Shoreline fire calls for weeks of July 9-15 and July 16-30

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A brush fire by Sears on July 29 spread to four cars
but was quickly extinguished
Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire

Shoreline Fire calls for July 9 - 15
  • Aid - 68
  • Aid Non Emergency - 22
  • MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) - 7
  • Medic - 30 
    • + 35 in Bothell, Northshore some Woodinville including M65 and M47
  • Medic Weapons - 1 in Northshore w/M65
  • MVA Medic - 2 
    • +2 in Bothell and Northshore w/M47 and M65
  • Cardiac Arrest - 2 
    • + 1 in Northshore w/M65
  • AFA (Automatic Fire Alarm) - 14
  • Bark Fire - 1
  • Brush Fire - 1
  • Flooding Minor - 2 
    • 1 broken sprinkler, 
    • 1 overflowing toilet in upstairs unit flooding below
  • Haz Aid - CO alarm sounding with a resident with symptoms
  • Smoke/Burn Complaint - 1
  • Smoke Commercial - 1
  • Smoke in a Residence - 

Week 3 of the Fire Cadet program
Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire

Shoreline Fire calls for July 16 - 30
  • Aid - 148
  • Aid Non Emergency - 46
  • MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) - 9
  • Medic - 78 
    • + 79 in Bothell, Northshore 
    • some Woodinville including M65 and M47)
  • MVA Medic - 2 
    • +1 in Bothell Motorcycle vs vehicle on I-405, and Northshore w/M47 and M65)
  • MVA Rescue - 1
  • Cardiac Arrest - 3
    • +7 in Northshore and Bothell w/M65 and M47
  • AFA (Automatic Fire Alarm) - 30
  • Appliance Fire - 1 (self cleaning oven mode started fire amd was contained)
  • Bark Fire - 7 (four at the Aurora Transit Station)
  • Brush Fire - 9 
    • 2 at Saltwater Park, 
    • several at multiple residences with the fence on fire
  • Dumpster Fire - 2
    • 1 at Ridgecrest Elementary, 
    • 1 at a bus stop
  • Electrical Odor - 1
  • Flooding Minor - 2
  • Haz - 1 CO monitor sounding
  • Natural Gas Commercial - 1
  • Natural Gas Line Fracture - 1
  • Rescue Surface Water - 1 at Echo Lake Park for possible drowning, conscious pt found.
  • Service Call - 4
    • 2 calls stuck elevator, 
    • 1 electric wheel chair stuck, 
    • 1 caller felt brush fire was arson, sent investigator
  • Smoke/Burn Complaint - 8
  • Smoke Haze in the Area - 4
  • Smoke Smell - 2
  • Working Fire Residential - 1
  • Vehicle Fire - 1

Photo: Sunrise with smoke

Photo by Mike Remarcke

Monday's sunrise was into a sky full of smoke. Even though there are several large fires burning in Washington state, the smoke in the air is from California and Oregon.

If you travel south on I-5 check out the burn area on the hillside just before the Northgate exit, around N 117th. A brush fire started on one side of the freeway and went all the way up the hill to the roadway above. At some point the wind blew fire across the freeway and the hillside on the northbound lanes also burned.

Glad I wasn't on the freeway when that happened.

The next day, fire crews went back because there were still hotspots. Along the road above, the short posts that hold the single metal barriers had to be dug out of the ground because they were smoldering.

Ready for rain...


County Council adopts memorial for Gov. Spellman

Gov. John Spellman in 1978
Photo courtesy King County
Permanent recognition of King County’s first Executive 

The Metropolitan King County Council gave its unanimous support to a motion sponsored by the entire council renaming the King County Administration Building and the 4th Ave block after former Gov. and King County Executive John Spellman.

“Gov. Spellman is very deserving of this honor,” said Councilmember Reagan Dunn, the prime sponsor of the legislation. 
“As the first County Executive, he led the transformation of King County into a strong regional government and deserves immeasurable credit for what King County has become."

The King County Administration Building and the stretch of 4th Ave. between James St. and Jefferson St. in Downtown Seattle where it is located will be named in Gov. Spellman’s honor. The block will be named the John Spellman Block and Memorial Building.

“We are deeply honored by the unanimous support of the County Council to name the location of the King County Administrative Building after our father, John D. Spellman,” said Teresa Spellman Gamble, daughter of Gov. Spellman. 
“We are so proud of our dad’s many contributions to King County and the State, and we are truly appreciative of this recognition by the leadership of the County.”

Gov. John Spellman
Photo courtesy Washington state library
John Dennis Spellman was born in 1926 in the City of Seattle. He attended high school at Seattle Preparatory School, then graduated from Seattle University after serving his country in World War II.

In 1966, Spellman was elected to the three-member King County Board of Commissioners. When county voters approved a plan to implement a home rule charter establishing the King County Council and the position of County Executive, Spellman was elected as King County’s very first Executive in 1969.

During the next 12 years, Executive Spellman led the transition of King County into one of the west coast’s strongest regional governments. Spellman consolidated previously independent departments, promoted racial equality, criminal justice reforms, land-use planning and farmlands preservation, and established a meritocracy within the County to ensure its abilities to serve the people.

