Notes from Shoreline council meeting March 30, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Shoreline City Hall and Council Chamber
Photo by Mike Remarcke

Shoreline City Council Meeting
March 30, 2020

Notes by Pam Cross

Mayor Hall called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

All Councilmembers were present. City Councilmembers participated in the meeting remotely.


April was proclaimed Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the City of Shoreline.

In Washington State, 45% of women and 22% of men report having experienced sexual violence in their lifetime

Mayor Hall thanked those people who are keeping us safe by staying at home, except for essential services, and maintaining the physical distance of 6’.

The Mayor reminded everyone of the importance of completing the Census.

Report of the City Manager Debbie Tarry

COVID-19 update
  • Stay home, stay safe. Limit trips for groceries, gas and other essentials. City Hall and recreation facilities are closed. Some services can be accessed online.
  • Go to for updated information on what’s open and what’s closed.
  • ICHS Shoreline testing site is open to anyone who has symptoms which meet the criteria, by appointment only. Call 206-533-2600 to make an appointment. More information available at
  • Hopelink Food Bank remains open
  • Statewide moratorium on evictions
  • Utilities will remain on
  • Unemployment benefits have been expanded
  • Health Benefits Exchange is enrolling
  • Call 211 for other resources
Stay informed: sign up for email notices at

Council Reports

Public Comment (remotely)

Theresa LaCroix and Ginny Scantlebury, both from Shoreline, spoke about the ongoing services provided by the Shoreline/LFP Senior Center and the need for additional funding.

Pastor Kelly Dahlman-Oeth, Pastor of the United Methodist Church in Shoreline, stated the church has suspended all onsite services and meetings but continues to provide many services, such as Hopelink, to the Shoreline Community. In the current environment, donations have fallen off. Additional funds are requested from the City for Shoreline area applicants.

The agenda, including procedural issues, was approved unanimously

Procedural Issues for this meeting: Suspend rules of procedures that require all meetings to take place in Council Chambers for the duration of the City proclaimed emergency. Adopted unanimously.

The Consent Calendar was adopted, without discussion, unanimously.

Action Item 8(a)

Approving Preliminary Formal Unit Lot Subdivision No. PLN19-0037, Dividing One Existing Parcel Into Eleven (11) Unit Lots at 18512 Meridian Court N

Mayor asked if there were any ex-parte communications. There were none.

Caleb Miller, Associate Planner, did the presentation.

Blue Fern Development, LLC., requests application approval for a Preliminary Formal Subdivision to divide the existing parcel at 18512 Meridian Court N into eleven (11) unit lots and a joint access and utilities tract.

The Hearing Examiner’s Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation, dated January 20, 2020, state that the subdivision application meets all of the criteria for approval of a subdivision.

The public hearing for this subdivision was held on January 15, 2020 by the Hearing Examiner, which created the record for the basis of a recommendation from the Hearing Examiner to the City Council. As such, the City Council cannot hear any additional public comment on this item and should not have external discussion regarding this request with members of the public.

Motion and second to approve the Hearing Examiner’s recommendations


This is part of the decision to make townhomes fee simple. No reason not to move forward. The new townhome design would have worked very nicely on this site. Unfortunately, it was approved prior to the new townhouse design standards.

Passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Revision Highlights - the following Agenda Item was added:

Action Item 8(b) - Adopting Resolution No. 457 Establishing a COVID-19 Emergency Community Response Fund
The purpose of this Emergency Resolution is to help ensure that every Shoreline resident is able to meet their basic needs including food, essential personal items, temporary shelter, or other emergency aid during the COVID-19 Health Emergency.

Colleen Kelly, Community Services Manager, did the staff report.

This Resolution is proposed in recognition of the increased financial needs of nonprofit and faith based organizations due to the coronavirus pandemic. Fundraisers that would normally take place at this time of year have been postponed or cancelled. Many residents have immediate needs for basic living supports. The goal is to provide rapid deployment of needed resources and the flexibility to meet specific needs. It proposes an initial fund of $100k and a simple one page online application for the organizations. The City manager would have approval up to $5k, and could delegate up to $3.5k to staff if desired. It would be available to established 501c(3) organizations and faith based communities to provide direct emergency response assistance to Shoreline residents. Staff will monitor allocations. Organizations will be encouraged to request only what is known to be required at the time, and to be mindful that the total available is limited and not intended to fully support any organization. Additional requests can be made.

Public comment

Other than the two previous speakers, there was no public comment.


Motion and second to approve Resolution 457.

With the pandemic there is an increased number of people needing the services of our human resources providers. People at-risk are unable to leave their homes and may need food deliveries. Many jobs have gone away for now. These people normally do just fine but need temporary help. Rather than set up a new program to meet this (what we hope is temporary) need, let’s use extra funds from the General Fund, with a simple application asking: who are you, how much do you need and what is it for?

If it appears we will exceed $100k, we can consider increasing the amount at a later time.

Motion to Amend Motion to provide $35k to Hopelink, and $15k to Sound Generations (Senior Center) from the available $100k.These programs have been vetted by prior year requests. This would leave $50k for other organizations.

Discussion of this amendment

Hopelink received $50k from the Seattle Foundation, and another amount from the City of Shoreline. Do they really need more right now? On the other hand, the Senior Center did not receive any money from the Seattle Foundation so they do need some assistance now.

