
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Irons Brothers lends jobsite to KCSO and Shoreline Fire for training exercises

Shoreline Fire getting set up for a training exercise
(Note the teddy bear in the window!)

Story and photos by Joseph Irons
Irons Brothers Construction

If you follow us on our social channels or live in the North City neighborhood near our Shoreline office, you may have recently seen emergency vehicles at one of our job sites.

Firefighters on roof of building
during training exercise

We are proud to have partnered this Summer with both the Shoreline Fire Department and King County Sheriff's Office to provide local first responders with training opportunities at one of our vacant job sites.

Joseph Irons, the house to be demolished
and members of the SWAT team

Prior to demolition we worked with these local institutions to arrange time for them to train their staff in this empty home. Not only did the Fire Department appreciate this opportunity, but they took full advantage of it, exploring the roof, exterior/interior walls, and doors, to train for emergencies.

This home in Shoreline will be a new residential build in 2020/2021, but prior to starting our General Manager wanted to engage local authorities in continuing education and training opportunities.

SWAT team getting ready to train

The King County Sheriff's SWAT team brought a large group to train onsite. This included many rigs, lots of equipment, and officers. We are proud to be involved in helping to keep first responders ready for emergency response.

It has been a fun and great experience for all of us at IronsBC to watch and learn from these amazing service men and women.

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