Insurance Commissioner proposes rule for restrictions on new short-term medical plans

Friday, August 31, 2018

State Insurance Commissioner
Mike Kreidler
Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has proposed a rule to restrict the sale of short-term limited duration medical plans to three months, prohibit renewal and require enhanced disclosure to consumers about the limitations of coverage. 

Currently, any insurer that wants to sell a short-term limited duration health plan in Washington state must first receive approval from the Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC). 

The federal rule expanding the duration of these plans to up to one year, with renewals for up to three years, also permits state insurance regulators to set standards for their own health insurance markets.

“Some consumers may be caught in a coverage gap and need a short-term medical plan,” Kreidler said. 
“But I want to be sure they understand the limitations of the coverage they’re buying, set minimum requirements for that coverage and do what I can to make sure that these plans do not destabilize our individual health insurance market.”

Kreidler’s office determined that although some circumstances exist where these types of plans can fill a coverage gap for consumers, they should not be considered an alternative to comprehensive health insurance. 

In addition, improved disclosure is needed to make sure that people understand what is not covered by these plans.

Under the proposed rule:
  • Short-term limited duration (STLD) medical plans can last no more than three months and are not renewable.
  • A consumer can have STLD coverage for no more than three months in a 12-month period.
  • Insurers selling STLD medical plans must provide consumers with the disclosure form included in the proposed rule that clearly states the limitations of the coverage and prompts consumers to check to see if they are eligible to purchase coverage through Washington’s Health Benefit Exchange before they buy an STLD medical plan. 
  • STLD medical coverage must offer major medical coverage, with a maximum total payment of at least $1 million. Any pre-existing condition look-back period cannot exceed 24 months. Consumer coinsurance cannot exceed 50 percent, and any insurer offering an STLD medical plan must offer at least one plan with a deductible of $2,000 or less.
  • STLD application forms, policies and rates must be approved by OIC prior to being offered or sold. 
  • STLD medical plan rescission and cancellation is limited to defined circumstances with requirements for adequate consumer notice. 

A public hearing on the proposed rule is scheduled for 1pm, September 26 at the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, 5000 Capitol Blvd. SE, Tumwater, WA 98501.

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Back to school

Previous cartoons by Whitney Potter can be found under Features 
in the first column of the front page of the Shoreline Area News

Improved boat sewage management leads to shellfish area upgrades

No Discharge Zone in brown
The Washington State Department of Health announced Thursday that portions of commercial shellfish areas around 20 Puget Sound marinas would no longer be classified as prohibited.

Improved sewage management has allowed DOH to remove shellfish harvest restrictions on nearly 700 acres of commercial shellfish beds.

The reclassified marinas affected include the following:

  1. Clallam County (67 acres impacted) – John Wayne 
  2. Island County (5) – Sandy Hook
  3. Jefferson County (144) – Cape George, Fisherman Harbor, Pleasant Harbor, Port Hudson, Port Townsend, and Quilcene
  4. Kitsap County (228) – Blake Island, Brownsville, Kingston, Keyport, Liberty Bay, and Poulsbo
  5. Mason County (43) – Hood Canal and Jarrell Cove
  6. Pierce County (43) – Day Island
  7. Thurston County (104) – Boston Harbor and Zittels
  8. Whatcom County (27) – Birch Bay

Over the past 20 years, progress has been made to reduce the potential for sewage discharge from boats and this includes better waste-holding capacity in most boats, increased boat waste pump out stations, and the implementation of a No Discharge Zone throughout the Puget Sound.

The improvements have led to better water quality, a lowered illness risk to people who eat shellfish, and greater protection of public health.

Letter to the Editor: Change our life style or our life span will decrease

To the Editor:

It was raining the June day I arrived in Seattle in 1950. It rained day after day. I asked a native Seattleite when it stopped raining. She said usually Sea Fair week. Except for that week it rained all summer, with long, hard rains from September to May and mostly grey skies. There were lots of evergreen trees.

This pattern continued almost all year around through the 1970s. After that there were more sunny days, but still rain. In the 1980s it seemed there were lots more sunny days and less rain. When I moved into my Shoreline house in the late 1990s it was still raining sometimes during the summer which made growing fruit trees, veggies and berries easy. But now there are fewer trees since many homeowners removed evergreen trees on their lots.

