Boo Han shooting victim dies

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Edmonds Police update: 

We regret to report that one of the female victims (from Mountlake Terrace) has succumbed to her wounds. This is now a homicide investigation. 

The suspect was booked into jail for Murder 1, Assault 1-DV and Assault 1. 

More details will be released as the investigation allows.''

See original story here.

Agenda for Shoreline council meeting Monday, October 5, 2020

Shoreline City Council 2020

By Pam Cross

The agenda for the October 5, 2020 Shoreline City Council meeting includes four study items:

(a) Discussion of the 2019 Annual Traffic Report

Staff will present methodology and data highlights, and discuss specific recommendations to address collision trends. They will also identify potential future capital projects to address high collision intersections or street segments, update Council on engineering, education and enforcement, and provide an overview of other traffic data including volumes, speeds, transit and pedestrian and bicycle activity.

(b) Discussion of Emergency Resolution No. 466 – Revising the Implementation Plan and Adding Funds for the City’s CARES Act Relief Funds and Authorizing the City Manager to Amend the Interagency Agreement with the Washington State Department of Commerce for Coronavirus Relief Funds and Implement Subsequent Agreements

In June, Council approved use of CARES Act funds. Governor Inslee has awarded additional funds, with Shoreline’s share being $845,550. Staff recommends that Council discuss Emergency Resolution No. 466, which includes a revised implementation plan and adds funds for the City’s CARES Act Relief Program

(c) Discussion of Ordinance No. 905 - Authorizing a One-Year Extension to the Right-of-Way Franchise with Northwest Fiber LLC (dba Ziply) Originally Granted to Verizon Northwest Inc. (Ordinance No. 522) to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace, and Repair a Cable System Over, Along, Under, and Through Designated Public Rights-of-way in the City of Shoreline

The proposed one-year extension being discussed tonight would allow staff to negotiate a new long-term franchise agreement for cable service in the City.

(d) Discussing Ordinance No. 900 - Amending Shoreline Municipal Code Chapter 8.12 to Establish the Purpose and Authorize Guidelines for Use of the Veterans Recognition Plaza at City Hall

There are currently no guidelines or policies in place to indicate the importance of the Plaza as a place for recognizing veterans and their service to our country. Staff believe it is important to provide, in a meaningful way, that the intent of the Plaza is to honor veterans.

No curbside pickup from Shoreline Library Oct 9 to end of year

Shoreline Library
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

The Shoreline Library will be closed to curbside pickup beginning Friday, October 9, through the end of the year.

The library will be having its HVAC system renovated, necessitating opening walls inside the building and excavating a trench in the parking lot from the entry to the small HVAC building by the stairs (roughly where the bricked crosswalk is). 

Staff will be working in other buildings. 

Holds and pickup: On the evening of October 8, all existing and incoming holds will be assigned to the Lake Forest Park library. 

Shoreline holds will be ready to pick up at the Lake Forest Park library beginning Tuesday, October 13. You may go into your account and change the pickup to another library if you wish to go elsewhere, or if you wish to send your holds to Lake Forest Park before October 8. 

The Lake Forest Park library is open for holds for the same hours the Shoreline Library has been operating. Visit the KCLS Curbside page for information on branches and their open hours: 

Voting and our ballot box: You should still be able to access the ballot box by parking in open areas of the parking lot and walking to the ballot box. On election day, the excavated trench in the parking lot will be covered so that voters can easily access the ballot box. Staff from King County Elections will be on hand that day.

There is a ballot box by Lake Forest Park City Hall in Town Center, Ballinger / Bothell Way NE and another in the rain garden at the 192nd park n ride at the corner of 192nd and Aurora in Shoreline.

Arson fire at former One Cup Coffee site

One Cup Coffee arson fire
Photos courtesy Shoreline Fire

Early this morning Shoreline Fire was dispatched to a structure fire. Upon arrival, the fire was quickly extinguished. Fire investigators determined that it was intentionally set. 

This arson happened at 16700 block of Aurora Ave N. It is the former location of One Cup Coffee. The owner has retired and sold his business to a local couple who are planning to open their own coffee shop there.

Investigators are going through video footage to look for and identify suspects.

If you have any information regarding this arson, contact King County Arson Investigator non-emergency line 206-263-2070.

The Drumlin joins Ridgecrest Public House in Downtown Ridgecrest

New gathering space in Ridgecrest: The Drumlin
Photo by Megan Korgut

After delays related to the pandemic, the Drumlin is officially opening its doors on Thursday, October 1, next door to the Ridgecrest Public House, which celebrates its own fifth year anniversary on November 1 this year. Two Ridgecrest residents co-own both places.

The original plan for the Drumlin is a comfortable but elegant all ages live music venue for world music, pop, bluegrass and more, with recording equipment and a future kitchen.

The plan for Ridgecrest Pub is to continue to foster the celebrated social function of the bar and expand as a venue for public and private gatherings, from book clubs to weddings, for a reasonable cost.

However, until Phase 4, the best use of both spaces for the community is safe, socially distanced seating for families and small groups of friends for eating dinner from the food trucks out front, or having a drink or two before or after dinner. Both have indoor seating and outdoor patio seating in front and back. Combined, they offer 60 beer and cider taps, and over two dozen wines, all rotating frequently.

Starting October 1, the Drumlin will be open 3-10 pm. Ridgecrest Pub might operate on reduced hours since the Drumlin is the more versatile space during a pandemic. But hours and offerings will expand as quickly as possible, so please check our websites at and for updates.