King County Executive
John Spellman and the Kingdome
Photo courtesy WA SOS
Spellman is perhaps most remembered for supervising the construction of the Kingdome, allowing Seattle to acquire two hallmarks of the northwest: the Seattle Seahawks and the Seattle Mariners.

Following his 3-term service as Executive, Spellman was elected as the 18th Governor of Washington State in 1980. As Governor, Spellman was known as a steadfast defender of our state’s prestigious federal lands, even blocking a proposal to run an oil pipeline under the waters of Puget Sound which would have heavily damaged our waterway’s ecology. After leaving office in 1985, he was named partner at a law firm in Seattle.

Gov. Spellman passed away on January 16, 2018, at age 91. His wife of 63 years, Lois passed away nine days later at age 90.

Your ancestors -- both in the short-term and in the long term

Dr. Joe Felsenstein
North City Tech Meetup on Monday, August 6, features Professor (Emeritus) Joe Felsenstein. 

Monday, August 6, 2018, 7 – 9pm, FREE, at the Lake Forest Park Library Meeting Room, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155. The library is on the lower level of the Town Center shopping mall, behind the escalator.

RSVP not required, but encouraged: here

Dr. Joe Felsenstein will discuss your ancestors -- both in the short-term and in the long term. Going back in time, you have a great many ancestors. How many of them did the genes in your genome come from? Is one of your ancestors very famous?

If so, how much of your genome are you likely to have inherited from them? Do you share ancestors with other folks that you meet? Did you and they get similar genes from those ancestors?

We can go back even further and ask what other forms of life share ancestors with us (spoiler: all of them), and how we know this and how sure we are of these relationships.

Joe Felsenstein is Professor Emeritus at UW in the Department of Genome Sciences and also in the Department of Biology. This November he will have been there for 50 years. His work was on the use of mathematical theory, computers, and statistics in evolutionary biology. He trained in theoretical population genetics, which deals with changes of frequencies of genotypes in populations.

Most of his work has been on inferring phylogenies (evolutionary trees). He has received various honors and has been president of two scientific societies.

One of his scientific papers is the most highly cited paper ever written at his university -- it is one of the 100 most-cited scientific papers of all time. His Curriculum Vitae will be found online.

The North City Tech Meetup is a free meetup, usually the first Monday of each month at one of our local libraries: Lake Forest Park, Shoreline or Kenmore. People of all levels of interest and experience are encouraged to attend. There is always time for introductions and discussions.

You can visit the page for each month’s topic.

Free Concert by JHP Band Wednesday at Cromwell Park


Wednesday, August 1st, 6:30pm (rain or shine)
Cromwell Park

Gather your family and friends, and come enjoy a free performance by JHP Band, at Cromwell Park on Wednesday, August 1, 2018, 6:30pm. Picnic blankets and lawn chairs are always a good idea!

Just Humanitarian Project (JHP) Legacy is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, based in the city of Shoreline, led by first generation African immigrants who are accomplished musicians, performers, and artists and call King County their home.

JHP was founded in 2013 by Eben Pobee, Akwasi Asare, and Philip Attipoe, who wanted to share their passion for music, dance, and all cultural arts to underserved communities.

JHP is fully volunteer run with six key individuals who oversee all planning for community workshops and events. The two main points of contact are Eben Pobee, a city of Shoreline resident, artist, performer and event planner and Philip Attipoe, JHP Board member and Operations Committee Chair, and former president of the Ghanaian Association of Greater Seattle.

Eben, a finance analyst for Pierce County, has a 4-year degree in Performing Arts and has successfully hosted six community festivals. In 2013, Eben began the celebrated multicultural festival at Concordia University in Portland while he was a graduate student obtaining an MBA in Finance.

Philip Attipoe, an engineer for Amazon, is very knowledgeable and experienced in the local arts and music culture, having managed several local bands including Atsimevu Band, which performs at Folk Life and the Spirit of West Africa festival.

Plus, try some refreshing infused waters from our present sponsor Aegis Living of Shoreline’s free “Hydration Station.”

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council’s Concerts in the Park are always free and held at various community parks throughout Shoreline and Lake Forest Park on Wednesdays in July and August at 6:30pm (unless otherwise noted), rain or shine. Concerts in the Park are supported by the City of Shoreline, City of Lake Forest Park, 4Culture, Aegis Living of Shoreline, Jack Malek of Windermere, and by Arts Council friends and members.

For more information and details, visit the Arts Council’s website or call 206-417-4645.

3x3 basketball fundraiser to support Ishkanov and Simpkins families

A basketball fundraiser is being held on Wednesday, August 11, 2018 from 1 - 7pm at the Spartan Gym to support the Ishkanov and Simpkins families, whose sons died in a motorcycle crash on July 11, 2018.

Suggested donation of $10 per player. Fans are welcome to make a donation of their choosing. Cash, checks and venmo at the door.

Spartan Recreation Center, 202 NE 185th St, Shoreline 98155

Brian J. Carter appointed Executive Director of 4Culture

Brian J. Carter, 4Culture
Executive Director
The King County Council and Executive Dow Constantine have appointed Brian J. Carter as the new Executive Director of 4Culture. 