Hopelink is regional (serving King and Snohomish Counties). The Senior Center only services local areas of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park. We don’t want money to go to the bigger Hopelink organization, we want Shoreline general fund tax dollars to go primarily to Shoreline. Colleen Kelly stated we can stipulate that money stays in the Shoreline Hopelink Center so that would make sure it goes to substantially Shoreline residents.

The Shoreline/LFP Senior Center doesn’t qualify for Seattle Foundation funds. The Bill Gates and Amazon foundations also declined. The Shoreline School District declined to permit a break on rent. A $20k loan from Sound Generations is almost gone.

Providing bags of groceries (one bag/week for basic needs) is something the Senior Center has never done. It is not funded. Volunteers are almost all high risk so they cannot help provide services. Mental health counseling is over the phone but demand has doubled. There are seniors they’ve never seen before. $80-100k is probably what they will go through.

Does Ms Kelly or the City Manager have anything to add?

Is it accurate that the Senior Center did not qualify? Reason? Other senior centers received some funding. Was food donated for the bags of groceries or is there a cost involved. It is possible Hopelink may not need additional funds right now because they received $50k from the Seattle-United Way Foundation.

We don’t want individual councilmembers to pick out their favorites. It is better to let staff do it, the same way we do neighborhood and similar grants. Let providers make the ask. It will just be a one week delay. If approved by staff, there will only be a one week delay from tonight.

Roll call vote on the amendment to add allocations of $35k to Hopelink and $15k to Sound Generations (Senior Center) taken from the $100k leaving $50k unallocated fails 2 to 5 with Councilmembers McConnell and Roberts supporting.

Main motion passes unanimously.

Study Item 9(a)

Discussing Park Improvements and Property Acquisition Priorities and Funding

Eric Friedli, PRCS Department Director, did the presentation about 8:30pm

The Council Goals for 2020-2022 includes an action step to “Implement the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan, including priority park improvements and acquisition of additional park properties.” This was included on Prop 1 that was not passed by voters.

Given the health emergency that currently exists, and the potential devastating impacts it may have on the local and regional economy, staff would recommend that Council delay putting this $38.5M funding on the ballot until a future time when economic impact is known.

Council agrees to delay, and have staff continue to study and consider at a later date. The Governor’s order mandates only necessary and routine business, or that related to COVID-19 is be handled at Council meetings.

Further discussion delayed.

Meeting Adjourned.

Construction of roundabout at 185th and 10th will proceed

By Diane Hettrick

Apparently Sound Transit has received status as essential construction - at least for this project.

Construction will proceed as planned for a roundabout at 10th NE and NE 185th to minimize congestion during construction of the light rail project.

Work will include road demolition, concrete curve ramp demolition, and restoration. The roads will be fully closed at that intersection from 7:00am on Wednesday April 1st through 5pm on Friday April 3rd.

After the Lynnwood Link becomes operational in 2024, the City of Shoreline will evaluate the traffic circle to determine if it should remain in place.

If we were not all under a Stay At Home order this would be a traffic nightmare.

See for current information on construction activities on NE 185th Street.

Shoreline City Manager Issues Temporary Emergency Orders in Response to COVID-19 Crisis

From the City of Shoreline

On March 23, Shoreline City Council passed Resolution 456 authorizing the City Manager to issue temporary emergency waivers or suspensions of regulatory obligations in the Shoreline Municipal Code during the declared state of emergency if necessary to preserve and maintain public life, health, and safety in response to COVID-19. 

Below are temporary emergency orders recently executed by the City Manager:

Waiver/Suspension of B/O Tax and Gambling Tax Reporting and Payment Deadlines

The City Manager has approved a temporary waiver of certain provisions of the City's tax code to ease the financial impact on businesses. The Business & Occupation Tax and Gambling Tax filing and payment deadlines for the first and second quarters of 2020 have been moved to October 31, 2020.

Temporary Emergency Order - Waiver/Suspension of B &O Tax and Gambling Tax Reporting and Payment Deadlines

Waiver/Suspension of Recreation Program Refund Request Deadlines

This waiver of the municipal code allows for cancellation of recreation facility rentals without a monetary loss serves to assist in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the City.

Temporary Emergency Order - Waiver/Suspension of Recreation Program Refund Request Deadlines

Suspension of Public Records Disclosure Requirements

This order suspends the policy requiring a five business day response time for records requests as well as the policies providing for in-person submittal of requests and in-person inspection of requests.

Temporary Emergency Order - Suspension of Public Records Disclosure Requirements

Suspension of Plastic Bag Ban

This order allows retail establishments to provide plastic carryout bags through May 31, 2020.

Temporary Emergency Order - Suspension of Prohibition on Plastic Retail Carryout Bags

Richmond Beach Saltwater Park closed to vehicle access Thursday through Sunday

The parking lot was full on a sunny day
Photo by Lee Lageschulte

From the City of Shoreline

In an effort to encourage more physical distancing and reduce the number of people using Richmond Beach Saltwater Park at any given time, the City of Shoreline will close the park to vehicle access Thursday through Sunday. 

On March 21, the City announced that it was closing all active recreation areas, including all sports courts, playgrounds, and the skate park.

While we encourage people to get outside and exercise, Richmond Beach Saltwater Park continues to draw large crowds, particularly when the weather is nice. 
This does not meet the goals of the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy directives. 

After this weekend, vehicle access will be weather dependent unless we continue to see large crowds even during rainy weather, in which case vehicle access would be closed until further notice.