This year, 2018, the temperature in my back yard was 100 degrees for almost an entire week with high 80's and 90's temperatures day after day - very different from earlier years.

Climate change has occurred, although a recent Gallup polls reports that 47% of Americans do not think believe that. The consequences will affect all of us. It is projected that we will have a warmer drier winter this year. That means a lower snow-pack and less water for the people flooding into this area. Dirty stagnant air makes breathing lethal. Costs of producing all kinds of food are increasing.

Global warming is a direct consequence of our human addiction to fossil fuels and our standard of living. We have a choice. Change our life style or our life span will decrease with much higher mortality rates. No one will escape these consequences because we are destroying the Commons – the air, land and waters of this planet.

Gini Paulsen

North Helpline needs weekday volunteers

North Helpline food bank is in need of weekday volunteers, starting next week.

With summer coming to a close many of our amazing student volunteers will be going back to school. 
We are sad to see them go, and are needing to fill the empty spots they left for this coming September.

Most help is needed weekday mornings sorting food:
  • Tuesdays 11 am-3 pm 
  • Wednesdays 9:30 am-1:30 pm
  • Fridays 11 am-3 pm

They are also in need of regular grocery rescue volunteers on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

North Helpline has two locations: Lake City and Bitter Lake. 

Email Mary Claire at, if you have never volunteered with North Helpline. Their volunteer application can be found here.

Far away places: Stained glass

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Lee Lageschulte captured this stained glass window at the Cathedral in Prague during a European trip in 2017.

Music at Third Place Commons

Eugenie Jones sings at
Third Place Commons
on Friday evening
Live music every Friday and Saturday at Third Place Commons on the upper level of Town Center in Lake Forest Park, intersection of Bothell and Ballinger Way NE.

Performances start at 7:30pm on the stage and usually run until 9:30pm. Dancing is welcome.

The music is free, thanks to sponsorship by mall owners Merlone Geier.

There are two restaurants in The Commons and four more in different parts of Town Center.

This Friday, August 31, 2018 jazz singer Eugenie Jones is the performer.

Reminiscent of style and sophistication of iconic vocalists of the past, Jones sings and scats her way vivaciously through mainstream jazz and draws listeners inside contemporary story lines, sharing original tunes that have earned her recognition as a cleverly gifted lyricist.

On Saturday, September 1, 2018 Swingin' in the Rain plays Classic swing, waltz, and Latin featuring the sultry vocals of jazz vocalist Dina Blade.

Washington State Republican Party's 41st Annual Dinner features Sean Spicer

Join Washington State Republican Party Chairman Caleb Heimlich at this year's Annual Dinner on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 in Bellevue.

Sean Spicer, former White House Press Secretary, will be the featured speaker to give an insider's perspective on his new book "The Briefing: Politics, The Press, and The President."

Tickets are going fast, so register now.

With a VIP Admission ticket, you will receive a signed copy of Sean’s book, “The Briefing: Politics, The Press, and The President” and you’ll even have the opportunity to meet him and have your picture taken!

Cocktail attire recommended. If you have additional questions, call 425-460-0570.

Seattle Times: Canadian court halts pipeline to consider impact on orcas

Orcas off RB Saltwater Park May 2017
Photo by Marion Woodfield

The Seattle Times carried a story Thursday about the Trans-Mountain pipeline being halted because the project did not consider the effect of increased tanker traffic on the resident orca population or address the concerns of the First Nations people.

Concern for critically endangered southern-resident killer whales has sunk the approval of Canada’s controversial Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. 
Approval for the expansion was revoked by a federal court in Canada, which ruled Thursday that the effects of the pipeline on orca whales were not addressed and the concerns of First Nations were not adequately considered.  
The Federal Court of Appeals is requiring the government to redo its consultation with First Nations and assess the impacts of the project on the whales.

Read the story here

Sheriff's office identifies the deputies involved in fatal shooting in Shoreline

House on 16th NE where shooting took place
Photo from KCSO
The King County Sheriff’s Office has identified the three Deputies involved in the fatal shooting in Shoreline near the 19000 block of 16th Ave NE on August 23, 2018. 