Drumlin is an Irish word for "little hill", in particular long narrow hills created when ice sheets melt, particularly after the last Ice Age. Drumlins are all over the world, and all over Seattle. Phinney Ridge is a drumlin, as is the neighborhood of Ridgecrest.

Notes from Shoreline council meeting September 28, 2020

Pam Cross, reporter

Shoreline City Council Meeting September 28, 2020 
Notes by Pam Cross

The meeting was held remotely using the Zoom platform. 

Mayor Hall called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Councilmember McGlashan was excused for personal reasons.

The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, proclaimed the month of October as Safe Shoreline Month. This proclamation highlights the proactive and innovative work the City is doing in the areas of policing and emergency management. Community members and business are encouraged to implement preparedness and prevention measures and to participate in these City sponsored programs.

Report of the City Manager’s Office

presented by John Norris, Assistant City Manager

COVID-19 Update

Although numbers in King County are continuing to decline, please continue to take prevention measures seriously. Face coverings are required in all indoor public places, and outdoors when you may be unable to maintain six feet of distance from others. Businesses are required to enforce the use of face coverings for all customers and visitors. Masks are also required in common spaces like elevators and public hallways, even when you are alone in those spaces. The safest thing you can do is to stay home if at all possible. 

Practice physical distancing of six feet or more, minimize contact with those outside of your home, wash and sanitize your hands frequently, and avoid large gatherings and poorly ventilated spaces. Get tested at the first sign of illness. More information available at

City Hall and recreation facilities remain closed to the public. Most City services are available online or by phone. Drop off and pick up of packages, including permits, is available. Contact services for additional information.

The City held a community meeting Sept 22 regarding the North King County Enhanced Shelter. There were 205 participants and 306 questions and comments. You can view the meeting and see a full list of comments and questions, along with project information at

Help name a park!

Shoreline is getting two new parks: 709 N 150th St in the Westminster Triangle Neighborhood 1341 N 185th St in the Meridian Park Neighborhood Submit suggestions for names by October 15 to

Remote Learning Camps Registration is still open for full-day camp opportunities for kids and teens that support Shoreline Schools District’s remote learning. Free for qualifying families. The camps started Sept 14, but there is still room available. More information is available at Or you can call 1.206.801.2600

Climate Change Champions Series This free series is taking place on Tuesdays over 7 weeks. You can attend any or all parts. The City of Shoreline is partnering with Washington State University to offer this educational and action series. Most seminars will have two speakers and last up to two hours with opportunity for online discussion. For more information:

Free Fall Gardening Seminar: Fall Prep for a Luscious Lawn Shoreline is partnering with local gardening experts to help you learn to revive and restore your lawn this fall. The next one is this Wednesday, Sept 30 at 6:30pm. You need to RSVP at and more information is available there as well.

Public Reminders

Planning Commission will meet remotely on Thursday Oct 1 at 7:00pm. This is a Public Hearing regarding 2020 Development Code Amendments. For details on how to participate visit These proposed changes contain administrative fixes that are more “housekeeping” in nature, clarifications of existing Development Code regulations, and amendments that have the potential to change policy for the City. For a list of amendments that could change City policy go to

Council Reports

Councilmember Roberts: Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Executive Board recommended that the General Assembly adopt Vision 2050 which prioritized funding for projects along transit corridors. Several sets of amendments were considered. The ones adding language for racial equity, affordable housing, and responding to COVID-19 passed. Proposals brought forward by the cities of Kirkland and Redmond regarding affordable housing failed. Those cities said transit support would not be impacted. Snohomish County’s to change their projected growth in rural areas failed. This last amendment would have called for removing 4M addtional trees and adding 2M additional vehicle miles travelled per year. Another 26,000 cars.

Public Comment

Due to the number of speakers, time was limited to 2 minutes each. Complete comments can be listened to in the video of the meeting available on the Shoreline website. Written comments are not available online, with two exceptions. 

The following speakers were opposed to the location of the planned Enhanced Shelter (previously referred to as the Navigation Center) at 163rd and Aurora. Some people stated disappointment in the Sept 22 community meeting.

Ed Jirsa, Shoreline
Larry Pfeil, Shoreline
Mithuna Srinivasan, Shoreline
Margaret Willson, Shoreline
Gaurav Bansal, Shoreline
Vinay Venkatesh, Shoreline
Sudeeptha Jothiprakash, Shoreline
Diane Pfeil, Shoreline
DJ Kong, Shoreline
Janet Covarrubias, Shoreline
Nancy Pfeil, Shoreline 

Supports the location but has concerns about the operation of the shelter.
Carolyn Frimpter, Shoreline

Speakers in support of the Enhanced Shelter:
April Seamon, Shoreline
David Trainer, Shoreline
Lash Akinmulero asked a question access to or zoning for a lot. (Audio difficulties)

Carla Carrell from Comcast. Appreciates the franchise agreement with Shoreline.

Nancy Morris, Shoreline Too many trees are still being cut down. Shoreline needs better codes and a way to enforce them.

Lee Keim, Shoreline ,League of Women Voters Seattle King County Environmental Committee. They are working with King County to train a volunteer team of climate guides to work with King County cities to support climate goals with use of the free Climate Action Toolkit to specifically address climate change throughout our region. They would like to work with Shoreline to create a healthier planet.

John Ramsdell, Shoreline 
Supports acquisition of the park in Westminster Triangle.