Reminder about parks and park activities
  • Use physical distancing: The most effective tool we have to slow the spread of COVID-19 is to physically distance ourselves from others. Keep at least six feet of distance between you and others.
  • Do not access off limits equipment or areas: Shoreline has CLOSED all playgrounds, picnic shelters, basketball and tennis courts, ball fields, and the skate park.
  • Do not congregate in parks: This means no pick-up games, picnics, BBQs, parties, or bonfires.
  • Six feet for activities: Hiking, biking, and walking are all great ways to enjoy parks right now, just remember to keep six feet between you and your fellow residents.

More information at

Tuesday's Flour: Deadline for Edible Book Festival is Friday

The Old Man and the C
Created by Matt Tullio 2018 festival

Edible Book Festival - All Virtual

Call for Culinary Creations for the Annual Edible Book Festival

Submit your entries online now through April 3

Creativity will prevail! The importance of keeping our community healthy is paramount, but we also want to continue to serve all of you by cultivating creativity and inspiring our community through the arts, so we are moving the Edible Book Festival to an online experience this year. Get your necessary social distancing in and exercise creativity in the home at the same time!

Do you have an idea for a mouthwatering manuscript? A succulent storybook? A “punny” take on a literary favorite? Then register your edible book on the Arts Council website by Friday, April 3rd and whip up something to tickle our tastebuds (and maybe our funny bones).

Your creation should be inspired by a book, or a pun on a book title, and made out of edible ingredients—sweet or savory. It may look like a book, tablet, or scroll...or be completely unique. Check out for inspiration. It’s free to participate and you’ll be eligible to win fabulous prizes (gift certificates) from Third Place Books!

Adults, youth, and professional categories. Youth entries are highly encouraged, especially during this long school break. Kids get crafty - Join us and create some Edible Books! Yes, that's right... a book you can eat!

A perfect place for book lovers to come together and create either edible things relating to books, or an edible book itself! Register your edible book online by April 3 using our form. Don’t forget to take a digital photo and upload to the form.

Our judges will rate over the weekend. We need YOUR vote for the People's Choice Awards - voting will open online from 8am Saturday, April 4th to 4pm, Sunday April 5th, 2020. We will announce the winners via a live stream Sunday, April 5 on Facebook (winners will be posted on this page immediately afterwards).

There is no fee to register!

2020 jurors include Bill the Chocolate Man, Susan Jones Davis, Julie Hiers, and Bobbie Bender.

Questions? Feel free to email

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor: Jack Malek, Broker and Realtor

Thank you to our Sponsors: The City of Shoreline and the City of Lake Forest Park

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate creativity and inspire our community through the arts.

Dembowski: Property tax deadline extended to June 1

Property tax deadline extended to June 1

From King county councilmember Rod Dembowski:

In response to the financial hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, individual King County property taxpayers will have extra time to make their first-half property tax payments in 2020. 

King County extended the first-half property tax deadline to June 1 for individual taxpayers; specifically, the order applies only to individual residential and commercial taxpayers who pay property taxes themselves. 

Banks and other financial institutions that pay property taxes on behalf of their customers must still meet the April 30 deadline. Taxpayers with questions about their property tax bill or payment options can email King County Treasury or call 206-263-2890.

Earlier this month, I joined a broad coalition of King County leaders requesting such an extension. I will continue to look for ways to mitigate the financial hardship caused by this pandemic. 

If you missed any of my earlier updates, please know we have been compiling resources to help people with financial needs during this unprecedented time. You can find all of the resources on the King County Council website, including options to download each page as a PDF if you would like to share it with others or keep it handy.

Rod Dembowski represents north end cities on the King County council, including Shoreline and Lake Forest Park.

Vegetarian cooking class every Friday

Cooking Online with Amanda - 
Lentils and Beans
Every Friday in April at 5pm

Are you stuck at home without any cooking skills?

Are you wondering what to do with all the lentils and beans you bought to stock up?

Join Amanda Strombom, president of Vegetarians of Washington, to learn some simple recipes for using these protein powerhouses. VIA ZOOM, Amanda will cook in her own kitchen. You can cook along, or just watch!

Please register and the Zoom link will be sent to you by email.

Virtual storyhour with Miss Gretchen Thursday

Virtual Story Time with Miss Gretchen

Thursday, April 2, and April 9, 2020 at 10:30am – 11am

Join Miss Gretchen for a story time on Facebook. 

We can't meet in person, but we can still gather wherever we are to share songs and rhymes.

This week we'll be celebrating Spring! 

Stop by the Enumclaw Library Facebook page to join in. 

The video will be posted afterward so you can watch it even if you can't attend.

Costco revising closing hours

Beginning Monday, March 30, U.S. Costco locations will temporarily implement new weekday closing hours. 

They will close at 6:30pm, Monday through Friday. 

Gas stations will close at 7pm.

This temporary change will not affect weekend hours.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, Costco warehouses will open from 8 to 9am for members ages 60 and older, and for those with physical impairments.

During this early hour, the pharmacy will be open, but the Costco Food Court will not. 

Visit the following link for more information.

First day of COVID-19 testing in Shoreline goes smoothly

A healthcare worker goes to the car to
get a sample for testing
Photo courtesy ICHS

ICHS reports that the COVID19 testing at the Shoreline clinic Monday went smoothly and "our incredible staff members tested multiple people from the area."

