
Friday, October 19, 2018

Letter to the Editor: Overbuilding has become the norm

To the Editor:

I do not know Ms Wilson and did not attend the event mentioned in the News, however I share her concern regarding the overbuilding that has become the norm in our city. 15th NE and NE 175th is a prime example. Has anyone taken an aerial view of the backup in that area every week day from approximately 3pm until 6pm. The apartment complex is not yet built, imagine when it is occupied. This is only one of many examples that we are facing. I know we can’t go back to the ‘old days’ but greed for $$ should not be #1 in the minds of our governing bodies. Finally, we residents of our city should not be shut down nor ignored with our concerns.

Frances Chambers


  1. Same with the new houses on RB road. Developers should finance the sidewalk plan.

  2. What was the city thinking? Do our leaders actually live in shoreline? Makes a person wonder.....


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