
Friday, July 3, 2020

COVID-19 Shoreline residents are urged to take prevention measures seriously

From the City of Shoreline

King County has seen a sharp increase in the rate of COVID-19 cases in the past two weeks. Public Health - Seattle and King County reports that the daily average number of cases has nearly doubled from an average of 40 daily cases in mid-June to 87 daily cases last week.

The target for King County is to have 39 cases or fewer per day. Over half of the new cases are among people aged 20-39. While people in this age group have thus far seen fewer serious medical complications, they can spread the infection to older community members and people with underlying health conditions.

We are urging Shoreline residents to continue to take prevention measures seriously. We have made significant progress in reducing transmission and every new infection puts our vulnerable community members at risk and can set back the time to fully reopen our businesses.
  • Wear face coverings when you go out
  • Wash your hands frequently or use alcohol hand gel
  • Whenever possible, keep 6 feet apart from one another
  • Get tested at the first sign of illness
  • Avoid group gatherings and limit the duration of contact whenever possible
  • If you’re together with friends, hanging out outside is much better than being inside. And, even when outside, avoid close contact with non-household members.
  • People who are older and anyone with underlying health conditions should continue to stay at home and limit contact with others as much as possible.

Please help keep our community healthy and safe. This virus is as infectious as ever. We are all in this together and we are depending on everyone to do their part.


  1. Is the death rate up, down or steady?

  2. As the number of cases is increasing and then logic would unfortunately also dictate there will also be a spike in the number of deaths. Unless there has been a huge medical breakthrough in the treatment methods for covid-19 that I am unaware of, that is.

  3. Berain666,

    Your comment assumes testing has remained constant. While there is not enough testing, it has increased as the same time as the number of deaths has decreased. They have not tracked together. We just have a better view of deaths per cases.

    That said, deaths have also started creeping back on an uphill slope. No one got Covid-19 from being too cautious. Stay safe. Save your parents and friends.


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