Chinese Dragon dancers

Friday, November 30, 2018

Photo courtesy Echo Lake Elementary
Festival of Cultures 2018 - Chinese Dragon Dance

Echo Lake Elementary, Shoreline Schools.

November 29. 2018

Jobs: WSDOT Northwest Region Deputy Administrator

WSDOT Northwest Region Deputy Administrator
Opening Date: 11/29/2018
Closing Date: 12/31/2018 11:59 pm

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is actively seeking an accomplished executive with exceptional and proven leadership skills and engineering background.

As the Northwest Region's Deputy Regional Administrator (DRA) you will be a key strategic partner for WSDOT's most challenging and dynamic region. Together with the Regional Administrator (RA), the Deputy is responsible for customer-focused, cost-effective and timely delivery of transportation products and services. The Northwest Region's Headquarters is located in Shoreline and is responsible for state highways in King, Snohomish, Skagit, San Juan, Island, Whatcom and sections of Pierce counties.

Internal to the department, the RA and DRA provide the day-to-day leadership of the Region, systematically fostering a work environment of continuous improvement, transparency and accountability. This requires a strategic plan with clear goals and performance objectives designed to encourage and reward behaviors leading to improved performance, quality and delivery of programs on time and within budget. The DRA will be responsible for delivering Agency-wide initiatives that include creation of practical solutions, promotion of a workforce development program and development of a diversity inclusion strategy to ensure our workforce reflects the population we serve and the composition of our business partners.

Externally, the DRA must be an effective ambassador and key player for the region and department on transportation issues. In this role, the incumbent must build coalitions, establish partnerships and engage communities on issues of vital importance locally and to the State of Washington as a whole.

To view the entire posting and apply, visit Northwest Region Deputy Administrator

Holiday Makers' Market this weekend in North City business district

The Creativity Loft in North City is hosting a Holiday Makers Market on December 1st and 2nd, from 10am to 4pm on both days.
There will be holiday music, yummy baked goods, and cider for shoppers of handmade gifts for friends and family.

Free admission to shop from 15 local artisans, including Asha Blooms (inspirational jewelry), Ann Espo (opportunity knit accessories), Maren Rosario (colorful prints, candles, and magnets), Seattle Miscarriage Center (earrings), #Loveon24th Prints (world photography), and Jaki McQuiston (leather jewelry, safer home products).

The Creativity Loft ("The Loft") is a brand new community space for artistic expression and healing. It opened September 1st. The Loft provides co-working studio space, workshops, and events for members and guests.

The Creativity Loft 1539 NE 177th Street, Suite D, Shoreline 98155. 206-745-2281.

A community space for artistic expression and healing

Food and gift donations for families in need in the Shoreline Schools community

Donations accepted at Shoreline Schools December 3 - December 14 of non-perishable foods and gift cards for teens.

Volunteers are also needed. Sign up here.

Music4Life announces another record year providing musical instruments to schools

Music4Life™ has closed another record year by providing 2,036 ready-to-play musical instruments at no charge for use by students at eight Puget Sound public school districts.

The instruments are valued at nearly $183,000. This is an increase of 12 percent in instruments and nine percent of the total value of those instruments from those delivered the previous school year.

Included were 311 full-size instruments and 1,725 recorders (the little flute-like instruments that stick straight out of the mouth) to third- and fourth graders to two public school districts.

Shoreline Public Schools received 54 instruments valued at $21,334.

“We are very grateful to all those donors of ‘lovingly used’ musical instruments who make our work possible,” says David Endicott, Music4Life Co-Founder and President. 
“It is people who have a trumpet, flute, clarinet, violin or other used musical instrument in their garage or attic and donate it to Music4Life who make participation in school-based instrumental music activities available for students in need.”

Endicott says “the reason we do this is because research shows that students who participate in instrumental music activities do better in math, science, history, literature, international languages, reading and writing, even in computer science, in addition to what it teaches in terms of teamwork and self-discipline.

These are advantages that should be available to all public school students regardless of a family’s ability to provide them a musical instrument. The sad fact is that many families today can’t even afford to rent a musical instrument for a son or daughter to play.”

Music4Life provides ready-to-play musical instruments at no charge to public school districts for use by students in need. The Seattle-based non-profit acquires instruments from adults who no longer need them and decide that their highest and best use is to put them back into play.

Music4Life operates programs supporting Auburn, Bremerton, Edmonds, Everett, Highline, Northshore, Seattle and Shoreline Public Schools. Music4Life also accepts donations to help pay for instrument repairs. At least two other local public school districts are being considered for the program.