Deputy George Alvarez (20 year veteran assigned to SE Patrol), Deputy Jesse Herrera (18 year veteran assigned to the range as the department taser coordinator) and Deputy Steve Shalloway (6 year veteran assigned to Metro Transit patrol). 

All three Deputies are also members of the TAC-30 SWAT Team.

The TAC-30 SWAT Team is a special unit of the Sheriff's office, specially trained for high risk situations.

On August 23, KCSO’s TAC-30 SWAT Team was serving a high risk search warrant for a house in Shoreline where drug activity was suspected.

Evidence photo of handgun
Photo from KCSO
Just after making entry into the home, police were confronted by a male suspect in a bedroom. The suspect armed himself with a handgun which he refused to drop when ordered.

Instead the suspect moved the handgun towards the TAC-30 members. Three Deputies fired, hitting him multiple time.

The King County Medical Examiner identified the victim as 55-year-old Joseph William Peppan and stated that cause of death was multiple gunshot wounds.

Deputies Alvarez, Herrera and Shalloway remain on paid administrative leave during the investigation, which is standard procedure for an Officer involved shooting.

Destinations: Bumbershoot weekend - Friday to Sunday

Labor Day weekend in Seattle means Bumbershoot - the huge 3 day arts festival at Seattle Center.

Three days of music, film, comedy, art, food, poetry. It starts on Friday at 1pm and the music goes until 11pm. Same for Saturday and for Sunday.

Here's what Bumbershoot says about itself:

Now approaching half a century, Bumbershoot is one of Seattle's largest cultural touchstones. Each year, thousands of people from across the country flock to Seattle Center to attend this acclaimed festival, which has become one of the biggest and most-loved contemporary festivals in North America, while having maintained its Northwest spirit and innovative roots.

The name Bumbershoot was chosen both as a knowing nod of respect to our city’s most famous weather pattern, and a symbol of the overarching mission of this festival: to be an umbrella for all of the arts.

Its seeds were planted in 1971 with Festival 71 -- the brainchild of then Seattle Mayor Wes Uhlman. The next year Bumbershoot was born: a multi-disciplinary arts festival showcasing the best of comedy, dance, film, literary arts, music, performing arts, theatre, visual arts and more.

Spanning the Seattle Center grounds, a campus originally created for the 1962 World’s Fair, Bumbershoot has continued its legacy of celebrating innovation and the search for what’s next.

All the information and ticket sales are on the Bumbershoot webpage.

Urban Forest Restoration in the City of Shoreline

Join WNPS Master Native Plant Stewards and volunteer in 2018 to help restore urban forests across the City of Shoreline!

Come meet your neighbors and do good to weed out invasive species and install native plants – rain or shine! 

Five different projects to choose from:

Boeing Creek
2nd Saturdays from 10am to 2pm
  • 320 NW Innis Arden Way, Shoreline, WA 98177 
  • Meet at the north end of the Shoreview Park Off Leash Dog Park, just off the Shoreline Community College campus. The restoration project is just over the border into Boeing Creek Park, on the far side of the dog park. 
  • Contact Sheraden at to RSVP or for further information 

Brugger’s Bog
2nd Sundays 9am to 1pm
  • 19553 25th Ave NE 
  • Meet at the end of the dirt/gravel path entrance to the park on the bridge
  • Contact to RSVP or for further information 

Hamlin Park
3rd Saturdays from 10am to 1pm
  • 16006 15th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155
  • Meet at the far north end of the park, next to the NE 166th Street stairs
  • Contact to RSVP or for further information 

Twin Ponds (North End)
Saturdays from 10am to 12pm
  • June 23rd, July 28th, August 18th, and September 15th, September 29th
  • 16501 N 155th St, Shoreline WA 98133
  • Meet at the northwest corner of the park along the fence on N 155th St
  • Contact to RSVP or for further information 

Twin Ponds (South End)
4th Saturdays from 10am to 1pm
  • 16501 N 155th St, Shoreline WA 98133
  • Meet at the south end parking lot along 1st Ave NE near the community garden
  • Contact to RSVP or for further information 

Shorecrest grad Rhys Kroehler needs your vote (Today!) to win $7500 scholarship for his 60 second film

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Rhys Kroehler
2017 Shorecrest grad
and current film student at USC
By Luanne Brown

Rhys Kroehler, 19, is a finalist in his age group for the Intellectual Property Owners Education Foundation (IPOEF) 2018 Video Contest.

