
Monday, July 6, 2020

Case updates; patterns of inequity, rise in cases among younger people

Communities of color are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. That’s according to a pair of new reports state health experts and researchers at the Institute for Disease Modeling released today. 

The reports analyzed COVID-19 reporting data by age, race, ethnicity and primary language spoken. 

The reports also reported an uptick of cases among people in younger age groups.

Compared to White people, death rates are over three times higher among Hispanic people and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander people, twice as high among American Indian or Alaska Native people, and over 50 percent higher among Black and Asian people. 
Analysis of these rates by region shows COVID-19 is found in significant numbers across racial and ethnic groups throughout the state and is not confined to certain areas, such as rural, urban or suburban regions.
Read the press release here.

Case updates 7-5-2020

United States
  • cases 2,841,906 including 52,228 new cases in 24 hours
  • deaths 129,576 including 271 new deaths in 24 hours
Washington state
  • cases 35.878 including 651 new in 24 hours
  • hospitalizations 4,482 - 9 new in 24 hours
  • deaths 1,359 - 5 new in 24 hours
King county
  • cases 11,014 - 230 new in 24 hours
  • hospitalizations 1,616 - 6 new
  • deaths 590 - 0 new in 24 hours
  • cases 404 - 2 new cases
  • hospitalizations 88
  • deaths 55
Lake Forest Park - no change in previous 24 hours
  • cases 42
  • hospitalizations 2
  • deaths 0

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