Music4Life enjoys the support of notable music advocates and other community leaders. Gerard Schwarz, world-renowned conductor laureate of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, has endorsed the program, saying, 

“This wonderful program begins with children in elementary school at a time when, if they’re interested and talented in any way, they have the greatest chance of success. Many people tell me of the impact that direct knowledge of instrumental music has had on their lives. We intend to give this advantage to all our children.”

Music4Life™ is supported in part by grants from 4Culture (formerly the Seattle-King County Arts Commission); the Highline Schools Foundation; the Everett Public Schools Foundation; OpenSquare; Knossos Foundation (based in Shoreline); the Hazel Miller Foundation; various local Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis clubs; the Community Foundation of Snohomish County; the Auburn Schools Foundation; as well as by the law firm of Garvey Schubert Barer; Seattle Symphony Orchestra; the Seattle Folklife Festival; Rafael Carrabba Violins; Encore Media Group; Lamar Advertising; 98.1 Classical KING-FM; KNKX Radio; GMA Research; the Early Music Society of Seattle; Cascade Symphony Orchestra; the Washington State Blues Society; Randy Oxford Entertainment; the Stacy Jones Band; the Edmonds Center for the Arts; Kennelly Keys Music stores; Hammond Ashley Violins in Issaquah; Ted Brown Music; and others.


For more information or to donate an instrument to Music4Life, contact or go to the website. Instrument donation forms are available online, as well as at designated instrument drop-off sites.

Seattle and King County Housing Authorities team up with King County to house 426 additional homeless and disabled households

The Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) and the King County Housing Authority (KCHA) have just received notice of a third 2018 award of new federal voucher funding to help house the region’s most vulnerable and homeless households.

In total, the three recent funding awards will enable the two housing authorities, working in partnership with King County, the Federal Veterans Administration (VA) and the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families, to house 426 additional households.

Earlier this year, the housing authorities applied to the federal government for additional housing vouchers in three separate categories. They worked in partnership with the King County Department of Community and Human Services to propose a coordinated program in which the vouchers could immediately be put into use to help homeless veterans, homeless families and youth, and adults with disabilities secure stable housing and the support services they need to remain stably housed.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the new vouchers through three separate programs:

  1. Mainstream Vouchers for non-elderly adults with disabilities
  2. Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers for homeless veterans, provided jointly through HUD and the VA; and 
  3. Family Unification Program (FUP) Vouchers, which are used to assist both homeless families with children who are involved with the child welfare system and foster children at risk of homelessness as they age out of the system at age 18. 

Awards in Seattle and King County were as follows:


The King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) has several divisions that work directly with the special populations the vouchers will assist, and it oversees the region’s coordinated Homeless Management Information System.

The housing authorities will work with DCHS and community partners to identify individuals and families eligible for and most in need of the additional vouchers. The KCHA Mainstream award builds on the Authority’s Housing Access and Support Program (HASP), which is already supporting 1,800 disabled households in partnership with King County and community-based providers as well as existing VASH and FUP programs that are providing 1,196 vouchers.

SHA, which currently serves 769 households with Mainstream, VASH and FUP vouchers, is working with DCHS to identify people who have been in shelter housing long term and no longer need intensive services if there is a stable housing option, thus freeing up capacity in the system for homeless people to newly come into shelter and obtain the higher level of services.

More than 30 partner agencies are working to support these households through King County’s homeless crisis response system. They help identify eligible people, assist them through the voucher application process, help find appropriate rentals including physically accessible units, assist voucher recipients through the leasing process and provide home and community-based services after a household has received a voucher through this partnership.

“The addition of these vouchers provide additional housing resources and support services for our most vulnerable population,” said SHA Executive Director Andrew Lofton. 
“We appreciate the successful efforts of Senator Patty Murray to get these additional federal resources and we appreciate the local partnerships that will enable us to make a difference right away in the lives of more homeless individuals and families.”

Rents are continuing to outpace the ability of many of our neighbors to stay housed,” said Stephen Norman, Executive Director of the King County Housing Authority.

“These vouchers address the housing needs of some of the most vulnerable members of our community. I am very pleased at how this approach coordinates housing and service resources for these families and individuals on the street level. 
"To solve this problem, however, more resources on the federal level are needed. We are extremely grateful to Sen. Patty Murray for her steadfast advocacy and success in getting this funding for our region.”  

“To truly tackle the regional homelessness crisis we need partnerships between the Seattle and King County housing authorities, all of our cities, community organizations, and the federal government. I am thankful for Sen. Patty Murray’s efforts to secure additional housing funding that will transform people’s lives,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine.