4Culture began its Executive Director search last November, following the retirement announcement of founding director Jim Kelly.

4Culture is King County’s cultural funding and services agency supported by Lodging Taxes and the 1% for Art ordinance.

Carter was selected at the culmination of a very competitive search process, led by 4Culture’s Board of Directors. 

Three essential criteria guided the selection: a visionary leader with a passion for 4Culture’s evolving mission and role in the region, excellent public affairs and government relations ability, and a deep appreciation and commitment to advancing racial equity and social justice.

Rod Dembowski, King County Councilmember, Chair of the Committee of the Whole, said, “Brian’s career-long commitment to small and diverse arts, culture and heritage organizations makes him an exceptionally well qualified candidate to become the next Executive Director of 4Culture. I congratulate him, and am excited to work with him to shape the future of arts and culture for all communities in King County.”

Brian has served as Heritage Lead at 4Culture for the past two years, overseeing funding programs and providing technical support to King County’s heritage community. During his tenure, he has advocated for 4Culture to be a catalyst for change and creativity within the cultural sector and implemented an assessment process to understand and respond to the needs of regional heritage organizations.

Before his arrival at 4Culture, he held prominent positions in the arts and heritage field, including Deputy Director/Head Curator of the Northwest African American Museum, Museum Director of the Oregon Historical Society, and Director of Interpretation at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture. He is currently Board President of the Association of African American Museums and is on the board of the Washington Museums Association.

Former Shoreline Mayor Shari Winstead is a board member of 4Culture.

Hemlock State Brewing Company "Hibeernation Party" at Ridgecrest Public House Tuesday July 31 at 8 pm

By Megan Korgut

Join us this Tuesday July 31, 2018 at 8pm at Ridgecrest Public House, when we tap the last keg of beer from the first location of Shoreline's first brewery, Hemlock State Brewing Company.

Ridgecrest Public House, 520 NE 165th, Shoreline 98155.

Ridgecrest Pub and Hemlock State Brewing opened their doors in Shoreline on November 2015, and Hemlock State Brewing sold their first keg of beer to Ridgecrest Pub. So it's quite appropriate that the last keg of beer made at their first location also be at Ridgecrest Pub.

Hemlock State Brewing has been brewing their beer every Tuesday. But they recently started their "Hibeernation" while they focus on their future expansion nearby.

Since they aren't brewing this Tuesday, they will be on hand to pour you some of their Ryes over Run Belgian Rye IPA instead.

Hemlock State Brewing has been on tap at Ridgecrest Pub whenever possible. Both businesses have been sharing advice and information frequently as they evolve. This will all continue!

The one thing that will not continue is the Tuesday night pub runs to the old brewery location. We'll do one last run to their brewery this Tuesday, leaving the pub at 6.30pm as usual. All paces welcome. This run is optional, but there will be a little surprise incentive at the brewery.

Flags at half-staff Tuesday

Flag Lowering - 7/31/18 (Officer Diego Moreno)

Governor Inslee is deeply saddened by the death of Kent Police Officer Diego Moreno, 35, and directs that Washington State and United States flags at all state agency facilities be lowered to half-staff in his memory on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. Officer Moreno was killed in the line of duty on July 22, 2018.

Flags should remain at half-staff until close of business or sunset on Tuesday, July 31, 2018.

Other government entities, citizens and businesses are encouraged to join this recognition.

A public memorial service will be held on July 31, 2018, beginning at 1:00 pm, at ShoWare Center, 625 W. James Street, Kent, Washington. The public can view the procession of police vehicles on Fourth Avenue between Willis Street and West James Street beginning at 11:15 am.

Please call 360-902-0383 if you have any questions about this flag lowering.

Sam Scott ceramic artist holding studio sale this weekend

Shoreline ceramic artist, Sam Scott, will be opening his studio this weekend, Saturday August 4, 10-4 pm and Sunday August 5, 12-4 pm.

There will be large selection of wheel-thrown functional and non-functional porcelain objects.

The address is: 18502 6th Ave NW Shoreline 98177.

Contact Sam at or 206-542-1944.

Photo: Sunflower Sunday

Monday, July 30, 2018

Photo by Seattle Poppy

Sunflowers will thrive anyway here, but they sure are loving this weather! It's what they are built for.

Is this photo sideways or are the flower heads just too heavy for their stalks?


Free events in parks this week, July 30 to Aug 5

Choroloco plays at Hazel Miller Plaza noon on July 31

Here's a list of free events in local parks this week July 30 to August 5, 2018

Bring something to sit on (Lynndale Park has wooden bleachers) and something to eat and enjoy the shows!