Approval of the Agenda adopted by unanimous consent. 6-0
The Consent Calendar adopted unanimously by roll call vote. 6-0

Study Items 8(a) Discussing Ordinance No. 894 - Granting a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Comcast to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace, and Repair a Cable System Over, Along, Under, and Through Designated Public Rights-of-way in the City of Shoreline.

Staff report by Christina Arcidy, Management Analyst

All utilities are required to have a right-of-way franchise with the City for operation and maintenance of their facilities. Comcast’s current 9-year franchise expires Oct 3, 2020. Staff has been negotiating this renewal since 2019. Only cable services are included in this franchise agreement. Federal law does not permit cities to regulate high speed internet access or telephone services. 

Shoreline is currently served by two “land line” cable television providers, Comcast Cable and Ziply (formerly Frontier Cable). While Ziply only serves the northwestern portion of Shoreline, Comcast’s Service Area encompasses the entire City. The City is unable to mandate that a cable service provider cover more or less area within the city, and the City is also unable to mandate that other cable service providers come into the market within our city. 

The renewal terms of the franchise agreement include updates for clarity or to comply with changes in FCC regulations and grant a 10-year, non-exclusive franchise to Comcast. The Construction and Maintenance of the Cable System covers how Comcast can work and operate in the City’s right-of-way. 

Recent action on FCC Order 621 adopted new rules aimed at promoting broadband investment and appointment by removing barriers for cable providers who would like to provide broadband internet over their cable system. It is currently under appeal. Offsetting the value of complimentary service against franchise fees is a change included in this Order. Shoreline may forgo complimentary cable service in City facilities to ensure collection of franchise fee in full. 

Discussion No additional discussion.

Next week this will be back on the Consent Calendar.

8(b) Discussion of Resolution No. 463 - Amending the Employee Handbook.

Presentation by Don Moritz, Human Resources Director

The Employee Handbook, first adopted in 1996 and most recently updated in July of this year, contains the City’s personnel policies. Proposed updates include bringing handbook policies up-to-date, ensuring compliance with current State and Federal Laws, providing policy clarity to employees and managers, and reflecting current HR and administrative practices. 

Noteworthy policy updates include adding sexuality as a protected status, adding religious accommodation as a required consideration for accommodating one’s faith practices, and adding mental illness as a justifiable reason to use sick leave. School or place of child-care closure by public health official is also included as a justifiable reason to use sick leave. 

Washington State Paid Family Leave (PFML) provisions are added to City policies. City Supplemental Paid Leave will run concurrent with and be used as a supplement to the State PFML. 

The numerous housekeeping, clarifications, and revisions can be viewed in the staff report 


No additional discussion. This will be back on the Consent Calendar on Oct 12.

Meeting adjourned.

Shooting at Boo Han Market on Hwy 99 in Edmonds

Boo Han market in Edmonds was the scene of a triple shooting
Photo courtesy Edmonds Police

Three people, two women and a man, were shot at the entrance to the Boo Han market in the 22600 block of Hwy 99. The suspect was identified as the estranged husband of one of the victims.

The three victims were transported to the hospital in critical condition and Edmonds Police brought in K9 units to search for the suspect. 

He was described as a short Asian male, black clothing, black hat. He is 27 years old and lives in Everett.

Crime scene at Boo Han Market in Edmonds
Photo courtesy Edmonds Police

Later in the day, the suspect turned himself in to officers at an Everett Police precinct. Edmonds detectives responded to Everett to take custody of the suspect.

Investigators worked into the night along with investigators from Washington State Patrol. The road was closed and the crime lab was at the scene.

They were also interviewing the suspect.

Caveat to little birds and mammals:


Close up of an owl, showing about 4" of body above and below the branch it is perched on. The claws are lightly curved around the branch and are black and curved like exotic swords. They look to be about one and a half to two inches long. The feathers are cream, brown, and dark brown. They fall in a tumble worthy of Janis Joplin or Steven Tyler.
Photo by Gloria Z Nagler

Olivia has a license to carry concealed weapons...

--Gloria Z Nagler

Case updates; Fall may bring increased COVID-19 activity

“As the weather gets colder and people spend more time indoors, we must all take precautions to reduce the risk of COVID-19,” said State Health Officer Dr. Kathy Lofy. 

“If you gather inside with people outside your household, it’s critical to keep the group as small as possible. 

"Limit the length of time you spend together and the number of gatherings you have. Everyone should wear face coverings and stay at least six feet apart. 

"Opening windows can also improve ventilation, even if it means wearing extra layers to stay warm.”

Case updates September 28, 2020

United States
  • cases 7,129,313 - 33,891 cases since yesterday
  • deaths 204,598 - 270 deaths since yesterday

Washington state - *no death reports on weekends
  • cases 87,042 - 404 since last report
  • hospitalizations 7,483 - 6 since last report
  • deaths* 2,124 - 24 since last report

King county
  • cases 22,263 - 51 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 2,369 - 7 since yesterday
  • deaths 758 - 0 since last report

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018)
  • cases 608 - 0 new
  • hospitalizations 105 - 0 new
  • deaths 63 - 0 new

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018)
  • cases 68 - 0 new
  • hospitalizations 4 - 0 new
  • deaths 1 - 0 new

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: High five

A young couple stands hand in hand. Their backs are to us. They are facing a huge grizzly bear standing up on its hind legs with one paw in the air, claws extended. The woman says "Oh look honey, he wants to high 5!".