“These vouchers will bring indoors hundreds of vulnerable adults, youth and families with children, including families involved in the child welfare system, one of the root causes of homelessness.”

Avalanche chutes fill up, SR 20 North Cascades Highway closed for the season

Thursday, November 29, 2018

SR 20 Avalanche areas North Cascades Highway

Scenic mountain highway closed at mileposts 134 and 171 on Nov. 28

DIABLO – Get the holiday decorations ready – the snowy season has arrived, at least in the mountains. Enough snow has fallen in the North Cascades that avalanche chutes are full and, for traveler safety, the 37-mile seasonal stretch of State Route 20 will closed Wednesday, Nov. 28.

The Washington State Department of Transportation will swing the North Cascade Highway gates closed at milepost 134 near Diablo and milepost 171 near Mazama. This section will remain closed until sometime in 2019 when the snow stops falling and melts enough to make it safe for maintenance crews to plow the road.

Winter access
Snowshoers, cross-country skiers, fat-tire bikers or snowmobilers can access the closed area throughout the winter. Parking is available near each closed gate. Anyone choosing to use the area should know the conditions, including avalanche risks, watch the forecast and bring proper gear.

Later this winter, once there is significant snowfall, adventurers should plan for the gate closures to expand on both ends of the North Cascades Highway. In the Diablo area it will move back to milepost 130, on or after Jan. 2, 2019. The closure in Mazama will move back to milepost 178 once snow is too deep for snow blowers. Extending the closure area when the snow gets heavier and deeper saves money and resources. There will still be parking available at both closure locations.

Highway history
WSDOT opened the final section of SR 20/North Cascades Highway in 1972. Each year crews close it to vehicles for the winter due to the snow in the 27 avalanche chutes that loom above the highway. That closure usually happens in November or December. However, in previous years the highway has closed as early as October. The latest closing was Jan 3, 1990 and in 1976-77 the highway remained open all winter due to the lack of snow.

Spring 2019 reopening
Avalanche experts will assess conditions in the spring. When it is safe, WSDOT will move snow blowers, plows and loaders to the area to start clearing snow, removing winter debris and replacing damaged guardrail and signs. That clearing process usually takes about eight weeks.

Jingle All the Way through December at Third Place Commons

Caspar Babypants at The Commons

Every month is a busy one at Third Place Commons, but December is always extra jam-packed!

With everything from an indoor holiday farmers market and crafts fair to dance recitals and dance lessons to holiday concerts and the beloved children’s entertainer Caspar Babypants – plus live music and dancing every weekend like always – the month to come is no exception.

Here’s a quick overview of just some of the always fun, always free happenings in December.

85th Street Big Band holiday show
at The Commons

Weekend Music and Dancing every Friday and Saturday night at 7:30pm:

Sat, Dec. 1 – New Rhythmatics (Soul)
Fri, Dec. 7 – Jack Cook and the Phantoms of Soul (Soul/Blues)
Sat, Dec. 8 - 85th Street Big Band (Big Band/Swing)
Fri, Dec. 14 – Brian Lee and the Orbiters (Blues)
Sat, Dec. 15 – Rat City Brass (Tijuana Brass)
Fri, Dec. 21 – Mark Dufresne Band (Blues)
Sat, Dec. 22 – Purple Passion Swing Band (Big Band/Swing)
Fri, Dec. 28 – Market Street Dixieland Jass Band (Swing Plus)
Sat, Dec. 29 – Left Turn on Blue (Soul/Blues)

Visit the Third Place Commons calendar to read about each of these great acts. And big thanks to Merlone Geier Partners and the Town Center at Lake Forest Park for their continuing support for this fabulous program!

Community Events in December:

Lisa Toner Violin Recital
Sat, Dec. 1, 1:00 PM
Violin students, age 5-17, perform seasonal and classical favorites.

Here Comes Santa Claus - WA School of Dance
Sat, Dec. 1, 3:00 PM
Celebrate the season with dancers ages 7-18 in a series of holiday performances in ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, and musical theater.

Shorecrest High School Chansons
Sun, Dec. 2, 1:00 PM
This select group of acapella singers perform throughout the country - including at Carnegie Hall! From classics to the hits, a variety of genres will be performed to your ear's delight!

Northwest Ballet Center Holiday Performance
Sat, Dec. 8, 1:00 PM
Don’t miss this charming and popular annual holiday recital. (Second show on Dec. 15th.)

East Coast Swing Dance Lesson
Sat, Dec. 8, 6:00 PM
Celia Boarman, professional dance instructor, will get you ready for the dance floor with a fun and upbeat, all-ages lesson. No partner necessary. Meet by the stage.