They will continue to do testing throughout the week until Friday April 3, from 11am-3pm each day.

They still have openings and encourage community members to give them a call to make an appointment. By appointment only: 206-533-2600.

Testing is done the parking area of the ICHS Shoreline Clinic, 16549 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

During your appointment, you will remain in your car. Interpretation will be available if you need language assistance. A health care provider will approach your car window to swab your nose and provide information on how to obtain test results.

Ready for business
Photo courtesy ICHS

Drive-thru testing is available by appointment only to all community members. You are not required to be an existing ICHS patient, but you are required to call ahead. 

Due to limited supply, testing is reserved for those currently experiencing Covid-19 symptoms – which include fever, cough, sore throat and shortness of breath. Once it is determined you should be tested, you will receive an appointment time.

On another note, ICHS reports that one of their patients who wishes to be anonymous, donated 350 medical masks to the Shoreline clinic Monday morning. 

We have been humbled by donations coming in of personal protective equipment such as gloves and masks these past weeks.

Public Health Seattle and King county case update March 30, 2020

Public Health is reporting the following confirmed cases and deaths due to COVID-19 through 11:59pm on 3/29/20.

  • 2330 confirmed positive cases (up 171 from yesterday)
  • 150 confirmed deaths (up 9 from yesterday)

Data dashboard

Fifteen people are currently staying in King County isolation and quarantine facilities. A third site, located in Issaquah, opened over the weekend.


  • 688 residents have a COVID-19 test result, at a rate of 1,220.5 per 100,000 residents
  • 112 (16.3%) of those have positive results, at a rate of 198.7 per 100,000 residents
Among those with a positive result:
  • 9 (8.0%) have died due to illness, at a rate of 16.0 per 100,000 residents

Lake Forest Park:

  • 138 residents have a COVID-19 test result, at a rate of 1,041.5 per 100,000 residents
  • 14 (10.1%) of those have positive results, at a rate of 105.7 per 100,000 residents
Among those with a positive result:
  • 0 (0.0%) have died due to illness, at a rate of 0.0 per 100,000 residents


  • 5,161 - cases
  • 217 - deaths 

Local residents named to Pacific University Dean's List

Pacific University, Forest Grove OR

FOREST GROVE, Ore. - Students from our area were named to the dean's list at Pacific University for the Fall 2019 semester.

The dean's list recognizes undergraduate students in Pacific's College of Arts / Sciences who earn a grade point average of at least 3.5.

Pacific is a comprehensive university offering undergraduate, graduate and professional programs in the arts and sciences, business, education, health professions, and optometry.

Pacific was named one of the Top 50 Best Value Schools in the country by U.S. News and World Report and is the No. 1 private research university in the Pacific Northwest.



Zane French
Micaela Frick
Julia Manfredini

Lake Forest Park: Update on March/April 2020 Sewer Utility Payments during COVID-19 response

From the City of Lake Forest Park

We know that many residents and members of our local business community are financially impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. 

With this in mind, the City of Lake Forest Park is instituting a grace period for sewer payments and will not assess late fees for the March/April 2020 billing period. 

Customers should pay what they can to avoid accumulating a large balance that will be harder to pay off later.

We also want to encourage customers to utilize an online payment system to pay their sewer bills. This can be set up with many banks and credit unions or by using the City’s online payment system.

If you have questions, staff can be reached via email, or you can leave a message at 206-957-2826. We will return your email or call as soon as we can.

Register today for online classes with Continuing Education at Shoreline CC

Pete M studies at home
Photo by Steve Shay

Give your brain a workout from the comfort of your couch with online classes through Continuing Education at Shoreline Community College!

Whether you’re exploring a longtime interest, preparing for a new adventure, or working towards a professional goal, Continuing Education has something for you. Non-credit courses are taught by passionate educators and local experts throughout the Spring, and are affordable, convenient, and fun!

Classes include:
  • A Sensory Introduction to Wine: A Precursor to Food and Wine Pairing
  • Gardening 101: From the Ground Up!
  • Getting Things Done in Windows 10
  • Launch Your Side Hustle
  • Mindful and Assertive Communication: Practical Exercises and Techniques to Elevate Your Communications Skills
  • Mindful Eating: Simple Techniques for Health and Weight
  • Open Read and Critique Writing Workshop
  • Smart Marketing

The Continuing Education program also partners with Ed2Go to offer highly interactive, online courses for industry certification and professional development that start once a month.

To register, visit today or contact for more information.

Monday's flower (from Jerry's Garden)

Monday, March 30, 2020

Photo and flower by Jerry Pickard

Hey all you (including my mother) who have despaired of my ability to recognize flowers - I think I've got this one.



Ventec Life Systems in Bothell making life-saving hospital equipment

VOCSN weighs 18 lbs and has five functions:
ventilator,, oxygen, cough, suction, nebulizer

By Cynthia Sheridan

Ventec Life Systems, located at Canyon Park in Bothell, has been in the news lately as it ramps up the production of desperately needed hospital ventilators.

The website says 'closed weekends' but the parking lot indicates otherwise, with over 40 vehicles sitting empty at around noon on Saturday. 

A recently laid off dental assistant has been hired as the company greeter. Her main purpose is to take the temperature of the employees before they enter the plant, which is now running “full steam ahead” seven days a week.

This small but mighty business is leading the pack as they scour the world, from China to India, searching for the many high-tech parts needed to build this complicated piece of equipment. 

