Ballot drop boxes open in Shoreline, LFP, around county

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Ballot drop box 192nd and Aurora in
Shoreline park n ride
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Local voters can return their ballots to ballot drop boxes 24 hours per day through 8pm on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

King County has 24-hour drop boxes at 73 sites, including two in Shoreline and one in Lake Forest Park.

Here are some of the nearby drop boxes:
  • Shoreline Library 345 NE 175th St, Shoreline (Due to construction the ballot drop box has moved to the lower parking lot of the library right off of NE 175th St - no left turn from westbound 175th)
  • Shoreline Park and Ride, 18821 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline
  • Lake Forest Park City Hall, 17425 Ballinger Way NE, Lake Forest Park
  • Kenmore City Hall, 18120 68th Ave NE, Kenmore
  • Lake City Library, 12501 28th Ave NE Seattle
  • North Seattle College (south visitor lot access from N 95th St), 9600 College Way N, Seattle
  • Broadview Library, 12755 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle
  • Ballard Branch Library, Corner of NW 57th St and 22nd Ave NW, Seattle 
  • Waterway 19 Park (next to Gas Works Park), 2119 N Northlake Way, Seattle
  • Green Lake Community Center, 7201 E Green Lake Dr N, Seattle
  • King County Administration Building, 500 4th Ave, Seattle

County elections officials ask voters to plan ahead to avoid lines.

--Evan Smith

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Happy Halloween


Halloween: Fargo? theme for unique decorations

This decor is at 1041 NW 197th PL in Shoreline. Thanks to John Crawford for sending it in.

Pretty spooky. Kind of a Fargo movie theme !

Enrollment opens November 1 for Washington’s GET Prepaid Tuition Program

Washington State’s Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) program opens Sunday, November 1 for a new enrollment period, providing families a fresh opportunity to start saving for future college costs while their children are young.

The 2020-2021 enrollment period runs through May 31, 2021, with a unit purchase price of $133.

As a 529 prepaid tuition program, the state of Washington guarantees that a family’s GET savings will keep pace with in-state college tuition and state-mandated fees. 

While GET account values are based on Washington tuition rates, students have the freedom to follow their ambitions wherever they choose, as GET can be used at nearly any public or private university, community college, or technical school in the country. 

New this year, GET and other 529 plans can also be used to pay for apprenticeship programs and certain student loan repayments.

The GET program opened in 1998, and since then, thousands of Washington families have saved billions of dollars to go towards their students’ future higher education expenses.

To date, GET has distributed over $1.2 billion to more than 55,000 students who have used their GET accounts to attend college in all 50 states and 15 countries worldwide.

GET is one of two college savings options offered by Washington College Savings Plans (WA529). In addition to GET, WA529 also offers the country's newest investment-based 529 plan, DreamAhead

Launched in 2018, DreamAhead has already received national recognition and high marks from investment research firm Morningstar, Inc., who released its 2020 529 plan ratings this week. In its review, Morningstar awarded DreamAhead a Bronze medal, pointing out competitive fees and a solid investment lineup that it says, "will serve Washingtonians well.”

“Families often ask us when they should start saving for future college costs,” says Washington College Savings Plans director, Luke Minor. “Our response is simple: ‘It’s never too early to get started.’”

WA529’s freshly redesigned website ( offers details, charts, planning tools and answers for questions that families may have about the programs. 

Washington residents who want to help a student save for future education costs can open a GET or DreamAhead account online with no enrollment fee. The GET contact center staff is ready to help at 800-955-2318 or

For questions about DreamAhead, the DreamAhead contact center can be reached at 844-529-5845.

About WA529

The Committee on Advanced Tuition Payment and College Savings, commonly referred to as the WA529 Committee, provides oversight and sets program policies. The Washington Student Achievement Council supports and helps administer the programs, based on the Committee’s direction. 

The five-member committee consists of the executive director of the Washington Student Achievement Council, the State Treasurer, the director of the Office of Financial Management, and two citizen representatives. The State Actuary and GET’s State Investment Board liaison provide expertise and advise the committee as needed.

LFP Mayor's Corner - Let's Hang in There - Together

Mayor Jeff Johnson
Lake Forest Park
By Jeff Johnson, Mayor, Lake Forest Park

This is a fall like no other in recent history and, if you’re like me, 2020 continues to test your patience. Things are not the same this fall, as we make tough decisions about how to celebrate favorite events while following best practices to maintain our health during a pandemic.

Halloween, for one, will be different this year, as families figure out new ways to be smart and careful. Many of the usual customs to celebrate are not the safest, and it will take some creative thinking to come up with fun, safe ways to enjoy the holiday. Please see the related article in this issue with CDC guidance to help make it safer to trick-or-treat this year.

I am encouraged by how well the LFP community is working together during these challenging times. By continuing to support our local businesses, taking appropriate measures to stay healthy, and being patient with and supportive of our neighbors and others we encounter throughout our days, we will make it through to the other side.

In case you have been staying in and have not been out and about to see the progress being made on our current capital projects, here is an update:
  • Culvert L60 Replacement Project: Contractor is scheduled to complete sidewalks and repaving and reopen NE 178th Street to traffic on October 30, 2020.
  • Pfingst Animal Acres Picnic Shelter: Surface treatments and grass reseeding occurred the week of October 19 and the project is largely finished except for minor items.
  • Culvert L80-90 Replacement Project: Design work continues to 50% level and City staff is coordinating with WSDOT for replacement of all three culverts on Lyon Creek in the vicinity of SR 104 and 35th Avenue NE.
  • SR 104/44th Place NE Roundabout: Consultant selection activities continue and a consultant agreement for design of the roundabout is expected to be on the agenda for the regular City Council meeting of December 10, 2020.
In closing, please continue taking care of yourselves and each other because #WeAreAllLFP.

Separate Even in Death - Black Funerals and Cemeteries

Separate Even in Death - Black Funerals and Cemeteries

Register here:

Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 4 - 5:30pm

Presented by Janice Lovelace, PhD.

Segregation extended into death for African Americans, especially in the Southern U.S. This presentation looks at burial practices for African Americans from the 16th to the 20th century.

Registration required by 6pm on October 29, 2020. You will be sent a Zoom link or phone number on the day of each event.

Vote in person at vote centers

Voters in Shoreline, Lake Forest Park and the rest of King County can cast their votes in person Saturday, Monday or Tuesday at any of a dozen vote centers around the county, including one in Kenmore.