Swingy! A Special Holiday Dance Party
Sunday, Dec. 9, 6:00 PM
The Northwest’s premiere rockabilly band has recently returned from their European tour, ready to "rock this town.” Bring your dancing shoes and expect to hit the dance floor when the band starts playing.

Northwest Ballet Center Holiday Performance #2
Sat, Dec. 15, 1:00 PM

Holiday Farmers Market and Crafts Fair
Sun, Dec. 16, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
One last farmers market to get you through the winter plus the ever-popular annual Holiday Crafts Fair for all your holiday shopping. More details to come!

Milner Family Fiddles
Sunday, December 16, 11:00 AM
Texas style bluegrass from our favorite locals will provide a soundtrack for your lunchtime visit and indoor market shopping.

Computer Q/A: Five Reasons Why Your Computer Is Slow
Sun, Dec. 16, 1:00 PM
System slow-downs can be very frustrating and difficult to figure out. Learn about the most common reasons for this… and what you can do about it!

Caspar Babypants – Keep It Real Concert!
Thurs, Dec. 20, 10:30 AM
Sing and dance along with one of the most popular children’s performers in the Northwest for an all-ages family concert. Presented by Lake Forest Park Library.

Your Commons community is waiting for you, and you’ll find even more to do on the online calendar. So take a break from the holiday hubbub and head to the Commons for the holly-jolliest of months.

Third Place Commons is a community-supported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering real community in real space. It is located at the Town Center at Lake Forest Park, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, Washington 98155.

Find out how you can support great community programming like this and hundreds of other free events all year long here. See you at the Commons!

City seeks applicants to fill vacancy on City Council

The 2018 Shoreline City Council
Shoreline City Council Position #6 of will become vacant by January 8, 2019, when Deputy Mayor Jesse Salomon begins his term in the state senate.
To fill this Council position, the Shoreline City Council will appoint a Shoreline resident to serve in this role. 

The appointment by the City Council will commence on January 28, 2019 and expire upon the certification of the 2019 general election results in November 2019, as the position will subsequently be filled in the 2019 election cycle.

Eligible applicants must be a registered voter and have resided within the Shoreline city limits for at least one year. The City Council’s regular business meetings occur every Monday evening at 7:00pm. Council dinner meetings are generally held every other Monday beginning at 5:45pm. City Councilmembers often have committee meetings and other time obligations in addition to the City Council meetings.

Applications for appointment to the City Council must be received by the City Clerk no later than 5:00pm on Thursday, January 3, 2019.

Applications can be found online at You can also pick one up in the City Clerk's Office at City Hall. If you would like additional information, contact City Clerk Jessica Simulcik Smith at 206-801-2231 or

The anticipated timeline for filling the vacancy is as follows:
  • January 3, 2019 – Applications for appointment due 
  • January 7, 2019 – City Council review of applications and selection of candidates for interview 
  • January 28, 2019 – City Council interview of selected candidates and appointment of new Councilmember

Aegis Holiday Bazaar Saturday

Aegis Living will hold its third annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, December 1, 2018 from 10am to 4pm.

Handmade cards, woodworking, photography, jewelry, gifts, Seahawks merchandise, apparel and more.

Kamiak High School Barbershop ensemble performs, while Santa pays us a visit. Hot cider and cookies will be served.

14900 First Ave NE, Shoreline 98155

Rep. Gerry Pollet (D-46) on the State Auditor’s charter schools performance audit

From Rep. Gerry Pollet D-46

The recent report from the state auditor on charter schools sent a clear message: there’s still more work to be done to ensure charter schools are meeting the needs of their communities and Washington taxpayers.

I appreciate the state auditor’s office looking into many issues of concern that I flagged, such as ensuring charter schools are properly serving at-risk students in their communities. The audit found only four of the state’s charter schools enroll a higher percentage of low-income students compared to neighboring school districts. Only two of ten charter schools enroll as many or more English Language Learners at the same rate as their entire school districts. And while most charter schools are enrolling students with disabilities at comparable rates to neighboring districts, most fall comparatively short in serving students with significant special education needs.

I also requested an examination on whether charter schools are meeting our state’s public records and open government laws. I was disappointed to learn from the audit that 70% of Washington’s charter schools have not established or published procedures for public records requests. Not a single charter school provided a statement of costs, index of records, or list of exemptions for the audit.

I continue to have concerns over the lack of locally-elected board members. Charter schools should have locally-elected boards that are accountable to the communities they serve and to our elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Transparency and accountability are critical components to ensuring taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and effectively. As a longtime advocate of openness and public accountability, I will continue to work toward more transparent government at the state and local levels.