Previous cartoons by Whitney Potter here

Senior and disabled property owners waiting on approval of tax deferral or exemption can opt for extension

Seniors, people with disabilities, and others with qualifying conditions who applied for property tax exemptions or deferrals but are still waiting for a determination will be able to extend payments until January 31, 2021.

Affected property owners will be contacted, and will need to notify the Assessor's Office via the web at, call 206-296-3920 or email to opt in to this program.

The statutory deadline of November 2 remains in effect for all other property taxpayers. Seniors seeking property tax payment extensions must have mailed or filed an application on or before October 19.

In 2019, King County Executive Dow Constantine and Assessor John Wilson sought legislation, ultimately passed by the state legislature, to expand the qualifying income thresholds for the property tax exemption and deferral programs for low-income senior citizens, individuals with disabilities, and veterans, beginning with taxes levied for collection in 2020. It also lowered the disability rating necessary to qualify as a disabled veteran.

As a result, the King County Assessor's Office reported that applications for property tax exemptions increased by 400 percent this year.

This surge, combined with remote work requirements in the Assessor's Office due to COVID-19, staffing challenges, and computer software – managed by King County Information Technology – which proved insufficient to handle the volume of applications, created a backlog of 4,400 unprocessed applications.

Legislation sponsored by Councilmember Rod Dembowski, supported by King County Treasury and Assessor’s Office, and passed by the King County Council today, provides the Assessors Office more time to process applications. Treasury will be sending notices out this week with information.

"King County has led the way in seeking expanded property tax relief for modest income seniors and disabled veterans. But when seniors and veterans applied for this benefit, the process has been too challenging and taken far too long," said Councilmember Rod Dembowski. 
"I'm pleased that we are taking action today to extend deadlines and enhance staffing to get people the answers they deserve on their applications. Especially during this pandemic, King County must do everything we reasonably can do to ensure that seniors and veterans aren't living in fear of having to leave their homes because tax relief isn't promptly implemented."

To qualify for an exemption, property taxpayers need to meet the following criteria:

  • Born in 1958 or earlier or
  • Disabled and unable to work in 2019 or earlier or
  • Retired because of disability or
  • Military veteran with a 80% service-connected disability or
  • Widow(er) or state-registered domestic partner of at least 57 years of age whose spouse or partner had an exemption at the time of death
  • Own the residence as of December 31, 2019
  • Occupy the property as a primary residence at least nine months each year
  • Annual household income earned in 2019 must not exceed $58,423, including Social Security and other sources

To qualify for a deferral, property taxpayers must be 60 years old or older, or retired because of physical disability. They must meet an equity requirement, live in the home at least nine months in a calendar year, and have an annual household income of $67,411 or less for the previous year. Deferred taxes plus accumulated interest become a lien on the property until the total amount is repaid.

For more information about property tax exemptions or deferrals, visit or call 206-263-2338.

For information about property taxes, contact King County Treasury at 206-263-2890, email, or visit

New clubs just for you! Talk movies and books with Third Place Commons

Third Place Commons is excited to announce the start of two new monthly clubs, the TPC Movie Club and the Commons Community Book Club. And you’re invited to join in the fun!

Both clubs will meet in virtual space until it’s once again safe to meet in person, with the TPC Movie Club meeting on the second Tuesday of each month from 7:30-9pm while the Commons Community Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 5-6:30pm. Get the links to join in on the Third Place Commons online calendar.

The first movie club meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 13 when the group will discuss “If Beale Street Could Talk,” a gorgeous film filled with powerful performances including an Oscar winning turn from Regina King. Beale Street is a heartfelt love story, based on the James Baldwin novel, that movingly explores themes of racial injustice and the power of family devotion.

Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a 95% and says, “’If Beale Street Could Talk’ honors its source material with a beautifully filmed adaptation that finds director Barry Jenkins further strengthening his visual and narrative craft.”

Where to find it: You can find it free on Hulu with subscription, or rent/buy from Amazon, Apple TV, Vudu, Fandango Now, and YouTube.

The first Commons Community Book Club will meet on Wednesday, October 21 with a discussion of the first selection, “The Scent Keeper” by Erica Bauermeister.

A New York Times Bestseller and Reese’s Book Club selection, Kirkus Reviews describes the novel this way: “Told in a lyrical, haunting prose, the story provides fascinating information about the ways in which different fragrances can impact human behavior and the struggles of finding one's own identity. An artfully crafted coming-of-age story that will take the reader on an exquisite olfactory adventure."

This first selection is a quick read, so you’ve got plenty of time to read it and be ready to chat on 10/21. Learn more and order your copy here.

These selections and the future direction of each club have been directly informed by community input. In late August, Third Place Commons launched a survey to gauge the interests of potential participants and find out what kinds of club content would best meet the needs of the community. The survey received strong response and provided great insights into what folks most wanted from their book and movie clubs.

Here’s a quick look at some of what respondents said they wanted.

Commons Community Book Club

For those interested in a book club, current and recent bestsellers were by far the most popular category of books, with mysteries and award-winning literature also popular selections. So that’s what the club will focus on – critically acclaimed bestsellers from the past few years, with occasional mysteries and older gems mixed in.

While respondents said they like reading paperbacks and hardcovers equally, more than half would prefer to buy paperbacks. Therefore, most of the club’s selections will be books that are already out in paperback, though many folks also said they’d be getting their selections from the library or in audio or digital format.

