
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Who stole the Halloween dragon? - and welcome the Christmas dragon

Patty Hale on the Ridgecrest Facebook page reports that 

"Somebody stole the Halloween Dragon out of the front yard at the corner of 5th Ave NE and NE 155th Monday night or early Tuesday morning.. 

"We just can't believe the dragon is gone!"

If you see a stray dragon, send a message through the Ridgecrest Neighborhood Association Facebook page.

But some good news:

"Ridgecrest Neighbor Shanna put together a funding drive to buy a new dragon to replace the stolen one.

"She has already collected enough and has placed the order. Unfortunately, it won’t arrive until Friday. 

"Guess we will now have a Christmas Dragon in Ridgecrest.
"Happy Halloween!"


  1. I prefer to believe that the dragon decided the time had come to fly away and bring joy to a new city.

  2. Please place a "chime" or other locating device on the new dragon! I so enjoyed seeing that when I drove through the area!


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