I will continue to work to ensure charter schools are governed with openness and transparency; and have increased accountability to the communities they are chartered to serve.

SAO Report: Charter School Accountability and Opportunities for Collaboration

Shoreline Schools students named to All-State and All-Northwest Concert

Shorewood L-R: Julia McConnachie, Stephen Nichols, Ben Helde, Chris Cummings, Andy Ren, Kevin Lee, Deanna Han, Sophia Stevenson, Veronica Lee, Brook Roberts, Adeline Kovell, Elizabeth Hickman, Karsten Lomax and Natalie Ositis

The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) is nearing its annual conference this February in Portland.

One of the highlights of the conference will be the hundreds of outstanding student musicians from all across the state and the northwest, including 21 of our very own Shoreline students.

The Washington Music Educators Association sponsors the All-State Choir, Band and Orchestra process to promote students' dedication to their musical knowledge and skill.

  Shorecrest L-R: Peter Park, Dalma Ashby, Jakob Phipps, Sejon Ashby and Tyler Keen

The competitive selection process begins with individual musicians recording an audition and submitting it to WMEA. A panel of judges then ranks each instrument or voice part. From this ranking, a select group of musicians is selected.

The highest-ranking musicians qualify to perform in the All-Northwest and All-State music groups.

These students participate in three days of rehearsals that are directed by nationally recognized conductors during the annual state NAfME Convention in Portland, February 14 – 17, 2019. Their performances in front of thousands of attendees bring this extraordinary event to a close.

  Einstein: Keiyu Mamiya, Sophia Serwold and Ameena Majeed

Honored All-State musicians from Shoreline are:

Einstein Middle School
Ameena Majeed, clarinet        Junior All-State Baker Band
Keiyu Mamiya, violin              Junior All-State Orchestra
Sophia Serwold, alto              Junior All-State Treble Choir
Shorecrest High School
Dalma Ashby, violin                All-Northwest Symphony Orchestra
Sejon Ashby, violin                 All-Northwest Symphony Orchestra
Tyler Keen, clarinet                All-State Concert Band 
Peter Park, alto saxophone    All-Northwest Concert Band
Jakob Phipps, bass                All-Northwest Symphony Orchestra
Shorewood High School
Chris Cummings, clarinet  All-State Symphonic Orchestra
Deanna Han, piano                 All-Northwest Orchestra
Benjamin Helde, clarinet  All-Northwest Band
Elizabeth Hickman, soprano  All-Northwest Treble Choir
Adeline Kovell, violin  All-Northwest Orchestra
Kevin Lee, alto saxophone  All-Northwest Band
Veronica Lee, viola All-Northwest Orchestra
Karsten Lomax, tenor  All-State Symphonic Choir
Julia McConnachie, french horn  All-State Concert Band
Stephen Nichols, clarinet  All-Northwest Band
Natalie Ositis, alto All-Northwest Mixed Chorus
Andy Ren, alto saxophone  All-State Concert Band
Brook Roberts, viola  All-Northwest Orchestra
Sophia Stevenson, viola  All-State Symphony Orchestra

Death Notices as of October 25, 2018

Oil painting by Chrystine Westphal
Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them.

Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better

Obituaries extracted from The Seattle Times

Lorraine June Crossett 1931-2018 Moved to a farm in Lake Forest Park with her family after WWII. She and husband Tom had a small Scottish Woolens shop in Firdale Village. They met and married at University Presbyterian Church in 1956 and continued to be active there all their lives. Lorraine lived out her years at Crista Senior Living in Shoreline.

Patricia Claire Arntzen 1926-2018 Funeral mass was held at St. Mark's in Shoreline for this homemaker who was "always up for adventures, family get-togethers and even a practical joke or two."

Pastor Vernon G. Hunt 1923-2018 Services were held at Prince of Peace Lutheran church in Shoreline.

Sandra Lee Hertz A special ed teacher at Echo Lake Elementary school in Shoreline, she began her career as a professional figure skater, where she met her husband David. While she was raising her children she worked as a writer for The Seattle Times' Prudence Penny column. "Sandy was an active member of Lake Forest Park Presbyterian Church where she knitted hats and sewed quilts for other cancer patients." After retirement, she and her husband travelled the world, visiting over 70 countries. She lost her battle with pancreatic cancer in September.

Clare E. Clausen age 93 Funeral services held at St. Mark's in Shoreline.

Mary Ballestrasse Kainrad 1920-2018 Services for Shoreline resident will be held at St. Matthew's in north Seattle.