Tuesday Jul 31 
Lunchtime Music Series 
Cromwell Park 
noon - 1pm 
Steel Magic Northwest 
18030 Meridian Ave N Shoreline 
City of Shoreline 

Tuesday Jul 31 
Karaoke in the Park 
Cromwell Park 
5:30 - 8pm 
18030 Meridian Ave N Shoreline 
City of Shoreline 

Tuesday Jul 31 
Tuesday Concerts 
Hazel Miller Plaza 
noon - 1pm 
5th Ave S and Maple St Edmonds 
Edmonds Arts Commission 

Wednesday Aug 1 
Evening Concerts in the Park 
Cromwell Park 
18030 Meridian Ave N 
Shoreline Arts Council 

Thursday Aug 2 
Summer Concert Series 
St. Edwards State Park 
6 - 8pm 
Patrick Landeza feat. Hälau Hula 
14448 Juanita Dr NE Kenmore 
Croasdale Real Estate 

Thursday Aug 2 
Shakespeare in the Park 
7 - 9pm 
Henry IV 
18927 72nd Ave W Edmonds 

Thursday Aug 2 
Thursday Concerts 
Hazel Miller Plaza 
5 - 6:30pm 
5th Ave S and Maple St Edmonds 
Edmonds Arts Commission

Sunday Aug 5 
Summer Concert in Park 
Edmonds City Park 3 - 4pm 
Global Heat 
3rd Ave S and Pine St Edmonds 
Edmonds Arts Commission 

Sunday Aug 5 
Rock in the Park 
Cromwell Park 
12 - 4pm 
18030 Meridian Ave N Shoreline 
Pinky's Passion for a Parkinson's Cure 

LFP Reads event on Tuesday at Third Place Books

July 31 is the culmination of the LFP READS, where everyone in Lake Forest Park is encouraged to read the same book - This is How It Always Is. Joined by patrons of the Shoreline Library and Richmond Beach Library, the final event will be the appearance of the book's author, Laurie Frankel at Third Place Books. Town Center, intersection of Bothell and Ballinger Way, Lake Forest Park.

Monday, July 30, 7pm
Megan Abbott
Give Me Your Hand (Little, Brown)

A life-changing secret destroys an unlikely friendship in this “magnetic” (Meg Wolitzer) thriller from the Edgar Award-winning author of Dare Me and You Will Know Me and staff writer for David Simon’s HBO drama The Deuce.

Tuesday, July 31, 7pm

Laurie Frankel
This Is How it Always Is (Flatiron)

Shoreline, Richmond Beach, and Lake Forest Park Libraries have joined up again with Third Place Books and Third Place Commons for the 14th annual LFP READS event. This year’s title is Laurie Frankel’s This Is How It Always Is, a novel about revelations, transformations, fairy tales, and family. Frankel herself will be joining us on the Main Stage at Third Place Commons to discuss her novel, which is 20% off at Third Place Books in July.

Thursday, August 2, 7pm
Heather Redmond
A Tale of Two Murders 

In the winter of 1835, young Charles Dickens is a journalist on the rise at the Evening Chronicle. Invited to dinner at the estate of the newspaper's co-editor, Charles is smitten with his boss's daughter, vivacious nineteen-year-old Kate Hogarth. They are having the best of times when a scream shatters the pleasant evening. Charles, Kate, and her father rush to the neighbors' home, where Miss Christiana Lugoson lies unconscious on the floor.

Op-Ed: Shoreline City Council should represent the citizens, not developers

Cedar, Madrone, Fir, Hemlock, Spruce, Big-Leaf Maple, Birch
Will we care when they are gone?

Cynthia Knox is an artist, a neighborhood leader, and the creator and organizer of the SummerSet Arts Festival which ran for five years at Ronald Bog.

By Cynthia Knox

This Monday, at July 30th's Shoreline Council Meeting there is an agenda item regarding tree retention policy for developers in the MUR70 zones. As a resident of this city and one of your constituents, I request that Shoreline City Council Members represent me, a Shoreline citizen, and my future and my descendent's futures over developer's wishes/demands.

Trees are being cut down at a rapid rate all over Shoreline and the current replacement policies/fines are insufficient to keep this city a "Tree City" and retain our valuable tree canopy.

Do not be fooled by the statistic quoted by city staff regarding what seems like a small impact on the tree canopy with the current amendment. This amendment is a portent of more amendments like this to come.

Every amendment that allows loopholes for trees to be decimated is a downhill slide to making our city look and feel more like other urban centers. Do you notice how much cooler it is up here in Shoreline than Seattle? To keep it that way we must keep the trees.

City Council Members, I ask you to consider the following when representing RESIDENTS of Shoreline.

1. That building density with lack of trees (if builders get to buy their way out of saving trees), will lead to creating HEAT ISLANDS in our city. (Please note that the Aurora Corridor is already one) .

2. The Planning Commission is populated with people in professions that are tangential to, and profit from developers - they are not neutral in their viewpoints.

3. Shoreline does not have to bend over backwards to entice developers to do business here. We are the next city up from Seattle. If Seattle area is expanding, the expansion is definitely coming up here. Now is the time to set the standards for how we want this city to be for the near and far future. Do we want to be "green" in name only? OR in practice as well?

4. Would the fees paid for each tree (for fee-in-lieu) be commensurate with what a tree is really worth? My guess is that the price is too low if a developer doesn't think twice about paying the fee. I ask that Council Members and City Staff do more research into how much a 25/50/100 year old tree is worth when it comes to the value it provides to humans and animals - not how much one can purchase one for at a nursery. Clean air is priceless for people like myself who have asthma. FYI, the numbers of people in the USA suffering from asthma are going up rapidly each year!