Also, Ventec is assisting General Motors with both retooling and acquisition of materials in an effort to increase US production: “the little fish brining along the big fish” according to one onlooker.

Ventec's leading product, VOCSN, seamlessly integrates five separate devices including a ventilator, oxygen concentrator, cough assist, suction, and nebulizer into one unified respiratory system.

Pramila Jayapal to hold online briefing on the third federal COVID-19 relief package

From 7th District congressional representative Pramila Jayapal

On Friday, the House passed the CARES Act, the third emergency COVID-19 relief package.

This $2.2 trillion relief package has now been signed into law, and while it is not perfect, it will deliver critically needed aid to people in our district, state and across the country.

Please join me this Wednesday, April 1st at 5:00pm PT for an online briefing on what’s included in this latest relief package and how it will help you and our state.

Watch at
Listen to the audio by calling 855-286-0292

Here are a few key things included:

  • The largest expansion in decades of unemployment insurance benefits for laid-off and furloughed workers
  • Direct payments to put money immediately in the pockets of working people and families
  • $350 billion in emergency grants and forgivable loans to devastated small businesses and nonprofits
  • $150 billion to help hospitals and others in the health care system 
  • $150 billion relief fund to help strained local and state governments
  • Additional funding for a number of programs, including education, housing, and childcare
  • Support for struggling industries that do right by their employees 

Stay in touch with Rep. Jayapal by reaching out to her office, signing up for her newsletter or following her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Photo: Dark skies

Photo by Jan Hansen

After a sunny and windy Sunday, the sunset was rather ominous looking. You might want to take a closer look at Carl's WeatherWatcher column today.

Photographer Jan Hansen, however, saw only the beauty. 

"I, like Judy, sing again as I look at this evening’s clouds. Layers, textures, colors."

Bored? Love cats?

Lily is of the 'get me outta here" variety
For the cat-lovers who are starting to get bored staying at home: On Facebook, go to Canopy Cat Rescue and watch a daring arborist rescue cats from the tops of 50 foot trees.

Shaun and his partner rescue cats - who have no trouble climbing up a tree but don't know how to climb down - from the tops of swaying trees.

Shaun posts a video of every rescue and a nice portrait of the cat.

Some are screaming (get me outta here!), some are blasé (I meant to do this ... yes, for three days).

Shaun and his partner are arborists by trade - hence the tree climbing ability and equipment - and cat rescuers in their spare time.

They go all over Puget Sound and only ask for donations for their services.

Check them out here

Community is generous for the NEMCo food drive

LFP Police Chief Mike Hardan and NEMCo volunteers
Photo courtesy LFP Police Dept

NEMCo volunteers are delighted with the amount of food and paper goods donated by community members during the drive-thru food drive on Thursday, March 26, 2020.

Drive thru food donations
Photo courtesy LFP Police Dept.
The Northshore Emergency Management Coalition (NEMCo) is a partnership among the cities of Kenmore and Lake Forest Park (LFP), the Northshore Fire Department (NSFD) and the Northshore Utility District (NUD).

NEMCo was created to provide the communities it serves with efficient emergency management resources.

With so many staying home and unable to work, local food banks are in need of donations as well.

NEMCo set up this one-day, four hour opportunity to collect donations. It was a drive-thru setup, with vehicles driving in to hand off items to a volunteer.

King County hospitals adapt to significant pressures from COVID-19

The Northwest Healthcare Response Network (NWHRN) tracks information on hospital capacity in our region. 

The NWHRN is reporting that hospitals in King County are maintaining available hospital capacity but also seeing significant impacts on hospital operations as the number of COVID-19 cases increases. 

Hospitals have taken multiple steps to meet the demand related to care of COVID-19 cases and are trying to adapt operations in the face of reduced PPE resources and other challenges to their operations.

The unprecedented steps our hospitals have taken are helping ensure hospital and ICU bed and ventilator capacity remain available in the region at this time.

Hospitals have responded to the increase in patients with COVID-19 and COVID-like illnesses by using surge strategies, such as postponing elective and non-emergency procedures, bringing in additional staff, and increasing the number of hospital beds. 

Other innovative changes to managing healthcare needs while decreasing opportunities for transmission of COVID-19 include drive-through clinics and telehealth.

Hospitals are continuing to find ways to maximally conserve limited supplies of PPE, to protect and care for front line health care teams, to use space efficiently, and to support each other by sharing resources across the region. 

Their close collaboration with each other, the Northwest Healthcare Response Network, as well as Public Health and the state, has made it possible to meet the need today while preparing for a potential much greater challenge in coming weeks or months.

Given this strain on the healthcare system, Public Health reminds everyone to stay home to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to preserve the emergency room for critical health needs. 

Do not go to the emergency room unless you are having an immediate medical emergency

People who receive a positive test result for COVID-19 should not go the emergency room unless they are experiencing severe symptoms (such as difficulty breathing) that require hospitalization. 

Less severe symptoms can be treated at home.

--Public Health Seattle and King County

U-turn - and airborne - on a windy and sunny day

U-turn on a windy and sunny day
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

It was quite gusty on Sunday. Treetops were moving around and my windchimes were not so much chiming as smacking against the side of the house.

In this kind of weather, the kite surfers head to Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. Sometimes the water is full of them but it looks like these surfers had the water pretty much to themselves.

I don't know much about the sport but I suspect it takes quite a bit of skill to execute a U-turn as this surfer did.

Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Then there's the airborne maneuver - which I assume is deliberate. 

Open invitation: I would welcome an article from a kite surfer, explaining their sport. Contact me:

Public Health Seattle and King County case updates March 29, 2020

Note: Cases reported today are an approximation. Case numbers draw from a Washington State Department of Health database that is in the process of being updated. We expect to have an official count tomorrow.

Public Health – Seattle and King County is reporting the following estimated cases and deaths due to COVID-19 through 11:59pm on 3/28/20.

  • 2159 estimated positive cases (up 82 from yesterday)
  • 141 estimated deaths (up 5 from yesterday)

Thirteen people are currently staying in King County isolation and quarantine facilities.

Data dashboard here


650 residents have a COVID-19 test result, at a rate of 1,153.1 per 100,000 residents
101 (15.5%) of those have positive results, at a rate of 179.2 per 100,000 residents

Among those with a positive result:
6 (5.9%) have died due to illness, at a rate of 10.6 per 100,000 residents

Lake Forest Park:

133 residents have a COVID-19 test result, at a rate of 1,003.8 per 100,000 residents
12 (9.0%) of those have positive results, at a rate of 90.6 per 100,000 residents

Among those with a positive result:
0 (0.0%) have died due to illness, at a rate of 0.0 per 100,000 residents

State: 4896 cases in Washington state 

DOH: no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 is spreading via food

Shop no more than once a week - and there
is no need to stock up
From the Washington State Department of Health

COVID-19 is a new virus. It has been around for three months now, and we’re still learning a lot about it.

One thing we know for sure is that it spreads easily from person to person through tiny droplets in the air after someone coughs or sneezes.

Most of this spread happens when someone has symptoms, like a cough. These disgusting droplets can travel for up to six feet.

  • It’s important that we don’t come within six feet of one another, so we don’t inhale any of those droplets if someone coughs.
  • It is possible for the virus to spread when someone doesn’t have symptoms, but this is not the main way it spreads. 
  • It is also possible for the virus to spread through droplets on hard surfaces, though this is also not the main way it spreads. 

That’s why it’s important that we wash our hands and try not to touch our faces, in case we touched a surface that had transmissible virus on it. 

  • If you wear gloves, touch a hard surface, and then touch your face with your gloved hands, the gloves have not protected you at all. If you don’t touch your face, you didn’t need the gloves. Just wash your hands.

We have no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 is spreading through food at all. Not through take-out orders, groceries, or produce. (And here's our list of places to get take-out)

When you return home from the grocery store, please thoroughly wash your hands, but there is no reason to try to disinfect your groceries.

And please, don’t put disinfecting chemicals like household cleaners on the food you’re going to eat.

Speaking of groceries — agriculture and food production are also considered essential activities. This is to make sure food continues fill our grocery stores and food banks.

Deliveries to grocery stores are continuing steadily, and farmers, ranchers, and food processors are producing plenty to meet our needs.

There is no need to worry about shortages, and no need to stock up, other than to make sure you don’t have to leave the house more than once each week.

WeatherWatcher: Week of breezy, stormy weather, and cool rain showers

Partly sunny skies on March 29, 2020
Photo by Carl Dinse

Forecast: We have a cool and unsettled weather pattern taking hold over the area to start this week. Early Monday morning a cold front is expected to move through the region bringing steady rain for an hour or two and some gusty winds. We're looking at about a quarter to a half inch of rain with this system, and winds gusting to 25-30mph.

Monday afternoon and evening, along with Tuesday afternoon and evening, showers remain a threat, as well as a slight chance of some thunderstorms. In general it'll probably just be a one clap wonder, and then done. There could be some downpours, some with small hail or other various forms of mixed frozen precipitation, common with convective thunderstorm activity.

Wednesday will seem a little calmer, with only a slight chance of a shower throughout the day. We could still see a stray lightning bolt Wednesday evening as well.

Thursday through the weekend, the chance of showers remains slight, with partly sunny skies. For the entire week and into the weekend we are looking at cool temperatures, highs around 50°F, with low temperatures ranging in the upper 30's to low 40's.

Longer range forecasts are hinting at some warmer daytime temperatures, but inconsistent on how dry or rainy we might be going into the second week of April. Our chances of frost are rapidly declining at this point in the season, but I can't rule it out completely quite yet.

For current weather conditions visit

Financial Aid support for current students and for next year

Rep. Pollet is vice-chair of the House
Higher Education Committee

By Rep. Gerry Pollet, 46th District
Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, North and Northeast Seattle 

Question and Answers for students at UW, other schools, including concerns for next year:
This is reposting an extensive explanation I shared in response to questions and concerns on another FB page over UW financial aid and enrollment.

As one of our legislative higher ed leaders, I've been trying to assist in ensuring that aid continues and to ensure people know that is the case. My thanks extend to numerous leaders at the UW, all our higher ed institutions in Washington and WSAC (WA Student Achievement Council, which administers our state student financial aid programs).

First concern: We are hearing concerns over students not enrolling for Spring quarter or not completing the semester. There are many faculty, parents, students wondering about the financial ability of students to enroll and learn online, and how that affects their financial aid.

State Need Grants remain in effect and will be distributed if a student enrolls in classes for the quarter. 
It does NOT change if the UW or any other institutions' classes are online. If students enroll in fewer than normal credits, they should check on the UW website, the institution they attend or the WSAC website, to be sure they enroll in enough credits to avoid a pro rata reduction, or to know what the pro rata reduction will be.