New Washington voters can register at the centers through Election Day.

Voters who need assistance completing their ballots can get help from trained staff members or use specialized designed to help voters with disabilities cast private, independent ballots.

  • A vote center at the Kenmore City Hall, 18120 68th Ave NE, Kenmore, is open Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020 from 10am to 4pm; Monday, Nov. 2, from 8:30am to 6pm; and Election Day, Nov. 3, from 8:30am to 8pm.
  • At the King County Elections office 919 SW Grady Way, Renton, the vote center is open Saturday from 10am to 4pm, Monday from 8:30am to 6pm, and Tuesday, Election Day, from 8:30am to 8pm.
  • A vote center at the County Elections Annex, King County Administration Building, 500 4th Ave, Room 440, is open Friday, Monday and Tuesday from 8:30am to 1pm and 2pm to 4:30pm.
  • A vote center at the CenturyLink Field Event Center, 800 Occidental Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134, is open Saturday from 10am to 4pm; Monday from 8:30am to 6pm; and Tuesday, Election Day from 8:30am to 8:00pm. Voters use the drive-up entrance at 2100 S Royal Brougham Way, or the walk-in entrance on the corner of Occidental Ave S and S Royal Brougham Way.
  • A vote center at the University of Washington’s Dempsey Indoor Center on Walla Walla Road, is open Saturday from 10am to 4pm; Monday from 8:30am to 6pm; and Election Day, Tuesday from 8:30am to 8pm. Voter parking is available in both E21 and E9 lots. Most voters should plan to park in E21. E9 has a limited number of spaces available, including some ADA-compliant spaces, and is reserved for those with mobility issues.
  • On Election Day, Tuesday, a vote center at the King County Chinook Building, 401 5th Ave, Room 124, will be open from 8:30am to 8pm.

Case updates October 29, 2020; COVID-19 activity intensifying across Washington state

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) released the latest statewide situation report on COVID-19 transmission, which shows a general rise in the intensity of the epidemic in both western and eastern Washington.

Case updates October 29, 2020

United States
  • cases 8,924,548 - 90,155 cases since yesterday
  • deaths 228,100 - 1,055 deaths since yesterday

Washington state - *DOH does not report deaths on the weekend
  • cases 106,573 - 1016 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 8,522 - 55 since yesterday
  • deaths* 2,366 - 7 since last report

King county
  • cases 27,423 - 385 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 2,573 - 8 since yesterday
  • deaths 804 - 1 since yesterday

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018)
  • cases 687 - 10 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 110 - 1 new
  • deaths 66 - 0 new

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018)
  • cases 82 - 2 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 4 - 0 since yesterday
  • deaths 1 - 0 new

Food for thought: Nutrition, breast cancer and misconceptions

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer for US women, and it is estimated that 1 in 5 women will be impacted. 

To recognize October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and provide understanding for yearlong prevention, registered dietitian from Pacific Medical Centers (PacMed), Christy Goff, answers common questions related to nutrition and breast cancer.

What dietary suggestion do you have to prevent breast cancer?

Nutrition suggestions for the prevention of breast cancer are similar to overall recommendations for health. There is evidence that a diet that contains plenty of fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, and lower amounts of animal protein contain protective factors against cancer in general.

Are there specific diets to lower the risk of breast cancer progressing or coming back?

There is no specific diet that lowers the risk for breast cancer progression or recurrence, although a generally healthy diet continues to be recommended. Other lifestyle factors like reducing or removing alcohol altogether and exercising regularly have beneficial research around preventing recurrence. And of course, continue to work with your providers for the proper screenings, treatments and testing.

Do you have any fun recipes that you recommend?

I visit the American Institute for Cancer Research for recipes and well-researched information related to cancer. Some of my favorites include roasted salmon with fall vegetables, anything with mushrooms, and lentil dishes like dal – here are some delicious ones I’ve tried recently:

What are some common myths or misconceptions around diet and breast cancer?
  • Myth: Eating too many soy foods is risky. Soy foods contain isoflavones, which are phytoestrogens that in some ways mimic the action of estrogen. Because high levels of estrogen link to increased breast cancer risk, there was a fear that soy foods – and its isoflavones – may increase risk. Yet overall, human studies show soy foods do not increase risk and, in some cases, research suggests they may lower it.
  • Myth: Sugar feeds cancer and you can’t eat any of it during treatment. Well, sugar does feed cancer BUT it also feeds every other cell in the body. It’s not advised to cut out all sugar but instead focus on enjoying natural sugars from fruit and choosing whole-grain, complex carbohydrates over refined carbs. It’s important to maintain your energy during cancer treatment so diet restrictions are typically not recommended.

It’s important to remember to schedule mammograms every 1-2 years after age 40, and more often if there is a history of breast cancer in your family. Researchers continue to encourage regular exercise and breast exams to notice any differences that may arise.

Christy Goff, MS, RDN, CD is a registered dietitian nutritionist and yoga instructor at Pacific Medical Centers. She graduated with a master's from Bastyr University and has since worked in various settings including as a clinical dietitian, as a dietitian with the federal program for women, infants and children (WIC), and with SNAP-ED program. She is a board member of the Greater Seattle Dietetic Association and past president.

Inslee announces technology investment for Washington students and staff

Gov. Jay Inslee has announced the allocation of $24 million in Coronavirus Relief Funds to purchase approximately 64,000 computing devices for students across the state.

These devices will enable students to receive their education in the new COVID-19 remote learning environment. The first shipment of 20,000 devices is expected in the coming weeks.

“Having their own device is vital to students and staff participating and succeeding in distance learning,” Inslee said. 
“The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown challenges at every Washingtonian, especially working families and students — having the proper equipment to navigate their new educational reality shouldn’t be one of those challenges.”

At the beginning of the 2020–2021 school year, more than 95% of students in Washington began the year in remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, according to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the nine regional educational service districts, approximately 64,000 students and school staff statewide do not currently have their own computing device or tablet.

Read the rest of the story on the governor's Medium page.

Book review by Aarene Storms: Estranged

Estranged by Ethan M. Aldridge

The Human Childe was changed with the son of the King and Queen of the Fae when both were very young. In the World Above, the elvish heir to the throne lives with parents and an older sister in modern Brooklyn. 