Kroehler, a 2017 graduate of Shorecrest High School, found out about the competition through a scholarship notification web site. 

“The $7500 scholarship prize goes to the film that gets the most online votes by today’s deadline (August 31, 2018). 
“The prize money would help me continue my education at the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts as a Film and Television Production major,” Kroehler said. 
He is currently enrolled at the school as a sophomore and is on track to graduate in 2021.

The goal of the competition is to create a 60 second video that “teaches the world something interesting about patents, trademarks, or copyrights’, according to IPOEF.

Rhys at work on a film
Kroehler said he has been interested in filmmaking since he was 10 when he received a stop motion camera that he used to make short films using Legos®. Raised in Shoreline, his parents are both creative people. His dad, an artist, and his mother, a writer and graphic designer, taught him at an early age that all art has a story to tell.

“I realized the power of filmmaking when I showed a short I’d done in my sophomore year to my mom and she cried halfway through” he said. 

That experience taught him that film is more than 24 pictures per second flashing by in a second. It establishes a connection between the people behind the screen and those in front of the screen watching it.

While still in high school, Kroehler built houses in Mexico three summers in a row. While there, his interest in learning about people’s stories deepened and it gave him more insight into how powerful story telling can be. 

“I met a man who had been living in the U.S. for 40 years. He had a family and was deported over a parking ticket.”

He is fascinated by what leads people to take certain paths in their life. 

“There is so much animosity between people who are different because we don’t know them. We all go through similar struggles,” he said. 

According to him, the best way to get to know someone else is to share stories with them. While his primary goal is to entertain, he believes that it’s also important to make the world better.

 “If I can make someone stop and consider an alternate viewpoint just for a second, then I consider my work a success.”

Vote by end of day (Friday, August 31th) for Khroeler’s film HERE 
An additional $2000 prize is awarded for the film that gets the most Facebook likes: HERE

Some quotes are taken from his 2017 short, “A Story Can Change the World

Photos: Sunrise, Sunset

Photo by Mike Remarcke

Finally - local scenic photos where you can see something besides wildfire smoke!

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Look! Water, sky, mountains, pink wispy clouds - oh how we have missed you!


Iora Community Art Show

Iora Primary Care's annual community art show begins Friday, August 31, 2018 with an artist reception from 2 - 4pm. The exhibition will run through September 7.

Art Show Participants:

  • Marlon Demetrius Poplus - Acrylic Painting / Mixed Media
  • Phyllis Shumway - Photography
  • Eloise Mickelson - Acrylic Painting
  • Betty Dietz - Fabric Craftwork
  • Lois Proctor - Driftwood
  • Esther Sarantopoulos - Acrylic Painting
  • Ramsay Sachs - Crafts

RSVP 206-581-9021 or email

King County Elections wins award for media campaign "Why Vote"

The Election Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting, preserving and improving democracy, announced winners for its annual professional practices awards. 
King County Elections took home the "Democracy Award for Best Practice" for their 2017 media campaign,"Why Vote."

The campaign sought to further King County Election's mission to make voting easy and accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity or income level.

It featured two videos, the "Multiplier Effect," an animated spot designed to illustrate the importance of voting, and "The Struggle," a more somber depiction of the hard fought battle for voting rights in this country.

"We wanted to send the message that your vote matters and you shouldn't take it for granted," said Director of Elections, Julie Wise. "And with all the noise out there right now, we knew we needed to do something fresh and even a little provocative."

King County Elections partnered with Seattle-based public affairs agency Mammoth on the campaign, which ran on network and cable TV, YouTube, connected TV, and social media platforms. It also aired in movie theatres across the region.

The Election Center is the preeminent organization for training and certification of election and voter registration administrators. Awards were announced at the annual conference in New Orleans, which included hundreds of election officials from across the country.

The full professional practice paper, as well as information about how to register and vote, can be found on the King County Elections website.

First day of school at Einstein: excitement and construction equipment

Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Construction on the new Einstein Middle School began this Summer 2018 with an anticipated completion date of August 2020. The new 150,888 square foot school will have the capacity for 1,071 students and will house 6th - 7th - 8th grades instead of the current 7th-8th grade configuration.

