
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Stormwater runoff system being installed at new Einstein

Photos by Steven H. Robinson

The large orange pipes collect stormwater runoff in a modular chamber system.

At the downstream end of this system, a riser with small openings will slowly release water to Boeing Creek – at the same rate as if the site were forested instead of covered with impervious surfaces, such as asphalt and concrete.

This system is large enough to hold stormwater from this site after a 50-year storm event. After several days without rainfall, this system will empty and be ready for the next rainfall. 

The boulders will be saved and used in the landscaping for the school.


  1. Was there something like this under the old school?

  2. Codes to control runoff / pollution of waterways are newer than the old school, parts of which were over 50 years old.


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