In the World Below, the boy doesn't even have a name. Then things go terribly wrong, and the Human Childe goes up into our world to seek the aid of the changeling who was swapped.

A modern changeling story? In graphic novel format? And there's a high-speed chase through the subway with a DRAGON?

Where do I sign up?

Really nice character-based story that touches base with traditional folklore before spinning off in new directions. The relationships remind me of the friends and family in the Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl books by Ben Hatke, written for a slightly older audience. This book is cataloged for the juvenile collection at my library, but I would comfortably hand it to readers ages ten to adult.

Sword fighting, political betrayals, dysfunctional families as well as functional and "found" family, magic, epic gayness and non-binary characters, fun artwork and a DRAGON. No cussing. Kissing, but no nekkidness or sex.

Aarene Storms, youth services librarian
Richmond Beach and Lake Forest Park Libraries, KCLS

Dominica Myers joins King County Library System as new director of diversity, equity and inclusion

Dominica Myers, King county library

The King County Library System (KCLS) welcomes Dominica Myers as its new director of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). 

Myers joined KCLS in October to head the DEI department in a newly created leadership role, and will report to KCLS Executive Director Lisa Rosenblum. 

Born and raised in Washington state, Myers comes to KCLS from Seattle Opera where she served as the associate director of administration with responsibility for company-wide Racial Equity and Social Impact initiatives.

Myers earned a master’s degree in nonprofit leadership from Seattle University in Seattle, Washington, and holds a bachelor’s degree in theatre arts with a minor in Spanish from Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. 

She also serves on the Inspire Washington board of trustees and the Tacoma Creates advisory board.

“KCLS is deeply committed to diversity, equity and inclusion as part of our service to the public,” stated KCLS Executive Director Lisa Rosenblum. “We began recruitment for this new role in July to expand leadership on our DEI initiatives, and we welcome Dominica to KCLS.”
“The people and geography of King County are a diverse tapestry of lived experiences, and the Library System is a reflection of that,” stated Myers. 
“KCLS holds a tremendous responsibility for stewarding the public’s resources and trust toward creating an equitable and inclusive experience for patrons of all backgrounds. As the new DEI director, I certainly feel the weight of this charge, but am excited for the journey with you.”

908,000 King County ballots already in by Thursday

Photo courtesy King county elections

More than 908,000 King County ballots arrived at the county elections office in Renton by Thursday. 

King County ballot-return statistics show that 908,299 ballots had arrived at the elections office in Renton by 6pm Thursday, October 29, 2020. That’s 64.45 percent of the county’s 1.4 million registered voters.

Local voters are returning ballots at a faster rate than the county as a whole.

Voters in Shoreline and the parts of northwest Seattle that are in the 32nd Legislative District had a ballot-return rate through Thursday of 67.89 percent.

In Lake Forest Park, Kenmore and the part of northeast Seattle in the 46th Legislative District the ballot-return rate is 70.81 percent.

Voters in Woodway, Lynnwood and the parts of Edmonds and Mountlake Terrace in the Snohomish County portion of the 32nd Legislative District have a return rate of 57.18 percent.

--Evan Smith

Small Business CARES Act grants available soon in Lake Forest Park

The City of Lake Forest Park is partnering with the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce to provide grants to small businesses within the City to help offset the impacts of addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updates related to fund availability and application process will be provided through the City’s website and social media accounts in the near future.

Qualifying businesses:
  • Fewer than twenty-five (25) employees;
  • Physical location within the City of Lake Forest Park in a commercial zone;
  • Experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19;
  • Business in good standing, meaning it has a current City business license, all City taxes and fees currently due are paid, compliant with all state and other regulatory requirements, and no currently pending litigation or City code enforcement actions pending;
  • Preference will be given to independent businesses; however, all businesses, including franchises, are encouraged to apply.

Eligible expenses:
  • Rental of materials to increase the outdoor seating capacity for restaurant businesses;
  • Marketing materials for businesses;
  • Personal protection equipment;
  • Consulting services such as business surveys and training related to COVID-19.

Agenda for Shoreline council meeting Nov 2 includes two public hearings on the budget

Shoreline City Hall
Photo by Steven H. Robinson
By Pam Cross

The November 2, 2020 regular council meeting includes the following :

Action Items

8(a) Public Hearing on the 2021-2022 Proposed Biennial Budget with Special Emphasis on 2021 Regular and Excess Property Tax Levies, to be Set by Ordinance No. 902, and Other Revenues

8(b) Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 903 - 2021-2022 Proposed Biennial Budget and the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Plan

All interested persons for both public hearings are encouraged to listen and/or attend the remote online public hearings and to provide oral and/or written comments.

Written comments should be submitted to Sara Lane, Administrative Services Director, at by no later than 4:00pm local time on the date of the hearing.

Any person wishing to provide oral testimony at the hearing should register via the Remote Public Comment Sign-in form at least thirty (30) minutes before the start of the meeting. A request to sign-up can also be made directly to the City Clerk at 206-801-2230.

Study Items

9(a) Discussing Ordinance No. 904 - Amending the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget (Ordinance Nos. 841, 852, 854, 855, 861, 872, 883 & 886)

9(b)Discussing Park Improvements and Property Acquisition Priorities and Funding

The Shoreline City Council will also hold a Special Meeting on Monday, November 2, 2020 from 5:30pm to 6:45pm remotely via Zoom.

Executive Session: Personnel - RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)

The Council may hold Executive Sessions from which the public may be excluded for those purposes set forth in RCW 42.30.110 and RCW 42.30.140. Before convening an Executive Session the presiding officer shall announce the purpose of the Session and the anticipated time when the Session will be concluded. Should the Session require more time, a public announcement shall be made that the Session is being extended.

What Goes Where? Free Recycling Workshop Thursday

What Goes Where? Free Recycling Workshop – Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 6:30pm

Have questions about recycling? Join Recology Waste Zero experts for a free, one-hour virtual workshop on Thursday to learn the ins and outs of recycling right. 

Learn what happens to your waste, discover why it’s important how to properly prepare your recyclables for collection and get tips to create less waste this season.

Register for this Zoom event:, or visit to learn more.

The spirits of Halloween

Friday, October 30, 2020

Story and photos by Cynthia Sheridan

The Jenkins-Viauya family has a long tradition of celebrating the holidays. With seven adult children, yard decorations are a big part of Halloween for this close-knit tribe. 