5. As a way of mitigating the problem of heat islands and lack of air purification from lack of trees/plants, I request that ordinances/laws be put in effect to make developers, and then the building owners plant AND maintain greenery on the sides (actual walls) and tops of the large buildings. This will require new requirements for architectural plans, and large fines for building owners who do not comply . Now is our chance to keep Shoreline green. If we do not stand up for this now, we cannot get it back.

6. The notion of "affordable" housing in Shoreline is a joke. Many college graduates are making $15 an hour which makes paying even a $750/month rent a stretch. Please look around and see what $750 buys in rent in Shoreline? To pay a higher rent means they then start having to choose between paying their student loans OR rent. There is no way either non-educated or educated people can get ahead in this housing market. If developers are selling the Council the idea that they can cut down trees and not plant any TRULY equivalent trees/plants while experiencing no significant consequences as a way of being able to create "affordable housing" next to the Light Link Rail Transit Center, please do your research as to how true that actually is? Perhaps the City can give developers other environmental incentives - like how the rain garden program works for residents?

7. Our air and the health of our underground natural infrastructure (soil, roots, fungi, ground water/streams, etc.) is dependent on how well we preserve and care for our trees and plants. Please do not lose sight of this?!

Shoreline Council and City Staff, thanks for considering. You are our representatives. Please act in our interests.

New work by Amy Pleasant on display at Shoreline City Hall

Amy Pleasant and Shift: New World Coming
New work by Amy Pleasant is now on view at Shoreline City Hall on the second floor.

Her previous exhibition, Lessons Learned has been replaced by Shift: New World Coming, a series of acrylic and india ink abstract paintings

In the continuing thread of Pleasant's exploration of generational transitions, these paintings, contain a barely visible traditional underpainting covered by painterly layers and fluid ink images reflecting one generation's willingness to relinquish the role of power to next generation.

These images reflect the old paradigm replaced by the new. In her words, 

While I have made it a focus of my art, we have all been marking the exit and entrance of a generation or two or three. As much as I appreciate and honor the contributions of past generations and of our own, history is the final arbiter of a generation's impact for good or for ill.

The artist will be onsite on August 1st and 2nd, 10am-3pm and will be setting up a studio area in the main lobby of city hall working on a painting over the course of the two days. The public is invited to stop by and see the process and progress of the painting. Shift: New World Coming will be up until mid October. 

Letter to the Editor: Condolences and Road Awareness

Sunday, July 29, 2018

To the Editor:

The July 11th fatal accident with two young men is a tragedy. (see previous article)

It is so easy to make that mistake of driving too fast. It can particularly be a thrill on a motorcycle and... most of the time there is no cost.

I'd guess most of us have gotten away with some risky behavior at some point in our lives. These are the unfortunate ones. May their friends and family be comforted during this difficult time.

I also wish this for the driver of the SUV. No doubt, it is a tragedy in his life, as well. I am grateful that he was not cited and held responsible for the deaths.


The thing the article didn't say, is that the motorcyclists were likely invisible with the blindingly low sun directly behind them.

We need to not only take care that we are driving at a legal speed, but also that we are able to see what might be there. It's not enough to just "not see anything". One needs to be able to see the road and its emptiness, especially when changing directions. When that is not possible, very slow movement in advised, even if waiting drivers are impatient.

Similar experiences of being blinded by oncoming traffic's piercing LED headlights is also making the roads less safe during dusk, dawn, and at night. Please be patient with drivers who are slow to turn. From their position they may not be able to see as much of the intersection as drivers further back because of these kind of factors.

Ginger Hayra Gunn

WeatherWatcher: 9th Anniversary of the Lake Ballinger Edmount Island Fire

Edmount Island from 1st Ave NE on July 29, 2009. Photo by Carl Dinse

On this day in weather history, July 29, 2009, we had an all time record high temperature of 103.4°F,  measured at Sea-Tac and at my own weather station located in Shoreline's Echo Lake neighborhood. On that same evening an illegal barbecue left abandoned on Edmount Island in the middle of Lake Ballinger set the vegetation and soil on fire.

The island is a peat bog -- difficult to control fires on -- especially when the peat catches on fire. Fire fighters had to set up floating water pumps to pump lake water onto the island for over a week before the fire was finally extinguished on August 6, 2009.

Two years later I photographed the island to show how much of the vegetation was lost to the wildfire. We also did a report on it which can be found here.

Edmount Island from 1st AVE NE on August 10th, 2011. Photo by Carl Dinse

For the 9th Anniversary I decided to go take a new photo of the island to compare to see how much it has recovered from this fire nine years ago.

Edmount Island from 1st Ave NE on July 29, 2018. Photo by Carl Dinse

Notice how in each photo, the sky is this brownish grey color? Most summers by this time show the evidence of wildfire season with smoke in the atmosphere from distant wildfires. This year a lot of the smoke appears to be from wildfires burning in Eurasia, Siberia, Alaska and British Columbia.

As we cool down later Tuesday and Wednesday the marine air flow should help clear out this wildfire smoke in the Puget Sound region. At this time longer range forecasts are calling for near normal temperatures for the next week or two, which should be a big relief from all the heat these last two weeks.

