Participate in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count Dec 15

Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas bird count circle

The annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is on Saturday, December 15, 2018 following a tradition that stretches back a hundred years.

Evening grosbeak
Photo by Christine Southwick
It's a fun project to help count birds during Audubon’s Annual Christmas Bird Count, but you are providing important data for scientific research.

Birders of all ages are welcome to contribute to this nationwide citizen science project, which provides ornithologists with a crucial snapshot of our native bird populations during the winter months

To date over 200 peer-reviewed articles have resulted from analysis done with Christmas Bird Count data. Bird related citizen science efforts are also critical to understanding how birds are responding to a changing climate.

This documentation is what enabled Audubon scientists to discover that 314 species of North American birds are threatened by global warming as reported in Audubon’s groundbreaking Birds and Climate Change Study.

Townsend's warbler
Photo by Christine Southwick
Here's how you can participate

The Edmonds / South Snohomish County CBC is performed in a count circle with a diameter of 15 miles that is centered near Martha Lake in Lynnwood.

The circle includes all of Echo Lake and Ballinger and half of Hillwood, Meridian Park, Ridgecrest, and North City.

All but the southern portions of Lake Forest Park and Kenmore are included.

Check the map. Click on the link and when the map is displayed, enter your address in the search box at the top of the page. Then zoom out until you see the whole circle. Verify that your home is located within it.

You will also need to follow specific counting directions which, along with additional general information about the Edmonds CBC, can be found on Pilchuck Audubon’s website at: Detailed Instructions for Home Counters. You can also contact Rick Taylor at (or 425-214-2764).

“Pilchuck Audubon is making a special effort to count birds visiting yard bird feeders. Counting the birds at your feeders for as little as 30 minutes can contribute to science.” says Rick Taylor, a volunteer with Pilchuck Audubon.


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