Each year the collection of pumpkins, witches and ghosts continues to grow larger while moving from one home to another. 

It is currently displayed on 25th NE near NE 182nd St. in Shoreline (bordering Lake Forest Park).

Two opportunities to donate food to Hopelink on Saturday

Hopelink is committed to ensuring access to food for our most vulnerable neighbors during the COVID-19 crisis. Many who have never before needed to ask for help are turning to us for support; facing fear and uncertainty, and suddenly at risk of losing stability. Demand for food continues to increase.

While Hopelink centers have been closed to the public, we have continued to provide food to everyone who needs it; transitioning from grocery store-style shopping to pre-packed boxes. To ensure that all food provided is as safe as possible, we made the decision in early March to temporarily suspend food donations and instead purchase all food directly from vendors.

As previously reported, Shorecrest / Shorewood students will be accepting donations on Saturday at the Shoreline Center, 18560 1st Ave NE from 11am to 2pm.

Hopelink will also hold a 4-hour drive-through food drive at Shoreline Hopelink (17837 Aurora Ave N behind Ronald Methodist Church) on Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 10am to 2pm.. 

On that day only, community members are invited to drive through and drop off some of the same foods that are currently being packed into boxes for distribution.

Help us ensure that we will have enough food for the coming winter.

Hopelink is currently packing and distributing hundreds of boxes of food every day. Meeting that demand requires that we provide the same shelf-stable foods to everyone. 

For that reason, we are able to accept only the following:

• Tuna
• Mac and cheese
• Peanut butter
• Chili/stew
• Canned fruit
• Instant oatmeal/cereal

For questions or more information on the 4-hour food drive:

Thank you for thinking of your community, and we hope to see you this Saturday!

Councilmember Dembowski: Kenmore Vote Center opens Saturday

From King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski

Thanks to the record breaking numbers of you returning your ballots, voter turnout in King County is already around 64%! If you are not yet registered to vote, it’s not too late.

Six Vote Centers operated by King County Elections will open this Saturday, October 31, 2020. These six special Vote Centers are located throughout King County, and they are in addition to King County Elections headquarters in Renton.

Kenmore City Hall. Photo by Steven H. Robinson

I am pleased that North King County residents can visit a Vote Center located at Kenmore City Hall, beginning this Saturday from 10:00am – 4:00pm, then Monday from 8:30am - 6:00pm, and Election Day from 8:30am - 8:00pm. 18120 68th Ave NE, Kenmore 98028.

King County residents can visit a Vote Center or the King County Elections headquarters to register to vote up until 8pm on election day, update their voter records, and request and receive a replacement ballot.

Additionally, trained King County Elections staff and specialized equipment will be available to help voters with disabilities cast a private, independent ballot.

You can find a full list of Vote Centers and their operating hours here.

Case updates October 28, 2020

Case updates October 28, 2020

United States
  • cases 8,834,393 - 81,599 cases since yesterday
  • deaths 227,045 - 1,060 deaths since yesterday

Washington state - *DOH does not report deaths on the weekend
  • cases 105,557 - 814 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 8,467 - 84 since yesterday
  • deaths* 2,359 - 6 since last report

King county
  • cases 27,038 - 221 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 2,565 - 4 since yesterday
  • deaths 803 - 0 since yesterday

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018)
  • cases 677 - 4 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 109 - 0 new
  • deaths 66 - 0 new

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018)
  • cases 80 - 0 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 4 - 0 since yesterday
  • deaths 1 - 0 new

No ballots have been rejected: is the official voter information portal for Washington state

With the 2020 General Election five days away, the Office of the Secretary of State is reminding voters that, the state’s voter registration and information portal, is the official source to check the status of their ballots.

Over the past few days an unofficial website,, has been referred to on social media platforms as a source for voters to find information about whether their ballot has been rejected. 

The Office of the Secretary of State issued a statement on social media platforms Tuesday morning, noting the site was reported to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as misinformation, and that is was not a verifiable source of election information.

Officials with DHS were able to identify the site developers, and coordinated a virtual meeting between them and the Office of the Secretary of State Wednesday afternoon. Wyman issued the following statement.

“In an age where misinformation and disinformation can spread so rapidly, it’s critical election officials remain vigilant and amplify trusted sources for elections information. The Office of the Secretary of State takes any concerns shared with the office seriously, and works with federal security partners to quell the spread of inaccurate or misleading information regarding elections and voting.
“I appreciate the developers of coming to the table to discuss the concerns my office had with the site and to share more about how and why the site was created. 
"They shared with me that the site was not created for nefarious purposes, and confirmed the site used data from the publicly available Voter Registration Database and daily ballot return statistics, or ‘matchback,’ file my office updates each weekday during an election period. 
"These files may be accessed from the Secretary of State’s Office’s official website; the developers did not coordinate with the Office on the development of their site.
“Most concerning, the website produces a potentially misleading list that is not updated in real-time of Washington voters whose ballots have been ‘rejected’. 

"No ballot that has been returned for the 2020 General Election has been rejected. The term ‘rejected’ is a system code that signals to county election officials the ballot cannot be tabulated until the issue has been resolved. 

"Most often, ballots marked as ‘rejected’ are missing a signature or the signature applied does not match the one on file in the voter’s registration record. 

"County election officials reach out to voters whose ballots are missing signatures or the signature does not match to resolve the error. 

"Voters have until 20 days after Election Day to ‘cure’ their signature.

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Time change

Change your clocks before you go to bed on Saturday night.

Jobs: Area Consultant Liaison Engineer

Area Consultant Liaison Engineer (TTE)
Shoreline – Northwest Region

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is currently seeking an experienced engineer that’s knowledgeable in applicable laws and regulations as they relate to contractual agreements. 

The Northwest Region Area Consultant Liaison Engineer focuses on oversight, management, preparation, and administration of all regional consultant agreements from consultant selection and agreement inception to termination, and archiving. The position requires a highly developed knowledge to ensure contracts are properly negotiated and administered to meet all RCW’s, WAC’s, and FWHA’s CFR’s.

Job description and application: LINK

Classifieds: Special Meeting Notice Ronald Wastewater District Board of Commissioners Workshop

Special Meeting Notice 
Ronald Wastewater District Board of Commissioners Workshop 

As required by RCW 42.30, the Open Public Meeting Act, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of Ronald Wastewater District will hold a Commissioner Workshop to review and discuss the draft 2021 Budget, Rates and CIP. 

Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 
Time: 6:00 p.m. 
Location: remotely (via Zoom) 


1. Call to Order 
2. Public Comment 
3. 2021 Budget, Rates and CIP: Discussion and Possible Decision(s) 
4. Conclusion

Any member of the public wishing to join the Zoom special meeting, please email for a link to the meeting.

Free Meditation offered from Mindful Paths to help ease Election Day stress

Linette Bixby
Mindful Paths

Free Meditation offered from Mindful Paths to help ease Election Day stress

It remains the center of conversation this week – the election and the amount of stress everyone is feeling about the outcome. 

A contentious election can cause apocalyptic thinking. The mind can create movies of “What if?” and “Then what?.” This cycle of thinking can start a continuous loop of thoughts that feel scary, are anxiety provoking and create a feeling of “dis-ease” in our bodies.

Bring your thoughts back into a controlled state. Think about what you CAN control – not a fictional movie of what MIGHT happen.

This coming Tuesday, November 3, 2020 Linette Bixby from Mindful Paths will be offering THREE free thirty minute meditation times that will be dedicated to helping calm election day anxiety.

Join her at 8am; 12 noon; and 5pm for a mental health break that will help you breathe with composure the rest of the day.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - 8am, 12pm, and 5pm

Must sign up in advance to receive zoom link at

Notes from Shoreline council meeting October 26, 2020

Pam Cross, reporter
Shoreline City Council Meeting
October 26, 2020

Notes by Pam Cross

The meeting was held remotely using the Zoom platform.

Mayor Hall called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
All Councilmembers were present.

Proclaiming America Recycles Day

This proclamation recognizes November 15, 2020, as America Recycles Day in the City of Shoreline. This is part of a national effort to promote recycling. Throughout the month of November, it calls upon residents and businesses to learn more about waste reduction and recycling options and commit to recycle more materials every day of the year. While Shoreline is doing well, about 70% of what goes into landfills in King County could have been reused, recycled, or composted.

Proclaiming Extra Mile Day

This proclamation recognizes November 1, 2020 as Extra Mile Day. This is to recognize the importance and value of volunteerism and giving back to the community.

Report of the City Manager, Debbi Tarry

COVID-19 Update

Case counts in King County are still high. The average over the past 14 days was 93 new cases per 100,000. The target is 25. Shoreline’s numbers remain low, but continue to rise at almost 4 cases per day. There were 42 new cases in Shoreline in the last two weeks.

Please continue to take prevention measures seriously:

Wear a face covering, especially indoors in public settings regardless of the distance between people. Remember the guidance is wear a mask AND maintain at least six feet of distance from others.

Limit the number of people you are with, and the time you are with them. Avoid large gatherings.

Do what you can to improve indoor ventilation by opening windows as much as you can. More fresh air means lower risk of infection.

Wash hands frequently and clean surfaces often.

Get tested at the first sign of illness.

More information available at

Halloween is coming! Practice these Healthy Halloween Tips.

Public Health advice: Choose other options besides trick or treating such as a costume parade, scavenger hunt, or spooky movie night with family.

If you do trick or treat, wear masks as part of or in addition to the costume, maintain distancing, bring hand sanitizer and use it frequently. Wash hand thoroughly when you get home and set candy aside for 24 hours.

Set out individual bags of candy to grab instead of handing it out at the door. Or you can slide candy down a cardboard tube to the kids.

Ronald Bog Park Closure

Sound Transit is working on the Ronald Bog Park trail. This will require the park to be closed for about two weeks.

The eastbound right lane of 175th in front of the park will be closed during work hours for trucks to enter and exit the park. More information at

November 3rd General Election

Ballot drop boxes are open 24 hours daily until 8pm on Nov 3rd.

Shoreline has two drop boxes located at Shoreline Library 345 NE 175th St and the Shoreline Park & Ride 18821 Aurora Ave N. The Shoreline Library drop box has been moved to the lower library parking lot, just off of 175th street and is now a drive-through location.

You can still register in person at King County Elections in Renton any weekday 8:30am - 6:00pm.

Closer to home, you can register in person at a vote center. Nearest locations are Kenmore City Hall and the Dempsey Indoor Center on the UW Campus. The vote centers are open October 31st, November 2nd and November 3rd. For more information:

145th Interchange Online Open House

Learn about the current challenges at the 145th and I-5 interchange and our plans to address those challenges. Share what’s important to you and provide your comments October 26 through November 20. Go to

If you are unable to participate in the open house event, email Bob Earl, Shoreline Engineering Manager at before November 20th to discuss the project, request mailed or emailed drawings and/or request a copy of the online open house.

For more information go to

Climate Change Champions Series

This free series ended Tuesday, October 27th. The City of Shoreline partnered with Washington State University to offer this 7-part educational and action series.

All videos in the series are available on the City’s Youtube page at

Council Reports

  • Councilmember Chang attended a meeting of the Regional Transit Committee. They are getting closer to Metro’s adoption of the recommendations of the mobility framework emphasizing equity and providing services to priority populations throughout King County. It is already part of how Metro determines how areas get services, but this will give bigger weight to some of these equity issues.
  • Councilmember Roberts. Last week the Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board adopted the 2021-2024 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) at $4.3B for the 2021-2024 term.
  • Councilmember O’Connell. Last week there was a Joint Transportation Board Meeting. They are on schedule in spite of the pandemic. They are at phase one, public engagement (virtual or remote). The second phase works on reliable east-west connections, all day reliability and transfers . Phase three will be revising peak routes in and around Shoreline.
  • Deputy Mayor Scully attended the conference for the City’s state audit which was uniformly good. There were a couple of minor errors but nothing material. The only potentially bad news is that we historically have only one audit per year, which is costly. There is a possibility that the Federal government might require a separate one based on some of the COVID related expenditures.
  • Mayor Hall   The Governor’s office has been holding periodic conference calls with mayors in the state to discuss COVID. The most recent included a report from the State Department of Health that provided a breakdown of where COVID outbreaks are occurring. The two most common places for outbreaks of COVID-19 are in restaurants and at grocery and retail stores. It’s important to continue to support local businesses, just remember to stay safe.

As he does each fall, he has been meeting (virtually) with our three State Representatives, Rep. Ryu, Rep. Davis, and Rep Salomon. He shares Council’s priorities including funding for 145th and so forth.