TPC Movie Club

Movie club responses were equally enlightening. Nearly half of respondents said that “all movies” were their preferred category, with “award winners and critically acclaimed films” coming in a close second and strong interest as well in “oldies, but goodies” from the 80s, 90s, and 00s.

Four out of five people indicated they watch movies on Netflix and Amazon, but even more said they were happy to pay to rent movies (or go to the movies when the time comes) if it’s not available for free on their streaming service of choice. So selections will be made that are widely available to everyone, either free or to rent, rather than films only available to subscribers of a single service.

Folks were not overly concerned with seeing only new movies (especially since there aren’t many of those right now). As a result, selections will run the gamut, focusing mainly on critically acclaimed films of the past 5 years, with occasional widely available new releases and dips back further in time for well-loved favorites.

There was also a fair amount of interest in clubs focused on specific topics like classics, black voices and stories, LGBTQ+ cinema, and independent art house movies. So additional special focus clubs may roll out in the future. (Interested in leading a group in one of these areas? Email

Third Place Commons, a community supported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is celebrating its 20th anniversary of building real community in the heart of Lake Forest Park. In addition to presenting its largest program, the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market, Third Place Commons now also fosters real community in digital space. To learn more, or to make a gift to support the market and the Commons, visit

Pretty blue skies

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Photo by Jo Simmons

Gaze upon the lovely, delicately colored blue sky with the stretched out clouds, tinted pink. This was a morning sky.

Note that there are no colors of orange or rust? You can just smell the fresh air in this photo. Ahhhh

Last day to watch the goats at the Midvale Garden worksite - Tuesday

Goat at Midvale Garden
Photo by JM

Earthcraft Farms will have their goats at the Midvale Garden worksite, N 192nd and the Interurban Trail, on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. This is their last scheduled day.

The site is on property belonging to Seattle City Light, which will allow passive use of its property as long as no permanent structures are installed.

This goat prefers trees to blackberry and ivy
Photo by JM

Neighbors, led by Derek Creisler and David Chen, have been working with the City of Shoreline, City Light, Diggin' Shoreline and neighborhood volunteers to clear the site, which was covered with blackberries and undergrowth and had become a popular spot for homeless camps and drug use.

From working with the volunteer group Diggin Shoreline their efforts qualified them this spring for a Mini-Grant from the City of Shoreline Department of Environmental Services to bring in the goats.

Correction: goats were obtained with an Environmental mini-grant from the City of Shoreline

Case updates September 27, 2020

Case updates September 27, 2020

United States
  • cases 7,095,422 - 36,335 cases since yesterday
  • deaths 204,328 - 295 deaths since yesterday

Washington state - *no death reports on weekends
  • cases 86,638 - 369 since last report
  • hospitalizations 7,477 - 22 since last report
  • deaths* 2,100 - 0 since yesterday

King county
  • cases 22,212 - 94 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 2,362 - 7 since yesterday
  • deaths 758 - 0 since last report

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018)
  • cases 608 - 1 new
  • hospitalizations 105 - 0 new
  • deaths 63 - 0 new

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018)
  • cases 68 - 1 new
  • hospitalizations 4 - 0 new
  • deaths 1 - 0 new

Last call for volunteers! Help make this coming winter safe for those lacking adequate shelter

Last call for volunteers! 

Help make this coming winter safe for those lacking adequate shelter!

After successfully piloting the Shoreline Severe Weather Shelter last winter, the City of Shoreline and NUHSA welcome St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church as a partner and host for this winter's emergency shelter.

Volunteers (over 18 years old):
  • are needed to commit to being on-call for a certain number of nights each month between November 1st and March 30th (shelter will open only when weather is below 34 degrees F)
  • will be provided with training and then will be responsible for welcoming guests and supervising the shelter overnight (partial shifts can be arranged)
  • will be paired with another person and can trade off sleeping and being awake as only one person needs to be awake for fire watch between 11pm and 5am
Training is being provided SOON, so don't delay!

COVID-19 protocols and requirements will be implemented. For more information or to volunteer, please email or call 206-550-5626.

Thank you for making a difference!

Virtual Wellness Walk to benefit Senior Center

We are excited to announce our first virtual event to support Seniors in the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park communities and the surrounding areas. It will start on October 10 and finish on October 18.

The best part about a virtual walk is that you can walk anywhere and anyway that feels good and safe – on a treadmill, in your neighborhood, at a local park or anywhere else you have in mind. You can walk on your own or with a few friends or family members. Don’t forget to take photos to share!

Registration is $25 per person and $5 for each additional family member. All proceeds benefit the Shoreline/Lake Forest Park Senior Center

Jobs - Instructors at remote learning camps

Extra Help - Extra Help - Instructor (Remote Learning Camp)

This recruitment has been re-opened and the position will be posted until filled, first review of applications on October 6th

Schedule: up to 40 hours a week, Monday-Friday between 8:00am – 5:30pm

8.5 hours a day (30-minute unpaid lunch)

Types of positions available: Instructors at 40 hours/week and Instructors on an as needed basis (substitute instructors)\\

General Purpose and Scope of Work

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this position will help assist in a child recreational and educational programs that support Remote Learning.

These positions will work as part of a team which is responsible for planning and monitoring the activities of children enrolled in the program. Incumbents will interact with children to keep them engaged in intellectual, creative, artistic and physical activities throughout the day. Support remote learning for participants and develop and coordinate activities outside remote learning time. Communicate with peers daily to ensure proper supplies and equipment are available.

