
Saturday, October 20, 2018

North City Water maintenance yard is a hive of activity as site is prepared for construction

Photos by Steven H. Robinson

Site preparation continues at the future home of the maintenance yard for the North City Water District. The site is at 15555 15th Ave NE, just south of Hamlin Park. 

The building debris has been cleared and the site is now being graded.

Eventually there will be five buildings on the site.

1. Office/Crew Administrative Building:
  • Offices
  • Large workroom for field crews
  • Toilets, showers and lockers
  • Lunchroom
  • Areas to clean up and store wet gear
2. Shops / Parking Building (attached to the Office/Crew Administrative Building):
  • A series of regular bays with vehicle access
  • Secure small parts storage
  • Workshop for working on meters and hydrants
  • Enclosed vehicle parking
  • Covered area in front
  • Back wall will shield operations from the neighbors to the west

3. Drive-Through Vehicle Wash Building:
  • A drive thru heated parking space for the Vactor will be attached
4. Decant Building:
  • This is where vactor truck spoils are discharged. The vactor is used to excavate around water pipe breaks; the excavated soils are a watery consistency, like milkshakes. The decant building separates the water from the solids.

5. Fueling Station:
  • This will ensure District vehicles can be fueled in the event of a natural disaster; it will be covered by an open canopy.
  • An adjacent standby generator will provide power to the entire site, it will be secured with a weather and sound enclosure.

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