There was a workshop, kind of a Housing 101, about affordable housing, that was very interesting and helpful.

Several Councilmembers and members of the Planning Commission and Parks Board members attended the first session of Training in Racial Sensitivity. There will be two more sessions.

Public Comment


Comments for the Public Hearing (Enhanced Shelter) will be heard under Action Item 8(a)

Approval of the Agenda adopted by unanimous consent.

The Consent Calendar adopted unanimously by roll call vote.


8 (a) Public Hearing and Adopting Ordinance No. 906 - Interim Zoning Regulations for Adding Enhanced Shelter as an Allowable Use in the R-48 Zone

Presentation by:

Nora Gierloff, Planning Manager
Colleen Kelly, Recreation, Cultural and Community Services Director

There was a brief overview of the Enhanced Shelter.

The background presented has been covered in previous Meeting Notes (Aug 10 and Oct 12). It included the need, location availability and description of the property, funding, and Council actions.

Proposed Ordinance 906 is a temporary change in regulations that is good for 6 months and renewable in 6 month increments. The location is zoned R48 which does not currently allow enhanced shelters. Therefore in order to proceed, enhanced shelter has to be added as a permitted use.

Other alternatives discussed by Council would require more time with the potential for loss of the grant funding.

Tonight’s hearing focuses on a proposed interim ordinance that would define an additional type of homeless service, Enhanced Shelter, and permit that use in the R-48 zoning district on an interim basis.

In addition, some of the requirements of the grant funding that King County would use to operate the shelter conflict with the zoning code index criteria for homeless shelters as currently defined in SMC 20.40.405

Index Criteria for Homeless Shelters in SMC 20.40.405

Staffing plans

Requirement for regular reports to the Council on how the shelter is meeting performance metrics

Documentation of the number of calls for service to the site and an agreement that the shelter operator will be billed for calls over an agreed threshold.

Shelter operator to contribute to the cost of a mental health professional to assist in police response, perhaps through part of the RADAR program.

Require adherence to the Good Neighbor Plan.

Agreement to discontinue the shelter use if documented violations of the operational agreements are not addressed in a timely manner.

Proposed Council Amendments for operation of Enhanced Shelter

Councilmember Chang Proposed Amendment 1

20.20.018E definitions

Definition: Enhanced Shelter – A low-barrier, 24 hour a day facility intended to provide adults experiencing homelessness with access to resources including, but not limited to, housing, basic needs, hygiene, case management and social programs as they transition to permanent housing.

Replace “adults” with “persons”. The purpose of this is to allow flexibility in the type of population that is served by an Enhanced Shelter.

Councilmember Chang Proposed Amendment 2

Require a Good Neighbor Plan acceptable to the City that would address how the facility would deal with potential issues caused by residents of the shelter and how the neighborhood would bring issues they see for resolution.

Councilmember Chang Proposed Amendment 3

Require a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or similar document between the City, Lake City Partners, and County that gives the City more power than just “code enforcement”.

Councilmember Chang Proposed Amendment 4

Require an annual report/assessment prepared by the operator and County to the City. In addition to statistics about numbers served and numbers moved to permanent housing, it would be good for the report to provide information on the details of the homeless population being served—where are they from, reasons for homelessness, how were they referred to the shelter, and whether they are participating in treatment.

Councilmember Chang Proposed Amendment 5

Include a minimum distance from sensitive uses such as daycares, stores selling alcohol, schools and community centers. We have two examples in our code that mention distances to daycares. Could we look at what other municipalities require for Enhanced Shelters?

Councilmember Roberts Proposed Amendment 1

Change the proposed use table from Permitted(i) to Conditional(i).

Councilmember Roberts Proposed Amendment 2

Under the conditions, add a requirement that in order to operate, the City and County must enter into an interlocal agreement (ILA) to address staffing, security, emergency response, etc.


Public Testimony. Time is limited to 3 minutes per speaker.

Support Ordinance
  • David Anderson, Shoreline
  • David Trainer, Shoreline
  • Stephanie Henry, Shoreline
  • Gretchen Holtz, Shoreline
  • Brian Henry, Shoreline
  • Carrell Tysver, Bothell
  • Domenick Dellino, Shoreline
  • Brooke Lather, Shoreline
  • Pastor Kelly Dahlman-Oeth, Kirkland
Oppose Ordinance
  • Margaret Willson, Shoreline
  • Jackie Kurle, Shoreline
  • Jack Malek, Shoreline
  • Barbara Twadell, Shoreline
  • Nancy Morris, Shoreline
  • Vinay Venkatesh, Shoreline
  • Sudeeptha Jothiprakash, Shoreline
  • Diane Pfeil, Shoreline
  • Dicky Leonardo, Shoreline
  • Nancy Pfeil, Shoreline
  • Joanne Godmintz, Shoreline
  • Tylor Husske, Shoreline
  • Stephen Kurle, Shoreline
  • Shang Lou, Shoreline
  • Jean Muir, Shoreline
  • Chris Brown, Shoreline


Motion and second to approve Ordinance 906 - Interim Zoning Regulations for Adding Enhanced Shelter as an Allowable Use in the R-48 Zone

Deputy Mayor Scully

What I’ve heard over the last few years is general agreement that we need to do something about the homeless. Folks are not happy with the current state of affairs for a variety of reasons and we are asked why the City isn’t doing more. We have done something about individually reported problems. But what we haven’t done, until today, is find not a solution, but something to make this problem better.

Is this the right thing? A low barrier shelter is the need. This model, I’m convinced, is the best way to do a low barrier shelter because you have a private room and you can stay in the shelter 24 hours/day until you get yourself into housing.

Is this the right place? Yes, I think this is the best place in Shoreline for it. We don’t have an industrial area to locate it in. We don’t have a large undeveloped area. We have one very large commercial boulevard, Aurora, and part of Ballinger. Other than that we are basically a residential city with some commercial districts. Although there are potentially other Shoreline locations, King County has said we will put it here. If we locate it someplace else, we will hear the same concerns from another neighborhood. We heard similar comments from the neighborhood near Ronald Commons. Yet I haven’t heard anything since it’s been completed. People say well it’s a different type of facility and it's for families. Nevertheless, it's a place where homeless people live. I understand the fear but I don’t think generally it’s going to work out the way the neighbors think. In the unlikely event that it does, then we’ll have to re-think. But having fear drive us when we have an example right here in Shoreline (Ronald Commons) where those fears have not come true, would be a real shame. There are a large raft of amendments out there - some will make it better but some are concerning because I think they would undercut this project. I am not convinced that we need any of these amendments.