For current weather conditions visit

Shoreline Class of '63 Mini-Reunion

Shoreline Class of '63 Mini-Reunion 
Monday, August 20 @ 4 pm until ??? 
The Channel Marker Pub / Grill 
Edmonds, WA 98020 

$10 will be collected at the door to help with the cost of appetizers and to keep our class website active.

No host bar. Your Reunion Committee will provide light appetizers. The Channel Marker will have their full menu (burgers, sandwiches, salads, steaks and seafood) available, too.

A block of rooms has been reserved next door at the Best Western Harbor Inn in Edmonds. 425-771-5021. Please tell them you are with the Shoreline Class of 1963 Reunion.

So we can get an idea of head count, if you haven't already done so, please RSVP on our class Facebook event page or to Karen Schumacher Wolf's email or phone:


Be There or Be Square!

Crime in Shoreline week ending 7-9-18 - where to start?

Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Selected items from Shoreline Police blotter, week ending July 9, 2018

--3 calls from or about suicidal subjects
--domestic violence: physical assaults (3), serious assault and rape (1); 2 violations of no contact order, including breaking in the door.
--2 car prowls where tools were stolen and 1 tool theft from break in

06-28  Residential burglary through unlocked bathroom window, 163xx Interlake.
06-29  Deputies responding to 911 hang up call found a fight between boyfriend and ex-boyfriend.
07-01  Kelsey House resident reported hearing a drilling noise. Someone was drilling out the coin receptacle.
07-01  Person under heavy influence of drugs flags down patrol car officer then runs off and tries to get into private residences. Police catch him. During the frisk he tries to punch officer and is tased.
07-01  Passerby reports seeing male push female. When officer arrives female is sitting in front of building.
07-01 Mailbox pried open 175xx 10th NW.
07-02  Shoplifted a muffin and a flashlight from Costco and was caught.
07-02  18 nuisance calls to juvenile daughter
07-03  Blue Nails on Ballinger burgled.
07-03  Mail box blown up on 182xx Springdale Ct.
07-03  Tenant at Echo Lake Apartments N 198th pulled a gun on plumbers trying to access apartment for emergency repairs. Referred to BH unit.
07-04  Person observed stealing a newspaper. He ran from police, then attempted to punch officer. Booked into jail.
07-04  Two individuals contacted at public storage at 14900 Aurora were booked on warrants.
07-05  Two males on bicycles were stopped for violations. One arrested on warrants. One said he had swallowed drugs and was taken to Harborview.
07-05  Residential burglary 16xx N 203rd Pl.
07-05  Unknown subject cut the realtor lockbox and stole a coffee table. NE 174th.
07-05  Resident on N 198th had mental breakdown and was breaking his own windows. He thought people were trying to kill him.
07-06  Drunken shoplifter at Aurora Safeway was loading his backpack with beer right in front of an employee.
07-06  Male walking around someone's yard, naked from the waist down.
07-07  Person, drunk and violent, punching a companion in a local restaurant.
07-07  Mail theft on Interlake.
07-07  Two males stealing liquor from North City Safeway are on video footage.
07-07  Person drinking vodka in Trader Joes' restroom.
07-07  Burglary 182xx Linden.
07-08  Arrest at N 165th at Aurora at 2am for warrant, drugs, and prostitution.
07-08  $2000 worth of games stolen from locked shed. Victim notified by acquaintance after suspect left the premises. 172xx 12th NE.

Shoreline Farmers Market Saturdays

Photos by Steven H. Robinson

Farmers markets at their core are a chance to connect growers directly to consumers. Produce bought at Farmers Markets are nearly always fresher and last longer than store bought produce. Many of the growers (but not all) are pesticide free and many picked their produce in the morning before coming to the market.

Flower growers don't have to have a brick and mortar store. They pick their blooms and bring them to market.

Food producers don't have to deal with a middle man. This is particularly important for products like honey, which are only available certain times of the year.

Organizations can get out and talk to people directly. Conversations can be held and all questions answered in a way far more direct than email or messaging.

The markets have all added ready to eat food as a service to their shoppers - and to help keep them there longer! Shoreline had Seoul Bowl, hot dogs, coffee, pastries, gyros, ice pops and more!

If you missed Saturday's market, there will be another one next Saturday, 10am to 3pm, Shoreline Place, N 155th and Westminster Way, upper level by Central Market.

Lake Forest Park's market is Sunday, 10am to 3pm, Town Center, intersection Ballinger and Bothell Way.

AG's lawsuit regarding census question on citizenship allowed to proceed

1950 census was last to ask citizenship question

Judge denies Administration’s attempt to dismiss AGs’ challenge to Census citizenship question

Attorney General Bob Ferguson issued the following statement today, after U.S. District Court Judge Jesse M. Furman rejected the Trump Administration’s attempt to dismiss Ferguson’s multistate lawsuit over the federal government’s decision to include a question about citizenship status in the 2020 U.S. Census.

“This illegal decision by the Trump Administration jeopardizes billions of federal dollars Washington receives every year, and will impact our congressional representation for the next decade,” Ferguson said. “We can’t allow the Administration to avoid responsibility for this blatantly political action. Now, they’ll have to answer for it in court.”

