
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Inslee announces continued pause on considering county Safe Start applications to move to next phase

Gov. Jay Inslee is extending the pause
on moving to new phases

Gov. Jay Inslee held a media briefing Tuesday and announced he and DOH will extend the pause on considering county’s moving to new phases of reopening to at least July 28. 

He cited data that shows transmission rates of COVID-19 are increasing throughout most of the state instead of falling, and there’s a growing percentage of new cases are among Washingtonians in their 20s. 

Yakima County is the exception as its mask-wearing efforts appear to be successful so far and transmission is declining.

Inslee cautioned that California and Oregon recently restored certain restrictions and Washington state’s health officials are watching COVID-19 activity closely to determine if similar steps will be necessary here. 

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