
Friday, November 16, 2018

Bereavement Support Group begins Nov 24 in Shoreline

Beginning on November 24, 2018 and running through January 5, 2019 every Saturday morning from Noon to 2pm there is a meeting of a bereavement support group to help folks get through this difficult time. 

The group is led by John Ryan, a Franciscan Friar who is the Pastoral Associate of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal church in Shoreline and an active member of the American Academy of Bereavement.

Loss can be due to a loved one or a pet dying, any other loss recent or in the past. It can be triggered by the loss of a home, a career, a job or other position in life.

When roles change, grief is expressed through the natural process of bereavement, and while that is healthy this time of year, a time of celebration can be challenging. Our group is modeled on compassionate listening; something each of us in the group learns to practice.

The Group meets at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal church 722 North 145th Street, Shoreline. To register call 206-363-4319, Monday - Thursday or email give your name and contact information. The building is ADA accessible.

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