At a hearing on July 3, Judge Furman also granted the states’ request to force the Administration to provide more documents and information surrounding its decision to add the question to the 2020 Census.

Case background
In February, Ferguson joined 18 other Attorneys General and the governor of Colorado in a letter to Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross arguing that a question regarding citizenship “would significantly depress participation, causing a population undercount that would disproportionately harm states and cities with large immigrant communities.”

In 2015, Washington received more than $650 million in federal highway money and nearly $460 million in school funding and federal special education grants directly tied to the Census count. That same year, the state received nearly $4 billion under the Medicaid program, some of which could also be in jeopardy if the state’s population is undercounted.

Roughly one in seven Washington residents is an immigrant, and one in eight native-born U.S. citizens in Washington lives with at least one immigrant. Between 2010 and 2014, more than 351,000 people in Washington lived with at least one undocumented family member.

The multistate lawsuit, filed earlier this year in the Southern District of New York, challenges the Administration’s decision to add the question on citizenship to the Census. The City of Seattle also joined the lawsuit.

Assistant Attorney General Laura Clinton and Deputy Solicitor General Peter Gonick are handling the case for Washington.

Lake Forest Bar & Grill at the Market Sunday

Photo courtesy Lake Forest Bar and Grill

The Lake Forest Bar and Grill will have a booth at the LFP Farmers Market on Sunday, 10am to 3pm.

Come by and see us! 
Enter to win a fabulous gift basket and play cornhole to win coupons!

As usual, there will be produce and flower vendors, fish, ice cream, honey and other foods to buy. Have lunch at one of the ready to eat booths and get out of the direct sun in the seating areas.

Lower level Town Center, intersection of Bothell and Ballinger Way, Lake Forest Park.

BSRE appeals decision against them for Point Wells development

Point Wells 2017
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Sno-King Environmental Protection Coalition, the advocacy group opposing the Point Wells development, has released the following report and commentary:

Pt. Wells Developer Asks for Reconsideration

BSRE, the developer who had plans for a 3,000 unit development at Point Wells, has decided not to accept the recent decision by the Snohomish County Hearing Examiner to deny the application. The developer has filed a motion asking the Hearing Examiner (HE) to reconsider his decision, the first step in what may be further legal action to overturn the denial.

The motion lists what BSRE claims are multiple instances where the HE incorrectly interpreted the law or made findings not supported by the facts introduced in the public hearing. The motion also includes new evidence that BSRE claims the HE should consider because it was not available at the time of the public hearing in May, and includes changes to the application in response to issues identified in the hearing.

Findings on Residential Setbacks

The Hearing Examiner cited provision 30.34A.040(2)(a) of the County Code to rule that proposed buildings in the Upper Village area (the area east of the railroad tracks) must be severely limited in height because they were too close to neighboring residential zones in Woodway. BSRE argues that this section of the code only mentions specific Snohomish County residential zones, not the Woodway zones cited by the HE, so it can’t be used to limit building heights in that area of the property.

Findings on the Ordinary High Water Mark

The Hearing Examiner found that BSRE placed several of its proposed buildings within 150 feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) when no development is allowed in that buffer zone. The HE further found that BSRE was derelict in not identifying the OHWM earlier in the application process. BSRE argues that they found out about the need to identify the OHWM only recently and immediately moved to identify the mark and revise their plans. The motion includes revised plans that now identify the OHWM and remove all buildings in the 150 foot buffer area and claims that this late submission should be considered by the HE.

Unexplained is why the County had to point out the missing OHWM when BSRE at any time in the last seven years could have read the County Code provision that clearly states the OHWM must be used to establish the 150 foot buffer area.

Findings on the 90 Foot Height Limit and High Capacity Transit

The normal height limit for the development is 90 feet, but the developer is allowed to build up to 180 feet if the site is near a high capacity transit route or station. While the application claimed the site was near a high capacity transit route and included more than 20 buildings that were over the 90 foot limit, the Hearing Examiner ruled that BSRE had not done enough work with Sound Transit or Burlington Northern Railroad to ensure that any high capacity transit would actually serve the site, and thus all buildings must meet the 90 foot height limit.

BSRE argues that County Code section 30.34A.040(1) does not require actual service, just proximity, so the fact that the Sound Transit trains travel across the site is enough to qualify for the added height.

BSRE also argues that a mention of a possible Richmond Beach station in the appendix to a 2005 Sound Transit environmental statement and a single 2010 letter from Sound Transit shows that they have been diligent in pursuing a Sound Transit stop at Point Wells.

Unexplained is why, when Sound Transit has since proposed 2 additions to the system (ST2 and ST3) that take system planning beyond 2040, neither included any mention of a potential Richmond Beach station.

Finally, BSRE claims that they will establish a water taxi service between Point Wells and Edmonds to fulfill the need for high capacity transit. Unexplained is why BSRE has not provided any documentation showing they have contacted the Port of Edmonds to confirm the taxi would be allowed to dock.

