
Friday, July 10, 2020

Candidate Forum: Valdez, Daranciang present different views on education in 46th District race

(Editor’s note: This is part of a series of responses to questions we’re sending to candidates running in the Aug. 4 primary election. We will present responses to our questions from candidates for state representative positions in the 32nd and 46th legislative districts. This question came from a reader. Send future questions for the candidates to

Daranciang - Valdez

By Evan Smith

Incumbent Democratic State Rep. Javier Valdez and Republican challenger Beth Daranciang are stressing different views on education as they get ready to meet in the Aug. 4 primary and Nov. 3 general election. Valdez emphasizes new revenue sources that protect working-class families while wealthy citizens pay more. Daranciang looks at finding the most effective ways to use public money.

Democrat Valdez and Republican Daranciang are running in the 46th Legislative District, which includes Lake Forest Park, Kenmore and northwest Seattle.

With only two candidates on the primary ballot, both will qualify for the general-election ballot.

Valdez and Daranciang recently sent answers to the question, “How can legislators improve the way we pay for schools?” Here are their responses (presented in the order that their names will appear on the primary ballot and in the voters’ pamphlet):

Legislative District 46, State Representative Pos. 2

Javier Valdez (Prefers Democratic Party)

While the Legislature has made progress on the state's paramount duty to fund our public schools, we know we still need to make further investments to provide more nurses, counselors, social workers, and librarians in our schools. We need to look at new revenue policies that will shield our working-class families and focus on the wealthiest taxpayers that can pay more. It's also time to re-examine the over 700 tax exemptions our state allows.

Beth Daranciang (Prefers Republican Party)

The COVID-19 crisis has reinforced the importance of directing education efforts and funding to the most effective ways of educating our children, including empowering teachers to improvise in ways that fit their particular students.

Evan Smith can be reached at

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