Councilmember Robertson

I support the shelter moving forward. I want to do this in the best possible way to reassure the neighborhood and businesses. I think maybe some of the amendments will help. I take the safety of the community seriously. Just recently I visited the Seattle shelter on Elliott Way. While it was not an exact comparison, I thought it was similar. I saw peace and comfort and safety inside and outside. It was a clean, respectful and supportive environment.

I’ve also toured The Oaks facility. That gave me confidence. Its individual rooms, enclosed grounds, space for food preparation and space to provide services gives it the potential to provide a healthy place for people in personal crisis. I believe the people are highly incentivized to follow rules in order to keep their bed. With winter on its way, I want to give this shelter a chance.

Councilmember Chang

My primary issue is the location. As far as the set-up at The Oaks, with the individual rooms and what that means for peace of mind of the residents, room for services and so forth, I get that. The facility is perfect. But I’m strongly opposed to the location. I work for a permitting agency for the City of Seattle, so several homeless shelters have come across my desk when in critical areas. There has been a real attempt to keep them away from residential areas. Before tonight, I spent hours going through a list of shelters in King County. The list included names but no addresses. After locating them I drove around 32 of them (all I had time for). Although these were supposed to be enhanced shelters, not all were low barrier. Those closer to residential areas were for women or sober living shelters. Tiny houses were women only or family + singles. This gave me more concerns about location. This is not what I thought we were going to be doing when we discussed council goals. I thought we were going to research sites in Kenmore, Bothell, LFP as well as Shoreline and meet and decide together. Other cities have done this, deciding which city would have what kind of shelter. Why aren’t we doing that? We are driven by timing but not everything should be driven by the grant. These things are so difficult to site I can’t believe there won’t be more money available. Instead we are trying to find any way to write legislation to make this happen. I’m also concerned about the effects on retail, the owners of Shoreline Place, and the developer of the Alexan. I feel that this is not the right place for it but at least I would like to put some guardrails around it. The community concerns are real. As currently written, this does not have the details that we need to make sure that we get the kind of facility that we’re hoping for.

Councilmember McGlashan

I spent a couple years on the committee for King County’s 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness. (This plan dates back to 2005). There were a lot of people from different agencies and multiple meetings. After years of meetings, nothing ever seemed to happen. Now things seem to be happening. We have these shelters. We have the possibility to help homeless women and families. It is disappointing to me that the population in the most need is not being addressed equally and being supported. Is this the correct spot to locate a facility like this? Probably not. But right now we have the money, the building is available and it has a set-up that can be instantly used. This is during a pandemic and with winter coming on. Residents can stay there all day. The individuals we are talking about are all over the city now. I see them when I take my dog for a walk through the parks. We need to take advantage of this and partner with the County and make a go of it. It’s up to us to make it successful not only for the residents there but for the entire community. I think it’s time to give it a shot. These opportunities don’t come around that often where we can make a difference in people's lives.

Councilmember Roberts

I know we’ve been thinking about this for a long time - since our goal setting retreat in February. We have really listened to the community and want to do what’s best for everyone in the neighborhood as well as the unhoused. The question is trying to find a balance to meet these needs. I want this shelter to be successful and meet its goals where 50% of residents will end up in permanent housing. But the larger problem, which is not a problem of Shoreline’s or Seattle’s making, is the challenge of how the Federal Government has failed to address economic issues for people below the poverty line. It has not supported public housing for a long time, and has not seriously considered things like raising the federal minimum wage to help people get out of poverty. It has not considered a universal basic income. Council has limited choices. We need to balance the needs of the speakers with the needs for shelter for those who have not spoken. We have to make sure King County and Lake City Partners are good partners with this by using the processes and codes available to us.

Councilmember McConnell

This decision isn’t getting any easier. I’m always concerned when there’s a lot of haste done in anything, especially something of this magnitude. I haven’t heard from this community that they don’t want to be involved in helping the homeless. But the neighborhood has begged us for conditions that they haven’t seen in writing. I am very concerned that we are damaging our trust with the community. We need to do whatever we can to have enough control that the community feels that we have their back. This is a strong neighborhood. We need amendments that have teeth in terms of guardrails or I cannot feel this will be successful. There is a timeline for the grant, but the problem is so dire in the region and in the country, there will be funds available in the future. The Elliott Shelter (see CM Robertson’s remarks) is on Elliott Ave and it is a like a freeway. When a shelter is near residential, we should all be concerned. We need to try to safeguard the investment that people have made in their homes for the good of the City. Also, Lake City Partners has one line for experience: 30 bed seasonal shelter. Catholic Family Services that runs the Elliott Shelter has a lot of experience. Their staff will know when they are making a mistake and how to fix it. Elliott Shelter is only about a month old so it looks nice and shiny. People are happy to be there. Housing is a huge problem that is not easy to remedy. But I only have one city that I’m responsible for and I really want to make sure that we are successful.

Mayor Hall

Housing is a basic human right. And I believe our City will be safer and our community will be better off when every human being here has a safe place to sleep at night. I think we can help the homeless and keep our neighborhoods safe with a Memorandum of Understanding without risking loss of the grant due to additional delays. People complain when governments move quickly but they also complain when governments move slowly, especially in times of crisis. When King County declared homelessness an emergency 5 years ago, we supported that. We have taken some steps as DM Scully pointed out and those steps have made progress. We identified opening a shelter in North King County as the highest remaining priority gap in services. We’ve spent several months now refining this opportunity to try to address that gap and protect the community. It is important to protect our community - we’ve heard a lot of concerns about that. I know that some people fear the homeless whether they’re on the street or in a shelter or in a tent city. I’m proud that our community declared itself to be a safe and welcoming city for all residents. It's important to remember that we already allow people to live in R48 in low barrier settings (referring to single family homes). Background checks are not required for rich people to buy houses in Shoreline so I don’t think they should be required for poor people who can’t afford housing. I think there’s a justice issue there. We have wealthy and middle class people who have substance abuse and behavioral health disorders who live in houses in every neighborhood in our city. I feel uncomfortable if we welcome those people who have challenges while shutting out less privileged people with the same challenges. The great thing about an enhanced shelter is we won’t just have the risk of people with behavioral health challenges living there, we will have people with behavioral health challenges who have case management and support services living there. There will be minimum of three full-time staff on site who can connect them with treatment and other social services and help them into housing. I think that will make both the people who stay at this shelter and the whole community safer and healthier.

