How to Ride the Bus 101 - Tuesday in Lake Forest Park
Sunday, June 24, 2018
The Lake Forest Park Citizen's Commission will meet on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, from 7-9pm at the Town Center Lake Forest Park, in Third Place Commons, and in the Stadler Room, if available. Intersection of Bothell and Ballinger Way.
A speaker from the non-profit Hopelink, Ms Melissa Brown, will give a presentation with how-to instructions on using the local transit system, and introduce the community to multiple transportation options.
This will be a presentation called "How to Ride the Bus-101"
The presentation will cover a number of different basics to inform the audience of what it takes to ride the bus, how to pay, how much, where to be, geared toward potential new bus riders.
The presentation will cover a number of different basics to inform the audience of what it takes to ride the bus, how to pay, how much, where to be, geared toward potential new bus riders.
Information includes those that have disabilities, or that may need other transportation options.
Also for Seniors, who may need other options, and those who want to travel outside of Lake Forest Park, to things like shuttles, ferries, and trains.
What's an ORCA Card? Is there a discount for Seniors? Low-Income? Youth? Students? and much more.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions, and get some answers.
If you have special information requests, we can follow up with more direct information.
Ms. Brown is the Hopelink Staff Support coordinating the North King County Mobility Coalition. (NKCMC)
Hopelink is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization which has received a grant to educate the public on the use of the transit system.
This event is free, open to everyone, and ADA Accessible.
Also for Seniors, who may need other options, and those who want to travel outside of Lake Forest Park, to things like shuttles, ferries, and trains.
What's an ORCA Card? Is there a discount for Seniors? Low-Income? Youth? Students? and much more.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions, and get some answers.
If you have special information requests, we can follow up with more direct information.
Ms. Brown is the Hopelink Staff Support coordinating the North King County Mobility Coalition. (NKCMC)
Hopelink is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization which has received a grant to educate the public on the use of the transit system.
This event is free, open to everyone, and ADA Accessible.
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