
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Why the Shoreline isolation center was removed now

Two temporary buildings were set up in Shoreline.
Aerial photography, copyright Marc Weinberg 
From Councilmember Rod Dembowski:

I wanted to provide an update on the Shoreline Assessment and Recovery Center. As you may remember, the Center was the first in the nation and a model for how to set up similar facilities to care for those needing to self-isolate or recover outside the home or who were without a home.

The site served 49 individuals and played a critical role slowing the spread of COVID-19 early in the pandemic.

I have been deeply moved by the support the City of Shoreline and its residents have shown for the Center and I am happy to report the site was deconstructed this week and the field will be returned to its former glory.

If you’re wondering why the County dismantled the site at a time when cases are rising, here is the answer provided by King County Department of Community and Human Services Director Leo Flor:
The Shoreline isolation center buildings deconstructed
Photo courtesy King county

Leo Flor: Why Deconstruct Shoreline Now?

“The same characteristics that made Shoreline quick to construct also make it expensive to sustain over time. Most of the support facilities are rented, which becomes more expensive than owned facilities over time.

"Having Shoreline available so quickly allowed us to get into place longer-term facilities, which are now online.

"Since standing up Shoreline, we’ve completed sites in White Center, Eastgate, SoDo, and completed renovations that bring the Kent and Issaquah sites fully online.

"With that much system capacity available, we now believe that we can cease operations at Shoreline, save its operating expenses, and still be ready to handle a significant increase in cases that might come later this fall or summer.”


  1. Can you provide the total cost of ALL expenses? Any wages, taxes, supplies,transportation,rental of the facility and construction and take down?

  2. My question is why didn't the company waive the fees for rental services during a national crisis? It seems like this is profiteering by the company that owns the tents, when in fact the tents wouldn't even be in use and would be sitting in storage otherwise. I want to know the companies that Shoreline decided to rent their supplies from. These companies deserve to be boycotted because they obviously don't care about the people of their communities.


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