Motion and second to list enhanced shelter as Ci rather that Pi (CM Roberts proposed #1)

The interim ordinance could be changed to permit enhanced shelters as conditional uses subject to index criteria, rather than permitted uses subject to index criteria. But it would lengthen the review process and add another appeal opportunity.

The idea is to provide Council and the City additional authority to ensure that King County and Lake City Partners are good partners and work with the community. Additionally, we need to make sure we retain control in case this doesn’t work out as we hoped. It’s a way to prevent putting the City in a situation like Renton’s adversarial position with the County over the Red Lion shelter. We have a good relationship with them but with our current staff and their current staff. There needs to be something in writing that can be pointed to if/when staffs change. This could be accomplished by a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which would allow the City to set consequences.


In favor: CM McConnell, CM Roberts, CM Chang

Opposed: CM Robertson, DM Scully, CM McGlashan, Mayor Hall

Motion fails 4-3

Motion and second to add requirement for Interlocal Agreement (CM Roberts Proposed Amendment 2)

Under the conditions, add a requirement that in order to operate, the City and County must enter into an interlocal agreement regarding operational issues of concern.

There are certain details that we don’t have and should get in writing. The ILA would be between King County and the City of Shoreline. The County contracts with Lake City Partners so Shoreline is not a party to that. If KingCo decides to use someone else, we would have no say. Since the operator is determined by the type of resident served, KingCo could change the entire thing without agreement with us.

VOTE on motion to require Interlocal Agreement

Amendment passes unanimously

There are now motions to amend the Interlocal Agreement (ILA)

MOTION by CM Chang to amend the list in the ILA to include a provision that the City needs to approve any changes in the operator of the shelter.

Motion is seconded. There is no discussion.


Motion passes unanimously.

MOTION by CM Chang to include a requirement for a detailed referral plan in the ILA

Motion is seconded.

There can be a lot of people who make referrals, including self-referrals, police, churches, nonprofits and so forth. It’s important, for example, that deputies from Snohomish County aren’t just dropping people off in front of the building. Without a detailed referral plan, it will be kind of like the wild west. Most shelters work with a couple of agencies for referrals. It is another way we control what kind of shelter this is. The ILA should detail those agencies that will be decided between County and Lake City Partners. It doesn’t sound like it has been pinned down yet. This would be better addressed by the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding).


Motion fails 0-6. Chang supports

Motion by CM Roberts to amend the list in the ILA to include revised amendment proposed by CM Chang (Proposed Amendment 2)

Require adherence to a Good Neighbor Plan that addressed litter, noise, security procedures, and other issues of concern.

Motion is seconded. There is no discussion


Passes unanimously

Is there a management plan in place? King County requires a management plan in its contract with its shelter operators. Lake City Partners has never operated a 24/7 shelter before so it has not needed a management plan in the past. We have requested a copy of the plan when it is available.

Returning to Amendment adding another index criteria to state the shelter operator and the City of Shoreline shall enter into an ILA regarding operational issues and concerns such as the list that we have amended with some new motions.


Passes unanimously

DM Scully moves to amend the definition of enhanced shelter and replace “adults” with “persons”. (CM Chang’s proposed amendment 1)

This allows the County to let other persons into the shelter, but does not require them to do so.

No discussion.


Passes unanimously.

VOTE on Main Motion to approve Ordinance 902 AS AMENDED

Passes 5-2

CM Chang and CM McConnell opposing

Meeting Adjourned 10:37


Fuzzy blanket

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Photo by Jan Hansen

Don't think of it as dark clouds - think of it as a warm, fuzzy blanket coming in to keep us warm.

Starting November 1, brunch food trucks are in Ridgecrest every Sunday 9 am to 2 pm

Sunny Up Seattle

Starting November 1, brunch food trucks are in Ridgecrest every Sunday 9am to 2pm.

Ridgecrest Public House turns five years old this November 1, 2020 and has been hosting food trucks nightly for all of those five years. Its new sister, the Drumlin, opened on October 1 this year.

We are starting Sunday brunch trucks on November 1st. We will alternate between these two trucks:

Sunny Up Seattle, serving various egg sandwiches named after famous women, as well as hash browns and donuts. The chef has run several notable restaurants, including Doe Bay Resort and Carmelita. (November 1, 15, 29 and beyond)

Panda Dim Sum, serving dim sum brunch. Dim sum is a breakfast tradition, and the owners have been cooking dim sum for years in San Francisco as well as Seattle.

They are serving buns, rice packets, and more, plus congee and even sourdough waffles for good measure, all out of a small converted yellow school bus. (November 8, 22 and beyond)

You can take your food to go or bring it into the Drumlin nearby, where we are serving coffee (drip, pourover, AeroPress, and French press for two) plus a variety of teas, juices, some beer and cider cocktails and our usual draft and wine menu.

We have socially distanced seating on our front and back patio and in our roomy and socially distanced interior. Reservations are not needed, but we'll happily take them. Email us at or call or text us at 206-775-BEER.

The Drumlin is located at 522 NE 165th Street, near the Crest Theatre in Shoreline.

Shorewood Drama hosts Spooky Radio Plays on Oct 29 and 30

Shorewood Drama is setting a spooky mood with radio dramas that will leave listeners in goosebumps! 

At 6 pm on October 29 and 30 their Drama Radio Plays will stream live online!

The scripts are actual radio shows that were broadcasted live in the 1930’s and 40s. Some even include commercials. Log in and tune in for some frightfully fun entertainment while you carve pumpkins, make marshmallow treats or wonder what that mysterious sound was.

Below is the radio play performance schedule for each night and Zoom link. All are student directed, acted and technology-run:

Sorry, Wrong Number - 6:00pm
directed by Sunny Park

Let the Lilies Consider - 6:30 pm
directed by Megan Becker

The Case of the Careless Client by Agatha Christie - 7:00 pm
directed by Nadia Mathias

The Whole Town's Sleeping by Ray Bradbury - 7:30 pm
directed by Elena Clark

Link to Live Drama Radio Plays:

Passcode: swdrama
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Twitter: @ShorelineArea
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