Immediate need: Rotary looking for host family for a German student
Sunday, August 11, 2019
The Shoreline Rotary Club’s Youth Exchange Program has been bringing foreign students to Shoreline for years.
But this year's program has run into a snag.
She has been accepted as a student at Shorewood High School.
The host family which was to take her has had a sudden and serious health challenge, so she can not stay with them.
Rotary needs a family within the boundaries of the Shoreline School District to step up to host the student during the Fall.
A 16 year-old student from Wildeshausen in Germany is scheduled to arrive in Seattle on August 20th for a year-long Rotary Youth Exchange study abroad experience.
She has been accepted as a student at Shorewood High School.
The host family which was to take her has had a sudden and serious health challenge, so she can not stay with them.
Rotary needs a family within the boundaries of the Shoreline School District to step up to host the student during the Fall.
They need to identify a family this weekend.
If you are able to help, or if you know of a family that can help contact Scott Saunders.
If you are able to help, or if you know of a family that can help contact Scott Saunders.
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