The UW is being very proactive in allowing students to get full UW grants with fewer credits than normal. (I'm continuing to see if State Need Grants can get more flexibility beyond giving full aid for enrolling with 12 credits).

Your Need Grant or Pell Grant is NOT REDUCED just because you are now living at home (including in another state), not in a dorm, etc. (Federal Pell grants do not appear to have been adjusted in the federal aid bill).

Re: Work Study: Early after the campuses closed, I received several disconcerting communications from student employees who were losing their work study employment and, on the other side of the coin, grad students told they would lose their job if they didn't show up for work in labs or for research where they were not essential. 

For the latter, this seems cleared up with the order about only essential workers allowed and guidance from UW to faculty and on-campus employers in this regard.

For the loss of work, WSAC acted and told institutions that work study funds should be converted to financial aid awards. 

UW has informed employers they should first try to keep employees on their payroll. Students should know if they lose work study employment, the UW will work to convert the state portion of the award to financial aid. 

I asked on a call with representatives from all our higher ed institutions the other day and was assured that they were all working to ensure that Work Study awards would be used as aid even if the job is not available this quarter or remainder of the semester.

RE: Next year: For students applying to college (something we are following in my household) and students who were counting on our State's unprecedented investment to change the State Need Grant to the WA College Grant with a guarantee of a full award to every student whose family income is up to 70% of median family income, we have a serious State financial challenge that no one has yet had time to plan for.

Students really need to fill out the FAFSA and WAFSA and apply for aid!!!

Being at home should provide plenty of time to make sure you apply for aid. Ask your parent(s) to gather up last year’s IRS form to help you. The WAFSA is Washington State’s own form to provide Need Grants / College Grants to students without legal immigration status. 

And, also remember to fill out applications for aid specific to the colleges or universities you are applying to. 

Want to stay close to home? Apply early to go to one of the Seattle Colleges. Remember, the Seattle Promise program will make attendance tuition free for most Seattle HS graduates.

Financial aid offers are being made based on last year's income and median. But, obviously the number of students whose family incomes have crashed will be far higher than the projected number of students who we expected to qualify. 

State revenue has also cratered to pay for the expansion and for the increased number of students who will need aid. We funded the expansion with a progressive tax on large businesses in tech that rely on higher ed investments and a business and occupation tax surcharge. 

The Legislature needs to examine additional progressive revenues when we come out of the immediate crisis so a generation of students doesn't lose their opportunity for postsecondary education.

To be continued...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Photo by John Boril

Yes, indeed. Just stay inside and keep your dog company.

A community health crisis requiring a community response: the college donates all its PPE

Torrey Stenmark wears her own personal safety gear while collecting N95 masks from across campus

Shoreline Community College donates over 30,000 supplies to local healthcare providers

Staff and faculty at Shoreline Community College banded together to provide two separate donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) to healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 response in Washington state.

Faculty members Kira Wennstrom (biology) and Torrey Stenmark (chemistry) knew that in 2019 the College’s Safety and Security department had distributed to staff emergency kits that contained packaged N95 masks. 

Wennstrom and Stenmark organized a campus-wide effort to retrieve N95 masks from those kits and, despite campus operating remotely due to COVID-19, were able to collect 60 of the badly needed masks for donation.

“It was a video game-like hunt,” said Stenmark. “People emailed me instructions on where to locate the masks in their offices and Edwin Lucero, Director of Safety and Security, and I went office to office finding the kits and retrieving the masks for donation.”

Safety and Security donated an additional 250 masks from their supply for a total donation of 310 N95 masks. The staff and faculty donation went to Seattle Mask Brigade.

“The donation was a way to help our campus community feel like they are taking positive action and to contribute to local healthcare needs,” said Stenmark.

“We were happy to know we could help in this time of crisis,” said Lucero. “Medical professionals are putting their own health at risk for the good of the community. This was the least we could do to support them.”

Other College departments followed suit. 

Shoreline’s Dental Hygiene and Nursing Programs donated 2,000 surgical masks and 18,000 surgical gloves. 

The Sciences department donated 35 goggles, 25 face shields, 600 protective arm sleeves, 9,000 shoe covers, and 1,700 gloves. These donations went to the City of Shoreline’s frontline emergency teams.

“Being in a profession where the risk of exposure to many diseases is high, it was particularly important to us to be able to donate PPEs and to make sure that those who are in need of this protection get it right now,” said Rosie Bellert, Director of the Dental Hygiene Program at Shoreline. 
“This is a community health crisis requiring a community response.”

--Shoreline Community College

Patricia Valle named Washington Excellence in Education winner

Patricia Valle, winner of Excellent in Education
award from Alpha Delta Kappa

By Mary Jo Heller
Patricia Valle, Social Studies teacher at Kellogg Middle School in the Shoreline School District, has been named Washington State Teacher and recognized with the Excellence in Education Award for Alpha Delta Kappa, an honorary fraternal International organization.

The award is based on dedication, knowledge, skills, professional achievement and success, school/community involvement, contributions to the educational process and active participation in Alpha Delta Kappa.

She will be honored at the Washington State Alpha Delta Kappa Convention in Bellevue. Pat will now compete with teachers in the Northwest Region at the ADK Conference in Honolulu. 