Point Wells 2017
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Findings on Landslide Hazard Area

Snohomish County Code section 30.62B.340 states that no buildings are allowed in a landslide hazard area unless it can be shown there is no alternate location for the buildings, and the developer can prove they will be able to complete geotechnical modifications that will make the buildings just as safe as if they were located outside the area. The Hearing Examiner ruled that BSRE had not fulfilled either of these conditions.

BSRE argues that their project architect reviewed the site plan again to confirm there is no other possible location for the Upper Village buildings. The architect concluded that there was no other location for the buildings that was as good as the proposed location. Unexplained is why saying that this is the best location proves there is no alternate (though possibly less desirable) location.

BSRE also includes a revised geotechnical report that purports to show the buildings will be just as safe as if they were placed outside the hazard zone, and claims this information could not have been provided to the HE during the May public hearing. Unexplained is why this information could be produced in the two weeks following the original ruling, but not in the seven years the application was in process prior to the hearing.

Findings on Request for Further Extension

The Hearing Examiner ruled that he would not grant BSRE any further extensions because BSRE has not been diligent over the last 8 years in resolving issues raised by the County. Denying any further extension allowed the application to expire on June 30, 2018. BSRE argues that they were led to believe that the County would grant them another extension, and that all the work they had accomplished in the last 3 months proved they would work diligently to complete the application if they were granted more time. Unexplained is why BSRE submitted very little work in the 5 years before January 2018 but was able to accomplish so much in the last 3 months leading up to the May hearing.

What’s Next

The Hearing Examiner must reply to the motion. His ruling could accept some or all of BSRE’s arguments and his ruling on the motion to reconsider could range from upholding the original denial to reversing his position and granting BSRE an extension.

The Hearing Examiner states that if BSRE does not like the ruling on the motion, they can appeal to Superior Court. BSRE cites sections of the County Code they claim allow them to appeal to the County Council before going to court. It’s unclear at this point who is right. Stay tuned.

Mural at Lake Forest Park Water District

New mural explains the water cycle
Artist Dave Savage
Photo courtesy LFP Water District

As part of the District’s public outreach and educational program, Lake Forest Park Water District recently commissioned local artist Dave Savage to create and paint a mural that is representative of the community, the hydrological cycle and Lake Forest Park Water District.

Lake Forest Park resident Dave Savage
designed and painted the mural
Photo courtesy LFP Water District

Artist, graphic designer, and illustrator Dave Savage lives in Lake Forest Park with his wife and son. Dave has two decades' experience producing art for clients as diverse as Cartoon Network, American Greetings, Comedy Central. See more of his work here.

The District welcomes the public to come and see the mural at its office headquarters in Lake Forest Park. 4029 NE 178th St, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155

WeatherWatcher: Special weather statement issued as heat wave continues

Photo by Carl Dinse

The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a special weather statement. Hot temperatures near 90°F are expected on Sunday and Monday throughout the greater Puget Sound region. Monday is expected to be the hottest day possibly reaching into the mid 90's.

The other big story has been the brief showers Saturday morning around 7-8am. On Saturday we had a slight marine on-shore flow, and combined with the near saturated atmosphere from mountain thunderstorms, it created a weak convergence zone that formed over the King / Snohomish County line.

Most rain gauges in the area didn't record anything measurable but some locations recorded up to 0.02 inches of rain. Did you notice it was a little cooler Saturday too? Our high temperature was the first sub 90°F high since last Monday, reaching just 85°F.

Here's the daily high and low temperatures for July so far:

For those seeking cooler temperatures, places near the Puget Sound beaches seem to offer a 3-5 degree relief in temperature. Also, starting Tuesday we are looking to slowly begin our cool down to near normal temperatures.

We are looking at a forecast of mid 80's Tuesday, upper 70's Wednesday, and then a pattern of morning clouds / sprinkles and afternoon sun with highs in the mid-upper 70's through next weekend and possibly beyond.

For current weather conditions visit

Photos: Parkwood demo continues

July 17, 2018

Demolition continues of the old Parkwood Elementary School.

July 29, 2018

Parkwood will relocate to the North City Elementary site while construction activities occur. The school office moved at the end of the school year.

July 29, 2018

Parkwood students, staff, and communities will work for one year at the North City site while the existing Parkwood building is demolished and then rebuilt at the current Parkwood location on NE 155th and Wallingford Ave N.

July 29, 2018

Fall 2019 Parkwood will leave North City and move into their brand new building.

July 29, 2018

Parkwood was not originally scheduled for work this year, but it was discovered that the building was in worse condition than expected. It was added to the middle school and early learning center bond issue.

All photos by Mike Remarcke

A poem by An Attorney Sticking Up For Maligned Brown Bears

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Photo by Wayne Pridemore in Alaska

There are poems

About Brown Bears

-walking on two feet-

-eating cookies-

There are scenes:

A murderous Brown Bear

Devouring little girls

With pony tails

And flowered dresses.

Photo by Wayne Pridemore in Alaska

These poems are bad

Bad for Brown Bears

Bad for their character

Bad for their reputation

Brown Bears resent

"Brown Bear " poems.

Photo by Wayne Pridemore in Alaska

Brown Bears are easy going

But they feel they are 

Unjustly maligned

And they peacefully ask 

For retribution.

Yours truly,

Brown Bears by Frank Broderick 1979
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