Photo by Wayne Pridemore

The reality for the kids will be the teachers and the classrooms, not the construction going on outside. 

Staff and teachers were there to meet the buses as they pulled up. Here, a student is greeted and shown where he is supposed to go to start his day.

Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Students met their teachers at an all-school assembly in the gym. There was not quite enough room to seat all the students, so they spilled over onto the floor.

Photo by Wayne Pridemore

And the teachers! They are leading the kids in a silly song - everyone's arms are in the air and the ice is definitely broken.

Photo by Wayne Pridemore

The upperclassmen - 8th graders - had skits and routines to greet the "sevies". Middle school represents a lot of change for kids. Different teachers for different subjects. Moving from classroom to classroom during the day. Lockers. Going from being the oldest kids in the school to being the youngest. Having classmates a foot taller (or shorter) than they are.

Welcoming activities help ease the transition.

Op-Ed: Washington State School Directors Association on current school district budgets and collective bargaining

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tim Garchow, WSSDA Executive Director
Photo courtesy WSSDA
Since 2016, Tim Garchow has served as the eighth person to lead WSSDA during its 60-year history as a state agency. He has experience as a teacher, principal and superintendent.

From WSSDA Executive Director Tim Garchow

Ever since the gavel struck to close the 2018 legislative session, educators, administrators and organizations like WSSDA have been continuously working to assess the impact and implications of the Legislature’s response to the McCleary decision.

As we look across the state, it is evident that one of the impacts is an unprecedented amount of collective bargaining. I’m sure both sides of the table would rather be focused on back-to-school preparations because the children are why all of us work in education, to begin with.

Because of our shared focus on students, I’m confident that all parties involved will continue to bargain in good faith, and that agreements will be reached that respect the professional dedication of all school district employees while ensuring the continued solvency of our school districts.

While that is happening, there are three things that must be taken into account.

First, the amount of money that districts have to bargain with is not the same. School districts will not receive the same amount of funding for the same amount of teachers. This means that one district’s ability to provide a salary increase may be dramatically less than another district located right next door. That’s why comparing one district to another can be like comparing apples to oranges.

While all school districts are set to receive a standard amount of funding per teacher, some districts are set to receive additional funding based on the new formula set up by the Legislature.

Within that formula, there are a variety of factors causing a variation in funding available to districts, but one, in particular, is something referred to as the “regionalization factor,” which is intended to provide more funding to districts with higher housing costs. 

Because of regionalization, the amount of money districts receive for teacher salary can vary by up to 24%. Thus, we are seeing confusion at the local level when some districts are able to provide larger salary increases than others.

Second, state funding is set to increase, but local funding is set to decrease. Over a third of Washington’s school districts are going to lose 50% or more of their local levy funding. In many cases, districts and communities have prioritized these levy funds to provide enrichment programs for students or to meet other objectives of their strategic plan. 

Timing is also an issue. New state funding starts at the beginning of this school year. The limitations on local funding don’t occur until later. In many cases, that means an increase in funding now will be followed by a reduction of funding in the near future. This can add to the confusion around how much money districts actually have to bargain with.

Third, districts have been working hard to determine what they can afford. To help school districts navigate changes brought about by the new legislation and to ensure sustainability, the Legislature added a requirement for districts to create a four-year budget plan.

For months now, districts have been working with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and their Educational Service Districts to determine the level of salary increase that they can afford on a long-term basis. 

This work has been difficult, complex and ongoing. Each district must continue to make a thorough examination of what they can afford based on their own unique situation, regardless of the agreements being reached in other districts.

The important thing to remember in all of this is that teachers, administrators and school boards want the same thing. We want the best possible education for our students. We all appreciate and respect the role that each other plays in making that happen and we realize that none of us could do it alone. We acknowledge the professionalism, expertise, and caring that each other brings to our districts and we will continue to give our all for the 1.1 million students of Washington state.

Formed in 1922, WSSDA has grown to include 1,477 locally elected school board directors from across Washington. As a state agency, per chapter 28A.345 RCW, WSSDA supports its members with research-based leadership development resources, policy and legal guidance, and legislative advocacy. This work is of critical importance because school board directors build the future of public education by setting the policy, governance, and budgetary priorities for all of Washington's 295 school districts.

