
Sunday, February 23, 2020

New Shoreline recycling guide and quiz

The City of Shoreline recently launched a new interactive online recycling guide and quiz for Shoreline residents and employees.

The guide includes information on what can be placed in your curbside recycle cart, items that can be recycled at special drop-off locations, what can be placed in your food and yard waste cart, how to schedule a special item pickup with Recology, and more. 

To learn more about each item simply hover your mouse over an image on your computer, or touch an image on your smartphone or tablet. ​You can also test your recycling knowledge with our fun and informative recycling quiz! 

Check out the guide and quiz here

A new “What do I do with….?” print recycling guide will also arrive in Shoreline resident mailboxes soon. This recycling guide provides information on where you can recycle and safely dispose of key materials not accepted in curbside Recology carts. 

Please refer to the online guide or contact Recology at 206-763-4444 for questions about additional materials.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to do my part in recycling. I have a problem though, in order to identify what is recyclable there is a little symbol on each item, this is in accessible for someone who is vision impaired. Even the training guide which the city has prepared is in accessible. Is there a way to change this? This way all citizens can be involved in recycling.


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