Roger Franklin Stubbs 1926-2018 Owner operator of Stubbs Highland Service and Towing on Aurora. Active in Rotary for 25 years. Cofounded Family Savings and Loan in Shoreline, serving as president and chairman of the board for many years. Commodore of the Edmonds Yacht Club and two term Edmonds Port Commissioner. Roger and his wife retired to Arizona "where Roger volunteered for the National Forest Service finding and marking old, dangerous, abandoned desert mines."

David Charles Watson 1944-2018 Served as Family Counselor for Holyrood Cemetery where he compassionately assisted countless families in end of life arrangements. Memorial service to be held at Holyrood.

Dawn Paggeot 1931-2018 Passed away at her home in Lake Forest Park. A harpist since high school, she was a founder of the Seattle Harp Society and played harp professionally most of her adult life.

Tordis Solheim Born on a farm in Tordal, Norway, she immigrated to the U.S. in 1954 where she worked as a bookbinder. She and husband Harry lived in Shoreline. She was active in the Norwegian Male Chorus of Seattle Helpmates for over 40 years. She and Harry retired to the Norse Home.

Mary Patricia "Pat" Pearson 1931-2018 A 45 year resident of Lake Forest Park, Pat was active in ministries at St. Mark's church in Shoreline.

Alvin Louis Blindheim 1924-1981 WWII vet was past president of the Norwegian Commercial Club, and head of the Seattle - Bergen Sister City Committee. His activities with the Norwegian Community included serving as the Grand Marshall of the Leif Erickson Day Parade. Services held at Prince of Peace Lutheran church in Shoreline.

Harriet Hughes 1918-2018 Passed away in Shoreline at the age of 99.

Frank Radford 1930-2018 Passed away at Áegis of Shoreline of Alzheimer's.

Ellis Dale Evans 1934-2018 Lake Forest Park resident was an Educational Psychologist, chair of the department at the UW. "He played trombone in various bands from high school through retirement and directed bands including the E Sharp Ensembles and the Nice and Easy Band."

Ceramic artist Sam Scott studio sale this weekend

Shoreline ceramic artist, Sam Scott, will be opening his studio this weekend, Saturday December 1, 10-4 pm and Sunday December 2, 12-4 pm.

There will be a large selection of wheel-thrown functional and non-functional porcelain objects.

Contact Sam at or (206) 542-1944.

Peter and the Starcatcher opens Friday at Shoreline Community College

Sailing your way! 

Opening this Friday! 
November 30, 2018. 

Peter and the Starcatcher. 

Nov. 30 – Dec. 9, 2018. 

Naturopathic Medicine for healthy Senior living

Lunch and learn about the benefits of naturopathic medicine for senior citizens - Friday, November 30, 2018 from 11:30 to 1pm at the Shoreline Public Library, 345 NE 175th Street, Shoreline 98155.

Reserve your place by calling 206-367-6700.

Young and Old: Evergreen Kindergarten class visits Áegis

Photo courtesy The Evergreen School

Miss Piper's kindergarten class from The Evergreen School in Shoreline visited Áegis of Shoreline, a neighborhood assisted living facility.

They sang songs, chatted with residents and gave them handmade cards. They even did the "Hokey Pokey!"

There were lots of smiles all around.

Seattle Now and Then: The Historic Hundred - Third Place Books Thursday

You are Cordially Invited to Third Place Books
in the LFP Town Center
for a Presentation by Paul Dorpat and Jean Sherrard
on their spectacular new book ~

Seattle Now and Then: The Historic Hundred
Thursday November 29, 2018 at 7:00 PM
17171 Bothell Way NE 
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155

Paul and Jean will be available to sign your purchased copies!

Fraud: Tips to avoid Medicare card scams

Medicare has been mailing new Medicare ID cards to Washington state beneficiaries since September and scammers are taking advantage of this opportunity to commit fraud.

The cards have a new look but, most importantly, they have unique numbers to replace the Social Security numbers previously used on the cards. 

Medicare created the new cards to reduce identity theft and fraud.