Pier at Log Boom Park closed for repairs

The pier at Log Boom Park, 17415 61st Ave NE, Kenmore, will be temporarily closed for railing replacement from Tuesday, September 4 to Friday, September 14, 2018. 

Contractors will be replacing guardrail and bull rail along the north end of the pier. Due to safety issues associated with an active construction site, the pier will be closed to the public.

Boats coming into the area hoping to access Log Boom Park or Kenmore via this pier will not be able to do so during this time.

Additionally, hand-powered watercraft will not be able to use the seasonal docking float during this time either.

Understanding that many people often fish from this pier, some alternative public areas to fish during this temporary closure are:

From the shoreline west of Log Boom Park’s beach

For questions and more information contact Becky Range, Communications Specialist at 425-398-8900.

Shoreline artist named as Distinguished Alumni from University of Montana

Paul Lewing in front of one of his tile walls

Five outstanding University of Montana alumni will receive 2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards on Friday, October 5, 2018 during Homecoming. The awards are the highest honor presented by the UM Alumni Association. 

This year’s distinguished alumni are Paul Lewing ’69, M.F.A. ’72, of Shoreline, Washington; William Marcus ’74, of Missoula; Sara Peck ’66, of Lakeside; Sheila Skemp ’67 of Oxford, Mississippi; and Evelyn Adedoja Yeye Dada, M.P.A. ’83, of Abuja, Nigeria.

Lewing, who earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in art from UM, followed his childhood dream to live as a professional artist in Seattle.

Ceramic hand painted tile wall by Paul Lewing

Since 1972, he has worked in pottery and ceramic tile, and he has created more than 1,000 custom projects for clients all over the world, including dignitaries in Sweden and Japan.

Paul Lewing, artist
Lewing has written two books on the ancient technique of china painting, and he has painted numerous murals.

His collections are in institutions from the Seattle Art Museum to the Igneri Talleres Foundation in the Dominican Republic, and some of his works include large tile murals for churches and colorful shower wall tiles with paintings of landscapes.

He also has taught art and ceramics to thousands of students, presenting seminars in every U.S. state.

Lewing holds studio sales in Shoreline for the holidays and often in summer as well.

Shoreline farmers market Saturday - food trucks, a bakery, musicians, and vegetables

Shoreline Farmers Market will be at Shoreline Place every Saturday from 10am-3pm, through October 6th. It's on the upper level, near Central Market, entrance off 155th/Westminster Way.

Photo by Mike Remarcke
I don't know how it happened, but apparently it's September already. While we're still enjoying the beautiful produce of the summer, the season is changing and soon enough we'll be stocking up on squash and root vegetables.

We're delighted to have 2 fantastic food trucks with us this week. Nosh returns with their British style fish and chips accompanied by a surprising pea and mint mash. Seoul Bowl is bringing their bold Asian flavors to us in the form of a build your own Korean BBQ bowl. How to choose?

Live music every Saturday. Pluck Music will kick off the day at 10am with harmonizing harps. Mike Bush will brig the energy up with his American Classic Rock music at 12:30pm.

Lake Forest Park Summertime Reflections: National Night Out

Neighbors were grateful for the air conditioning as well
as the potluck feast at the Kassover's home

Text and Photos by Donna Hawkey

August National Night Out is a favorite for many Lake Forest Park residents with 37 neighborhood get-togethers taking place on Tuesday, August 7, 2018.

Ken and Philippa Kassover host National Night Out at their home which sits on old Circle Drive but is now named 47th Ave.

Neighbors that have lived on this same street for over forty years recall the old name fondly and say they “wish we could change it back to Circle Drive.”

National Night Out host and Lake Forest Park City Council Member Phillippa Kassover chatting with neighbors.

Host Ken Kassover, right

New neighbors were warmly welcomed and some apologized for either their loud barking dogs or for building development noise taking place.

Getting to know something about the people who live on your street is empowering and especially in a time of need or emergency. These neighbors have a list called “Circle Drive Need” just in case of one.

Looks like the dog is enjoying the dinner, too.

Ken Kassover also reminded his neighbors about Crime Watch which is a service sponsored free by the LFP Police Department. Ken volunteers for Crime Watch and says that vacation house checking can be accessed by any property owner living in the City of LFP.