Heather Hiatt, principal at Kellogg, said: “Pat is a natural leader inside of her classroom, in our school community, and within our district…. She is leading her colleagues through the curriculum with a lens on equity making sure to identify and analyze the stories being told and omitted.”

Pat holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Northern Colorado, and a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Washington.

She was inspired to become a teacher of the deaf in her ninth grade year after reading an article about Gallaudet College in Washington DC.  With her mother’s help, Pat found a counselor who helped her locate a program at the University of Northern Colorado; however, when the program changed to a Master’s degree only, Pat decided that she was not ready to commit to an advanced degree, and earned a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.

Pat taught elementary school in Colorado and Okinawa, Japan before moving to Seattle in 1989.  When she began teaching in Seattle, older and wiser, she pursued a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Washington.

Other projects Pat has spearheaded include “Soul of Salmon” with seventh graders at Einstein Middle School in Shoreline. In her Environmental Studies classes, students researched salmon in the Puget Sound area, developing curriculum which they then used to teach classes at Syre Elementary School. 

The project culminated in a fundraising mission to purchase two (male and female) fifteen-foot statues that were then decorated, through their research, by the students. 

Pat has consistently included multiple field trips with her classes. For five years in Environmental Studies, students tested the water and soil in Boeing Creek Park and cleared invasive species. They have also planted trees in Weyerhaeuser forests. They stenciled “no dumping” signs on sewer grates around the city of Shoreline to remind citizens that the water drains into salmon habitat. 

Pat and her students created a “museum” within Kellogg Middle School for their Aztec, Maya, and Inca studies. Objects researched and created were placed on display in the team room, and in various locations around the school.

Pat has piloted and assessed a new evaluation system for the district. She also piloted the ATLAS (Authentic Testing and Learning for All Students) program in Shoreline.

As a teacher of color, Pat is an advocate of equality, and was invited to join the Diversity Task Force for two years in Shoreline. She was the Diversity TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment) where she aided classroom teachers and administrators in developing curriculum and understanding issues surrounding diversity. 

Pat left the classroom for a few years, as she was elected Union President for SEA (Shoreline Education Association).  She is is an advocate for, and has been working with unions since beginning teaching, starting with a local strike in Greeley, Colorado.

She enjoys the camaraderie, support, and leadership within unions, seeing both the positive outcomes and challenges with those organizations. She saw a chance for real advocacy for teaching and has enjoyed working and thinking about ways to inspire communication between teachers and administration.

Pat currently, and for ten years, has worked with WEA (Washington Education Association) in Minority Affairs. She has taken training in “Difficult Conversations,” a program to aid conversations between teachers, and between faculty and administration. As SEA President, Pat has had many opportunities to use this training.

Pat is a founding member of the Edmonds City Diversity Commission. This group recommends policy for the city, while also developing opportunities for cultural development. The Commission sponsors a series of six movies at the Edmonds City Theater, several World Cafes and other events meant to highlight and celebrate Edmonds’ respect for the diversity of its citizens. 

At Kellogg, Pat is the faculty sponsor of the Gay/Straight Alliance, the co-chair of the social studies department and a representative for Kellogg to the Shoreline Education Association. Pat has also sponsored and facilitated a Youth Forum at Edmonds/Woodway High School.

Pat is also the proud mother of two children, a son, Ismael, who is currently teaching English/Language Arts in Mukilteo, and a daughter, Ciela, pursuing a linguistics degree at the University of Washington.  She has recently returned from Spain, where she taught pre-school.

Does Pat have any spare time? Perhaps. And she spends it with Do-it-Yourself projects, like demolishing and remodeling of her kitchen, building a deck, and smaller creative endeavors, such as card making.

She loves hosting joint dinner parties with her daughter and cooking traditional family recipes like red chili enchiladas and green chili stew, which answers the New Mexico State question of green or red! She has recently learned how to make scones, created in Scotland but introduced to Washingtonians at the Puyallup State Fair!

I've looked at swans from both sides now...

Four swans a-landing
Photo by Gloria Z Nagler

(with apologies to Joni Mitchell:). Trumpeter Swans in Skagit County)

Photo by Gloria Z Nagler

Seattle Times: Scams related to Medicare and the virus

From The Seattle Times

Sadly, scammers are taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to ramp up identity theft and Medicare fraud schemes. The Associated Press reported that scammers were using telemarketing, social media, email and door-to-door visits to market phony tests for the coronavirus and “Senior Care Packages” with hand sanitizer, or even touting nonexistent vaccines.

The government cautions that you should give your Medicare number only to participating Medicare pharmacists, doctors or people you trust to work with Medicare on your behalf. 

The agency will not call you to ask for your Medicare number or to check on it.

Medicare’s website offers tips for protecting yourself against fraud; the Federal Trade Commission’s website has a page of tips on COVID-19 and scams.

The national network of federally funded Senior Medicare Patrols also can help.

In addition:
The article Medicare is updating coverage to help in the coronavirus crisis is very helpful in explaining the most recent actions for Medicare insurance.

Let Lori Gagnon tell your toddler a story

Lori Gagnon, story teller
For all you homebound parents of preschoolers...

Shorecrest graduate Lori Gagnon has a YouTube channel with songs and stories for the very young.

Called "Teacher Lori Gagnon HIVE TIME... Bee the Best You," it has videos that run about five minutes.

There are over a dozen videos right now and Lori adds one each day.

You can subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any of the episodes. Subscribe and access the previous videos HERE.
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