Here’s what a scammers may say when calling Medicare beneficiaries (note: none of these is true!):
  • Ask for your bank account information so you can pay for your new Medicare card. 
  • Ask you to confirm or give your personal information to get your new card. 
  • Ask for your old Medicare number (which was your Social Security number) to prevent your Medicare coverage from being interrupted. 
Facts about the new Medicare cards
  • They are FREE! You do NOT pay for your new card and you don’t have to do anything to get it. Medicare will automatically mail your new card to you. You can sign up to get an email from Medicare to know when to expect your card in the mail.
  • You do NOT need to give any personal information to get your new card. The cards are mailed to the address you have on file with Social Security. You can update your address online, call 1-800-772-1213, or visit your local Social Security office. 
  • Your Medicare coverage will NOT be interrupted or stopped because your new card is being mailed to you.
  • In general, Medicare will never call you uninvited and ask for your personal information, or to get your new Medicare Number and card. 
What to do if you get a call 

If you receive a call or email that seems suspicious, do not share any information. Hang up and call Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) at 1-800-562-6900 to report the incident.

In addition to providing free, unbiased help with your Medicare options, SHIBA is Washington state’s Senior Medicare Patrol project. We help clients prevent, detect and report Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse.

LFP City Council retreat Friday evening and Saturday


Lake Forest Park City Council is holding a retreat at a dinner meeting on Friday, November 30, 2018, 6:30 to 8pm at Beardslee Public House in Bothell and a day session at Northshore Fire in Kenmore on Saturday, December 1, 2018 from 8am to 2pm.

At the dinner meeting they will have an overview of retreat agenda and goals

On Saturday they will start at 8am by reviewing their goals and hearing an update on the Big 5 Projects.

They will hear presentations with options and alternatives for expansion of City Hall campus, enhancing the public realm, and key elements for agreements with Merlone Geier and Sound Transit

They'll talk about the role of City Hall and Civic Spaces - Civic Presence and Function.

Last they will consider Policy Questions: key components, who implements, and establish policy priorities

They expect to adjourn at 2pm.

Shoreline Recreation - sign up now for Winter trips and hikes

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sign up for one of the great day trips and explore destinations across Puget Sound. 

Experienced hike and trip leaders know all the best places and all trips are designed for a wide range of ages and abilities. 

Register early, trips fill fast!

Saturday, Jan 12th - Eagle Hike and Tulalip Cultural Center

Saturday, Jan 19th - Port Townsend Lunch and Cider Tasting

Saturday, Feb 2nd - Snowmobile Tour and Leavenworth

Saturday, Feb 16th - Bellingham Dinner and Theater Show

Register Now

Parks and Recreation Winter catalog - registration begins Dec 17

Shoreline Parks and Recreation Fall Programs Guide and News 

Start out the New Year right... check the Winter after school activities and events!

Fun Classes and Events for Winter

Registration Starts at 8:00am
--December 17th for Shoreline Residents
--December 20th for Non- Residents

School Age Options For Non-School Times

Early Release Wednesdays Activities

LFP Hearing Examiner decision for habitat retention could save Northwest salmon

Salmon fry
By Jim Halliday Co-chair StreamKeepers

On October 24, 2018, Mr. John Galt, the Hearing Examiner for the City of Lake Forest Park (LFP), rendered a Decision that could mark the beginning of a change in land use development policy that will save northwest salmon.

The hearing resulted from a developer requesting a Reasonable Use Exception (RUE) for relief from the City of LFP’s Tree Canopy Preservation and Enhancement Ordinance regulations.

Mr. Steven Crane, the developer, had sought to maximize his return on investment (ROI) by building the largest house possible on the small non-conforming lot he had purchased.

To accomplish that, he sought an exception from tree canopy requirements in order to remove two Exceptional trees – one 52”dbh and one over 42”( in which neighbors had seen and recorded Ospreys in their nest for the past three years).

The developer’s hired arborist claimed the large Exceptional trees needed to be removed in order for a house to be built.

However, Kim Adams Pratt, the City Attorney, through careful questioning of the City’s Consulting Arborist, Paul Thompson, was able to show the Hearing Examiner and the City Planning Department that by using trenchless or low impact excavation construction methods, (such as dry-vacuum or hydro-vacuum tunneling for utilities), that a reasonable use could be made of the property without removing the Exceptional trees.

The City proposed conditions such as a “no-dig driveway” and methods for protecting the “interior critical area root zones” (ICRZ) that would have to be met before the City would recommend approval of a building permit. These conditions were intended to protect the Exceptional Trees during construction and the five-year post construction Maintenance Bond period.

In his Decision the Hearing Examiner stated he was not convinced that either Exceptional Tree needed to be removed to allow reasonable use of the property and their removal was not approved.

His Decision adopted most of the City’s recommendations and also stated that in the Conditions wording, “should” will be replaced with “shall” and that the word “applicant” will be replaced with “permittee” (or other word meaning “holder of the approval”) to ensure that no confusion occurs in the future regarding that an RUE “runs with the land.” His own set of additional stringent conditions included such things as:
  • The building footprint shall be limited to the area outside of the ICRZ of both Exceptional Trees.
  • Any changes to the tree protection measures shall require City Arborist approval.
  • The permittee shall provide a performance security (bond) prior to development permit issuance. 