To review the complete job announcement and apply, please click here.

Flags continue at half-staff forJustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Flag Lowering - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Updated)

Governor Inslee is deeply saddened by the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 87, and directs that Washington State and United States flags at all state agency facilities be lowered to half-staff in her memory immediately.

Flags should remain at half-staff until close of business or sunset on Tuesday, September 29, 2020.

Other government entities, citizens and businesses are encouraged to join this recognition.

Please call (360) 902-0383 if you have any questions about this flag lowering.

Local park: couple practicing for a performance


Actually, we don't really know if they were practicing for a performance, but they've definitely got moves!

Lee Lageschulte came across them in a local park

and caught a few dramatic shots of their practice session.

Shoreline Schools seeks Input Team Members for Elementary Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum adoption

Shoreline Public Schools’ Elementary Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum Adoption Team is seeking participants for an Input Team to support the SEL curriculum adoption decision-making process.

The Input Team will explore, review and provide feedback the two finalist curricula, Second Step and Ruler. The team will review instructional materials, teacher guides and asking questions of people currently using the curricula. The team members will then rate each curriculum using a rating tool created by the Adoption Team.

Anyone can apply to participate on the Input Team! We are seeking a diverse representation of families, staff and community members to serve in this important group. Apply HERE!

Applications must be received by 5pm on October 9 to be considered.

The Input Team will meet via Zoom on Oct. 19, Oct. 22, Nov. 9 and Nov. 12 from 3:15-5:15 pm each day. Input Team members must be able to attend all four sessions.

If you have any questions, contact Karena Valiquette, PBIS/SEL District Lead at

North City Tech Meet Up: Restoring the Apollo Guidance Computer: Lessons from a 50-year-old system

North City Tech Meet Up
Monday, October 5, 2020, 7 to 9pm

Online Zoom Meeting - Free and open to everyone

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 858 7210 0612
Passcode: 966991

Restoring the Apollo Guidance Computer: Lessons from a 50-year-old system

The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) played a critical role in the Moon landings. One of the first computers to use integrated circuits, the compact AGC provided guidance, navigation, and control onboard the spacecraft. 

This talk explains how we repaired an AGC (including its ferrite core memory), got it running, and ran the original Moon landing software on it. 

I'll also discuss the AGC's innovations in software engineering, user interfaces, interpreters, real-time computing, and multi-tasking, along with its performance mining Bitcoins.

Ken Shirriff

Ken Shirriff restores old computers, including a Xerox Alto and an IBM 1401 punch card computer. 

His blog ( discusses reverse engineering everything from chargers to microprocessors. 

He wrote the Arduino IRremote library and added seven characters to Unicode. 

Ken was formerly a programmer at Google and holds a Ph.D. in computer science from UC Berkeley.

Organizer note:

The silver lining of the Covid-19 pandemic is that we can bring in speakers from all over, not just in the Seattle area. This presentation by Ken Shirriff would not have been possible otherwise. Having followed Ken’s blog for some time I and thrilled that he is able to join us from Silicon Valley via Zoom for this presentation.

Ken’s bio doesn’t begin to do justice to the level of effort involved in reverse engineering and restoring the Apollo systems and many other devices. His blog is both entertaining and informative. Just understanding how the moon landing was accomplished with so little computing horsepower is one thing, actually making the computer work and then mining Bitcoin on it is something else entirely.

Ken assures me that he will leave lots of time for questions.

ZOOM Information:

Topic: North City Tech Meetup featuring Ken Shirriff
Time: Oct 5, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 858 7210 0612
Passcode: 966991

One tap mobile

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Dial by your location for audio only - long distance charges may apply

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

The North City Tech Meetup is a free meetup, usually the first Monday of each month at one of our local libraries: Lake Forest Park, Shoreline or Kenmore. 

People of all levels of interest and experience are encouraged to attend. 

There is always time for introductions and discussions. 

Skip the traffic and join with your fellow north-enders once a month for interesting presentations and discussions.

Group site:

For the time being all North City Tech Meetups will be online using Zoom.

Volunteer for the annual Washington State Bicycle and Pedestrian Count

Photo by Mary Jo Heller

Every year hundreds of volunteers across the state get up and out for the Washington State Bicycle and Pedestrian Count. 

At the last count 425 caring neighbors volunteered across 431 sites in 46 cities throughout Washington state! 

This is your chance to be a part of a statewide data-collection effort that will inform decisions about funding for sidewalks, trails, and bike lanes in communities all across Washington state, including yours.

The annual count will take place Tuesday October 20, Wednesday October 21, and Thursday October 22, 2020.

Volunteers choose either a morning (7 to 9am) or evening (4 to 6pm) shift and choose from the designated locations to document the pedestrians and bicyclists who pass by. After signing up, every volunteer receives detailed instructions.

Sign up to volunteer today!

The data is made publicly available, and it is used frequently by governments, transportation planners, and nonprofits to design projects, track changes, and to measure the demand and benefits of investing in active transportation.

Invite friends, family and people in your networks, to help cover the whole state!

If you have questions, email

Faced with a pandemic, the Northshore Performing Arts Foundation goes virtual with weekly shows

Every week on Wednesday at 7pm

By John Lehrack, Managing Director NPAF

As you may imagine, planning for the future of a performing arts organization during Covid is a daunting adventure. In early March of this year we had a great slate of shows lined up for our 20-21 season and had to cancel all of them due to the pandemic. Fear not, however! The Board and I have been hard at work planning a future for NPAF and I'm excited to share some of that with you now.