Captain Paul Armbrust of the LFP Police Department says that partnering on National Night Out helps make “Lake Forest Park one of the safest cities in the Puget Sound region. With the resident’s eyes and ears, it is an incredible force multiplier partnership with the police. Neighbors that know each other can work together very effectively when necessary.”

Photo Courtesy of Lake Forest Park Police Department

Over 37 National Neighborhood Night Out events were held throughout Lake Forest Park.

The police have a call to action. “If you see something, say something, and this will help us to continue to drive down crime in this great City,” says Captain Armbrust.

The police have always been an encouraging partner in National Night Out which began in 1984 with neighbors just turning on their porch lights and sitting in front of their houses.

According to the National Night Out website, "The first annual event involved 2.5 million neighbors across 400 communities. Today, 38 million neighbors in 16,000 communities across the nation take part in National Night Out which has transformed into many different types of community gatherings."
Information about scheduling a neighborhood Night Out Against Crime in LFP here.

Capt. Armbrust and two young neighbors
Photo courtesy of Lake Forest Park Police Department

This type of relationship building creates trust between residents and the police as everyone gains better understanding of the community and its needs.

Captain and Mr. Young: Love and helicopters in modern warfare

The American Legion Post 227 in Shoreline will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, September 4, 2018. A meet and greet starts at 6:30pm and the program starts at 7:00pm. 

The meeting will be held at Post 227, located at 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

The 2018 winner of the Post 227 Life Changer award will be presented with a framed certificate and a $200 gift certificate.

Then Daniella Young, CEO of a culture and innovation consulting firm and an expert on team building, will discuss her experiences as a US Army captain serving two years in Afghanistan with honor.

Her husband, Chief Warrant officer Tom Young, served eight combat tours as an Army helicopter pilot and survived being shot down in Afghanistan. There will be an opportunity for questions after the presentation.

While you are at the meeting, you can check out the Post Library that includes a large collection of militarily related books, video tapes and DVDs. Any of these can be checked out, used and returned by post members and community without charge. Also check out the Post 227 website.

A brief intermission for refreshments after the talk will allow visitors to depart. Post 227 members are urged to stay for the post meeting that will follow the intermission.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Deepak Ram, Dan Duval, Adriana Giordano, and Johnny Pinetree at the North City Bistro this week

Deepak Ram at the North City Bistro Wednesday
Wednesday night the North City Bistro will welcome a new act, with Deepak Ram, along with Marina Albero, Tor Deitrichson, Ravi Albright and Dennis Stawkowski. $10 cover.

South African bansuri flutist Deepak Ram is a captivating performer and composer, combining technical mastery with personal charm. 

He has performed in the U.S., South Africa, India, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Austria, Germany, Lebanon, Turkey and Holland and had the honor of accompanying his teacher, maestro Hariprasad Chaurasia, in Geneva, London and Paris.

Deepak's knowledge of both Indian and western traditions is evident in his compositions which range from pieces for jazz groups, western flute quartets (flute, violin, viola and cello), choral works and ballets to orchestral pieces. Deepak earned a Masters degree in Music (MMus) from Rhodes University, South Africa, in 1996 for his thesis, “Exploring Syncretism Between Indian and Western Music Through Composition”.

Deepak's versatility is apparent in his numerous collaborations with musicians of various genres. These include performances with jazz pianists Darius Brubeck and Bheki Mseleku, Tunisian oud player and vocalist Dhafer Yousseff and the popular South African band Tananas. On January 1 2000, Deepak performed with South African musicians like Sibongile Khumalo and the Rwandan diva, Cecile, on Robben Island in South Africa's millennium concert hosted by presidents Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki.

Thursday, we look forward to a return show by Dan Duval's Good Vibes Quartet, who will play from 7:00-9:30pm for $8 Cover. Lyric Jazz Standards, Melodic Originals, a Touch of Swing, Lots of Latin and a Bit of Blues.

Friday, Adriana Giordano returns from some shows in California, for another show with EntreMundos Quarteto. They will be joined by an amazing Brazilian percussionist, Eduardo "Dudu" Fuentes. They will play from 8:00-10:30pm for $15 Cover, and tickets are available until Thursday evening at this link.

