Pam Cross, reporter
Shoreline City Council Meeting September 28, 2020 Notes by Pam Cross The meeting was held remotely using the Zoom platform.
Mayor Hall called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Councilmember McGlashan was excused for personal reasons.
The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, proclaimed the month of October as Safe Shoreline Month. This proclamation highlights the proactive and innovative work the City is doing in the areas of policing and emergency management. Community members and business are encouraged to implement preparedness and prevention measures and to participate in these City sponsored programs.
Report of the City Manager’s Office
presented by John Norris, Assistant City Manager
COVID-19 Update
Although numbers in King County are continuing to decline, please continue to take prevention measures seriously. Face coverings are required in all indoor public places, and outdoors when you may be unable to maintain six feet of distance from others. Businesses are required to enforce the use of face coverings for all customers and visitors. Masks are also required in common spaces like elevators and public hallways, even when you are alone in those spaces. The safest thing you can do is to stay home if at all possible.
Practice physical distancing of six feet or more, minimize contact with those outside of your home, wash and sanitize your hands frequently, and avoid large gatherings and poorly ventilated spaces. Get tested at the first sign of illness. More information available at
shorelinewa.gov/covid City Hall and recreation facilities remain closed to the public. Most City services are available online or by phone. Drop off and pick up of packages, including permits, is available. Contact
shorelinewa.gov/remote services for additional information.
The City held a community meeting Sept 22 regarding the
North King County Enhanced Shelter. There were 205 participants and 306 questions and comments. You can view the meeting and see a full list of comments and questions, along with project information at
shorelinewa.gov/NKCenhancedshelter Help name a park! Shoreline is getting two new parks: 709 N 150th St in the Westminster Triangle Neighborhood 1341 N 185th St in the Meridian Park Neighborhood Submit suggestions for names by October 15 to
shorelinewa.gov/nameapark Remote Learning Camps Registration is still open for full-day camp opportunities for kids and teens that support Shoreline Schools District’s remote learning. Free for qualifying families. The camps started Sept 14, but there is still room available. More information is available at
shorelinewa.gov/registernow Or you can call 1.206.801.2600
Climate Change Champions Series This free series is taking place on Tuesdays over 7 weeks. You can attend any or all parts. The City of Shoreline is partnering with Washington State University to offer this educational and action series. Most seminars will have two speakers and last up to two hours with opportunity for online discussion. For more information:
Free Fall Gardening Seminar: Fall Prep for a Luscious Lawn Shoreline is partnering with local gardening experts to help you learn to revive and restore your lawn this fall. The next one is this Wednesday, Sept 30 at 6:30pm. You need to RSVP at
shorelinewa.gov/calendar and more information is available there as well.
Public Reminders Planning Commission will meet remotely on Thursday Oct 1 at 7:00pm. This is a Public Hearing regarding 2020 Development Code Amendments. For details on how to participate visit shorelinewa.gov/calendar These proposed changes contain administrative fixes that are more “housekeeping” in nature, clarifications of existing Development Code regulations, and amendments that have the potential to change policy for the City. For a list of amendments that could change City policy go to
https://www.shorelinewa.gov/home/showdocument?id=49401 Council Reports Councilmember Roberts: Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Executive Board recommended that the General Assembly adopt Vision 2050 which prioritized funding for projects along transit corridors. Several sets of amendments were considered. The ones adding language for racial equity, affordable housing, and responding to COVID-19 passed. Proposals brought forward by the cities of Kirkland and Redmond regarding affordable housing failed. Those cities said transit support would not be impacted. Snohomish County’s to change their projected growth in rural areas failed. This last amendment would have called for removing 4M addtional trees and adding 2M additional vehicle miles travelled per year. Another 26,000 cars.
Public Comment Due to the number of speakers, time was limited to 2 minutes each. Complete comments can be listened to in the video of the meeting available on the Shoreline website. Written comments are not available online, with two exceptions.
The following speakers were opposed to the location of the planned Enhanced Shelter (previously referred to as the Navigation Center) at 163rd and Aurora. Some people stated disappointment in the Sept 22 community meeting.