Since 2006, we have rented space at the Northshore Performing Arts Center at Bothell High School. The space is managed by the Northshore School District. Per directions from the governor, NSD has opted for a largely remote learning year, meaning there will be very little activity on campus, including the theatre. At this time, it looks like the theatre will be closed to us until Fall, 2021. We promise you that when reopening can safely happen, we will have a fantastic season just waiting in the wings for your enjoyment.

In the meantime, we are going virtual. Beginning on October 7, we will feature live broadcasts of spectacular local performers for your viewing pleasure on Wednesday evenings. 

You'll be treated to jazz, the blues, classical performers, a cappella artists and more. In December we are partnering with Emerald Ballet Theatre to bring you a virtual Nutcracker. Best of all; these performances will be FREE to you.

With the kick-off of our season so close, we can always use more help to ensure its success.

Are you a social media whiz? Is video creation your thing? If so, why not volunteer with us? We're looking for folks with mad Tik Tok and Instagram skills to help create promotional videos for our virtual concert series. If this is something that you're passionate about and would like to help promote the performing arts, please contact me at

Rain clouds, blue skies, fluffy white clouds

Monday, September 28, 2020

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Yes - we love it all. Skies in three shades of blue, dark gray rain cloud, fluffy white clouds, flat water in Puget Sound, land on the other side.

And in my yard the rhody is now well-watered and the wind blew off all the dead yellow leaves. The lawn of variaged weeds is fresh and green. The raccoons, unlike the coyotes, are still pretending they don't live here and certainly could not be responsible for the missing fruit from the pear trees.


This Week at Third Place Commons - Art and the Art of Voting

Monday at noon, Third Place Commons will launch its last online auction when bidding opens for a beautiful original painting on canvas by artist Meenakshi Sinha, entitled “Spring Brings Smiles.”

Yes, all good things must come to an end, and this will be the final auction in the TPC Awesome Auction-a-thon, a two month long series of fundraising auctions to support Third Place Commons and the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market.

It may be turning colder outside, but the winner of this lovely piece will get to enjoy this cheerful bounty of springtime colors all year round. This is the perfect piece to carry you through the winter doldrums and keep the promise of springtime ever present no matter how gray it turns outdoors.

Bidding takes place on the Third Place Commons Facebook page directly in the comments section of the auction post, which launches at noon. Bidding will remain open until Friday at noon and the winner will be the highest bidder at that time.

These auctions have raised vital operating support to sustain Third Place Commons, now in its 20th anniversary year, through these difficult times, along with its largest program, the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market. Your generous bidding on this final item will help secure the future for these well-loved community institutions.

Meanwhile, Third Place Commons’ free online programming continues all week long (every week) with German conversation Mondays at 5:30, French Conversation Tuesdays at 5:30, and Spanish conversation Thursdays at 5:30. Folks of all skill levels are welcome, so get the links to join in these friendly, easygoing sessions (and info on other free programs) at

But the virtual programming doesn’t stop there! This Wednesday night, September 30, 2020 at 7pm, make a plan to join the conversation for a free session entitled “Fostering Democracy through Ranked Choice Voting.”

Presented by the nonpartisan, nonprofit FairVote Washington, this informative program is your chance to learn about a more meaningful way to vote and how to make it happen here in Washington State. No more settling for the “lesser of two evils” when you vote! Register here to attend this free event.

Third Place Commons, a community supported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is celebrating its 20th anniversary of building real community in the heart of Lake Forest Park. In addition to presenting its largest program, the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market, Third Place Commons now also fosters real community in digital space. 

To learn more, or to make a gift to support the market and the Commons, visit

Case updates September 26, 2020

Case updates September 26, 2020

United States
  • cases 7,059,087 - 49,871 cases since yesterday
  • deaths 204,033 - 853 deaths since yesterday

Washington state - *no death reports on weekends
  • cases 86,269 - 439 since last report
  • hospitalizations 7,455 - 24 since last report
  • deaths* 2,100 - 0 since yesterday

King county
  • cases 22,118 - 118 since yesterday
  • hospitalizations 2,355 - 2 since yesterday
  • deaths 758 - 0 since last report

Shoreline - population 56,752 (2018)
  • cases 607 - 1 new
  • hospitalizations 105 - 0 new
  • deaths 63 - 0 new

Lake Forest Park - 13,569 (2018)
  • cases 67 - 0 new
  • hospitalizations 4 - 0 new
  • deaths 1 - 0 new

Lake Forest Park Citizen's Commission meets online Monday

The next Meeting of the Lake Forest Park Citizen's Commission will be Monday, September 28, 2020, from 7-9pm.

We will be using the Google Meet Platform, since it is free, and does not have a time cut-off, like say Zoom, and it is easier to use than Skype / Microsoft Teams.

Platform Website

Google Meeting Code: smk-eaqf-hcw

Google Meet Platform Link:

Sorry for the late notice, we will be trying to have more meetings in the future.

If anyone has any updates, we will let you chime-in, when we get to that topic, item or otherwise. Or if anyone from one of the Community Partners, feel free to send them along, or attend, and we will let you present yourself.

The agenda is informal.
The Commission is not part of LFP city government but is a private, volunteer group.