And Saturday night, a return show by Johnny Pinetree and the Yellin' Degenerates. They will be playing from 8:00-10:30pm for $15 Cover and tickets are available at this link until Friday evening. John Paynich will be joined by Jon Grant on Bass, Bill Ray n Drums, John Tobin on Keys and Brian Monroney on Guitar.

In addition to purchasing tickets, call 206-365-4447 or go to the website and fill out the very simple reservation request form, in order to secure seats for the shows.
The kitchen opens at 4:30pm and serves a mouthwatering variety of small plates and desserts as well as an extensive wine stock. (Menu here).

The North City Bistro is located at 1520 NE 177th Street, Shoreline 98155, phone 206-365-4447.
Open: Tuesday – Saturday. Wine Shop: 2:00pm. Kitchen: 4:30pm to Close

Certified Personal Trainer teaches fitness classes at the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center

CeCe Ryan
Certified Personal Trainer
CeCe Ryan has been a Certified Personal Trainer since March 2012 and an Enhance Instructor since October 2015. She is a Certified Health Coach and Older Adult Fitness Specialist.

She holds additional certifications in Group X, Silver Sneakers, Chair Chi, Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance and Life Coaching.

Her experience includes three years leading Enhance Fitness for Seniors. Six years teaching/leading Healthy Steps classes for Cancer Lifeline at Valley General and Evergreen Hospitals, Assisted Living and Memory Care retirement communities.

In addition, she has many years of experience in counseling/coaching and administrative roles including non-profit behavioral health services, healthcare clinics and holistic healing seminars.

I love teaching proper exercise form and techniques and I really want my clients to feel successful and see how much they can enjoy a healthy lifestyle. 
I enjoy working with boomers and seniors who might be frustrated but are still motivated to tone up, build strength and endurance and reach all their goals. 
I have had a lifelong love affair with dance, fitness, nutrition and counseling/coaching and am excited to work with each client to reach their goals.

CeCe currently teaches the following classes at the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center:
  • Level 1 Fitness Enhancement T and TH 10:30 am - 11:15 am
  • Enhanced Fitness M, W and F 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
  • CeCe's Light and Lively T and TH 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • CeCe's Beginner Belly Dancing Class W 2:00 pm - 3 pm
Contact the Senior Center for information about joining these classes. Either call 206-365-1536 or drop in to inquire in person. 18560 1st Ave. NE #1 Shoreline 98155, southernmost building on the Shoreline Center campus.

A movie under the stars and multiple activities for the Ballinger and Meridian Park Outdoor Movie Night

A movie under the stars at Aldercrest Annex
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

On Saturday, August 25th, Ballinger and Meridian Park neighborhoods came together to enjoy a movie under the stars at the Aldercrest Annex field.

Snack bar and information booth
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

It was the 10th annual Outdoor Movie Night and "The NeverEnding Story" was the movie being shown.

Shorewood / Shorecrest robotics team with robot
Photo by Lee Langeschulte

Community members arrived to see the drones from FPV Racing Seattle and Diversity in Drones flying about in their lit race course, while Shorewood and Shorecrest high schools had their robotics team there doing robotics demonstrations.

 The clubs flew the drones through the hoops
Photo by Lee Langeschulte
As dusk started to settle in, children and adults were enjoying the many activities provided for them during the pre-movie entertainment.

Do-it-yourself soap bubbles
Photo by Lee Langeschulte

Face painting, balloon animals, a bubble zone, and a multitude of crafts entertained many of the community members while others enjoyed sitting and waiting for the movie to start.

Face painting
Photo by Lee Langeschulte

There was a prize drawing for several prizes that were donated by local businesses and community members.

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

The event was planned and carried out by the Ballinger Neighborhood Association and the Meridian Park Neighborhood Association.

Meridian Park Neighborhood Association volunteers
Photo by Lee Lageschulte

A special thank you to the City of Shoreline for the mini-grant that made this event possible. And thanks to these business sponsors:

Smart Service Subaru
Health Chiropractic and Massage
Lyons Creek Dental Care
Domino's Pizza on Ballinger Way
The Center for Wooden Boats
Shoreline Veterinary Hospital
Tree House Dentistry for Kids
Nan Skinner, HomeSmart Broker
Comp.Ops computer repair and consulting
Seattle SunTan on Ballinger Way
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