total cases 87,382 - 270 in a day  
  • Total hospitalizations 5,288 - 32 in a day  
  • Total deaths 1,461 - 0 in a day  

Seattle - population 744,995 (2018) 
  • Total cases 21,512 - 77 in a day
  • Total hospitalizations 1,222 -  7 in a day
  • Total deaths 378 - 1 in a day

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018) 
  • Total cases 2,086 -  -1 in a day 
  • Total hospitalizations 187 - 1 in a day
  • Total deaths 92 - 0 since last report

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018) 
  • cases 286 - 1 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 16 -  -1 since yesterday
  • deaths 4 - no change
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