--Mike Dee

Third Place Books presents Reid Forgrave, in conversation with Michael Sokolove

Monday, September 28, 2020 - 6:00pm

Zac Easter could be your neighbor, your classmate, your son.

In December 2015, Zac Easter, a twenty-four-year-old from small-town Iowa, decided to take his own life rather than continue his losing battle against the traumatic brain injuries he had sustained as a no-holds-barred high school football player.

For this deeply reported and powerfully moving true story, award-winning writer Reid Forgrave was given access to Zac's own diaries and was able to speak with Zac's family, friends, and coaches. He explores Zac's tight-knit, football-obsessed Midwestern community; he interviews leading brain scientists, psychologists, and sports historians; and he takes a deep dive into the triumphs and sins of the sports entertainment industry.

Forgrave shows us how football mirrors America, from the fighting spirit the game has helped inscribe in our national character to the side effects of the traditional notions of manhood that it affirms. But above all, 

Love, Zac is a warning to parents and those entrusted with the care of our kids not to ignore concussions and warning signs of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). F 
or parents struggling to decide whether to allow their kids to play football, this eye-opening, heart-wrenching, and ultimately inspiring story may be one of the most important books they will read.

Reid Forgrave writes about sports and other topics for GQ, the New York Times Magazine, and Mother Jones, among other publications. He has covered the NFL and college football for and CBS Sports, and he currently writes for the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. The article in which he first wrote about Zac Easter is included in Best American Sports Writing 2018 . A past life found him working at the Des Moines Register in Iowa, where he wrote long-form narrative journalism and covered the state's first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses. Forgrave lives in Minneapolis with his wife and two sons. Love, Zac is his first book.

Michael Sokolove is a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and the author of three previous books: The Ticket Out, Hustle, and Warrior Girls. He lives in Bethesda, Maryland.

Love, Zac: Small-Town Football and the Life and Death of an American Boy (Hardcover)
By Reid Forgrave
ISBN: 9781616209087
Availability: On our shelves now at one or more of our stores
Published: Algonquin Books - September 8th, 2020

The Last Temptation of Rick Pitino: A Story of Corruption, Scandal, and the Big Business of College Basketball (Paperback)
By Michael Sokolove
ISBN: 9780399563294
Availability: On our shelves now at one or more of our stores
Published: Penguin Books - September 24th, 2019 

Wisdom of the Drum

Wisdom of the Drum
Wednesday, September 30, 11am-12pm
Register here

Learn about West African drumming, specifically from the Yoruba people of Nigeria.

Using historical fact and knowledge gained from original research from the Ayan (traditional drum society) of Nigeria, Javoen Byrd will incorporate a participatory drum circle facilitation, song and games for this interactive and educational workshop.

Learn more about Javoen's work. The Hawk Foundation

Sponsored by the King County Library System

Eagle Scout projects at Five Acre Woods

A large grove of tall trees. All have ivy wrapped around their trunks, going up 25 feet.
Ivy growing up trees is NOT A Good Thing
Photo courtesy LFPSF

There are presently three Eagle Scout projects planned for completion from late August through early October in Five Acre Woods.

One will remove ivy climbing up trees. Those vines have regrown 15-feet high since volunteers cut the big vines on trees a year and a half ago!

The second project will remove ivy that is overgrowing downed trees and shrubs at the southeast part of the park. 

This action should facilitate access to that area so community volunteers can remove the ground cover ivy.

The third Eagle project will remove the large invasive English Holly and English Laurel shrubs from the park east of the wetland, as well as small plants of those species within 15-feet of the large ones. 

The work of all these projects will be done by groups of five or less people, all wearing masks and keeping good distance from each other. We expect it will take 3 to 4 days for each project due to the small size of the work groups.

The new trail constructed by two Eagle projects earlier this year is getting lots of use and many favorable comments. It allows people to experience different habitats closer to the wetland than is accessible from our other trails.

Foundation Board member and Scout liaison Doug Hennick reports that people are respecting Five Acre Woods quite well by staying on trails and keeping out of the wetland. We commend these young community volunteers for improving the park for all to enjoy!

Listen to the KUOW story: "Rip the ivy out of your yard right now. Seriously" and be inspired to get rid of the ivy encroaching in your yard.

The WA State Noxious Weed Control Board has more information on identifying and removing English Ivy.

--Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation

As she opened one eye, she scolded photog:

A beautiful barred owl is sleeping on a branch. One eye is just barely open..
Photo by Gloria Z Nagler

Did you forget that I'm a crepuscular bird...I need my sleep in the afternoon. Begone, pesky photog!

(Barred Owls are probably crepuscular rather than nocturnal, meaning they hunt in the dawn and dusk when their prey are likely to be active.)

--Gloria Z Nagler


Looking for a place to donate goods?

For all of you who have cleaned out your closets and storage areas, and don't want to wait in line at Shoreline Goodwill, there is a nearby truck event you can take advantage of.

Just a short distance into Snohomish county and west of Hwy 99, there will be a Goodwill donation truck in the parking lot of Edmonds Lutheran Church, 23525 84th Ave W, Edmonds, WA 98026.

It's a 'fill the truck' event to benefit Chase Lake Elementary in Edmonds.

Saturday, October 3, 2020
9:00am - 12:00pm

Goodwill will make a donation of $600 to Chase Lake Elementary for each truck that is filled. 

So purge your closets, your unwanted items will help support a school!

If it is like all the other Fill the Truck events, there will be volunteers there to help unload your car.
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