
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Shoreline council to study five topics at Monday's meeting

Seated, from left: Deputy Mayor Keith Scully, Mayor Will Hall
Standing: Doris McConnell, Keith McGlashan, Betsy Robertson, Chris Roberts, Susan Chang

The Shoreline Regular Council Meeting for Monday July 20, 2020 includes 5 Study Items.

8(a) Annual Discussion with the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services/Tree Board

Council will be joined by the PRCS/Tree Board to discuss priority interests and objectives. While Council has made the decision to not put a parks improvement and acquisition bond measure before voters this year, there is a possibility that the Council will consider this for public vote in 2021.

8(b) Discussion of Ordinance No. 893 – Adopting Interim Regulations to Allow for Additional Extensions of Application Deadlines Beyond Those Provided for in Shoreline Municipal Code Due to COVID-19 Impacts

Due to the disruption of business caused but the COVID-19 pandemic, the City Manager enacted Temporary Emergency Order No. 6 on May 4, 2020, temporarily suspending application and permit deadlines related to development, effective for approved permits and applications in process as of March 4, 2020. Proposed Ordinance No. 893 would rescind/terminate this Temporary Emergency Order and replace it with interim regulations that provide relief for applicants by creating additional extensions of application and permit deadlines due to the economic impacts of COVID-19.

8(c) Discussion of Interim Regulations for Temporary Outdoor Dining

Eating and drinking establishments have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Phase 2 of the Safe Start Washington Plan allows these businesses to resume table service, but with seating and capacity restrictions. One way to allow expanded seating while still adhering to the plan’s limits is to allow for outdoor dining as part of a potential interim ordinance which would adopt interim regulations.

8(d) Discussion of Ordinance No. 891 - Accepting a Corrected Survey and Plat for Short Plat No. SHSP-98055 as Provided in RCW 58.10.030

In 2017, Council declared the former site of the Shoreline Police Station (1206 N 185th Street) as surplus and authorized the sale of the property. In the course of due diligence, the buyer’s surveyor found a discrepancy on the recorded plat immediately to the north which erroneously placed that plat’s southern property line one foot into the City’s property. For the sale of this property to proceed, this surveying error must be corrected.

8(e) Discussion of the Shoreline Supplemental Paid Family Leave and the Washington State Paid Family and Medical Leave Programs

In 2017, Council adopted a new Supplemental Paid Family Leave policy via Council Resolution No. 402. This discussion is in response to Council’s request that staff return and report on the City’s experience and employee utilization of this leave benefit following the first two years of the benefit usage.

This page explains how to watch meetings, how to submit comments, and has the supporting staff documents for each agenda item.

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