The Decision and conditions can be viewed on the City’s Planning Notices and Announcements page and scroll down to File 2018-RUE-0001 Hearing Examiner Decision (10/23/18)

This is a very important precedent-setting ruling that could result in more trees being retained all over Puget Sound and land development practices evolving in favor of habitat retention for salmon. 

King County Executive Dow Constantine testified before U.S. Senate Committee

King County Executive Dow Constantine testified before the full U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, chaired by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., who serves as Ranking Member of the committee, invited Executive Constantine to the hearing.

Executive Constantine described the success and challenges of moving toward a more affordable, high quality, and prevention-oriented health system before a U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee hearing, “Reducing Health Care Costs: Improved Affordability Through Innovation.”

Video of Executive Constantine’s testimony can be viewed here.

Here are Executive Constantine’s remarks:

Chairman Alexander, Ranking Member Murray, and members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today.

I am Dow Constantine, the elected Executive of Martin Luther King, Jr. County, in Seattle, Washington. King County delivers vital regional governmental services including…
─ housing,
─ transit,
─ criminal justice, and…
─ public health for nearly 2.2 million people.

King County reduced health care costs and also worked upstream to prevent those costs in the first place, through our work as the public health provider and our early childhood initiative, Best Starts for Kids.

My written testimony provides more detail of our unique vantage point as both a purchaser of health care for our 15,000 workers, and a provider of public health services.

Our story illustrates that to succeed in moving toward a more affordable, high quality, and prevention-oriented health system, you need partnerships…
─ between patients and providers,
─ between management and employees,
─ between employers and health plan administrators, and…
─ between the public health system and the health care delivery systems.

Managing the rising costs of employee health care is an ongoing challenge. Today, King County spends over $235 million each year.

In the early part of this century, as employers around the nation faced skyrocketing health care costs, King County
responded with two key actions:

First, we convened our region’s purchasers, health plans, and providers to jointly tackle cost and quality problems. We founded what it is now known as the Washington Health Alliance, whose vital work to increase transparency you heard about in this committee last month.

Second, we approached our labor partners, with whom we negotiate benefits. Together, we designed a high-quality, lower-cost health plan with a local HMO that is about one third cheaper than our traditional plan.

We also put in place a wellness initiative called Healthy Incentives, where participating employees enjoyed lower out-of-pocket costs.

Over a five year period, we saved about $46 million; and our approach earned us the 2013 Harvard Innovations in Government award.
That alone was not good enough.

By tracking the data, we realized savings from this approach had plateaued.

So we sharpened our focus on achieving value instead of volume, building off lessons learned from private sector leaders like Boeing.

This year we added a new value-based plan choice for employees – accountable health networks. Enrollment in value-based plans has grown from 21 percent of our employees in 2011, to 37 percent today. We are now working to double enrollment in the next five years.

King County also overhauled our wellness program this year, disconnecting participation from what employees pay for their coverage.

Our new approach focuses on building an overall culture of health, going beyond the typical calls to exercise more and eat better. Most important, we’ve taken a public health approach to employee healthcare by tailoring efforts to our diverse workforce.

An example of our more tailored approach is with our 4,000-plus transit employees. As it turns out, compared to other County workers, this group was much less likely to have had a recent dental check-up – nearly 1 out of 3 had not visited a dentist in the past year.

So we worked with the transit union and our dental carrier to design a six-month pilot in which we are reducing cost sharing, going to bus bases to offer scheduling help, and taking other steps to help our workers find a dentist that’s right for them. This will help avoid not just cavities but future costs for both us and our employees.

As we look ahead, I’d like to highlight three areas where Congress’ attention would help foster continued innovation to manage health care costs:

- First, the federal government should continue to use its significant purchasing power to accelerate strategies that pay for value over volume, increase transparency, and help all payers better align their efforts – focusing on the pharmaceutical industry in particular.

- Second, I urge you to increase investments in prevention in both public health and behavioral health. Benjamin Franklin was right when he said it represented the best value proposition.

- Finally, we ask that you work to protect the gains in coverage, care, and prevention of the ACA. Over time, access to a healthier workforce can help employers like King County and others across the region better fulfill their missions and strengthen our competitive edge.

Thank you and I look forward to your questions.

ZaSu believed in doing everything with panache...

Photo copyright Gloria Z. Nagler

Feel free to identify this little dinosaur descendant. Gloria calls her ZaSu.
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