Ed Jirsa, Shoreline
Larry Pfeil, Shoreline
Mithuna Srinivasan, Shoreline
Margaret Willson, Shoreline
Gaurav Bansal, Shoreline
Vinay Venkatesh, Shoreline
Sudeeptha Jothiprakash, Shoreline
Diane Pfeil, Shoreline
DJ Kong, Shoreline
Janet Covarrubias, Shoreline
Nancy Pfeil, Shoreline
Supports the location but has concerns about the operation of the shelter.
Carolyn Frimpter, Shoreline
Speakers in support of the Enhanced Shelter:
April Seamon, Shoreline
David Trainer, Shoreline
Lash Akinmulero asked a question access to or zoning for a lot. (Audio difficulties)
Carla Carrell from Comcast. Appreciates the franchise agreement with Shoreline.
Nancy Morris, Shoreline Too many trees are still being cut down. Shoreline needs better codes and a way to enforce them.
Lee Keim, Shoreline ,League of Women Voters Seattle King County Environmental Committee. They are working with King County to train a volunteer team of climate guides to work with King County cities to support climate goals with use of the free Climate Action Toolkit to specifically address climate change throughout our region. They would like to work with Shoreline to create a healthier planet.
John Ramsdell, Shoreline
Supports acquisition of the park in Westminster Triangle.
Approval of the Agenda adopted by unanimous consent. 6-0
The Consent Calendar adopted unanimously by roll call vote. 6-0
Study Items 8(a) Discussing Ordinance No. 894 - Granting a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Comcast to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace, and Repair a Cable System Over, Along, Under, and Through Designated Public Rights-of-way in the City of Shoreline.
Staff report by Christina Arcidy, Management Analyst
All utilities are required to have a right-of-way franchise with the City for operation and maintenance of their facilities. Comcast’s current 9-year franchise expires Oct 3, 2020. Staff has been negotiating this renewal since 2019. Only cable services are included in this franchise agreement. Federal law does not permit cities to regulate high speed internet access or telephone services.
Shoreline is currently served by two “land line” cable television providers, Comcast Cable and Ziply (formerly Frontier Cable). While Ziply only serves the northwestern portion of Shoreline, Comcast’s Service Area encompasses the entire City. The City is unable to mandate that a cable service provider cover more or less area within the city, and the City is also unable to mandate that other cable service providers come into the market within our city.
The renewal terms of the franchise agreement include updates for clarity or to comply with changes in FCC regulations and grant a 10-year, non-exclusive franchise to Comcast. The Construction and Maintenance of the Cable System covers how Comcast can work and operate in the City’s right-of-way.
Recent action on FCC Order 621 adopted new rules aimed at promoting broadband investment and appointment by removing barriers for cable providers who would like to provide broadband internet over their cable system. It is currently under appeal. Offsetting the value of complimentary service against franchise fees is a change included in this Order. Shoreline may forgo complimentary cable service in City facilities to ensure collection of franchise fee in full.
Discussion No additional discussion.
Next week this will be back on the Consent Calendar.
8(b) Discussion of Resolution No. 463 - Amending the Employee Handbook.
Presentation by Don Moritz, Human Resources Director
The Employee Handbook, first adopted in 1996 and most recently updated in July of this year, contains the City’s personnel policies. Proposed updates include bringing handbook policies up-to-date, ensuring compliance with current State and Federal Laws, providing policy clarity to employees and managers, and reflecting current HR and administrative practices.
Noteworthy policy updates include adding sexuality as a protected status, adding religious accommodation as a required consideration for accommodating one’s faith practices, and adding mental illness as a justifiable reason to use sick leave. School or place of child-care closure by public health official is also included as a justifiable reason to use sick leave.
Washington State Paid Family Leave (PFML) provisions are added to City policies. City Supplemental Paid Leave will run concurrent with and be used as a supplement to the State PFML.
No additional discussion. This will be back on the Consent Calendar on Oct 12.
Meeting adjourned.